《Samragni- The Empress》Part 20: Samragni in enemy web..?
Laksh looks at Mansi doubtfully, and Mansi is such a clever she observes what Laksh is thinking. She then smiles.
Laksh: ragini, mansi is anger on you I think...
Ragini surprisingly: why??
Laksh: may be because you are separating her from Chandra.
Ragini: Mansi, is it true?
Mansi bending her head: no Samragni devi...
Ragini: call me JiiJii....
Mansi: Samragni...
Ragini smiles and nods her head.
Mansi smiles: jiji....
Ragini hugs her again. Mansi amazes.
Mansi thinks: no. I shouldn't melt..!
Ragini: ok, let's return to our palace.
Ram: 2nd bahu has come to house 1st time. You all can go after lunch Ragini. Let me present many things for mansi...
Ragini nods her head.
Mansi stands at cooridor(no one are there)
She writes something on a letter. She keeps looking straight. 'what should I do now? whatever I do, after going to palace only I can do..!' she thinks.
Laksh just comes.
Laksh: what are you writing mansi?
Mansi hides letter getting nervous.
Mansi: nothing maharaj...
Laksh: I know very well you are a kind of enemy...
He says angrily and grabs letter in her hand. Chandra also just comes who is equally angry on her.
Laksh shocks to read what's in letter.
Chandra: bhayya, what's in letter? For whom she is sending info??
Laksh: you only read...I'm sorry Mansi..
He says and goes away giving letter to Chandra. Chandra reads letter and his cheeks turn red.
'chandra...I'm loving you...' it's written on that.
Chandra silently keeps letter there and runs away. Mansi smiles.
Laksh comes into room near Ragini.
Laksh: cha..cha..i have done a wrong thing. I'm feeling bad.
Ragini: what did you do?
Laksh: I read mansi's letter for Chandra.
Ragini in anger: why did you read her letter?
Laksh: I thought she might be planning against us.
Ragini: laksh, you don't know whom to doubt and whom not to.
She is about to go Laksh stands in her way.
Ragini: give me way...
Laksh: where is my tax today?
Ragini face becomes red.
Ragini: I'm not understanding...
Laksh: hmm, I'm not letting you go until I get it...
He wraps his hands around her waist.
Ragini: laksh, not here...
Laksh: why? Our love started here. Didn't you remember?
Ragini bends her head and blushes. He raises her face by chin.
Laksh: moon...
Ragini: what white lotus...?
(guys, did you remember this epi 23...when they sang song.. raglak calls them like this in their lovely moments)
Laksh: Ragini, you were just as angel when you were 16...
Ragini: what? I'm I not angel now...
Laksh: no...
Ragini: ??
Laksh: you are a goddess now...
He says and buries his face on her shoulder. Ragini rubs his head.
Laksh: I'm I heavy?
Ragini: yes, but I will bear you....
Laksh: what did you feel about me when you 1st say me? I was 18 then...
(we know rag and lak met 1st when they were 16 and 18 respectively..)
Ragini: hmm...who is this mad boy?
Laksh: then now?
Ragini: that madness over loaded..!
Laksh: hmm, poor Samragni is bearing that man now...
Ragini: yes, poor Samragni....
Laksh: ok, then I won't trouble you...
Laksh leaves her and about to go...
Ragini holds his wrist and drags him back. He falls on her, both have tight hug.
Ragini: laksh, I want you forever. I can't bear our separateness.
Laksh closes his eyes. After a while,
Laksh: ok, give my tax now.
Ragini: you only take...
Laksh brings his face upon her...she closes her eyes...
"Bhayya..bhabhi..." they hear door knocking. They both separate and run at door.
Laksh opens the door, Ajay pushes Laksh and runs to Ragini. Vijay is chasing him.
Ajay holds Ragini's shoulders and hides behind her. "bhabhi, save me from him..'
Vijay: you are finished today you little..!
He shouts...and runs... both run around Ragini.
Vijay: bhabhi, move..
Ragini: arey, tell me what happened.
Ajay leaves her, and runs aside.
Vijay: you little idiot....
He shouts again and throws a pillow at him, ajay bends and it hits Laksh's face.
Ragini: hey what is this?
They keep chasing each other. At last, Vijay catches Ajay. Ragini holds vijay's ear.
Vijay: aaaa, bhabhi..leave plz..
Ragini: what's going on here?
Vijay: ask that little one..!
Ajay: I'm not little one..! I'm 13 years old..!
Ragini makes her eyes big and pats ajay's cheeks,
"ok 13 years man..! tell me what happened?"
Ajay: bhabhi, he always calls me chote chote...
Vijay: you are small that's why I call chote...
Ajay: I called him budaa..he got angry..!
Ragini: ajay, can you call your brother like that? budaa means old. He can call you chote, but you should call him bhayya, ok...
Ajay nods his head. Ram just comes and sees the scene...
Ragini: now call him bhayya...
Ajay looks at Vijay.
Ajay: budaa..!
He calls and laughs. Vijay shouts again and comes to beat him. Ragini stops vijay and keeps her hand on his shoulder.
Rag: leave it Vijay, if Ajay does same...we aren't going to talk with him..!
Ajay: bhabhi...
Ragini: let's go away...
Ajay holds Ragini's hand.
Ajay: ok, I'm sorry. Vijay bhayya...
Vijay: come in way like that...
Ragini plays with Ajay and Vijay.
Laksh goes near Ram rubbing his nose.
Ram: see, my bahu rani sets everything fine in house.
Laksh: yes, after destruction happens.
Says Laksh and removes his hand on nose, it's red. Ram laughs.
Chandra just comes there running, "pitasri, we found something in kingdom outskirts."
Ram, laksh and ragini goes with him. He shows a box which is filled with some wooden masks and weapons.
Ragini: they are rakshasas..(the warrior tribes name) what are they doing here? They stay in deep forest of north.
Laksh and Ram looks on.
Ragini: I can expect, something wrong is going to happen. Now, it's time to alert our armies.
A soldier just comes, "maharaj, mahamantri Dp's son Sanskar has arrived..."
Ragini and Laksh shocks looking at Sanskar.
Ragini: is everything fine Sanskar?
Sanskar: no Ragini. There is a problem....
Raglak looks on...
Ragini: what is that problem?
She asks seriously.
Sanskar shows chotu with Swara. Chotu is crying.
Swara: your chote bhai can't laugh without you Ragini. He has been crying long time since you left.
Ragini: oh my chotu...
Says Ragini and takes him into hands and pampers him.
Laksh: ofoo Sanskar. I thought it very serious..!
Ragini: of course, it's serious. See, how red chotu became crying.
Chotu smiles as soon as he came into Ragini's hands.
Swara looks at Mansi.
Swara: who is she Ragini?
Ragini: she is our new sister Swara.
Swara and Sanskar looks confused.
Ragini: you want to know story? Chandra will say...
Chandra: I went for hunting....
Laksh: No..! you please stoppp, I will say the story.
All sit for lunch.
Swara: so, that's how it happened.
Laksh: ya, that's how Chandra became married man.
Chandra: bhayya...!
Swara: mansi, you are so lucky. Chandra is a nice boy...
Ragini: there is time for their marriage swara.
She says her condition.
Lunch completes.
Mansi: jiji, who is swara?
Ragini: my sister.
Mansi: means, your own sister?
Ragini: actually, swara is orphan. She was brought up by my mamasri. And we both always grownup as sisters.
Mansi looks on.
Raglak, swasan and mansi returns to gadodiya palace. Mansi looks at the palace amazingly. She was always grown up in forest and she never know what are pleasures and riches. They give her a separate big room. Mansi amazingly looks at all the room and the bed is very beautiful and soft.
Then some maids come and keep lots of sarees and jewelry for her in the room..
She is looking at them amazingly.
Ragini enters.
Ragini: what mansi, did you like them all?
Mansi: jiji, why all those for me?
Ragini: arey, you are samragni's sister..! you have to be grand..!
Mansi looks on...
Ragini makes her sit and tries to ready her.
Ragini laughing: I don't even know getting ready, how can I make you ready?
Mansi: then maids help you getting ready?
Ragini reminds,
'Every day, it's Laksh who makes her ready. After making her ready,
Laksh: wow, my queen is beautiful than anyone in world...
He says and kiss her foot.
Ragini: laksh...
Laksh smiles. She stands and bends to his feet to take his blessings. This follows everyday.'
Ragini comes out of her thoughts with Mansi's call.
Mansi: what are you thinking jiji? Is it for jiju?
Ragini: why are you thinking like that??
Mansi: your cheeks turned red. That's why asking.
Ragini: mansi, you are a kid. Don't think such things.
Says Ragini and comes out, but blushes in herself.
It was already night, she goes into her room. She sees Laksh was sleeping. Ragini silently goes and sleeps beside him. She caresses his hair, then kiss his forehead. She keeps hand on him and moves close. She keeps looking into his innocent sleeping face. She pats his cheek gently and joins her mouth with his. Laksh who was half awake, keeps hands around her. both fall asleep....
Ragini closes his eyes with her hand. She says in his ear...
Ragini: laksh, I love you....
Laksh: even me ragini....
Ragini ties his eyes with cloth.
Laksh: what are you doing?
Ragini: laksh, now I'm not your wife. I'm Samragni. Show me your talent in shabdaberi..!
(shabdaberi: an act of shooting an object eyes closed identifying place of object with sound)
Laksh: I'm ready Samragni..!
Ragini throws a stone on a pot. With that sound, Laksh shoots arrow at pot and it breaks. Ragini smiles.
Then she throws other stone at a bell, he shoots the bell correctly with arrow.
Now, at a time, she throws stones on a chair, stool, and a pillar. Laksh shoots them all perfectly.
Ragini smiles. She takes a round metal object and held it near her waist. Then she hits the metal object with hammer. Laksh shoots as sound came. (he doesn't know what he is shooting as he was blind folded)
She puts the metal object aside, the arrow forcely strucks in her stomach. She shouts in pain.
"Ragini..!!" shouts and Laksh wakes.
He was sweating. Ragini who was sleeping beside him awakes and keeps hand on his shoulder. Suddenly Laksh hugs her.
Ragini: laksh...
Laksh: ragini, please don't leave me.
Ragini: I won't leave you Laksh. I'm always with you.
Laksh holding her even more tight: no..! you are lying..!
Ragini cups his face: who can separate me from you Laksh? See, I'm here..!
She points towards his heart.
Then she keeps her head on his chest and listens to his heart beat,
"See, it's saying Ragini...Ragini..." she says.
Laksh rubs her head. She closes her eyes resting her face on his heart.
Next morning,
Mansi sends a letter secretly to Nayak. (nayak is her father)
Ragini is facing the sun and doing surya namaskars. She stands on one leg and folds other leg to her thigh, lifts two hands up doing salutation. She remains in that position for few seconds.
She gives her salutations to sun. she comes to normal position.
A maid comes and calls Ragini that Dp has arrived.
Ragini and Dp seriously discuss about something.
Laksh who just comes sees them.
Dp: now, the empire and family are in both sides of you Ragini. Decide what you choose..!
Ragini: I love my family a lot. But when it comes in choice of empire, I choose empire..!
Laksh slightly listen their convo. Looking at him they stop the discussion.
Laksh: hmm...what mahamantri and Samragni are discussing?
Dp: nothing maharaj, just common things...
Laksh: papa ji, call me with name. why maharaj?
Dp: then, call me papa ji laksh. Why mahamantri?
Laksh laughs. Dp blesses Laksh and goes away.
Ragini silently looks at sun.
Laksh: ragini, you are seemed to be worried about something?
Ragini: laksh, do you feel that I have taken wrong decision regarding mansi and Chandra?
Laksh looks on..
Ragini: halting their marriage is a need.
Laksh holds her hand.
Laksh: ragini, I have complete trust on you. Moreover, even Chandra doesn't like to get married this early. But he likes Mansi I think.
Ragini looks on. He looks at Ragini.
Laksh: hey be happy. Even I waited for you for five years, let him wait for two years.
(guys, child marriages were common in those days)
Ragini holding Laksh's hand tightly...
Ragini: laksh, we shouldn't let mansi and Chandra meet again. We shall make them face to face only during their marriage.
Laksh: ok, as you wish Samragni....
He bends before her. she keeps hand on her shoulder.
Ragini: laksh, I'm serious.
He looks at her.
Ragini: Chandra and Mansi are not elders enough to love each other. Chandra has to learn his responsibilities first...
Laksh: allright Ragini, agreed with you. But, are you hiding anything from me?
Ragini: laksh, you will know everything when time comes. But promise me one thing.
Laksh looks on.
Ragini: If I'm missed ever, or maybe I may not return...
Laksh painfully held her shoulders.
Laksh: what are you talking Ragini? Tell me, whatever that is creating you problem. I will solve it. don't go alone..!
Ragini: laksh, why are you so emotional? I'm just telling. If I may go missing, never grow up your beard and run along palace roads.... Don't become a drunkard....
Laksh puts his hand sensually on her neck. She looks meltingly at him. Both have a intense eye lock followed by great silence. Suddenly both have a tight hug.
Laksh: ragini, what's your way..that's my way..! I always support you..!
Ragini: I'm very happy that you understood me Laksh...
(guys, I'm trying to tell their eyes have spoke with each other)
In the Sabha,
Ragini is coming,
"Samragni devi is on way...!"
Hails the door keeper...
All courtiers stand.
Ragini enters into sabha, putting her one hand on sword tied in her waist. She walks as a lioness and reaches the throne.
She turns to everyone, she namaskars to all, everyone bend their head and namaskars her back. Later she sits and everyone will sit.
Laksh, Sanskar Swara Uttara and Dp are also in the court.
Ragini: I have send to collect information about Rakshasas. How far did it came?
Spy stands: Samragni, they are just traveling from this place to other. So, they left their stuff back.
Everyone take breath.
Ragini: it doesn't mean, we have to take relief.
All looks at her.
Ragini in smile: from tomorrow navaratri starts, let's begin all the arrangements.
Everyone cheer.
Ragini: every morning and evening durga maa puja will be done, mahamantri ji, you have to look after all those works.
Dp nods his head in smile.
Ragini: Senapati Sanskar, (he was appointed recently) all the temples in kingdom have to be decorated and all rituals has to begin with full fledge. You take care of it.
Sanskar nods his head.
Ragini: and, I would like to inform all the people, 'start a mission which you want to get succeed tomorrow. Because, it's going to be vijaya dasami after 9 days, everything pious work will be victorious..!
All courtiers cheer,
"Samaragni ka... jayam jayam..."
Ragini smiles looking determined.
Later everyone disperse. Laksh comes near Ragini. Ragini observes mansi going somewhere.
Laksh: ragini, I want to go to whole kingdom with you once. Let's visit all the gardens.
Ragini: are you joking? How can we visit them in one day? Come on, you do one thing. Look after all the arrangements...
Laksh: ragini...
Ragini: go....
Ragini sends away Laksh and she follows mansi secretly.
Mansi comes near waterfalls. Nayak was already waiting there. Ragini stood behind a tree to listen.
Nayak: so, what's the information?
Mansi: samragni's vision diverted from rakshasas. Now, we can do our work easily.
Nayak: I will see rest all works. You be careful.
Nayak goes away. Mansi stays there looking at waterfalls remembering Chandra.
She turns back and shocked to see Ragini is standing before her.
Ragini keeps walking, and Mansi walks back being afraid of her.
Ragini: so, you r the culprit behind this. how blindly I have believed you. How can you cheat me Mansi??
With Ragini's shout mansi trembles.
Ragini: if I inform this to everyone just imagine how your life will be..!
Mansi: Samragni, please don't say to anyone. Chandra will hate me if he knows about me.
Ragini: I won't leave you that easily Mansi..!!
Ragini is about to go, Mansi pulls Ragini back requesting her to stop. Ragini slips her leg and about to fall. She is at edge.
Mansi pushes her completely. Ragini shouts and falls into waterfalls.
Mansi crying: I'm sorry Samragni. I didn't wanted to kill you. But, if Chandra knows truth...he will hate me..!!
Mansi runs away from there.
Ragini is fallen in waterfalls and not found anywhere.
Laksh was looking after all arrangements.
Laksh: hey Swara, pink lotus are suitable instead of white.
Swara: but maharaj, white look good here.
Laksh: the thing is Ragini likes pink...
Swara and Uttara smile.
Sanskar just comes hurriedly there. He calls Swara aside. He shows a cloth in which Ragini's jewelry are present.
Swara looks confusedly at Sanskar and he has tears in his eyes. He says something to Swara. They both look at Laksh silently.
Laksh: arrange everything soon..! as soon as Samragni comes, she should get surprised looking at all things.
Sanskar: I will tell him.
Swara in tears shed: no..! he can't bear it Sanskar. Let's keep it as secret.
Sanskar: but, how long we can keep it as secret?
Swara: I don't know..
Swara runs away in crying.
Laksh listens to her cry and turns back. Sanskar hides the jewelry.
Laksh: what happened Sanskar? Did you made her cry?
Sanskar: nothing like that prince.
Laksh keeps hand on him.
Laksh: bhai, one has to take care of wife. You should never hurt her..!
Sanskar tears fall out.
Sanskar: I will come right back...
Sanskar too goes away. Laksh confuses with their behavior.
Swara and Sanskar shows that cloth and jewelry to Dp. Dp shocks. he controls his tears in his eyes.
Dp: this news shouldn't cross from us.
Swara: but how can we bear this pain papa?
Swara breaks down in tears. Sanskar holds her.
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