《Samragni- The Empress》Part 28: a new girl
The clouds seemed to be cleared. The clear sky is welcoming the warm sun light.. that sun light has touched the earth, to give a beautiful spring season...
Spring season.. the season of love and also the season of marriages. That season has filled the passions in hearts of all people and the Gadodiya empire seemed to be filled in happiness. That empire has not seen any enemies since 6 months.
People have forgotten the war and all are living in peace and harmony.
The palace walls of samragni's sasural are filled with marriage musics. Because it is the marriage of prince Chandra, the brother of Laksh.
King Ram is seemed to be nervous, he is very busily seeing all arrangements.
Ragini comes.
Ragini: papa, please sit calmly. We are seeing everything right..!
Ram: but beta...
Laksh: pitasri... sit and talk with all the kings...
Laksh smiles at Ragini. She too smiles and they get busy. The bride is no one but mansi. She was getting nervous. Ragini comes near her.
Ragini: mansi, didn't you get ready yet..?
Mansi: didi, I don't deserve Chandra. You all remembered right, I cheated you..
Ragini: Mansi, it was past. Chandra loves you still and Ram papa, believes that you will be good bahu..
Mansi smiles. Ragini makes her ready with help of maids.
For that marriage, samraat chiraag also comes along with his wife and son. His son and chotu keeps running throughout the palace. That prince runs and kisses princess's cheek again. (Raglak's daughter-1 year old)
Ragini and Laksh smiles looking at them, but Chirag doesn't like it.
Ragini was setting some deepas in a room, Laksh comes. He sits beside her. he places his hand on her hand.
Ragini: laksh, this is marriage place and all will see us.
Laksh: Samragni devi seemed to be brave, but coward actually.
Ragini holds Laksh's cloth in neck.
Ragini: who is coward..? me..??
Laksh: yes..!!
Then Ragini looks in all directions kisses his cheek suddenly and runs. Laksh laughs.
Kavitha who was there, looks that scene suddenly and she laughs in herself and gets dashed to Sanskar suddenly who just came there.
Kavitha: I'm sorry senapati ji...
But Swara who looks at the scene gets furious.
Swara: can't you see and walk..??
Sanskar: let it be swara..
Swara: if servants are given freedom, they won't even look back to trap kings..!!
Kavitha hurts with her words. swara takes Sanskar hand and goes away.
Ragini was sitting with prince and princess in both of her hands. chiraag's son was at princess hand and chotu was at prince hand.
Chiraag son(3 years old) asks Ragini, "Samragni devi, why don't you send princess with me to my palace..?"
Ragini: ahan, why do you want princess..??
Chi son: bcz.. she is so cute.. I want to play with her...
Chotu: I won't agree. Princess will stay here only..!
Chi son: no..! she has to come..
Ragini: ok.. ok.. I will send her when time comes...
Chiraag looks on...
Mansi and Chandra's marriage will be started. Laksh and his other two brothers are teasing Chandra. Mansi is smiling.
Ragini gives two kids to a maid.
Ragini: swara, let's go and tease mansi also..
Swara: but why..?
Ragini: why..? she is also like our sister right..!
Swara: that desa drohi is not my sister..!
Ragini looks at swara un believed. Then she calls Kavitha for assistance. Kavitha at first hesitates as she is just a normal soldier in army. But, Ragini takes her too.
Kavitha and Ragini are together teasing Mansi.. swara looks jealous.
The whole royal family is seemed happy....
But the land away from this land... which was separated by the oceans... which land was covered by oceans in all ways... no connection with outside world...
A spy enters into that palace which is king's palace of that Island kingdom.
'Maharaj, It's Gadodiya empire which is very close to us..!'
Maharaj: so, shall we attack that kingdom first.?
Spy: the way to enter that empire land is very tough..!! they war covered by heavy density waves... which submerges all the ships..!
Maharaj: entering is not a tough job..!! tell me, who is ruler of that empire..?
Spy: Samragni Ragini devi..!
Maharaj: a woman..?
Spy: just not a woman..! a form of goddess as people believe. She is the only protector of that empire. Until, she is there on throne, it's even impossible to touch the sand of that empire..!!
Maharaj: then, let's eliminate her only first..!!
Spy: it's even more impossible. She is surrounded by the protection armors of maharaj Laksh as her husband. Senapati Sanskar as her friend.. and the clever man equal to chankaya, sri durga Prasad is her mama sri..!
Maharaj stands in frustration..
'whoever it is..! whoever are there..!! defeating Samragni is a must and occupying Gadodiaya empire is my aim...!!!'
He shouts..
Ragini in her palace laughs.
She keeps laughing looking at cute antiques of her kids and chotu.
Laksh makes them sleep. Ragini was looking at him.
Laksh: at last, our Chandra got married..!
Ragini: yes, I think, papa is happily taking rest now. bcz, bahu maha laxmi has entered that house right.
Laksh: whoever comes Ragini, you are the 1st bahu always...
Ragini looks at him.
Laksh: this is not my word. Pitasri said.
Ragini smiles. Laksh comes near her and removes her many stones studded hair pin. Her hair becomes free and falls on her shoulders.
Laksh smells her hair.
Ragini: laksh, kids will see...
Laksh: hmm... let them see...
Ragini: laksh.. you naa...
Laksh cups her face and kiss her nose.
Laksh: Ragini, what would have happened if you didn't come in my life..?
Ragini: will you ask this question daily..?
Laksh: I would have never loved Samragni, but I loved a girl who is normal and she became Samragni.
Ragini: that girl was already a Samragni, but you didn't know that...
Laksh: ya.. ya..! what would have happened if I came to know that before..?
Ragini looks on... she hugs Laksh.
Ragini: that's why Laksh. Fate designed like that... to make us together. If you have always respected me as empress, I would have really missed you...
Laksh kisses her head. She rests in his embrace.
Next morning,
In practice area,
Ragini and Sanskar are doing sword fight.
Ragini: go Sanskar go..!
Sanskar: today, I will defeat you at any cost Ragini..!
Ragini: I'm listening this from childhood.
Laksh was sitting on steps aside.
Laksh: get defeated once Ragini, let's see happy face of Sanskar..
Ragini: ok pati ji.. if you said, I will obey it..
Ragini makes her grip on sword lose, Sanskar beats on sword, her sword falls.
Ragini: Sanskar..! you have won..!!
Sanskar: Ragini, no games..! you did this intentionally.
Ragini: oh... cry baby Sanskar..!!
Sanskar: ragini..!!
He chases her.. Ragini runs.
'catch her Sanskar. Let's teach her a lesson today..!'
Ragini will be running, Sanskar is chasing her.
Dp who was going through corridors looks at them and stops. He laughs.
Old soldier: their friendship was started 20 years back.. now they are 23 years old.. still they are friendly like that only mahamantri ji...
Dp smiles.
At last, Sanskar holds Ragini's hand.. Laksh comes and holds her other hand. They three are laughing looking at each other.
Dp looks them smiled and shifts his gaze to swara who was standing at other side. He was surprised to see upset swara.
screen shifts to...
A girl, who is about 23 is shown going somewhere. She has veil on her head and mask on her face. She enters into a small hut which is lonely in a place. A person is lying on the bed lifeless. But he can see, but can't talk.
As soon as this girl entered, that man looks at her. Another person comes near this girl and she handovers a bag of coins to him.
"Till how many days the treatment will continue..?" she asks.
That person is about to say.. "s..."
That girl raises her hand saying him to stop. Her hand shows a bright stones studded royal ring. That man bends his head, "kshama devi, that patient is able to see and hear now. In one month he can start walking."
She:: I may not come here always. But, take care of him. No one should know about this.
That man nods his head. She starts going back.
She reaches the royal gadodiya palace. From a secret entrance she enters into the fort.
Next morning,
Ragini is checking the most secret jail far from their palace. She is about to enter inside.
"Ragini..!!" she hears a most authoritative strong voice. She turns back and it is Dp (durga prasad).
Ragini joins her hands.
"Pranaam mamasri.."
Dp comes near her.
Dp: Ragini, I have ordered you many times not to come here.
Rag: but, I'm samragni.. I have right to visit every place in my empire.
Dp: so, do you have right to exceed your guru dev's order also??
Ragini bends her head.
Rag: mamasri, you are not only my guru dev but also the great maha mantri of this empire. Being a minister, you shouldn't hide anything from me.. as samragni of this empire I'm ordering you to tell, what are you hiding from me..??
Dp smiles.
"samragni devi, this Durga prasad is always a intellectual servant to the throne. You may believe him. He never cheats the throne. If that really happens, Dp's breath will stop here..!
Ragini holds his hand.
"mamasri, what are you saying..??"
She hugs him gently.
Dp rubs her head with a smile.
Rag: you are like my mother and father. How can I doubt you??
She moves back.
Rag: I'm just asking...
Dp just gives a smile as a answer.
"So, your mamasri is surely hiding something.." she hears a voice. And turns back.
Laksh throws a color on Ragini's face. "Holi hai..!!" he shouts..
"Laksh..!!" shouts Ragini and chases him.
Soon Ragini is surrounded by different girls and they start throwing colors on Ragini. Laksh was also playing with some boys.
Dp goes inside the jail to check something. Laksh being too crazy, gets busy in playing. Suddenly, some person comes and throws a color on Ragini. She closes her eyes. She tries to open her eyes.. but soon her vision becomes blur. And then suddenly, a group surrounds her and keeps thowing colors on her which makes her suffocated.
She tries to ask for help... but her voice won't raise. She is slowly about to lose conscious... she looks at Laksh and tries to call him. But, vain..
She was about to fall down... she just hears shout, "Ragini..!!"
Later... she opens her eyes in the lap of Swara.
Ragini: swara..?
Swara: everyone, Samragni has opened her eyes..!!
All rush to Ragini.
Ragini: what happened to me..?
Sanskar: poison attack...
All shock.
Dp: they have mixed harmful mixtures in colors. Our raja vaidy has identified it..
Ragini looks at Laksh.
Laksh: I'm not understanding from where that group came suddenly. I saw Ragini fainting suddenly...
Mansi and Chandra just comes to the fort. "Didi..." Mansi shouts and tries to run near Ragini. But Swara stops her.
Swara holds her shoulders strongly.
Swara: tell me..! it's you only know who attacked Ragini..!!
Mansi: no swara didi..
Swara: shut up..! I don't like to hear that word from you deshdrohi..!!
All shock with swara's words. Mansi gets tears in eyes and runs away from there. Ragini runs behind her.
Sanskar holds Swara and says she shouldn't have talked with her like that.
Swara: but, I was concerned about Ragini..
Mansi was hurt with Swara's words and runs from there. She was crying. Ragini comes near her. She keeps hand on her shoulder.
Ragini: mansi..
Mansi: that's why didi, i said i will not marry Chandra. All people will only blame me, only bcz i'm a desa drohi once.
Ragini: mansi, I'm not concerned about you past. But, now you are the great king Ram's 2nd bahu. You are this Samragni's sister like girl. I won't spare if anyone says anything to you. You are as equal as Swara to me..!
Swara who just comes listens to it. 'how can she be equal to me..??' thinks Swara.
Then kavitha(she is a soldier in Ragini's army. We all know this already) comes there.
"Samragni devi, the great prisoner has escaped from the jail"
Ragini shocks. Just then Dp comes.
Ragini: mamasri, this is what security in that jail where even Samragni is not allowed..! did you listen, that prisoner has escaped. What will you answer me now..?
Sanskar comes.
Sanskar: Samragni, this is my responsibility. I will look after it. There is someone in this palace who helped him to escape, bcz...
Ragini: because..??
Sanskar: that prisoner was jailed since 20 years..! he has the punishment of life time imprisonment. He was paralysed as he was punished for long. So, he can't escape by himself.
Swara: why do you doubt only on palace people..?
Sanskar: it's my assumption. Moreover, being a senapati i shouldn't tell secrets more than this to except Samragni and mahamantri.
Swara expressions become dull as Sanskar said it.
Ragini: and Mamasri, what is that big sin that prisoner did that he got such a big punishment..?
Dp: Ragini, i think maharaja Laksh is waiting for you. Please go..
Ragini: ??
Dp goes away. Sanskar follows him.
"What mama is hiding from me..?" thinks Ragini.
Later Chandra and Mansi goes away.
Night time...
Senapati Sanskar was looking after the security around the palace. He is talking to some of soldiers about weapons etc..
Then, he finds some woman with black mask is going somewhere.
Sanskar: a woman who belongs to palace is going to somewhere this night time..??
He amazes.
He secretly follows her.
She goes into woods like place and Sanskar misses her.
That lady goes to the same hut like place where, she has allotted some doctors to give treatment for a middle aged man.
She enters into hut. As soon as the doctor saw her, he is about to call.. 's..'
That girl shows her hand again to stop. Her face is not shown.
Girl: how is the improvement..?
Vaidy(doctor): very well. But, we are scared. If people know that we are giving treatment to a great notorious prisoner..?
Girl: you are in the shelter of mine. Even God can't do anything until I'm here..! there is no man born to oppose me that easily..!!
Sanskar who was searching all around happens to come to that hut.
Sanskar: where that girl has gone..?
He then starts going away silently ignoring the hut.
That girl, bends towards that man and holds his hand.
"Soon, you will be normal. I will not let anything happen to you." She says. That man gets tears. This girl wipes his tears.
Soon, she starts going away.
While she is going away, Sanskar happens to see her again.
He comes from back and places sword at her neck.
"I don't like to fight with women. But, tell me who are you.? This is Gadodiya's sarva senani's order..!" says Sanskar.
That girl holds Sanskar's hand and twists it and pushes him back. Sanskar amazes.
"you aren't a normal girl. May be you are a warrior." He says.
That girl takes out her sword. They both fights.
Sanskar: tell me who are you. Otherwise, i will arrest you.
That girl, beats on his sword, his sword flies in air and falls too far. Sanskar shocks. He looks at his sword.
"Only one in this world can tackle me in this way..!" he thinks and looks ahead again.
But, that girl is missing. Sanskar looks on..
In the palace....
Ragini was running behind prince with rice bowl.
She hardly catches him and puts a round of rice in his mouth.
"hey mahadeva, in crawling state only these kids are making me run, don't know what they will do once they start walking. Now, where is this shaithan princess..?"
She says and looks around.
She hears a laugh and finds baby princess is hiding below the table,
"Rajkumari.." Ragini says and goes near her and she keeps other rice round piece in her mouth.
"Maata.." she hears chotu's voice and he has hugged Ragini's legs. She bends to chotu, the 3 year old and feeds him too.
"chotu, go and catch that prince. Go.." Ragini says. Chotu runs.
She keeps the rice bowl aside and takes princess into her hands.
"ayyo, rajkumari.. see how you became dirty again..!" she says and changes her cloths. Then she looks at Laksh who was happily reading something.
Ragini keeps hand on her waist and says,
"hey maharaja shri Laksh deva..!"
Laksh looks at her.
Ragini: arey, here your wife is struggling with your kids. Don't you have any effect..? this poor Samragni has to bear the empire's responsibilities, she has to think about her people, enemies and when she comes to her anthahpura, she has to do her pati seva and look after her kids again. And, this mera pati swami is busy in reading something...
Laksh closes that book and comes near her. He sensually moves his hands on her waist.
Ragini: you only like to do these kinds of silly things..!
Laksh pulls her and make her sit in his lap.
Ragini: leave Laksh, kids will see..
Laksh: what can they understand..?
He is about to kiss her. Ragini stands from his lap.
Ragini: "bechare Ragini, might have been tired. Let's take her somewhere..." did you ever think just like this..??
Laksh: oh.. my goddess got angry on mee...
Just then Chotu brings prince. Ragini makes prince and princess sleep in cradle. And chotu asks her to tell story before he sleep.
Ragini: see, he is asking story..! now, it's your turn.
Says Ragini and sleeps.
Laksh: hey, what story i know..?
Chotu: papa..
Laksh sits beside him.
Laksh: there is arrogant princess and innocent prince...
He keeps telling story and Ragini smiles that Laksh is telling their story.
(guys, chotu is not Raglak's kid. He is, Adarsh's son. I hope, you remembered)
Sanskar comes to palace back thinking about that strange girl.
Precap: Laksh's surprise to Ragini and sudden attack on Raglak.
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