《Samragni- The Empress》Part 26: apart by sight, but not by hearts
Ragini was looking at Laksh in shock. Laksh comes near her.
Laksh in anger: where did you go Ragini..???
Ragini: laksh... I'm the empress. I have many works regarding empire. I can't say you everything...!!
Laksh annoyed:: oh..!! You need not tell me..?? Ok..! Then just remind also one thing there are two kids crying for their mother who left them alone..!!
Ragini tries to go near cradle where their babies are sleeping.
Laksh stops her:: they don't need you Ragini..!! Their father has taken care of them already...when their mother just forgot her primary responsibility..!!
Ragini:: laksh, you need not remind my responsibilities..!! I now what to do..!! And, I bore them for 9 moths. I have much affection than you on them..!!
Laksh shocked:: why are you talking like this Ragini..?? I'm your husband..!! Don't I have right to at least ask you..??
He keeps hands on her shoulders and asks.
Ragini pushes his hands.
Ragini:: that doesn't mean you have to question me everything..!!!
She says and goes to bed in anger. Laksh looks on..
Next morning...
Ragini is in garden with chotu, and her two kids. She kept her two kids in her lap and she was feeding them. Chotu is crawling here and there.
Swara is with her.
Swara: Ragini..what happened to you..?? Why are you hiding our princess from all..?? You didn't even allow any maids here.
Ragini: time tells everything swara. Till then, no one should ask me anything..!!
She gives her son to swara's hands. And chotu too. Ragini is holding princess.
Ragini: take prince and prince chotu with you. I will come back after a while.
Swara: but..where are you going..? Where you taking princess??
Ragini just looks at Swara as order. Swara silently goes away holding chotu and prince.
Ragini is holding princess in her hand and she enters into the secret passage which is known only to her. She has build that for this purpose only.
She comes into a secret hall..where all facilities are there and dida and Kavitha are present there.
Ragini keeps princess in cradle. Princess starts crying. Ragini holds her small hand.
Ragini: rajkumari.... you are the bright future ahead for this empire. Your eyes should shower only bravery just like your mother.
Dida: samragni, but she is just a kid...
Ragini:: even i was grown up with lessons of bravery from my childhood. I thought my daughter should grow up enjoying all the pleasures of a princess..!! But, see the fate how it is separating her from her father...
The baby princess is still crying. Ragini takes out the chain (which was gifted by Laksh to her) and she keeps it in princess neck.
Ragini: I'm sorry rajkumari... for separating you from your father..!! But, this is only for a while..!! Your father maharaj Laksh is not with you, but his love is always with you...
The baby princess stops crying as if she understood something.
Ragini:: Kavitha..and dida.. you don't have other exit than the entrance from which I entered. All your needs will come from that entrance. And whenever there is chance I will come here to see my daughter. No third person stays here expect you both. You also need to lead secret life till I say... I'm I troubling you both..??
Kavitha: samragni...anything for this empire..!!!
Ragini nods her head and she kiss her baby.
Ragini: mamma will come for you for every hour in a day dear...
A tear is about to form in Ragini's eyes. "But...what should I answer Laksh..?"
She thinks and comes out.
Laksh, Dp, Sanskar and Swara are in the main hall. Chotu is in Laksh's embrace and Sanskar swara are playing with prince.
Laksh:: where Ragini has gone..?? And why did she take my daughter..??
Dp smiling: she is also Ragini's daughter...
Laksh laughing:: haha..yes papa. It was already one hour till I have seen my daughter. I can't stay for at least one minute without looking at her..!!!
Ragini who just comes listens his words and gets sad. Laksh keeps Chotu aside and comes near her. He hugs her tighter.
Rest of them closes their eyes.
Sanskar: laksh...we all know you can't stop doing such things if anyone there also..
Swara: but... your kids are also there now...
But Laksh smiles simply and kiss her cheek again..
Dp: he won't change. Let's close our eyes.
Laksh: I'm sorry my empress devi... are you angry with me still..??
Ragini just kisses his forehead and she hugs him.
Laksh: what happened ragini...??
She remains silent. Laksh moves her back.
Laksh: where is princess..??
Ragini looks on..
Laksh: is she in room..?? Why did you leave her alone. Ok, I will go now...
Ragini: she is not in room.
Laksh: then where is she..??
Ragini remains silent. Dp observes some anomaly.
Laksh: ragini....where is she..???
Ragini: laksh, she is somewhere where no one can reach...
All shock with her statement.
Ragini: and I'm not going to say where she is..!!!
Laksh holds her shoulders tightly. Ragini points sword to him. All shocks again.
Ragini: I'm not your slave to bend my head maharaj..!!
Laksh:: even I'm not slave at your sword point samragni...!!!
He says and pushes her hand, the sword falls. All look shocked.
Laksh:: I have to get my answer..where is my daughter..??
Ragini: far from evil...close to her mother..!!!
Laksh shouts:: who is evil here..?? Who knows that we have daughter..??
Ragini:: every wall in this palace has ears. Every window has eyes. I can't believe anyone.. accept me..!!!
Dp, swara and Sanskar shocks with her statement.
Laksh:: so, you won't tell about my daughter...
Ragini nods her head negatively. Laksh looks at her in anger. He goes near Sanskar and takes prince into his hands.
Laksh: if you make our daughter far from me..I will make our son far from you...
Dp swasan shock. But Ragini remains unreacted.
Laksh:: tell me where is my daughter samragni...!! Plz.. I beg you..!!
He asks joining his hands.
Ragini:: I'm never going to answer even mahadev also asks..!!
Laksh looks her at in red eyes.
Laksh: alright then...!!! Forget me and my son...!!!
Laksh starts going.
Ragini:: you promised me that you will be with me in all my decisions laksh..!! Separating a son and mother is not a good thing..!!
Laksh: that goes for you also Ragini..!! Oh, sorry. Samragni devi...!!
All looks shocked.
Laksh:: until my daughter comes back to me, you are some samragni for me and he is only my son...!!!
Laksh starts going away with his son. The baby prince is crying.
Ragini pov starts looking at her baby...
"What a heatless empress I'm I..?? I have separated a father and daughter. I have separated brother and sister who are twins. And, I myself got far from my son... till where this story goes..only mahadev has to know...!!!"
He pov completes and she looks at Dp, swasan.
Ragini:: if anyone didn't like my decision..they can leave too..
Dp:: we believe reason for every action of yours Ragini beta...
Sanskar:: our friendship has started with our births..
Swara:: even death cannot separate us...
Ragini looks back at door.. "then why Laksh can't understand...???"
Her tears fall in the wooden doll she is holding which laksh made for her...
From then, prince was growing near Laksh. And princess was in secret place under Ragini's guidance.
One year passes like that......
The flash back is over.....,.
Laksh comes out of his thoughts remembering all those incidents. He was holding the wooden doll. A tear escapes from his eye and it falls on the doll. He looks at Ragini's wound in her shoulder back. He reminds how she saved him. He bends to her and suddenly kisses her bare shoulder back.Ragini gets sensations of love. She gets out from sleep but she remains like that only enjoying his blissful love. She knows very well it's only Laksh.
Wait a minute..!! Why is he here..?? She thinks... and wakes up. Laksh too stands. Both are looking at each other in red eyes...
Ragini and Laksh are looking at each other in red eyes. Both have love on each other. But, that have covered with fake hatred.
She is hating him because he has separated her from her son.. and he is hating because she has separated him from his daughter..
Ragini: why did you come inside..?? who has allowed you in..??
Laksh: I thought I have not lost my rights still. If Samragni herself is telling, why would I come again..??
He takes a deep breath.
Laksh: our kids 1st birthday is coming. You and I have been separated from them for one year... exactly to say 11 months..!! I expect, at least for 1st birthday I could see my daughter. And then only you can see our son..!!
He says and keeps going. Ragini looks on.
She later goes to secret room. Kavitha and dida are taking care of princess. Ragini takes her into hands.
Ragini: princess, the long wait has going to over. Just bear a little more time. Kavitha and Dida, you will also get freedom then..!
Dida: we aren't thinking that we lost freedom. We are glad to do this service Samragni..!
Ragini: I'm trying to give freedom for you three since one year... I was about to reach my target...
(target is war with Chirag. The war scene is shown)
Ragini: but, Laksh came in middle.
(fb shown how Laksh fights with her)
Ragini: he thought, I'm the merciless empress doing war for extension of empire..!! if he knows the real intention of mine, he would have supported me. But, it is known only to me..!! which I can't tell to anyone..!!
Kavitha and Dida looks on...
Ragini: now, I can't war till my right shoulder supports. I was attacked by a poisonous dagger.
(fb shown Ragini saving Laksh from dagger)
Ragini: but, that target was not for me. It was for Laksh. Who wants to kill Laksh..??
Ragini after feeding princess keeps her back in cradle.
Kavitha: princess is crawling Samragni...
Ragini smiling: I know kavitha. Everyday, I come to see her every hour. Soon, she will learn to handle sword also. I wonder, what my prince is doing..?
In maheswari palace,
'come on prince. Come..' Ram is calling. Prince is smiling and crawling slowly on floor.
Ajay and Vijay are also playing with him.
Chandra is trying to feed the prince.
Chandra: looking after kids is really tough.
Ram: then appreciate this father..! he has looked after four monster sons..!!
Vijay: it's our mother who looked after us..! you were busy in ruling..!
Ram has tears.
Vijay and Ajay shocks.
Chandra: why did you say that.? now, pitasri will start dialogues again..!
Ram: this palace once shined with smiles of my sujatha..! later her this palace became dull..
He wipes his tears. Chandra vijay ajay keeps looking with expression less face. The small prince is laughing.
Ram: I have looked after you all after her and you are telling that I was busy in ruling..??
Ram starts beating Vijay on legs with a stick.
Vijay: pitasri..plz.. I said jokily..!!
He starts jumping here and there. Ram continues his work. Little prince and Ajay are laughing. Vijay runs and holds Laksh who just came.
Laksh: pitasri, you also became kid after your grandson has come..!!
Ram: hmm, what to do then..?? this is a women less house..! you don't know value of women. That's why you have left your wife..!!
Laksh: what wrong did I do..? she has hidden my daughter from me. I showed her the same pain..!!
Ram: I don't know when this palace walls also hear the anklets sounds of bahus and daughters. I'm fed up with this men population. A girl is only beauty to house..!! Chandra, get married soon and bring a bahu...
Chandra: this has become daily routine. At last, you conclude with my marriage..!!
Ram: after you only then other two brothers can get married.
Ajay: ya..! I'm ready for marriage..!!
Ram: that's my son..!!
Ram goes away with Ajay. Laksh holds prince.
Chandra: bhayya, get together with bhabhi soon. Our prince also needs mother right..!!
Laksh keeps thinking. Then a maid comes in.
Laksh: what is the need of maid still..? prince has completed 6 months. He doesn't need any milk feeding.
Chandra: prince doesn't stay calm until he see this maid. He has become close to her.
Laksh sighs and leaves the place.
'How cruel I am..! the boy who should get care from mother is getting care from some maid..!! I'm really a cruel father..!!' he thinks and goes into room.
Maid removes her veil from head and it's Ragini.
Ragini takes prince into her hands. prince is smiling happily in her arms.
Ragini kisses her son a lot.
Chandra: bhabhi, is this is not too trouble for you. Everyday, you are traveling from this palace to that palace.
Ragini: what to do..? I'm fulfilling mother's responsibility.
Chandra: we have been hiding this from bhayya since one year...! If he comes to know..
Ragini: let him come to know..! what he will do..? he don't have separate his son from me..!!
Ram: then why did you separate your daughter from him.
Who comes just asks.
Ragini: papa...
Ram: yes..! that's my question..! as you have pain, he too has the same pain. The pain doesn't change with gender Ragini..! mother and father are both same to kids. Not one is great or one is least.
Ragini remains dull. Ram keeps hand on her head.
Ram: I hope, you solves everything soon..!
Ragini nods her head and she makes prince sleep.
Later she is walking in corridor to leave palace. She hears Laksh's voice.
'pitasri..my head is paining. Apply medicine..!!!'
Laksh was closing his eyes and holding his head. Ragini goes near him and takes medicine bowl into her hands. she starts applying to his head.
Laksh: pitasri...why are your hands so soft..??
Ram just comes and sees the scene.
Ram: what do you mean..? my hands are rough..?
Ragini shocks looking at Ram and about to stop. But, Ram gestures her to continue.
Ragini smiles and keeps applying medicine to Laksh..
Laksh: haha...not that pitasri. I don't know, but I feel them as my wife's hands.
Ragini chuckles.
Laksh: wait..I will open my eyes.
Ram shouts: no..! don't open..! medicine will fall in your eyes..!!
Laksh: ok pitasri..I won't open..!!
Ragini continues her work looking passionately at Laksh. She reminds all lovely moments between them. And even Laksh too...
She suddenly remembers how Laksh has taken away their son from her. she removes her hand and starts going away. Ram looks on...
Laksh: pitasri..why I have a feeling that Ragini is here..?
Ragini turns back and looks at him.
Laksh: hmm, why that 23 years old stubborn Samragni will come for me..??
Ragini gets angry with his words and she goes away.
Next day in sabha,
Ragini is on the throne.
Dp: we all know that war has stopped abruptly. But, when Samragni feels well, the war starts again.
All are calm.
Ragini: I know, everyone is not happy with my decision. That's why, war will be between me and Maharaj Laksh again..!! there will be no loss of lives.
Sanskar and Swara looks on..
Swara: whatever, we have to stop this war..!! war between two lovers..?? this is bad..!!
Sanskar: I know, but our Ragini is too stubborn.
Swara: even Laksh.
Sanskar: we should make them realize that they both love each other still..!!
A voice from behind: may I help in this..??
Both turns back and finds Chandra. Three of them smirk..!!
Precap: plans to make Samragni and samrat together again..!!
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