《Forbidden - Rated M》Twentyone| mommy dearest.
Five Weeks Later
Miah and I walked inside of Chris's warehouse. He called us the other day and told us to meet him here once I got off work.
After dapping everybody up, we headed to his office and I knocked.
"Come in." He yelled.
We walked inside and sat in the chairs in front of the desk.
"Wassup." Jeremiah said.
Chris looked at us, he looked stressed. I feel like after him and Aubree went to Vegas, I barely see him. I assumed the trip went well, she came home covered in diamonds. It don't seem like they're mad at each other because she usually stays to herself when they are. Well I'm not even sure how she's been, I rarely be at home.
I don't want to deal with my mom. Everything about her is fake as hell. She's so damn delusional. For some reason she thinks we're cool. Maybe because I don't snap on her like Jeremiah does but I barely speak to her at all.
"I need y'all help." He said while putting out his cigarette.
"With what?" I asked.
"Your mother."
Me and Miah looked at each other, then at him.
"Huh?" I asked confused.
"She's a problem and I need to take care of her before she ruins everybody's life."
"What's the problem?"
He groaned while rubbing his growing beard. "She found out that Aubree is my PO last month and has been using that to get money out of me."
I looked at Jeremiah again and he looked pissed.
"She wants 5 bands a month to keep her mouth closed and I know that's y'all moms, but I wanna kill that bitch. But the last thing I want to do is be the reason that Aubree and you guys are grieving."
"I won't grieve, trust me." Miah said.
"Maybe you won't but I'm more than that positive your sister will. I don't even feel comfortable coming to Aubree's house because your mom is there and it's messing up my relationship. Your sister is asking me if she did something wrong everyday."
"So why not tell her what our evil ass mother is doing?"
"She's dealing with enough."
"Like what?" I asked. "Her boss isn't messing with her no more, the only issue she got is my mom. You need to tell her because if she finds out on her own that my mom knows and that you've been paying her, she's going to be pissed."
He sighed and sat back in his seat, placing his hands on top of his head. "This is some bullshit man. I don't understand this lady."
"So how did she find this out anyway?"
"She said Aubree had it lying around. I've never seen none of Aubree's work lying around."
"She always takes it up in her room. So she had to be looking through her stuff." Jeremiah said. "And it had to be the day you took Aubree to Malibu. Man my sister gotta move a little smarter. You never trust a crackhead in your crib alone."
"Your mom is at her house alone often so ain't no telling what else she has or knows." Chris said.
"Maine, you still lock the room door?"
"Of course and the minute I found out she was in the house, I took all of my money and opened a bank account." I said.
"Smart." Chris nodded. "Does Aubree keep money at the house?"
"She has a rainy day stash in her closet."
"You think your mom found that too?"
I shrugged. "This is why you need to talk to her. She'll be able to figure all of that out. We need to get my mom far away from this family because I feel like she's just here to cause trouble."
"Obviously look at what she's doing now." He said.
"Chrez bro if you don't tell Aubree, ima tell her then shit really gone pop off." Miah responded.
"I just need to get a new PO man, this would fix so much. I'm tired of walking on eggshells because of this shit."
"Wouldn't you still get in trouble for dating her though? Either way it goes, y'all dated while she was your PO."
"I shouldn't even have a fucking PO, this is all fucking crazy." He said more to himself.
"Why shouldn't you?" I asked.
He looked at the both of us. "I guess this something that Aubree and I have in common. We both have a parent that treats us like shit but we still manage to love them and do whatever they ask. I took a charge for my dad. I should still be in jail but I took a plea. Say I'm guilty, get out early, be on probation for a year. Everyday I battle with telling the truth so that I can get off this shit, especially when he pisses me off. But if I didn't get on probation, I would've never met Aubree."
"If you and Aubree were meant to be in each other's lives you would've met her some kind of way." I said.
"I get this whole, being loyal and loving your parent thing but why let them keep you in a tough spot. Aubree has to put her life on hold to take care of kids she didn't have and work a job she hates. You're on probation, you can't even take your girl to the grocery store because you might run into somebody. And not even just that, you sat in a box for a year, missing out on Royalty's life while your dad was out here probably doing God knows what. He doesn't deserve that loyalty. Father or not. It's obvious he ain't loyal to you because he wouldn't have let you go down like that. Tossing you to the cops was no problem for him. Putting you in bad situations was no problem. You don't owe that man nothing." Jeremiah said.
Chris just nodded while looking down at his desk.
"We gotta get going man. The only solution to this problem with Rachel is telling my sister."
We both stood up.
"Hit us up after you talk to Aubree." I said.
We slapped fives with Chris then headed out.
"You think he's going to tell her?" I asked.
"I don't know man. I just can't believe mama would blackmail this man because she's so desperate. She pisses me off so damn much."
"You and me both. I know Aubree gone flip. Maybe we should go to the house and be on standby. We can't let Aubree beat up moms."
"I'm recording that shit."
We laughed.
"I don't think she would though." He continued. "That's just giving Rachel what she wants. Hopefully she just cusses her out and makes her leave."
"We'll see."
I sat on the hood of my car, staring out at the beach in front of me. Taking a pull from the cigarette in my hand.
The twins were right, I should've told Aubree when this first happened. I just didn't want her to stress over anything else. I took care of Ryan, so that was less stress on her. I didn't want her to have to worry about her mom too.
This lady is just cold hearted. Did losing their dad cause her to become this way? Well Aubree did say she lost her mind when he died so I guess that is the reason.
But you would think that her kids losing their father would bring her closer to them.
This shit is bold.
The sound of an engine roaring caused me to look over my shoulder. I tossed my cigarette to the ground and stepped on it. Aubree's car turned off then the door opened. When our eyes met she smiled.
She was glowing.
It looked like she was chilling. She had a fresh face, her real hair up in a ponytail. She was dressed in a plain tan jumpsuit with a big dark brown cardigan. Gucci slippers on her feet.
As she approached me I bit down on my lip. My arm slipped inside of her cardigan, around her waist, pulling her into a hug. She smelled so good.
"Hey baby." She spoke in my ear, causing my body temperature to rise.
We haven't seen each other in three weeks.
"Hey." I kissed her a few times before turning her around and sitting her in between my legs.
We both just stared out at the water.
"What's been up with you?" She said while running her nails over my hand.
"Just been working. Had a lot to do at the warehouse and the club. I know I basically disappeared on you. What have you been up to?"
"Work, like always. It hasn't been as hectic around there so I don't mind going like before. Still want a new job. It just shocks me that no one has contacted me."
"They will baby. Government jobs aren't easy to get."
"I know."
"So how are things with your mom?"
She shrugged. "I try to avoid her. Ariel is still uncomfortable around her. I've been talking to her about getting a job and moving. She said something came through and she'll be moving soon."
My jaw clinched. Wrapping my arm around her tighter, I buried my face into her neck.
"We need to take another vacation." I said.
"I agree baby. I had fun in Miami."
"Me too and seeing you in those tiny bikinis had a nigga ready to do some thangs to you."
She chuckled. "Oh you did some thangs alright." She sat more on my dick causing me to groan.
"Don't make me take you in this backseat Aubree Nicole."
"Please don't call me that." She pulled out my grip and stood up. "You sound like my mother."
"My bad." I ran my hands over my face, knowing that I had to tell her. "Baby we need to talk and it's about your mom."
Her eyebrows furrowed. "What? Did you sell her drugs?"
"No.....never seen her until I met you."
"What's up then?"
"I haven't been coming around because of her, she makes me uncomfortable."
"You and everybody else."
"But there's a reason why?"
"Please don't tell me she tried to fuck you."
"Nah......baby, where do you keep your briefcase?"
"My closet..why?!"
"Aubree your mom found my file and she's blackmailing me for 5000 dollars a month."
Her eyes grew then got really small then she started looking confused. "WHAT?!"
"The morning we came back from Malibu, she started asking all these questions while I was cooking breakfast. Then she told me that she knew you were my PO and flashed my mugshot."
"Baby you know how much she could ruin if she snitches. She has proof so people are going to believe her and then shit is going to get worse! I didn't want that."
"Oh my god." She started pacing.
"Aubree I'm going to find a way to get us out of this. Even if I have to keep paying her, I will."
"No, hell no." She stormed to her car.
"Baby where you going?!"
She looked at me before getting in her front seat, starting her car and quickly pulling off. I jumped in my car and followed behind her.
This is about to get wild.
Jumping out of my car, I rushed into the house.
I'm not about to go through this bullshit with this lady. I could hear Chris behind me but he wasn't about to stop me.
I could hear her in the kitchen so I stormed in there. "So you're going through my shit when I'm not here?!" I yelled.
She quickly turned and looked at me. "Excuse me?" She laughed.
"You heard what the fuck I said." I got closer to her.
Rachel sucked her teeth while placing her hand on her hip. "You can back up."
"And you can stop being a manipulative sorry ass bitch but you won't. Why are you doing this?!"
She looked behind me at Chris then smiled. "I needed money." She carelessly shrugged. "You shouldn't leave your work lying around."
"Lying around?! It was in my damn closet. Why were you in there in the first place?"
"I need money. I found your stash in your purse and I took some because I needed to get out this house. On my way out I bumped into your briefcase making everything fall out and what do I see, my daughter is dating a felon while breaking so many laws. I was going to use that against you to get Ariel but I thought why not do both. So I went to Chris and told him I'll keep quiet for the money but that was a lie, I really planned on telling you and making you give me Ari but since you found out on your own, you're just going to give me Ari or I'm heading to your job in the morning."
"Why are you doing this to me? You can't take care of Ariel like I can! Just leave her where she is."
"I'm more than capable, I raised you and your brothers. Or did you forget?"
"Be honest I raised my damn self and my brothers. You were never there but I was blinded by the fact that you're my mom. But that shit is over."
"So shall I pack Ariel's things or will you?" She said while picking at her nails.
Fuck this.
My fist went into her face, twice. The second hit caused her to fall and her nose started bleeding. Chris grabbed me and pulled me back.
"I got you." He said.
Rachel slowly climbed off the floor. I tried to get to her again but Chris held on to me tight.
I didn't even notice the twins were down here. But they had her bags already. Jeremiah opened the door and tossed it out. "Bounce bitch." He said.
She stumbled to the door and walked out. He slammed it shut behind her then locked it.
"You good?" Chris asked.
I just exhaled before breaking down in tears.
"She's going to get Ariel, they're going to take my baby." I cried.
Chris pulled me into his chest. "They won't baby, just relax. We'll figure something out."
I couldn't relax, she was going to tell and my life is going to be ruined. I'm so nice to everybody. Why does all this bad shit keep happening to me?!
I can't catch a break.
My cab pulled up to an address that I had written down. I pulled my mirror out and made sure all of the blood was gone from my face.
Taking a deep breath, I grabbed my bag and got out. Smiling, I looked at the big beautiful house in front of me. I smiled at all the cars that sat outside. My man did good for himself.
Walking up to the door, I took a few deep breaths before knocking.
Impatiently waiting for it to open I fixed my clothes until the sound of locks popping filled up my ears. Then the door pulled back.
My smile instantly fell as I was greeted by a woman.
"Hello." She said.
"Hi, I'm looking for C. Is he here?"
Her eyebrows furrowed. "Um no, who are you?"
"I'm Rachel." I said a little unsure of why his maid seemed off. "Who are you?"
"I'm Joyce. C is my husband."
You guys knew that coming though right? lol.
Who should play Rachel though? And who should be Chris's Dad? And Ryan?
Thinking about how things are going to go next and how long do I want this book. A time jump might happen, no more than a year though. We'll see.
But anyway.
I jumped out my sleep at like 5 this morning and I get on Instagram, the first thing I see is famelous/gossipinthecity talking about Chris and a baby 🤦🏽♀️
Look for the longest I have been feeling like Ammika has been trying to get people to think she was pregnant with the instasnaps she makes about being tired and sick. This all 'alleged' though.
I don't care about the man having a baby. He ain't my man and he's grown as hell and more than capable of taking care of one. Having babies is apart of life and it ain't like he's out here getting a bunch of bitches pregnant. I just thought he'd be more careful especially with all the shit Nia puts him through. If a bitch is pregnant by him I'm more than positive it's another Instagram model that he'll have to take care of. And I'm 100% sure she's Asian. Chris contradicts himself a lot. He's annoying, but whatever 🙄
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