《Forbidden - Rated M》Nineteen| relax.


Monday Morning

"Aye Aubree!" I yelled walking into her house. I needed her to sign these forms for me and Maine. We're supposed to be going to UCLA tomorrow morning to accept their offer.

Still can't believe this is happening.


I heard footsteps then when my mom appeared, my eyes grew and my stomach turned.

"Hello Jeremiah." She said with a big smile on her face.

"Wh.what are you doing here?"

"Your sister is letting me stay here until I get back on my feet. Aren't you excited to see me?"

"No, where's Aubree?"

"At work, that boyfriend of hers took her. I'm not sure if I like him. I know him from somewhere."

"Well I'm going to head down to her job." I turned to walk out the door, but she called my name. "What?" I turned back to her.

"Can we talk, I haven't seen you or your brother in a long time. Jermaine saw that I was here yesterday and he went right back out the door."

"I'm confused as to why you thought shit was about to be all hugs and kisses when you came back home. None of us want anything to do with you. I thought Aubree grew a backbone but I see she's letting the fact that you're our mother blind her."

"What do I have to do to fix things? I want our relationship back to how it was."

"What relationship? When we were little we dealt with dad, when he died we dealt with Aubree. You barely took care of us. Ariel doesn't know you at all and don't even think about trying to take her away from Aubree."

"But Ariel is my daughter."

"You just gave birth to her. Ariel is Aubree's daughter."

"I talked to her father and we're going to work something out so that I can get her back."

"Wait wait wait, you talked to her father?! That drug dealing nigga?!"

She just stared at me.

I laughed while shaking my head and opening the door. "I gotta go, it was nice seeing you Rachel."

Before she could say anything else I walked out the door slamming it. I jumped in my car and made my way to Aubree's job.

Walking into her office, I slammed the door shut, causing her head to quickly snap towards me. "What the fuck Miah?!" She screamed.

"I can't believe you Aubree."

Sighing she sat back in her seat because she knew what I was referring to already. "Look, she just popped up at my house. I couldn't turn her away."

"Yes you could've. I would've made that bitch go to a hotel. And you trust her in your house alone? Are you crazy?"

"Chill with that B- word Jeremiah she's still our mother."

"You can claim her all you want but I'm not. You're the closest thing I've always had to a mother. Rachel gets no respect from me."


"Aubree you can't trust her. She already talking shit about Chris, she don't even know him."

"Wait what?"

"She told me she doesn't like him. She keeps saying she knows him from somewhere."

"Well he was probably her dealer once upon a time but knowing him he's not going to admit it to me because he thinks I'm going to get upset."

"Would you be upset?"

She shrugged. "I mean it ain't like he forced her to buy it, if that is the case."


"What if he's Ariel dad?"

"Hell no! I've seen Ariel's dad plenty of times when he offers to help me with her but I have to sleep with him." Aubree rolled her eyes.

I shook my head. "That nigga is sick. Oh by the way Rachel has been talking to him."

Aubree's eyes grew. "Excuse me?"

"Yeah, they're figuring things out so that she can get Ariel back."

Aubree's jaw clinched. "That's not happening and I've already told her that."

"Well she thinks it is. This is why I told you not to trust her, never trust a drug addict."

She looked at me then shook her head. "Why aren't you in school? It started an hour ago."

"I need you to sign the papers for me and Maine to accept the scholarship from UCLA, today's the last day and I'm going to need you to take me up to the school since I am late."

"Jeremiah I can't leave my job."

"Tell them you just need an hour. I just need to be signed in."

"I didn't drive."

"Just take my car. Maine got his car so we good and we'll pick up Ariel, I don't want her around that lady."

"Okay. Give me the papers then I'll go talk to Tisha."

I handed her everything then she signed wherever she had to. After that she left to see her boss.

I was scrolling through my phone when her office door opened. I thought it was Aubree but it was some dude.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"Who are you?"

"Ryan Thomas, Aubree's boss."

"Jeremiah, her brother."

"Oh okay, I thought you were this boyfriend she all of a sudden has."

"Nah." I know the trouble Aubree can get in for being with Chris so my lips are sealed. "He's a good dude though. Why you care who she dating?"

"If She was smart she'd let him go and take up my offer."

"Offer? What are you trying to buy her or something? She's a woman not an object."

"I just know the guy she's dating wouldn't set the bar like I would."

This nigga weird.

I turned my nose up. "She would never date a guy like you. You need to humble yourself."

"Okay Mi-...What are you doing in here?" Aubree asked Ryan, you could see the fear growing in her eyes.

My eyebrows furrowed and I looked at the both of them.

"Just wanted to check up on you beautiful, that's all. Seems like you have a new man in here every time I stop by." Ryan said.

"He's my brother!"

"I told his ass that. Nigga what's yo problem?" I asked while standing up.

"Miah, no. Ryan can you leave?"

The Ryan guy tried to touch her arm but she snatched away.

"Please don't touch me." Aubree said.

"She asked you to get the fuck out, why you still standing here?!" I yelled.

He looked at me and laughed. "Pretty tough aren't we?"

"Jeremiah, get your stuff so we can go." She went and grabbed her purse and keys.

"I'll see you when you get back." Ryan said while licking his lips at her. When he left out Aubree took a deep breath.

"What's up with that nigga?"

"He's a perv and I hate him." She said as we walked to the elevator.

"A perv? Did he touch you?" I asked while hitting the down button.


She looked at me then back at the glass doors.

"Aubree, did he touch you?"

"He uh...yeah he did." She said while the doors opened and we walked on. "He grabbed my breast."

My eyes grew then my hand stopped the door from shutting and I rushed back off.

"Jeremiah! No!" She yelled.


"MIAH STOP! I'm going to lose my job!"

"Man fuck this job! That bitch ass nigga touched you!" I kept trying to walk but she jumped in front of me. People were peeking out their office.

"Miah, please no. He said if he has to fire me he's going to report it to Childs services and you know I have to keep a job to keep Ariel. Don't do this." Tears were pouring down her face now. "Please."

"This ain't fucking right Aubree! Why you ain't report that nigga to nobody?"

"Everybody is afraid of him because of who his dad is."

"Fuck him and his dad!"

"Let's go! People are staring and I don't want to cause anymore commotion."

I groaned, smacking files off the cabinet.

Ryan came out of an office and smirked.

"Watch yo back bitch!" I yelled as Aubree pushed me away. "You ain't gone get away with what you did! I promise you that."

When we got in the elevator me and Aubree stood in separate corners. Her legs shook rapidly and I could tell she was trying not to cry.

"I'm sorry Bree."

"Don't apologize. I know you'll hurt anybody for me."

"Why haven't you found another job?"

"I'm looking, haven't got any responses."

"This is crazy. You shouldn't have to deal with this. I don't give a Fuck who his dad is, tell some fucking body Aubree."

"I will, I promise."

Walking up to her, I pulled her into a hug. "I love you sis."

"I love you too Miah."

The elevator stopped and we climbed off, and headed to my car.

When we got to my school, Aubree signed me in then we took everything to my coach.

"Alright Miah, I gotta head back." Aubree said.

"Alright, if you need me, call me."

She nodded. "Bye."

"Bye." I watched her until she walked out the building. Once she was gone I pulled out my phone and dialed Chrez. He gotta take care of this nigga.

"Hello." He answered.

"Yo Chris, this Jeremiah."

"Wassup Twin."

"Wassup, Aye has Aubree told you about her boss?"

"That Ryan nigga?"

"Yeah. I was up at her job today and he was being hella stupid."

"I'm already on that. Don't even worry."

"Cool. He gotta go, ASAP."

"Say no more."

After Work.

I didn't want to come home but I was exhausted and Chris wasn't at his place. Walking inside, I kicked off my heels and hung up Miah's keys.

The smell of cigarette smoke filled my nose.

Walking further inside, I glanced in my living room. My mom was stretched across my couch with a cigarette in her mouth. Everybody knows how I feel about my damn living room.

"What are you doing?!" I snatched the cigarette from her mouth. "Get up."

"Gosh Aubree!" She snatched the cigarette back.

"My furniture is going to smell like your stinky ass cigarette, you couldn't do that outside?"

"It's just a cigarette, relax."

"Relax?" I grabbed the box off the table and the one she had in her mouth again. Walking into the kitchen, I grabbed a butcher knife and cut them up. "Now I'll relax."

"I'm confused who's the mother and who's the child again?"

"Please don't start with that shit."

"You're up tight, where's your boyfriend isn't he supposed to loosen you up. He's obviously not doing his job."

"You know what, let's get a few things clear. You don't smoke in my house for starters. Second, don't speak on my man. You don't know him, quit telling people he looks familiar, and I could give two fucks about if you like him or not. Lastly, if I hear anything about you and that horrible nigga you call a boyfriend planning to take Ariel away from me, I swear on everything I love Rachel, I will hurt you."

Her eyes grew. "Did you just threaten me?"

"Your ears work? Ariel does not know you, she doesn't even like being around you. Last night she slept in my room because you're here. Stop forcing her to build a relationship with you. If she wants that to happen she'll come to you. If you and I were to go to court over her, I need you to use your brain and realize that I will win that case."

"I know you guys are upset with me but the disrespect is getting very out of hand. You're not going to treat me like I'm your child Aubree. Let's get that straight. Ariel is ! I appreciate everything you've done. But she is mine and as soon as I leave, she'll be going with me. That's something that I can promise you. Know your place Aubree Nicole! am the mother are the child." She got up and walked away.

"Fuck!" My fist slammed into the counter.

This is all too much.

I can't stay here.

Grabbing my stuff and the keys I left out. As I got into the car I dialed Chris.

He picked up instantly.

"Hey baby." His voice was like a melody to my ears. We haven't talked on the phone all day.

"Hey, you busy?"

"Im at the warehouse, what's up?"

"I just need to see you, even if it's for a second. Please?"

"I'll send you my location."

"Okay, I'll see you in a little bit."


I hung up and waited for his location to come through. Once it did I put it in the GPS and sped off.

In about 30 minutes I pulled up to a building. Climbing out, I knocked on the door. It swung open and a huge guy stood there.

"You must be lost." He said.

"I'm look for Chri— I mean Chrez." I was definitely intimidated.

"And who the Fuck are you?!"

"I'm Aub-."

"Aubree, what's up girl?!" Keeis yelled.

I waved.

"Man if Chrez would've heard you talking to his girl like that you'd be dead as hell." Keeis said while pulling me inside.

"I ain't know."

"Well now you do Bitch. That's Luke, don't worry about him. What you doing here?"

"I needed to talk to Chris for a second." I said.

He gasped. "You pregnant?"

"What? No."

"Oh, shit I thought it had to be some news like that for you to come in a risky ass place like this."

I chuckled. "Nah, nothing like that. Just needed to see him."

"Cake asses, he in that room over there."

"Thanks, hey guys." I waved to everybody then headed over to the door and knocked.

"What?!" Chris yelled.

I knocked again.

"I said what?!"

I knocked again then the door snatched open.

"Man who the fu— hey baby."


He grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. As soon as the door closed and locked I was all over him.

Pulling away from our kiss he held onto my waist.

"Whoa Whoa. You okay?" He asked.

"I just had a long day, I need you to take my mind off that."

"I'll do that but not here. You know your brother called me about Ryan."

My head tossed back. "Don't do anything Chris."

"Can't make no promises. He'll never be able to trace anything back to you."

I sighed. I know that no matter what I say, he's not going to back down. "Okay."

"I know I'm taking you somewhere this Wednesday night but you trying to take a long ride. Grab a hotel?"

"Sounds good but I have wor-."

He cut me off with a sweet kiss. "Don't even think about that place. You need to clear your mind."


"Let's go." He got his things then grabbed my hand and we walked out.

"You gone C?" Hoody asked.

"Yeah, I'll be back tomorrow."

"Alright, be safe."

Chris nodded then we walked out.

"Oh yeah, I have to take Miah his car."

"Shiiiit, we about to take this."

"Didn't you drive?"

"Nah, I rode with Hoody."

"Oh okay. I don't feel right taking Miah's car though."

"I know they used to take yo car without your permission. He obviously don't need it, if he let you see it. They got Jermaines car."

I stared at him before climbing inside. "So where are we going?" I asked.

"Wherever the road leads us baby." He pinched my chin before starting the car.

Good thing I always bring my phone charger. Shit I wouldn't even care if my phone died.

I felt bad about just using Maine's car so I text him. Chris was right, he didn't care. I told him to keep a close eye on Ariel though.

The ride was quiet. I just held his hand as I scrolled through my phone.

Almost 40 minutes went by and we pulled into a hotel called the Fairmont Miramar. It was beautiful.

I love coming to Malibu.

Chris climbed out the car then opened the door for me then we headed inside.

We checked in then headed to our room. Once we got inside I laid on the bed and just closed my eyes. I could feel Chris lifting my legs to take off my shoes after that he climbed on top of me.

"I can't believe you paid 550 for one night." I said.

"My baby needs to clear her head and I'm going to make that happen."

I smiled then kissed him.

Ugh, I love him.

I need to get out this house and not having any money makes that hard to do. So I'm going to borrow some from my lovely daughter.

Walking inside her room, I peeked around. Ever since she was little she always stashed money away.

That's one thing about Aubree she can really save up money. We may be on bad terms but I'm very proud of her.

After searching her bedroom and coming up empty handed, I checked her closet. It was like a mall in there. Searching through boxes and through clothes, I finally hit the jackpot. A Louis Vuitton purse filled with hundreds.

I took a couple and tucked them in my pocket.

As I walked out the closet I knocked over her briefcase making it pop open. Quickly I started picking up everything. She also has OCD so I had to make sure everything was back how she had it.

While tucking away her files, one name caught my eye.

"Christopher? Isn't her boyfriend named Chris?" I asked myself.

Quickly I opened it. When my eyes fell on the mugshot I gasped.


She's dating one of her parolee's!

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

"A drug dealer...interesting."

Like mother, like daughter.

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