《Kissing Booth [BoyxBoy]》02 | (ѕ)нe


He's just like paperwork

But harder to read

Chapter 02 ~ (S)he

Jamie Myers

Kissing Scar Patterson, the sexy football jock with the hot temper, was one of the biggest accomplishments of my seventeen years of life. I should put that on my college resume.

I didn't know what it was that I liked about Scar, other than his obvious good looks. He was a jerk to many. He had an obnoxiously hot girlfriend, and he was straight. Certainly not my type, but there was something that intrigued me about him.

Maybe it was because no one knew his real name. According to rumors circulating around school, Scar was involved in a terrible accident when he was young that left a long ugly scar across his back. After the accident, he moved to Summer Hill and has gone by the name Scar ever since.

Maybe I was way in over my head by thinking that I could uncover Scar's secrets, but I've been taking a backseat for too long, and now it was time for me to make my move.

"You taste like mint," I commented as I pulled away from his incredibly soft lips, swiping my tongue over my own to savor the taste.

He stared back at me with wild, bewildered, blue-green eyes. Everything written on his face told me he was completely and utterly disgusted, which I expected. "Leave me alone," he muttered under his breath as he turned his attention to the line behind me. "Next!"

I couldn't fight the grin that was making its way onto my face. It was obvious I created a reaction from Scar. Granted, it wasn't necessarily a good reaction but it was a reaction nonetheless. "See you tomorrow."

His faced paled. All the color drained from his face and left him as white as a ghost. "You're coming here tomorrow?" He asked in a bare whisper.

I smiled condescendingly at him. "Unless you'd like us to meet somewhere else. Personally, I thought you'd want us to make out in a public place just so we could rub it in those preppy girls' faces, but if you want to meet in private..."

"No!" He protested in a loud roar. His hands grabbed onto tufts of his short, brown hair as he shook his head in disbelief. "You better leave me the hell alone! You got what you wanted, so don't come back."

Normally, I would've left it at that. You see, I like to spend my days taking long drags of cigarettes, downing a bottle or two of Vodka, and playing video games. I didn't have the time or patience to deal with a self-centered jerk like Scar, but I was determined to find out his secret.

I leaned in closer to him, taking in a whiff of his expensive cologne. Pulling out a wad of cash from my back pocket and stuffing it into the collection box, I smiled at him. "There's fifty dollars for your charity. I'm glad to help, really."

Scar huffed. "I don't know what you want from me."

"Many things, actually," I countered with a teasing smile. "But I'll share those with you another time. It looks like you have a lot of customers." Sending him a seductive wink, I turned on my heel and began to walk away, linking my arm through my sister's in the process.


She let out a light hearted laugh as I dragged her to the nearest food truck. The cool autumn breeze brushed her blonde bangs against her forehead. "You've got nerve, Jamie. I'll give you that."

I overlooked the menu posted on the exterior of the truck and licked my lips at the savory sight of a foot long hot dog. "Nerve takes you a long way, little sister." I shot her a quick smile as I combed my fingers through my blond locks. Our hair was the one trait that gave away the fact that we were related. We both styled our hair in very unkempt ways and the pale blond color paired well with our golden highlights.

Jillian shook her head as she shifted her weight to one leg and tapped her foot impatiently against the ground. "What did you tell him anyway? He gave in faster than I thought he would."

Once I politely asked the food truck dude for a foot long hot dog, I glanced over to Jillian with wide eyes. "Which means you owe me ten bucks," I notified her. "And I didn't tell him much. I just sort of threatened to take away his football scholarship. Apparently, that means the world to him."

She let out a loud huff. "Of course it does," she breathed out as if it was obvious. Her arms folded against her flat chest as she raised a delicate brow. "He's a jock. That means he only cares about football, sex, and good looks. You're wasting your time with him, Jamie."

I smiled at that. "I would hardly call it a waste of time." Jillian didn't know that my interest in Scar was more than just a crush and I didn't plan to tell her. She would only fill my head with doubt and that wasn't what I needed. I needed to crack Scar Patterson and I wouldn't stop until it killed me.

Jillian gave me a sideways glance as if silently debating about the issue in her head. Finally, she released a heavy sigh. "I hate seeing you so ... persistent. Why can't you have a normal gay relationship with a normal gay guy?" Her bright eyes grew unfriendly as she narrowed her gaze, studying me.

"Normal gay guys are boring," I pointed out, which was partly the truth. I hadn't had much experience in the relationship area because I wasn't much of a relationship guy. I didn't believe in exclusiveness; it made people weak, bitter and clingy. The last thing I wanted from Scar Patterson was a relationship.

When the cashier returned with my food, I handed him a ten dollar bill before taking a large bite out of the hot dog and strolling aimlessly around the Carnival grounds with Jillian at my side. We walked past Scar's kissing booth and I half-expected my sister to mention something about him, but she didn't. Instead, we both remained silent as I watched Scar kiss girl after girl.

A slight twinge of jealously shot through my body, but I quickly repressed it. Soon enough, I'd be able to kiss those lips without having to make up a major lie.



The carnival was a bust.

After a couple of hours of lame carnival music, girly screams, clowns, and people trying to persuade carnival go-ers to play a game that they had no chance at winning, the evening of pure "fun" was put to an end. I've never been a fan of these stupid evenings and I only decided to show to get a smooch from Scar and get out of school early. That's kind of what made the Carnival Week worthwhile.

Summer Hill had this week-long carnival once a year in order to provide opportunities to give to charity, which gave us the title of being the town who "gave back" the most. Most outsiders would call us loving and caring people, but really we were all a bunch of assholes.

This whole carnival thing was just for show. Nothing about Summer Hill was friendly. I repeat, nothing. We smiled in your face to give the impression that we were friendly people, but we couldn't really care less. It was all a charade in this little town of Summer Hill, and I couldn't wait until I got out. I've thought of running away so many times but there was one thing that made me want to stay.

Scar Patterson.

Everyone had filed out of the carnival grounds about ten minutes ago, but I stayed behind just to get a look at the mysterious Patterson. I leaned against one of the empty booths that the owner abandoned once the carnival was over and stared at him from a distance. He was counting through the money he made for the day while smiling that cute little smile of his and talking to his best friend, Trey.

I didn't know much about Trey other than he didn't leave Scar's side. The two were stuck together like glue - literally. You couldn't get one without the other, which made me sort of happy. It showed that he was capable of caring about someone other than himself.

Smiling silently to myself and keeping a watchful eye on Scar, I folded my arms against my chest. This would be one hell of a challenge, trying to a get a hot, straight, football player to hook up with a slightly misguided, gay, troublemaker but I was all up for challenges.

It didn't seem like Trey and Scar were going to go their separate ways anytime soon. I was half-tempted to strut over to him and make him squirm like earlier but someone stepped out in front of me, blocking my view of Scar.

"Hey, Jamie!" He said in a slightly high-pitched feminine voice. "I've been looking for you the whole day. When did you get here and why didn't you call me?" He slapped my arm playfully and pulled his extremely glossy lips into a flirty grin.

My cold glare flickered to his deep brown eyes. "Go away, Max."

Max pretended to frown before jabbing a finger into my arm. "Not a chance, hunk. We have a lot to make up." With every word, he stepped closer until our torsos were touching. He had to step up on his tiptoes to stand to my height. "I've been thinking about your body all day."

I fixed my gaze on him and roughly shoved him away. "Now is not the time, Max." I pushed myself off the booth and trudged towards the nearest exit.

To tell you the truth, I have no idea how I got involved with Max. We just sort of crossed paths and ever since then, the boy was like a leech. He had a preconceived idea that we were dating which was partly why I hated relationships. I absolutely despised clingy people.

It didn't take long for Max to catch up to my side, giggling like the little kid he was. "You need to stop playing hard to get, Jamie."

I stopped in my long strides and snapped my gaze to his. "What's hard to get?" I spat. "I don't want you constantly following me around like some kind of stalker! Okay? You're fun to fool around with once in a while but I want to see other people."

He raised a bushy brow as he combed a hand through his honey brown hair, shaking his head in disbelief. "Jamie, are you breaking up with me?" His eyes glistened with fear and anxiety as his breath hitched in his throat, making his breathing uneven.

I slapped a hand on my forehead and slowly dragged it down the rest of my face. "My god," I muttered under my breath. "Okay, whatever! You want to hook up? Fine, let's do it." I snaked my fingers around his wrist and roughly pulled him towards one of the empty booths.

Hastily, I placed a hand at the back of his neck and pulled him closer to me, crashing my lips on his. The kiss deepened almost instantly as Max forced his tongue down my throat. He tasted like a cheeseburger drowned in garlic and it made me completely repulsed, but I didn't dare complain.

After all, it wasn't the passionate kind of kiss, but rather the sloppy, desperate kind of kiss. I couldn't imagine Max being anything other than sex, so why would I bother trying to be romantic towards him?

I slipped my hands under his shirt and quickly slid it over his head, tossing it to the side and not caring about where it landed. Our kiss grew hot as the body heat radiated between us. I made a move to unbutton Max's pants but he stopped me by placing his hands on mine. "Wait."

I rolled my eyes and groaned. "What?"

The corner of his lips curled into a silly smirk. "I've never done it at a carnival before."

Slowly removing his hands from mine and successfully unbuttoning his pants, I stuck a hand down his briefs. "Well, there's a first time for everything."



I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if ya did, then leave a comment and a vote! That would mean, like the world.

~Lara <3

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