《Forbidden - Rated M》Twentythree| gotta move.


Six Months Later

"And this will be your office."

I smiled as I walked inside of my new office space. Months after applying for a new job something finally came through. I ended up landing a job as a office clerk. The pay is great, hours are amazing, I'm excited.

"This is very nice." My eyes looked over the glossy wood walls. You could tell everything in here was brand new. I love it.

"I'm glad you like it." My new boss India said. "Everyone is like family around here so I know you're not going to have any trouble fitting in. I still have a few things to finish up for you before you start. I'm going to say two Monday's from now everything will be ready. I know that may seem like a long time but it'll fly by. You know working for the government takes a bunch of extra bs."

"Yes I know, and it's fine. I'm just grateful you chose me for the job."

"Tisha gave you an amazing recommendation. I couldn't pass this up. She seemed sad to see you go honestly."

"Tisha looked out for me at my previous job. It hurt to leave but it was time."

"I understand especially with Ryan as a boss."

I nodded.

"Well I'm going to let you get out of here." She continued. "If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me."

"I will, thanks again." I flashed her a smile then walked over to the elevator. As I waited for it to come up, my phone vibrated.

Sighing, I ran my fingers through my hair. A lot has happened these last six months. After Chris and I broke up we stopped talking completely, until I had to put on my professional hat and be his PO. We kept it strictly business, no outside talk until he was getting ready to leave. He asked if he could keep in touch for Ariel's sake. I simply nodded, it would've been wrong to say no. It felt like parents that are going through a divorce.

The next day, Tisha comes in my office asking for all of his files. I was confused, then hurt but I kind of saw this coming. He wanted to cut all ties from me except for Ariel. I quickly handed them over and once she asked was everything okay, I cracked. I cried and cried.

She gave me some time off and I spent most of that in bed.

Once I felt like it was time to bounce back I headed back to work.

I accepted the fact that Chris was done with what we had so I needed to be the same way. Well at least I thought I did. Even though we broke up I still hung out with his friends and their girls. Even Sinko.


I had to make sure his beef wasn't some secret crush. He said it wasn't, he just was making sure that I wasn't bullshitting his best friend. He even told me how Chris hasn't seemed like himself since we broke up.

But anyway, my job became hectic again and I needed to get away. Tisha told me about this office clerk job downtown and it was perfect so I applied and here I am. Ryan wasn't too happy about me leaving but was I supposed to care? He asked could we keep in touch and I told him to suck a dick.

He started talking about how he knew about me and Chris and that I wouldn't see the last of him. I gladly put up my middle finger and walked out.

I quit that damn job so fast and just went into my savings whenever I needed something. That all will be replaced once I start working.

Stepping onto the elevator, I leaned on the wall and opened his message back up.


I don't see how his mom is cool with this still. I know Ariel is innocent in all of this but she actually communicates with my mom.

Speaking of my mom, she found a job and an apartment. She does major ass kissing but that isn't working and will never work. I don't trust her. She's done too much damage to our relationship. Everything that happened she tries to blame on Chris's dad like she doesn't have a mind of her own.

I'm good on her, I'll love her from a distance.

He treats me like I cheated on him.

Besides all that I'm glad he's in Ariel's life.

By the time I got done here, it was time to pick Ariel up from school. One great thing about my new job, I'll be off in time to pick her up. The twins are in college so I can't rely on them anymore. Maine moved into Miah's place and it's like they don't even know me anymore. I try to force them over on Sunday's but they bring their girlfriends and ignore me so that's pointless.

My house is so damn lonely. I've been thinking about moving but I worked so hard for the house I have now and I vowed I wouldn't move until I'm married then me and my husband will buy a house together.

Until then it's me and my Ari.

I really need to start enjoying my life more. I'm too young to be this lame. I'm about to get out and explore the world.

I'm going to text Tori, Court and Raven and plan a girls night.

We need it.

I stood by the bar of the club waiting for the bartenders to finish counting inventory. I had a few big events coming up and I had to make sure we had everything we needed plus more. A lot of money is on the line so I got to make a good impression.


Checking my watch is was almost time to get Royalty out of school. I thought about just having my mom get her but I don't want to send her out when I'm already out. I've been avoiding her school just so that I won't see Aubree.

Six months has passed and I've tried to push away these feelings for her but I can't.

When Ariel comes over I ask a million questions. Mainly if she has a new boyfriend. Ari tells me no and that her sister doesn't go anywhere to get a boyfriend.

All my homies tell me I'm stupid, they just don't know the situation. The minute I tell them that Ariel is both of our sibling, I can already see their faces.

Like I said I hate complicated situations. I know how I get when shit gets out of my control and I didn't want to be like that with Aubree. She's a good girl and the last thing I want to do is damage her.

Pulling up to Royalty's school I sunk down in my seat and sighed. My body is so tired but I won't sleep. All I do is work and work and work. That's the only thing that keeps my mind off of the crazy shit and somewhat off of Aubree. I'd be lying if I said I don't miss her. Besides the other shit, she kept me calm. The Sex was great, I ate great, my daughter loves her. Why did everything else have to interfere?!

Here I go, slipping into my feelings.

Grabbing my phone and my key pad out the cup holder, I climbed out the car and headed to the pick up area. It's colder in LA so I tossed my hood over my head and shoved my hands in my pockets. I don't see how people do the snow and shit. The minute it starts getting chili I through on a big ass coat.

The bell ringing echoed through the outside and the voices of the kids roared through the doors. I hope Royalty's class isn't slow today. I need to get home and take a damn nap.

Several minutes later the doors opened and the teachers came out with their classes. Royalty's class happened to be the 5th. Pulling off my hood, I walked over to her.

"Hi dad." She said while hugging me.

"Hey Ro."

"Hi Chris." Ariel said.

"Wassup Lil bit." I leaned and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"


I turned to walk away but ran right into somebody. "Shit, I'm sorry."

"It's fine."

We both looked up and our eyes connected. Her blonde hair blew over her face.

"Aubree." I said.

She gave a small smile then went to grab Ariel. "You ready?" She asked her before grabbing her hand.

"Yes, Bye Royalty!"

"Bye Ariel!"

They hugged then Aubree started walking away. It's like someone was pulling me towards her. When we got to her car she tried to climb in after putting Ariel in the back but I grabbed her.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"H.how are you?"

"I'm okay, can you let me go?"

My hand slipped from around her waist. "Sorry."

"You need something?"

"I just haven't seen you. Whenever I pick up Ariel you just send her out the door. I just wanted to check up on you."

"I'm good, how are you?"

I shrugged. "I'm making it. Can't complain."

"That's good. Well, I have to go. I need to wash up Ari's pajamas for tomorrow."

"Oh okay.....I'm throwing a Halloween party at the club next weekend, you should come."

"I'll think about it. I really have to go though. Bye." She climbed inside of her car and slammed the door. Exhaling I picked up Royalty and walked away.

She probably doesn't have to go but I know being around me isn't something she's to fond of and I don't blame her. I wanted to be friends but I know how complicated that can be once feelings are involved.

Why did things have to end up like this? I really wanted to see how things worked out between us.

After getting Ro settled I pulled off.

"Daddy." Ro called.

"Yes sweetie."

"Why don't we go over Aubree's house anymore? I miss her."

"I miss her too but I think Aubree is a little upset with daddy. I'll ask her if you can come over."

"Are you coming too?"

"Probably not."

"I want you to come."

"We'll see princess, okay?"


I looked over at the car next to me and of course it was her. She glanced over too but quickly turned her head.

Was I wrong? Was I supposed to just over look what was going on? I just couldn't. This would always be wrong and odd to me.

I got to move on. I got to shake this.

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