《Forbidden - Rated M》Eight| used to this.



I sat up on the counter in my kitchen, rolling up my second blunt while finishing my first. I'm fucking stressed.

On top of the bullshit with Aubree, Ro's mom family decided to contact me after 4 fucking years, asking for her. I cussed them out and now it's threats of getting child protective services on me and they're going to tell the police about the things I'm involved in.

I grew up with Ro's mom, we were really close and like I said there was never a relationship just mutual love. Royalty was conceived during a wild night. I don't Fuck with abortions and neither did her mom. So we went with the flow. Talked every day about how we were going to coparent.

Her parents were like my second parents. Our moms were real cool so they know how money was made in our household. So this puts me in a more fucked up position.

I mean if they go to these judges talking about me selling dope and then the courts pull up my record, I might as well pack Ro's stuff right now because that's a definite W for them. My daughter means the world to me and I can't lose her.

I know me cussing them out is what led to this but it's been four years. Why they want her now?

"This is the most I've seen you in the House." My mom said.

"Just a lot going on. Don't really feel like dealing with outside world."

"Wanna talk about it?"

I shook my head. "I'll be straight just gotta figure out a few things."


"So Ma, Royalty's best friend needs to be watched and picked up after school until her sister comes home from work. I was wondering if you wanted to do me this huge favor and help out."

"The Ariel girl, Royalty is always talking about?"

"Yeah, her big sister takes care of her and their two brothers but she needs somebody to pick her up."

"Okay, you told her how much I charge for babysitting?"

"Ima handle that."

My mom smirked. "Does my son have a crush on someone?"

"Because I said ima help her out?"

"Yeah, you aren't a helpful person."

"She looked out for me so I'm returning the favor." I stared at the blunt in my hand knowing that ima fail yet another drug test and Aubree won't be so generous this time after what I did. So I just sat the one in my mouth and in my hand in the ashtray. "Just looking out for somebody that's all."

"Well you need to like this girl, I'm tired of you being single."

"I'm good."

"Are you going to grow old by yourself? You haven't been in a serious relationship, come on Chris you're almost 30."


"He doesn't have time to focus on a Bitch, it's other things he need to focus on." My dad interrupted. "Christopher can I talk to you in the back."

"About what?"

He looked at me like I had two heads. "I'm not gonna ask again."

Smacking my lips I climbed off the counter and headed outside. I'm tired of this nigga treating me like I'm a fucking kid. As soon as I went to turn and face him, his fist went right into my mouth causing me to stumble. "SHIT!" I held on to my throbbing lip.

"Why the fuck haven't you been to the warehouse?!"


I just tried to remain calm cause I wanna kill this nigga.

"ANSWER ME!" He yelled in my face.

"Because I haven't." I spit the blood in my mouth near his feet. "You want somebody up there, you go."

"I put you in charge for a fucking reason! You proving to me that I made the wrong decision."


"It ain't about the life you wanted, it's about what I thought was best for you. If you wasn't doing this you'd be slaving away in some hot ass factory like your brother. No mansions, no diamonds, all the bitches you want, no nice cars. What has gotten into you, you loved this lifestyle."

"Going to jail for you is what has gotten into me. I'm on probation, I'm walking a thin line because I knew if they would've took you, you'd be in jail for the rest on your life. You don't even thank me for being away from my own daughter for a whole for you."

"I didn't put a gun to your head and make you do anything. I don't need you to save me."

I let out a small laugh. "Well then you run ya own business, I gotta go get Royalty from school."

"You better be at that warehouse tonight, or me and you gone have a problem."

"Well we just gone have a problem." Bumping past him I walked into the house and grabbed my keys and phone.

"What happened to your lip Chris?!" My mom asked.

"Ask your ignorant ass husband." I walked out the house and slammed the door shut then hopped in my car and made my way to pick up Royalty. I needed somewhere for us to go for a few days.

My dad has always been the worst. Well I'm not gone lie, he was cool before he started dealing then he changed. He became violent mainly with me and my brother but he never touched my mom. The guy that brought him into the game put some crazy shit into his head about how he should raise me and Dave but thank god for my mom. Y'all already know the story I just wish I could go back in time and change things.

This life isn't for me, I don't want to do this. But like I said before, there's no way out.

Pulling up to Ro's school, I parked then got out and headed to the area that her teacher brought her students.

Hope this shit hurry up, ain't tryna run into nobody.

I don't know why I'm trying to avoid Aubree. I should've cut her brothers off the minute I found out they were related. But I still hate the slick comments she be making. She quick to stereotype and that shit irks my soul.

The bell rung and all the older kids came out the building. I pulled out my phone and started scrolling through it. Maybe I should go out tonight. I have been stuck in the house since Friday. Wish I had a girl to chill with.

I'm not like most niggas out here, I don't Fuck with multiple women, HIV passing around like hot cakes out here. I'm not wasting my time on just anyone either. Time is too valuable to me, it's precious. I hate the whole starting over process too and I'm not young anymore, I only got one more year in my twenties, I'm looking for stability not quick pussy. I'm hella protective of the energy that's around me. So if your vibe is crazy, I don't want you near me.


I'm a picky ass nigga, period.

"Dad!" Royalty called.

I looked over at her and smiled then headed to go get her. "Wassup Princess."

"Hi Chris."

I looked over at Ariel and smiled. "Wassup lil bit." I held my hand out and she smacked it. "Who's picking you up today?"

"Aubree, she's right there."

I looked over my shoulder and spotted her walking in my direction. She looked good as hell.

"Aubree!" Ariel yelled, excitingly.

"Hi honey." Aubree said approaching her. "You ready."

Ariel nodded.

"Hi Royalty." She spoke.

"Hi Bree." Royalty hugged her. Oh they like each other, this is good.

Aubree looked up at me and gave that fake half smile. She turned to walk away but I grabbed her hand. "Can't speak?"

"Hi, can you let me go?"

"Can I come by?"

She looked at me as if I was crazy. "N-."

"Yes Aubree! Then me and Royalty can play together!" Ariel interrupted.

"Don't you have shapes to color or something?"

"I'm not in preschool."

I laughed, she talking like she ain't only in kindergarten.

"Pleeeeeeeeease Aubree! Pretty pleeeeease." Ariel begged then made the cutest pouty face.

Aubree groaned while rolling her eyes. "Okay okay. I have to make a few stops first then I'll be home."

"How about I take the girls to your place? You can give me the key and then you can go do whatever you need to do."


"Why not? I'm not trying to waste no gas going back and forth and I'm really not trying to be at my crib, so just give me your keys." I flashed my big smile.

She smacked her lips then took the key off her key ring. "Don't fuck up my house and stay out of my refrigerator."

I nodded then took the keys from her. "Come on girls."

They cheered then ran to my car. Aubree just so happened to be parked next to me. She did that on purpose, she knows my car she just wanted to see a nigga.

"Here's Ariel's car seat. She can't go anywhere without it."

I took it from her and hooked into my back seat. "Okay, see you at home honey." I grabbed her and tried to give her a kiss but she mushed my face.

"Hey, give my daddy a kiss." Royalty yelled.

"My princess gets what she wants."

Rolling her eyes again she pulled my face to hers and kissed me. She enjoys my lips so she kissed me again then slowly pulled back. Her thumb ran over my bottom lip. "What happened?"

I forgot all about that cut from earlier. "I was uh, being clumsy. Go ahead and make those runs we'll see you at the house."

She looked at me for a while before walking off to her car and climbing in. I got the girls hooked in their seats then got in the front.

"Who wants ice creeeeeeam?!" I yelled.

"WE DO!"

"Coldstones it is." I pulled off and headed to get out our ice cream. Every now and then I'd glance at the girls having the time of their lives.

I could used to this, maybe even have a little prince back there too that look just like me and Aub-

Too soon.

I decided to cook today since I have company. After I went to the grocery store, I had to go up to my job. Tisha called about Chris's file that I forgot that I had and when I did find out, the failed drug test popped back up in my head.

My plan was to alter the paper but this is the government were talking about. They'll figure that out. Then I remember the other way to take the test.

Quick swab and I have to fill out a few things, and they just take your word for everything you wrote down. The machine I used before can detect anything so if I were to take the test for him that way, we'd get caught.

"Hey girl you got that file?" Tisha asked while I walked over the elevator.

"I thought I took it home maybe it's in my office. Ima go look."

"Okay, hurry up before somebody sees you in that cute outfit."

I smiled and rushed to my office. Shutting and locking the door, I unzipped my jacket and pulled out his file, then I started searching my office for one of those tests. I finally found one after making a huge mess.

I pulled everything out then and did what I had to do, filled out the paper put it in a ziplock back the tucked into his folder, then headed to Tishas office. "Here you go. I was so distraught the other day I thought I grabbed it and took it with me."

"Thanks girl." She opened the folder. "I can't believe you still use these old drug tests. I think you're the only one."

"You know I hate that machine."

She nodded. "Negative for marijuana and negative for alcohol, perfect. Can you put that in the drawer?" She handed me the folder then turned to her computer to type in his results.

I filed the folder.

"I think Chris might have a crush on you." Tisha said.

"What makes you think that?"

"The flowers." She smirked. "I saw and I know he took you to get Ariel."

"Tisha I-."

"Look I'm not going to rain on anyone's parade, I think you two are cute and what a crazy story this will be when someone asks how you two met in the future. My only advice is to please be careful. You know what could happen if you two are caught."

"Yeah, I know."

"Since you said that, that means you two are dating?"

"Eh, I wouldn't call it that. We barely know each other."

"Me and my husband barely knew each other but I knew it was something about him. I get a good vibe from Chris which is weird since he comes here. I think he's a good guy, just misunderstood."

"I guess."

"Well you have a week off, spend some time with him. Let him knock the cob webs off that vag-."


"I just know it's been a while. But like I said, be careful."

"I will." I went and gave her a hug. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. You deserve to be happy, enjoy this."

"I will, I gotta Get going. I have groceries in the car."

"Okay, text me once he breaks that back. I need details."

"Bye" I walked out of her office and hurried to the elevator. Thankfully it came fast, I climbed on and hit L.

As soon as it moved my phone dinged. It was a message from Chris. I opened it and it was a picture with him and the girls with ice cream all over their faces.

So cute!




He irritates me.

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