《Forbidden - Rated M》Fifteen| family ties.



I stood in the kitchen wiping off the counter after making lunch for Ariel. Today was supposed to be my day to relax but she begged for a grilled cheese with turkey and ham in it. My sister is like the most bougie four-year-old that you'll ever come across. That's kind of my fault though.

Her 5th birthday is in a couple months and I know I'm going to be broke because like every year, I go overboard. I'm going to have to try for something simple with my hours being cut. I hate going to work now.

Mr. Thomas bothers me every single day! I haven't told Chris, I know he's going to flip whenever he does find out though.

The front door opened and closed.

"Aubree." Jermaine yelled excitedly. "Aubree! Where you at?!"

"I'm in the kitchen, what's going on?"

He rushed in there with two thick envelopes with USC on them. That was his and Jeremiah's top school choice. They've been waiting forever for this to come. Well I don't know if this is still something Jeremiah still wants. It's been a month and I haven't heard from him.

"I'm too nervous to open it." Jermaine pushed it towards me. "Can you do it?"

I nodded while picking it up then peeling back the fold. "Let's see." I pulled out the letter at the front and read over it, then looked up at him. "I'm sorry Maine."

His face dropped. "Damn....it's cool, I'm still waiting on a couple other sch-."

"YOU GOT IN!!!!!!"

He exhaled while holding his chest. "Man Aubree why you gotta play?!"

"I just wanted to do that. I'm sorry." I went and hugged him and kissed his cheek. "They offered you a full ride and want you to play football for them. This is so exciting Maine."

"It is. I'm so happy." He looked over at the other package. "That's for Miah. I'm guessing he got accepted too."

"Yeah, so he's been in school like he's supposed to?"

"Yeah, but he acts like he doesn't know who I am. I see he's been spending his money recklessly too. He got a brand new car a bunch of diamond chains. Buys his girlfriend a bunch of shit."

I sighed. "Where did I go wrong with him?"

"I really wish you could talk to him. He needs somebody to talk some sense into him."


"He doesn't want to listen to me so.....I can just pray for him."

"Aubree you gotta talk to him, cause I feel like if nobody saves him, he's going to end up in a bad position."

I looked at his package on the counter. I didn't want my little brother to self destruct. He can hate me all he wants, even though it's for no reason. I'm still going to look out for him.

"I'm gonna go get dressed. Text me his address and keep an eye on Ariel."

He nodded and I hurried upstairs to change. After that, I went and grabbed his stuff and headed out. About 20 minutes later I pulled up to his house. He did a good job picking out a place. I wonder if Jermaine is going to move with him when they start college or stay with me or move on campus.

Whatever he decides I'm perfectly fine with.

Climbing out the car, I headed to his door and knocked. I heard music blasting then the locks clicked and a young girl appeared. The smell of weed filled my nose fast.

"Hi, I'm looking for Jeremiah." I said.

"And you are?" The hoodrat responded with an attitude while folding her arms.

"His sister, Aubree."

"He never mentioned a sister."

"Bitch open the door." I snatched the screen open and walked into the house. Did she think I was going to stand there and go back and forth with her? "Go get my fucking brother before I smack the shit out of you."

The girl rolled her eyes before walking away.

I glanced around his living room. He had simple black furniture. His house was clean, which was shocking. His room at my place, you could barely see the floor.

"Aubree." Jeremiah called.

I looked up at him standing at the top of the stairs. I motioned for him to come here and he did.

"Wassup, I wasn't expecting you." He said.

"Who is that big head bitch answering your door?"

"That's my girl Ronnie." He laughed. "Chill."

"She rude, get her in check......let's talk." I said walking over to the couch to sit down.

He sat across from me. "How you been?"

"Okay, I'm glad that you're doing good."

"Yeah....I've been meaning to call you but I didn't know what to say."


"How about sorry? You did me bold, when all I've ever did was look out for you. I've never once tried to be your mother, just your big sister. You snapped and til this day, I don't know why."

He sighed. "When you told me that momma was coming to stay with you, it pissed me off. The fact that you help her at all, pisses me off. She doesn't care about us, we're not important to her. So why you looking out for her?"

"Before she became this new person she was our rock Miah. I tried to look past all of the foul shit that she's done and focus on the fact that she gave birth to us. But after my last visit to her I realized that I was wasting my time and that she wouldn't get a thing from me. Clean or sober she's still evil and vindictive. And I want nothing to do with that. But if you were upset with me because of that, I would've appreciated if you came to me like the adult you claim you are and told me what was wrong. Children throw temper tantrums, not grown men. You got me?"

He nodded. "I apologize, I got beside myself. With the way I talked to you, selling drugs. I thought that would make me more of a man but it didn't. It made me a coward. You deserve the upmost respect from me. Like Maine said you could've been all about you but you looked out for us. I may not act like it but I swear I appreciate you and I got something for you." He got up and grabbed one of the books off his shelf and pulled out a paper that looked like a check and brought it to me.

"Jeremiah." It was a check for 50,000.

"You deserve that. The rest of my money is locked up. I paid all my bills for a couple years so I don't need to touch any of that other money. Do whatever you want with it."

"This came just in time. My boss over Tisha, cut my hours and I've been stressed about working things out."

"Damn. Well if you need anything you know I got you. I'm gonna talk to Maine about giving you another 50k, you should really be straight after that."

I smiled then got up and hugged him. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Okay so I came over here for more than just me checking you...this came in the mail today." I lifted the envelope.

He eagerly got up and grabbed it. "Oh shit." He exhaled then ripped it open and slowly pulled out the letter. His eyes went back and forth over the top then he looked at me. "I GOT THE FUCKING SCHOLARSHIIIIIIP!" He was so excited.

I love seeing my brother like this. "Congratulations! Maine got his too so I decided to bring you yours."

"Yoooooo! This is so dope. I'm excited."

"I'm so proud of you guys. I know how hard you two worked for this."

"We owe it all to you Aubree. Thank you man."

"I just want you all to live your best lives. That's it."

"I know."

"Why have you been ignoring Jermaine in school though?"

"Because I knew he was just going to pressure me into swallowing my pride and talking to you. Even though what he was doing was right, I knew I'd still fight against it. I'm glad you came over there."

"Mmhm. I'm having a kickback at my crib next weekend. Chris's friends want me cook and shit. You should come."

"Who's Chris?"

"Oh that's right, you call him Chrez."

"You still dating him? Ain't you breaking laws?"

"Yeah but that's my boo and we're being cautious."

"Well he's cool so I'm not gone trip. Ima still have to check that nigga and make sure he treating you right. You said his friends, meaning Mijo, Keeis, Hoody and Sinko."

"Only the first three. Sinko has a stink ass attitude."

"Yeah, I don't like that nigga. He always saying slick shit."

"Well it's best he stay home that day cause I'll definitely put his ass in check. He said something smart when Mijo FaceTimed me a few days ago but I didn't catch it. He should be happy."

"I'm sure Chris ain't gone let him be on no dumb shit."

"Yeah....well, I'm cooking tomorrow too. Be there, Ariel misses you." I said while getting up.

"I miss Ari too."

"Bring big head upstairs too. I'm not finished checking her ass."

He laughed. "I'll deal with her."

"Still Bring her."


"I have to go. I need to go grocery shopping then feel up on my man."


I smiled while walking to the door. "I love you little brother."

"I love you more sis."

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