《Samragni- The Empress》Part 14: the fake enemy..
Sanskar and Ragini are shooting daggers of hatred with eyes. Laksh was standing behind Ragini simply looking at them.
Kavitha and Karthick are beside Sanskar.
Sanskar: Samragni has got into our hands after lots of plans. Thanks Prince Laksh, for bringing her here..!
Ragini gives a confused look at Laksh. Laksh smirks looking at Sanskar.
Kavitha: I never thought prince Laksh will support us.
Karthick: prince laksh is behind everything, if he is not there, none of our plans got succeeded.
Ragini looks at Laksh in confused way. Laksh looks at her and smirks. He keeps hands on her shoulders and says,
"I'm sorry Samragni, I need to do this. After all, I'm also the member in dark army..!"
Ragini shocks with his statement.
Rag: how could you cheat me like this? I have loved you a lot and I have given all myself to you...
Sanskar laughs from behind. They both looks at him.
San: Laksh, you have nicely trapped her..! She has fallen in our trap...!
Laksh also joins in his laughs. Ragini bends her head.
Laksh remembers helping Sanskar in escaping throwing net on Adarsh.
Kavitha: Ragini devi, did you think prince laksh loves you? Is mad about you? This was just the plan to trap you..! poor girl, fell in our trap..!!!
Everyone laugh except Ragini.
Sanskar comes in front of her and points sword to her neck.
Karthick: kill her Sanskar..!
Laksh: mitra..! he seemed to be so hurry..! let's do our work fast. What do you say Samragni??
Ragini gives an anger look at Laksh and Sanskar once.
She starts laughing vigorously. Sanlak gives a confused look at her. she even falls on her knees laughing. Then she stands controlling her laugh.
Rag: bhagavan..! I have never laughed this much..!
She looks at both of them.
Rag: Laksh...! Sanskar..! is the drama finished? Or anything left??
Now Kavitha and Karthick looks confused.
Sanskar: what Ragini? Can't you wait for a minute more?
Laksh: yes..! we were enjoying those fools faces.
Now, Ragini Laksh and Sanskar laugh together loudly. Whole dark army looks them confused.
Ragini: enough of this fooling. Let's finish the game soon..!
Sanskar and Laksh nod their heads and stands beside her. Both are on each side of her.
Now, the question mark expression goes to karthick's batch.
Sanskar: cheating Ragini..! It's impossible.
Laksh: trapping her?? It's only a hallucination..!
Sanskar: bcz, she is my friend..!
Laksh: and bcz, I love her..!
Sanlak together: this is the Sanskarini mission...!!
Ragini: to catch the dark army..!
Kartick and kavitha gives death glare.
Laksh laughing: trapped fools are you..! Not she..!
Kar: how dare you to fool us..!!
Rag: making our enemies fools is our mission. Getting fools is your problem.
Kav: how can you survive? We are 500 and you are just three..!
San: kavitha...! We aren't fools just like you..! look around.
Those 500 army were surrounded by Ragini's soldiers. Kav and kar shocks.
Kar: ok...ok, we understood what will happen to us now. but, can you tell me how this all happened??
Sanlak Rag smiles.
Rag: we know very well that there is an enemy for the empire. We wanted to get that person out. So, all knows that Sanskar is only a good opponent to me..!
San: pranaam Samragni...! Apke abhiman keliye dhanyavaad..!
Lak: Sanskar..! Don't interrupt. Let her tell.
Rag: so, me and Sanskar acted as if we became enemies.
Fb starts.....
San: enemity? With you..! I can't do that.
Rag: are you mad? This is just acting. We have to find culprit.
San: who will believe if best friends have become enemies means..?
Rag: that's why..! we will start acting hating each other.
San: but, what should I do?
Rag: simply talk negatively on women. Everyone knows Samragni never spares if someone humiliates women.
San: no..! in dream also I can't humiliate women. You know, I respect them a lot.
Rag: Sanskar plz...! We don't have another way. Just start doubting me and say women as foolish. Then my anger will touch peaks. Which will lead us to enemies.
Sanskar agrees.
Fb ends.....
Rag: so, as usually, our plan got worked out..!
Sanskar sadly looks at Ragini: I'm sorry Ragini. In that fake fight I accidentally wounded your hand.
Rag: that is not a worry Sanskar..! it helped us a lot..! and I know, you have felt very sad about it.
Sanskar wipes his tears.
Raglak smiles looking at him.
Karthick shouts: stop this drama..! you need to fool us this much??
Rag: ya..! you all believed we became enemies, and so you approached him for help and we needed that of course.
Lak: and I acted to join your team to make you fall in your trap even more. I wanted to be in mission Sanskarini...!
Rag: so, that swayamvara is also a drama..!
Kavitha and Karthick amazes.
Rag: I know, it's Kavitha who came to that painter that day and asked painter to draw Laksh image.
Kavitha cutting her words: painter? Laksh image? I never came to you jail..!
Sanlak shocks.
Rag: don't lie..! is it not you, who asked prisoner painter to draw Laksh image so that we divert our minds on him.
Kav: it's true that I have wish on Laksh. But, I never did that.
Raglaksan confuses.
Rag: so, it's someone else.
Lak: so, the swayamvara drama wasted?
San: why wasted? We have confirmed bandit kavitha and your crush kavitha are same..! for that only, I have send her with name Sanskarini.
Lak: hey..! not my crush..! I'm a crush to her..!
Kavitha: you were my crush..! but not now..! I will kill you for cheating us..!
She is about to attack Laksh, Ragini stops her and push her.
Rag: why your team has become enemies to us if you don't want to be rulers? We don't have any enimity. We shall stop it here. Our main enemy is not you..!
Karthick and Kavitha looks at each other.
Rag: my intention is not to kill you..! but, I want to ask you, what is your problem?
Kav: we thought a woman can't rule this empire. So, we formed a secret army against you..!
Kar: but, we came to conclusion now..! it's only our foolishness. This empire can't get another best ruler like you..!
San: so, I think someone helped you to do all this..! who is it?
Kar: it's someone in your palace. We don't know who is it? but, he provides us all weapons and money. To turn against you..!
Ragini and Sanskar look at each other in confusion.
Lak: we did this much planning, but we didn't come to know who is it?
Kav: that person has the skull mark on hand same as me.
Raglak amazes.
Rag: nobody in palace have that..! but, everyone is good to us. On whom we can doubt?
Kar: that person is always with mask.
San: can you recognize his voice?
Kar: each time he speaks in different voice. Sometimes in lady voice..!
Raglaksan amazes. They keep thinking something.
Karthick and his army bends before Ragini putting all the weapons at her feet.
Kar: Samragni, excuse our sins and make us free..!
Ragini smiles.
Rag: from today this dark army will be part of our army. You are no more andha sena, but the secret spy of us..!
Karthick and Kavitha feels happy.
Rag: I thought war will be solution to this problem. I never thought it's so easy..!
Lak: samragni can do anything...!
San: Samragni ragini devi ki....
Lak: jai ho....
San: jai ho....
Sanlak are teasing her.
Rag: stop it boys..!!
Back of them dark army keep hailing, 'ragini devi ki jai ho..!'
Ragini smiles and keeps looking straightly determined..!
Ragini: we took a fast step without thinking. Now, everyone knew that dark army is with us. Now, that unknown culprit in palace will become alert.
Sanskar: yes. I agree with you Samragni. But, I still amaze who can do this..!
Laksh: whoever it is...the person wants to become an emperor. Ragini, can you estimate who can be it is??
Ragini: it can't be our friends, chote papa or maama. May be, I doubt on any maids or soldiers.
Laksh and Sanskar looks on.
Ragini: but, even they can't do that. if, they need to do this they should have much power..!
Laksh: so, it may be senapati or koshadikaari(treasury officer) or...
Rag: we cannot doubt anyone until we get proofs.
Talking like that, they reach to the palace.
All palace people amaze to see Sanskar back. Swara runs and hugs him.
Adarsh: welcome my dear Samragni...! And why Sanskar is here?
Ragini: chote papa, that was all just a plan....(she says everything)
Adarsh shocks and doesn't show his expressions.
Adasrh: wah, my little empress is really clever. (he pats her cheeks)
Then he turns to Sanskar. Adarsh looks at him in rather anger way. He holds his shoulders.
Adarsh: and Sanskar..! until, you are there no one can defeat Samragni.
Sanskar smiles: No mama ji, Samragni herself is powerful. She can do anything herself. We all are just her followers.
Ragini: oh...stop your praising now Sanskar. Start praising your darling swara. She missed you a lot.
Swara bends her head. Sanskar side hugs her.
Adarsh keeps looking at everyone in smile but he has hatred in eyes. Laksh observes it clearly. He looks at his hand for skull mark. But, it's not there.
Everyone will be going inside. Adarsh stops at gate. He is about to go somewhere.
Laksh: where are you going papa ji??
Adarsh stammering: me...me.. I'm just...
Ragini: prince Laksh... chote papa will be having many works regarding kingdoms. You need not ask...
Laksh: ok...let me also join him. I will come with you papa...
Adarsh: no prince..it's ok. Now you are Ragini's husband. You have to stay beside her always.
Ragini bends her head and blushes. Swara winks her eye to her.
Laksh: ya...but...
Ragini: prince Laksh...let papa go alone. And chote papa, where is mamasri? He is no where??
Adarsh: Ragini beta, he said that he will go to farm area to check everything once. Even, I'm going there...
Ragini nods her head. Laksh keeps looking at Adarsh.
Ragini and all goes inside. Adarsh leaves. Laksh secretly sends a soldier to follow Adarsh.
Ragini steps into court. All welcomes her grandly. She sits on throne.
Ragini: from today dark army will be integral part of this gadodiya army. Karthick will be head to that.
Everyone cheers. She also declares Sanskar's innocence.
Later everyone disperse.
Laksh was waiting in their room. Ragini suddenly comes and back hugs him. Laksh smiles.
Rag: what are you doing my prince?
Lak: Ragini, I have to tell you important thing.
Ragini breaks hug. "what is it Laksh? Is it very important?" she asks in serious tone.
Laksh bends to her and looks into her face seriously.
Lak: I love you Ragini...
Ragini smiles and beats him. He hugs her.
Lak: ragini...now, I will tell you an important thing. You shouldn't get angry.
Rag blushing: I know what you will say... I don't want to listen...
Lak: no..it's about...
Ragini keeps shouting: no...! no..! no...! I don't want to listen.
Laksh breaks hug and holds her shoulder. He looks seriously into her eyes.
Ragini bends her head.
Rag: I know, what you are going to do. So...plz...
Lak: I'm serious Ragini.
Rag: yes...you are always serious in roma....
Laksh cutting her words: your chote papa is the main culprit...!
Ragini shocks with his words. she pushes his hand.
Rag: what the heck you are talking Laksh? Are you joking?
Laksh then shows her a letter. It is from the soldier he sent to follow Adarsh.
Laksh: your chote papa, said us that he is going at farms. But, why did he go to forest side??
Ragini: there are so many around us. He might have said us for security reasons.
Laksh: no ragini. You are blinded with your chote papa's fake love. I have seen cunningness in his eyes.
Ragini: stop it Laksh..!
Laksh shocks.
Rag: do you know about whom you are talking?? My chote papa..! he is not less than my mother and father. Do you know, how he has looked after me..! he didn't get married just for me...! He thought, if he gets a son, he will compete with me for throne. That's why, he was never married...! Do you doubt such a man??
Lak: I know...but,
Rag: enough Laksh...!
She says and leaves the room upset. Sanskar who just comes calls for Ragini, but she goes away.
San: what friend? Your wife seemed to be angry?
Laksh takes deep breath: maybe I was wrong Sanskar... hmm, do you have anything important to tell?
San: yes... adarsh papa said that my dad durga Prasad ji went to farms. But, he is not there itseems.
Now, Laksh doubt becomes strong. Then he calls a soldier.
Lak: is mahamantri is here this morning?
Soldier: no maharaj...! We have seen him yesterday last time. He went somewhere.
Laksh: that means, dp ji didn't come here after leaving our palace.
Sanskar looks on shocked.
Ragini will be upset sitting in garden. A small girl comes near her, with basket of flowers. She takes it with a smile and sees a small cloth saying sorry (in their language)
Ragini looks at corridor. Laksh is standing with a smile. Ragini moves away her face.
Laksh holds a girl statue.
Lak: wow, what a beautiful girl you are..! you look gorgeous if you smile....
Ragini looks at him angrily.
Laksh: wow...you are looking even cuter in anger. I feel like kissing you...
He says and about to kiss the statue...
"Laksh..!" shouts Ragini and stops him.
Laksh winks: what? Are you jealousy?
Now, Ragini chases him, he runs.
Swara and Sanskar comes. They are looking sad.
Rag: what happened?
San: Ragini devi, pitasri is found no where..!
Ragini shocks.
San: we have searched him everywhere. He didn't ever return to palace after coming from south kingdom.
Rag shocks: then why chote papa said like that...??
Laksh and Sanskar looks at her. She goes into Adarsh's room to find something.
Precap: Adarsh's crimes are out... what Ragini will do..??
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