《Forbidden - Rated M》Thirteen| rejection comes with consequences.


Monday Morning.

Pulling myself off of the elevator, I slowly walked to my office. I had not an ounce of energy, thanks to Chris. My legs were on fire and I think my pussy is broken.

But I truly can't complain, every time he offered more dick, I accepted it with an open mouth and open legs. So I'm just going to put on my big girl panties and deal with the pain. As soon as I opened my office door, I rolled my eyes at the sight of new files on my desk but that irritation soon faded at the sight of a roses sitting near my window.

Picking up the card, I opened it.

Something to make you smile on your first day back


Ugh, he's the best.

There was a light knock on my door.

"Come in." I called out while walking back to my desk.

"Hello." Tisha said. "Welcome back."

"Thank you."

"Is everything sorted out with your sister? Did you need anymore time off?"

"Everything is okay for now. Her best friend's grandmother is supposed to be picking her up for me. I have been thinking about doing a leave of absence though. I'm not sure yet because I would leave more work on every body else."

"Whatever you plan to do let me know and we'll make it happen. I know you're all your sister has right now."

I nodded. "Thanks for being so understanding. You don't know how much I appreciate you."

"I love you like a little sister. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you."

"I know."

"So how was your week off? Did you enjoy yourself?" A smile appeared across her face.

"It was interesting. Things got a little crazy at one point but this weekend was nice." That Sex flashback hit me hard, sending that chill down my spine.

"Yeeeessss! You finally got some. That's why you were limping when you walked in."

I laughed. "Maybe."

"He has you glowing, that makes me happy. I still want you to be careful though."

"Trust me I am."

"And I hope the glow is coming from more than just the sex."

"It is. He's a dope guy, when our personalities clash it can get hectic but other than that he's awesome."

"Well I'm happy f-."

Before she could finish there was another knock on the door. My eyebrows furrowed, I didn't have an appointment until 12 and Raven isn't here yet and I pray Chris isn't bold enough to come up here when he shouldn't.

"Come in." I said.

The door opened and the first thing I saw was a tailored suit. Then I looked up to face Mr. Thomas, he's Tisha's boss, which means he's my boss too. He's over the entire floor.

This man has always made me uncomfortable. He sends a chill down my spine and not in a good way. He looks at me like he's undressing me with his eyes and it always makes my stomach turn. Every time he's around he's asking for a date and I nicely turn him down. I can't wait to proudly tell this clown I have a man.

"Hello ladies." He said.


I waved and Tisha spoke. To avoid eye contact I started looking through the files on my desk.

"We missed you around here Aubree. I'm glad you're back."

"Yeah, I'm happy to be back."

"What did you do during your vacation?"

"Not much. Took care of everything I needed to."

"Good. So I have this event coming up this weekend and I need a date, I was wondering if you'd like to accompany me."

"I'm actually seeing someone."

"It's just business, I'm sure he, whoever he is wouldn't mind."

"He definitely would, thanks for the offer though." I was so irritated with him being in here. He always tries and I always shoot him down. NOT HAPPENING SIR!

I could tell me saying no pissed him off.

He cleared his throat and fixed his tie. "Well on another note, I came in to tell you two that I hired three new PO's. They're all more qualified than you Aubree, so I'll be giving them most of your cases."

"What?! You can't do th-."

"I can and I did." He said while cutting me off. "As of next week you'll be only here three days out of the week. Your choice of what days you would like to come in."

"Mr. Thomas, a pay cut is not what I need right now."

"Go to school and get another degree, then we'll talk." He picked up the files from my desk.

"Ryan." Tisha called him by his first name. "This isn't fair, she's one of the best probation officers we have, you're only doing this because she told you no."

"Mind your business, matter of fact you can go back to your office."

Tisha looked at him like he was crazy before getting up and walking out.

Ryan walked around to me and stood behind my chair. His hand rubbed my shoulders then he leaned down and placed his chin on my shoulder. "I didn't want to do this Aubree but you left me no choice."

I quickly moved away. "You're cutting my hours because I turned you down. I could have your job for that!"

He laughed. "You can't and you know it. My dad owns most of the city. Just go on this date with me. You won't regret it Aubree, I'm a nice guy."

"A nice guy?" I laughed. "You're Black mailing me for a date."

"I wouldn't call it black mailing."

"Well whatever it is it's wrong, and it's not going to work. I'm seeing someone and even if I wasn't the answer is still no."

He sucked his teeth while stepping back. "You can pack up for the day. We don't need you here right now."

My eyes grew. I can't believe this man is doing this. "I have work to catch up on, I can't leave."

"You didn't care about your work when you had to play mommy to your sister. Don't worry about it now."

Before I could respond he walked out the room. I exhaled and ran my fingers through my hair.

This is some absolute bullshit. After sitting there for a while, I got up and packed my things then walked out.


As I walked to the elevator I heard Raven calling my name. I slowly turned to her and waited for her to catch up to me.

"Where you going? Didn't your shift just start?" She asked.

"Mr. Thomas told me to leave, due to me turning down his date, he cut my hours and told me to go home for the day."

"Are you fucking serious?"

"Yes I am."

"He's not my boss, I'll cuss his ass out for you."

"Don't sweat it, I'm looking for another job anyway."

"I'm sorry that you have to go through this and I know if you complain they won't even do anything because of who his dad is."

"Yeah, it's cool. Thank god for good saving skills."

"Well go home, relax and call your new boo over to dick you down. I'll call you later about my rendezvous at the club Saturday once you left me. I got me a new boo girl."

"Oh okay. I'll call you when you get off because I know you're going to forget." I said while climbing onto the elevator.

"Alright. Don't let this fool get to you boo. I'll talk to you later."


The elevator door shut and I leaned my head against the wall. As soon as I get home, I'll have to figure out everything with my bills. I didn't get as much as my brothers from my dads life insurance policy. And once I had to step up to take care of my siblings I had to use some of that money.

Mine is almost gone, unfortunately and I was generous enough to give my brothers money from my end so they'll be okay when they go to college.

This is going to be hard.

But I gotta make it through.

Pulling into Aubree's driveway, I cut the car off and got out then opened the back door for Ariel to climb out. She text me earlier and told me she was off work early and she'd pick up her sister I told her I'd do it still. She thanked me and I haven't heard from her since then.

Grabbing Ariel's hand we walked up to the door and I let her ring the doorbell.

A couple minutes later, Aubree opened the door. Her and Ariel hugged then I walked up to her and held her face as we shared a few kisses.

"Where's Royalty?" She asked as we walked further into the house.

"With my mom, she wasn't feeling good today so I let her stay home.

"Aww poor baby."

Aubree climbed onto her kitchen counter and I walked to the stove and checked what was in the pots. It smelt amazing.

"Oh I'm definitely staying for dinner." I said while looking at the crab legs.

"Shouldn't you be getting home to your sick baby?"

"I am, don't worry." I placed my hands on her waist. "Why you get off work so early?"

"My boss told me to go home early."

"Damn Tisha always interrupting your chicken. I know last time she was looking out for you but what was the reason today?"

"It wasn't her, it was the guy that's over her."

"Oh, so why he tell you to leave?"

She chewed on her lip while looking at me. "He just said that they didn't need me today."

"You're a PO, why wouldn't they need you?"

"I don't know Chris, let's not talk about it." She wrapped her arms around me and started kissing my neck but I pulled away.

"Now I'm really not letting it go. What's up Aubree? Talk to me."

"Baby let's go upstairs."

"Not until you tell me what's up. Nobody found out about us did they?"

She groaned while tossing her head back. "No they didn't. You know what if I tell you why I'm home early, you have to tell me why you always come back beaten up whenever you see your dad."

"You know my dad and I don't have a good relationship. When I don't do things his way, he tends to get violent. Last time He tried it I got fed up and we fought. That's just our relationship. Your turn."

"Why does he have to result to violence because something didn't go the way he wanted?"


"Okay okaaaaay......He let me go early because I wouldn't go out on a date with him and he cut my hours starting next week, I'll only have to be there three days. And I'm stressing the Fuck out because I still have to take care of Ariel."

"Ain't it somebody that you can complain to about this nigga?"

"No, unfortunately. His dad basically owns the city and everybody in our building. They aren't going to do anything."

"Who the fuck is his dad?"

"I think his name is Evan Thomas."

I smacked my lips. "That nigga don't run shit but his mouth. I've had a run in with him a few times. His oldest son is a very faithful customer of mine and he ain't buying weed baby."

"Hm, interesting....but I think his middle son is my boss. His name is Ryan."

"Never met him but I will soon." I smirked.

"Chris, no."

"I made it very clear that you're mine and I don't like people fucking with my girl."

"Chris he doesn't know about us and if you do anything it'll lead back to us dating. We can't have that."

"I'll have somebody else handle it, he won't know a thing."

"Baby please, just let it go."

"Him messing with your money is taking food out of Ariel's mouth. That shit ain't cool."

"I'll just do some budgeting, we'll be fine."

I looked at her biting my lip. I love how optimistic she is. "If you need anything though, you know I got you."

"I appreciate it but I'll be fine."

"I know your overly independent ass wont just willingly take my help but I'm here Aubree."

"Okay." She pulled me closer and kissed me. "I just put this food on. Let's go in that bathroom over there and you can take my mind off this crazy day."

I picked her up off the counter and carried her to the bathroom. As soon as the door was shut and locked I pulled her shorts off and panties off. I unbuckled my jeans and pushed down my briefs then turned her around and slid inside of her.

She think ima let this situation with ol'boy slide but rule 1 when dealing with Chrez. If a motherfucka got a problem with you, they got a problem with me.

I'll get him handled without a trace.

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