《Forbidden - Rated M》Twentyeight| catch a break.


6:19am (Sunday Morning)

The sun peeked through Aubree's blinds. My hand ran up her thigh as I slowly stroked in and out of her. It's been round after round since we got home. Her nails pierced into my back as I hit her spot over and over. Leaning down, I kissed her lips then her cheek.

Placing my forehead on hers, I let out a shaky breath as I felt myself reaching my peak. Aubree's muscles tightened around me and her body shook. She let out a soft moan as she came all over me. My eyes fluttered close as I came.

"Fuck." I whispered before pulling out and laying next to her. I watched as Aubree's chest moved up and down. I knew she was tired and she was trying her hardest to keep up with me. Slipping my arm under her back, I pulled her to me. Her head laid on my chest. "You good?" I asked.

"Yeah." Her voice was raspy.

It got quiet. I just looked at the wall in front of us while rubbing her hair. "I love you Aubree."

Her head quickly sat up and smiled. "Say it again."

I chuckled. "I love you Aubree Nicole Mack. No scratch that, I'm in love with you."

She straddled me. "I'm in love with you too." She kissed my lips. "You just don't understand how miserable I was when weren't together. And I swore on everything that I wouldn't let you back in, anytime soon."

"I shouldn't have walked away from you in the first place. But now we gotta move on from that and focus on our relationship growing. Like I told you before I see this going very far. Especially now that I don't have to tip toe around with you."

"Yes. Show me off daddy."

"Most definitely." I gripped her hips. "Let's get some rest baby. I know you gotta work tomorrow so today is a lazy day, I'll text my mom about watching the girls and I'll get up tomorrow morning to take them to school."

"Okay." She laid back next to me. I pulled her close, this felt so good. My eyes grew heavier and heavier, then I was knocked out.


I sat on the counter as Aubree made us lunch. My mom agreed to watch the girls, so we're just chilling for the rest of the day. I'm loving this. Being around her makes me feel like myself.

My eyes never left her body as she moved around the kitchen. Damn I was blessed. My girl bad, she can cook and clean, she cool all the homies love her AND the pussy is amazing! It don't gets no better than that man.

I'm never letting this girl go again. I'm lucky as hell nobody else caught her attention during those six months. I would've been hurt, no lie.

Now we ain't gotta worry about that.

"So have you talked to your mom?" I asked.

She looked at me over her shoulder then back at the food. "No. She's tried calling but there's nothing for her to say. We can't talk until she's ready to say I'm sorry and thank you."


"I hear you."

"Have you talked to your dad?"

"Nah. I feel the same way you do. I've done so much for him and he ain't never appreciated it. All he did was bash me and treat me like shit. I'm kind of glad he's not really around. Even though he tries to bother my mom every now and then. I've been thinking about sending her to live with my brother but she doesn't want to leave and he keeps saying that he's coming here." I shrugged.

"I completely forgot about your brother. Why did he leave again?"

"My dad. That man is the devil Aubree. Well you should know with the way he treated you. And I used to be so oblivious to the shit. I wouldn't even be on probation if it wasn't for him."

"You keep saying that but never explain why."

Exhaling, I ran my fingers through my hair. "I took a charge for my dad Aubree."

She quickly turned and looked at me. "What?!"

"The reason I was in jail was because of the stuff found in my dad's car while I was driving it. Some shit that I didn't even know was in there. 6 kilos of cocaine, 5 pounds of weed and some pills. Aubree I was facing 25 years. I could've told them that none of that belonged to me and then I would've had to rat out my own father and I just couldn't do it."

"Oh my gosh Chris."

"I know. Then my lawyer talked to the DA, I don't know how he managed to get me out after serving a year but he did. Most cases like this you got to serve like 30% of your sentence before they mention probation or parole. I'm lucky though."

"Now you have a felony on your record. What if you didn't get so lucky and had to face those full 25 years? You wouldn't have seen your daughter until she was almost 30."

"Yeah but that's not what's happening. I'm not going to sit around and reminisce on what could've happened either."

"That's just crazy to me."

"I wasn't about to snitch on my dad."


I know some shit was running through her mind but I wasn't even going to find out what it was. Everybody tells me I'm crazy for what I did and I had more to lose than he did but how would that make me look out here if I ratted on my OWN father. Nobody would have respect for me. Even though my dad doesn't appreciate what I did, everybody else does and I'm cool with that.

I stood outside of my job waiting on my uber. I found a receptionist job at a hotel across town. The pay is good but getting used to working is hard. This is something that I haven't done in...how old is Aubree?......Their dad took care of everything, even when he was overseas. I got so used to the spoiled house wife life, and that's all I wanted. When their father passed my life fell apart and instead of making it better for me and my kids, I made things worse.


The only good thing that came out of that disaster, was Ariel. But she's so afraid of me. Once again, something that I caused.

All I want to do is fix the things that I messed up but none of my children are willing to hear me out. Everyday I call Aubree and she ignores it. I don't even know how to get in contact with the twins.

If I could go back five years ago to the day I met C. I would walk away when he approached me. This man caused me to ruin the most important relationships in my life and he even hurt his beautiful wife. Joyce is the sweetest person ever. We've had lunch a few times. She's the one that helped me get this job and a place. At times I want to ask her to bring Ariel but I don't want to mess up anything else for her.

Now that I'm back on my feet, I just need to figure out how to get my family back right.

A car pulled up and I let out a sigh of relief until I realized it wasn't the car on the app. So I stepped back on the curb and looked around for my driver. I have to get me a car ASAP.

The person in the car in front of me, killed the engine then the door opened. When I saw who it was my eyes grew. I turned to walk back into the building but he caught up to me and I could feel something poking me in my back.

"What do you want Cliff?" I asked.

He laughed. "I've missed you. Let's catch up."

Pushing me to the car, he opened the passenger door and shoved me inside then walked around to the drivers seat and got in and pulled off like a crazy man.

"What do you want?!"

"Your help."

"With what?"

"Since my son has been dating that daughter of yours, he's been ruining things for me. He won't let me see his mother, he won't give me any money, he's not answering none of my phone calls. And one thing I've always taught my children is to never disobey their parents. Now I have to teach my son a lesson and you're going to help."

"No the hell I'm not. Whatever you have going on with Chris is between the two of you. I'm already in an awkward position with Aubree, I'm not going to make it worse."

"You don't really have a choice Rachel."

"And why don't I?"

He grabbed my hair. "Because if you don't, I'll kill all of your children while you watch. And when I'm finished with them, I'll take care of you."

I pushed him away. "The only way you'll get to my children is over my dead body. I'm not helping you with anything. If you want Chris, get him yourself. You've ruined enough for me! Now pull over and let me out."


"Pull over."


"I SAID PULL OVER!" My hand went across his face. Why oh why did I do that?!

The car did pull over but he didn't let me out. His fist went into my face over and over. I tried to fight him off but the more I did, the more angry he got.

He kept hitting me until he got tired then he climbed out the car and pulled me out, throwing me to the ground. His foot went into my stomach. "You better make peace with your children and god bitch because all of you are dead."

My headed was spinning and I felt sick to my stomach. I heard his wheels burn rubber as he pulled off.

Reaching into my pocket I pulled out my phone, thank god he didn't take it.

Scrolling through my contacts I got to Chris's number. Grateful that it's still in my phone.

He answered on the fourth ring. "Hello." He sounded half asleep.


"Who is this?"

"Rachel, Aubree's mother."

"The Fuck you calling my phone for?"

"I need your help. Your dad is trying to hurt you and he tried to use me but I refused and he got upset and hit me over and over." I tried to explain through tears. "He said he wants to teach you a lesson Chris."

I heard moving in his background.

"Mama." Aubree's voice rang through my ears.

"Sweetheart." I cried more. "I need your help, please. I'm sitting on the side of the road with blood all over my face. Chris's dad threw me out of his car and I have no way home. Please help."

She sighed. "Do you know how to send your location?"


"Walk somewhere else just incase he might be watching you." Chris said.

I looked around me and walked back towards my job.

"There's a service entry at my job. You guys can pick me up there. He won't see you two."

"Alright see you in a minute." Chris said.


The phone beeped and I shoved it back into my pocket while speed walking back to my job. I headed back inside and rushed to the bathroom to clean my face. I sent them my location and just waited in the powder room.

About 20 minutes later, a text came through. I told Chris where to pull up to and made my way to the service entry door.

Aubree's car pulled up and she hoped out the front seat. Walking up to me, she examined my face then helped me in the car and climbed in next to me.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"No and Chris you need to do something about your dad. He threatened to kill my kids and me. The way he's talking, he's going to do something horrible to you. Save yourself please."

Chris's hand gripped the steering wheel. He never responded to what I said.

I sat back in the seat. "I'm so sorry Aubree."

"Let's not even worry about that right now."

I nodded.

Grabbing her hand, I intertwined her fingers. I thought she'd pull away but she didn't.

I hope Chris kills that man. If not, I'll find a way to do it myself. I have to keep my family safe.

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