《Samragni- The Empress》Part 18: The end of first problem
Adarsh shouts: No..!!
Pari and Nikil holds him.
Ada: she is going to kill me..! raajat is dead..! now, she is going to kill me..!
Pari: u r her chote papa. She can't kill you.
Ada: u don't know about Ragini. Her love and hatred both are intense. She won't tolerate anyone if she knows that they have cheated her..!
Nikil: so, let's kill this Dp. Why to put him alive like this?
Dp is ties in ropes.
Ada: no..! let him be alive. I will kidnap that Laksh and Sanskar also. I will kill all three of them together before her eyes. Then I have to see her weeping.
Dp looks on......
Ragini takes bath with plenty of water.
She sits in the room's corridor gazing at stars.
Sanskar and Laksh were discussing in other room.
San: we have to find Adarsh.
Lak: he is somewhere in the forest. According to soldier's information.
Swara comes.
Lak: how is Rgaini?
Swa: hmmm....i'm still scared to go near her.
Lak: Sanskar... atleast you...
San: why r u asking us? U go on ur self...
Laksh smiles: even me feeling indifferent.
He at last goes into room. Ragini was still gazing at the stars. He hesitatingly goes near her.
Lak: hmm ragini..!
Rag in upset: what??
Laksh scares first later he brings out his all dareness.
Lak loudly: Ragini..!!
Ragini stands in anger and looks at him and shouts: what?????
Laksh shocks and looks on. She turns away her face.
Lak slowly murmurs taking gulps: what happened is happened..!
Rag in anger: what?? I can't hear you.
Laksh clearing his throat: what happened is happened... leave it for now. how many days are you going to be like this...
Ragini turns her face to him. He scares and steps back. She keeps coming towards him.
Rag: what is your problem? Get out of my room...leave me alone..!
Lak: what?? I'm your husband....
Rag: just leave....
When Ragini about to complete sentence, Laksh gets all his braveness holds her tight near him by waist.
She shocks at once.
Before she could respond, Laksh holds her head tightly near him and makes a forced lip lock.
She shocks with that. She becomes calm.
Then he breaks the kiss slowly and looks at her.
Her eyes are down. He sets her hair back to her ear, he rubs her palm with his fingers and he now he makes a passionate gentle kiss again on her lips which is for long time.
Ragini was closing her eyes. Laksh opens his eyes and look tears among her cheeks. He wipes those tears, then she opens her eyes. Both are looking affectionately at each other.
He rubs her cheek with his thumb then he gently again kisses her cheek, nose and eyes. He tightly kiss her forehead...which makes her close her eyes again...
She then hugs him tightly. He rubs her head.
Laksh: ragini, what happened is happened. It won't change even though if u think. Let's forget it as a nightmare...
She breaks the hug and keeps looking down. He holds her hand and takes her near bed. She keeps her face on his chest and rests.
Laksh: rest for now ragini. U will forget everything by morning....
Ragini sleeps silently.
'Ragini..!' shouts Laksh...
Adarsh was holding him and about to kill. Ragini tries to run near him.
'Ragini save me...!' he hears other shout of Sanskar who is held by Nikil.
'Ragini...help us...!' swara and uttara shouts who were captured by parineetha.
They three kills them all at a time. Ragini shouts....
Dream over.....
She opens her eyes and finds Laksh is not there with her. it's already morning..
She runs out of room.
Swa: ragini..? what happened??
Rag: where is Laksh??
Swa: prince laksh and Sanskar together went to Adarsh's place...
Rag: what?? Why didn't they inform me?? Moreover, how did they find about the place??
Swa: u were so tired ragini...that's why...! They went with some soldiers don't worry.
Rag: no..! I can't sit calm here.
Ragini is about to go. Swara stops.
Swa: we shall go for sure Ragini. But, eat something first...
Ragini eats something unwillingly with her force. Soon, she feels dizzy and falls asleep.
Swa: I'm sorry Ragini. It's Laksh's order. He doesn't want you to be in trouble.
With help of maids Swara shifts Ragini into her room.
Swara and Uttara wear shields and remain in fort's protection.
Uttara: do you think this is a nice idea?
Swa: yes. Ragini needs rest. She is taking care of this empire always. She needs a break. Did u forget what happened to her yesterday??
Uttara looks on...
Laksh and Sansakar reach to the forest.
San: where can we find him now??
Lak: let's follow those foot prints of horse.
Sanskar nods his head. Suddenly they hear a cry of Ragini.
"Help me..!"
Laksh shocks: ragini??
Sanskar: laksh, don't get confused. May be this is plan of Adarsh. Ragini is taking rest in fort.
The shouts of Ragini continues... "aaa..."
Laksh tense: no..! that's ragini for sure. I will not let anything happen to her..!!!
Laksh soon starts going there fast on horse. Sanskar keeps shouting his name and he is about to go,
Someone throws log on Sanskar's head, resulting Sanskar falling off from horse. He gets unconscious.
Laksh goes to the place where Ragini is shouting.
"Ragini..!! Where are you..???" he shouts.
Adarsh comes out shouting as Ragini... "Prince Laksh...! Help me..!"
Adarsh smirks. Laksh looks angrily at him. He is about to go near Adarsh, but, he falls in a pit which is covered by twigs and dry leaves.
Laksh falls into pit, and rolls through the underground passage leading him into a cave. His head gets hit to a stone and he too falls unconscious.
Adarsh laughs loudly. 'Samragni has fool friends..!' he shouts.
At fort,
Swara and Uttara were captured by Parineetha secretly. With the help of her men, she shifts them somewhere.
She then comes into Ragini's room as a maid to kill her in sleep.
She takes out the dagger and points to her. but, Ragini's horse comes a sudden and pushes Pari to ground beating with legs.
The palace people gets alert then. They don't understand why her horse has come in.
Pari shocks and jumps through the window and escapes. Ragini is sleeping.
The horse shouts. Still she won't wake up. Then the horse, drops pot on table, the water completely falls on her face.
Ragini wakes all of sudden. She is surprised to see her horse over there.
She understands the situation and soon she too goes out.
She doesn't know where to go, but her horse keeps taking her somewhere.
Swara and Uttara open their eyes and finds themselves in middle of a swimming pool like thing. They were seated on a rock. But, surrounded by crocodiles.
They shock.
Beside them, a huge fire is laid, and upon that Sanskar and Laksh are tied.
They are getting fire's smoke which is making them suffocated.
Then they hear a baby cry.
Pari: o my baby.. don't cry....
Pari keeps telling and comes there. They all look at her.
Pari: see them...! We shall kill all of them and next Samragni also..! then your father will become the king...!
The baby keeps crying.
Pari raises baby up..: after him, you will be the emperor of this gadodiya empire..!!
Just then Adarsh enters and takes baby into his hands. he kiss her forehead.
Ada: at last, our dream comes true darling...
Pari smirks.
Sanlak and swauttara... don't talk anything but keep looking at him in anger.
Adarsh keeps the baby in cradle.
Ada shouts: who will save you all now?? do you know your mistake? Being obedient to Samragni is your mistake. That's why, you are going to face a severe end today..!
I will see, who will save you now...!
Laksh closes his eyes and reminds his sweet moments with Ragini.
'I want to see you once before I die Ragini..!' he thinks.
Just then, the horse brings Ragini near a mansion in deep forest. She gets off the horse and looks at it amazingly. She hugs it's head.
Rag: thank you so much veer..(horse name) I'm still surprised, how did u do all this? u are the best assistance for this Samragni. No..! u r my best friend.
She kiss the horse on head. Horse looks at her. Ragini smiles and soon she enters the mansion.
When, Ragini is about to enter the mansion, Nikil comes in front of her. he looks Ragini up to down.
Nikil: wow, what a beauty you are..! Ragini, at least now accept me. You can be happy.
Ragini looks on...
There Adarsh is laughing as mad man. The rope of sanlak is getting thinner with the heat of flames. The crocodiles are moving around swara and uttara.
Ada: where is your Samragni? Ha..! where is she??
Then they hear the sound of footsteps. All turn back...
Ragini is walking and she has sword in one hand, in other hand she was holding Nikil's hand and dragging him. He was lying down dead.
Pari and Adarsh shocks looking him like that. ragini leaves his hand and pushes him near Pari with her leg. Nikil's body rolls and comes near Pari.
Pari falls on knees and cries. 'nikil bhai...'
Adarsh imagines how Ragini has killed Nikil.
Adarsh shouts: Ragini..!!
Ragini: shh..! Samragni devi. Give respect to the empress you desha drohi..!
Adarsh: see now, what I will do to your loved one's..!!
Ragini: why did you wait till now? I thought you have killed them..!
Adarsh: I wanted to kill them before you..! I have to see your break down..! see..what I will do now..!
Adarsh is about to cut the rope, suddenly side of the cave breaks. All shocks and looks at that side.
An elephant has broke the wall of cave with it's trunk. Ram was sitting on it. beside the elephant Chandra, Ajay and Vijay are standing.
That elephant is Lakshini. It throws water from it's trunk on those flames. The flames gets off.
Chandra throws a dagger which cuts sanlak rope, they come out safely and free Swara and Uttara.
Ragini was just standing looking at Adarsh. Adarsh was shocked looking at all consequences.
Everyone stand silently. Ragini was looking at adarsh reminding past.
She reminds that chote papa who stands on his knees and calls her lovingly and lifts her in arms in her childhood. She reminds that chote papa who protected her always. She reminds that chote papa who supported her. she reminds when he was calling her as daughter.
Tears roll down from her eyes. She bends her head and wipes tears. All look at her sadly. But, Adarsh was still seeing her in anger.
She hears Pari's crying.
Rag: I'm sorry chachi, I didn't mean to kill your brother. But, he is man filled with lust. If I don't kill him, he is a problem to every girl.
Pari shouts: how dare you to call me chachi? I will kill you Ragini..!!
She comes with a dagger near Ragini, but Chandra comes and slaps Pari, she falls down.
Chandra: I'm sorry bhabhi. I didn't mean to beat her. but, I can't tolerate is someone raises hand on you..!
Ragini smiles a little and turns to Adarsh.
Rag: the people who are not related me by blood also supporting me. But, you... my chote papa...! Why chote papa? Why?? I'm your daughter..!!!
Ada shouts: that's what my problem..! if you were not born, I would have been king..! and my son would have been next heir. Just because of you, my wife was hidden..!
Rag: chote papa..if you really wanted throne, I would have kept my crown near your feet. Bcz, you are my ch...
Ada: hey..! don't call me chote papa...chote papa always..! that call has made me a slave always..! I wanted to kill you many times..! but, all are failed.. once bcz of Dp, once bcz of that Sanskar and once bcz of Laksh. They were all around you to save you always..! that's why..! I wanted to kill them all..!!!
Rag in tears: how could you kill mamasri chote papa? What he has done to you??
Ada: he is the great maha mantri of this empire and your only guru..! guru dev..! I wanted to kill him and make you mentally weak..!!
Rag: I'm really feeling weak now chote papa..! bcz, I have been cheated by you..! see my helplessness. Knowing that you are a drohi, still my hand is not raising to kill you..!
All looks sadly at Ragini.
Ada: but, my hand raises always.
He comes and attacks on Ragini, Chandra pushes him, but still Adarsh's sword makes a slight cut on her shoulder.
Ragini falls down and keeps her head down sadly.
"Ragini..!" shouts Laksh and runs near her. when adarsh is about to attack on Chandra, Sanskar comes and stops Adarsh.
Fight starts between Sanskar and Adarsh.
Laksh lifts Ragini up and she was silently hugging Laksh keeping her head in his chest as she doesn't want to see the fight.
Sanskar throws Adarsh down and points sword to him.
San: I'm not emotional like Samragni. You have killed my father..! I will not leave you..!!
Sanskar raises his sword.
"Your father is alive..!!" shouts Adarsh.
All shock and looks at adarsh. He points towards a corner. Dp was tied there.
"pitasri.." shouts Sanskar leaves sword and runs near him.
Ragini happily looks at Dp. Sanskar frees Dp.
Laksh and Ragini were looking at Dp....
Adarsh slowly takes sword into his hand, and that time PAri also takes a sword. they silently run to RAGlak to kill them.
No one observes.
Lakshini the elephant throws something at raglak, to observe. The both see and come aside suddenly shocked.
Adarsh didn't see pari and she didn't see him, as they were in force, both stab each other suddenly. They shock looking at each other. They both die in each other's hands.
They fall down dead.
"chote papa..." ragini cries and kneel down before him. She takes his head in her lap and cries.
Dp takes adarsh's baby son into his hands. he comes near Ragini.
Dp: fate has decided this for him beta, leave it here..! now, you are this innocent soul's responsibility.
Ragini looks up. Dp gives that baby into her hands. ragini holds the baby. He was crying till now, but as soon as he came into Ragini's hands he smiles. Ragini forgets her tears.
Laksh keeps hand on that baby's head.
"we shall be his parents." He says.
Ragini smiles.
The final rituals of Adarsh and pari were done. All return back to palace.
Everything is alright now................
Ragini is facing Dp, Sanskar , laksh, swara and uttara.
Lak: ragini, actually...we are sorry..!
Ragini starts scolding: what sorry? You both went away without telling to me and swara, uttara made me unconscious. Just imagine, what would have happened if veer(horse) didn't come on time???
Veer shouts. All looks at him.
Dp: chalo beta, now leave it.
Rag: you also mamasri, you would have said everything soon and straightly. We would have reacted in time...
Dp: haa..at that time it was important for me to tell about laksh's love...
Rag: whatever, now I'm angry with you all..! I'm not talking to you.!
She turns other side...
Everyone: arey...sorry Ragini...
they come around her and keep requesting her.
laksh: ok...! I know how to make her cool down. Everyone, move apart.
Everyone moves far. Laksh comes near her and suddenly kiss her cheek.
'Omg..! laksh u r impossible..!' everyone close their eyes and go away from there.
Ragini looks shocked at Laksh. He winks his eye.
Rag: u r shameless Laksh..!
She says and about to go...laksh holds her wrist and drags her near. She falls on him.
He holds her nearby waist.
Ragini shyly keeps her head down.
Rag: what??
Lak: hmm...nothing..
He is about to kiss her....
They hear Lakshini's shout.
They move apart in red cheeks.
Lak: hey idiot. Go away...! You lakshini....
That elephant starts playing laksh with it's trunk... Ragini keeps laughing looking at them....
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