《Kissing Is the Easy Part》Chapter 65 The last dance
You know that moment in chick flicks when the guy and the girl locate each other in a noisy room? Their eyes fly past all the irrelevant people until they find each other, and suddenly it's as if the room grows quiet and no one else exists. People are terribly understanding as they move aside to make way for them, like they're Moses parting the Red Sea.
That pretty much happened to us. Sean found me from across the gym, and the distance made it okay for me to stare back. I was faintly aware of the fact that he was wearing a suit and looked like the human form of temptation, but I didn't break eye contact to check him out.
We were past that stage and Sean wasn't just a hot guy to me anymore. He was my dream and my nightmare, my enigma and my answer, and he was both the solution and the cause of my problems. He was someone I should stay away from, yet every fiber of my being was swimming against the tides towards him despite the danger.
I desperately tried to read him as he came closer.
What did he want? Was this a beginning, or did he want closure? Was he ready to talk, or did he just find it polite to share one last dance with me?
Since his outburst at the bleachers, I'd been keeping a safe distance from him. I gave him the space he wanted. I was hurt by all the things he said, but I understood perfectly.
He was like a small, wounded animal, yet I kept poking at him with a stick and asking him to come out of his cave to play with me. Naturally he bit me.
And then he was in front of me, and he was nothing like a small, wounded animal right now. He almost made me envious of the fact that he looked so good in a suit. He was tall, lean, gazing down at me, and the color of his tie even matched my dress.
It was like being tossed, unprepared, into a warm pool of fond memories. We were always inseparable when we danced together, reluctant to waste a single minute on anyone else. This evening I almost lost all hope. For a second there I honestly thought he would ignore me all night, that he'd let senior prom slip away without giving us one last chance to savor something so pure and lovely.
"Would you like to dance?" Sean's voice was soft.
I couldn't speak right away. I couldn't explain it. It was such a simple sentence, but coming from him it could mean everything.
"Are you mad at me?" he asked when I didn't answer. "I know you have every reason to be--"
"No, of course not." I swallowed. I wasn't the competitive Flora who only knew of revenge and winning anymore. I couldn't be mad at him even if I wanted to, especially since I knew what he went through.
He couldn't be friends with me for the most flattering reason possible, because he still loved me. It was the exact same reason why I wanted to stay in touch with him. Like everything else, we just had to tackle this with entirely different approaches. I wanted to take a step back and build it back from there. He wanted to cut all ties so that he could mourn freely.
But the bottom line was, we felt the same way. That was reason enough to give him a friendly smile, and I didn't care if that made me weak. When it came to him, there were more important things than useless pride. I'd always be ready for him.
I placed one hand on his shoulder, and he took my other hand. We both halted for the briefest second at the touch.
It was just holding hands, no big deal, and we had both danced with plenty of other people already. But with us, everything carried an undertone of intimacy and could rapidly spin out of control. A dance wasn't just a dance, and fingers were more than fingers.
He slid his other hand onto my back and rested below the shoulder blade. My body tightened at the heat of his palm, as if he had just reached in and squeezed my soul. For a while all I could concentrate on was the warm patch that burned at the bare skin on my back.
"I want to apologize for that day," he said.
I shook my head to cut him off. "No, I get it. You told me already that you needed time, but it's like I keep picking at the scab on your wound."
"You're so understanding about it. I'm really sorry."
"I'm sorry too. But I think we should stop apologizing to each other."
He sighed. "Good idea."
We started moving to the music. The sensual embrace and the eye contact were overwhelming. I liked it and was simultaneously scared of how much I liked it. For a while I relished in the idea of being so rightfully close to him.
"You look really great in silver, Flora."
"I'm so disappointed in you, Sean." I shook my head in mock disapproval. "This is gunmetal grey."
He smiled and it stopped my heart. It was a real smile, and it was something hard to come by these days.
We swayed on the dance floor, rotating slowly as we gazed at each other. Sean really wasn't a good dancer, but anyone who danced with him would be too busy trying to control their own breathing to notice.
"You know I don't hate you, right?" he asked. His face was more fascinating than all the dresses, corsages and jewelries in the room added together. "I don't want you to take it the wrong way. I only said I don't want to be friends because I don't know how when I'm still...I mean it'd probably be easier if you didn't mean anything to me."
"I get it." I smiled up at him. "So this dance...does this mean you're ready to be friends or is this the last time you're going to talk to me?"
"If we're being honest..." He bit his lower lip. It was so distracting. "I want to be friends with you eventually, but right now I just want to dance one more time with you because senior prom is important to me."
"Okay." I was slightly disappointed, but it was expected. We danced in silence for a while before I decided to be blunt again. "So I know I was probably unintentionally cruel to you when I kept bugging you, but it wasn't entirely because I was inconsiderate. I asked to be friends because I knew if I didn't push for it, you'd let us gradually fade out. You'd go to university and never contact me again."
He didn't answer this, and I knew I was right.
"Just so you know," I said, "I can be an awesome friend."
He gave me a faint smile. "I don't doubt that at all."
"If you need help throwing another party or picking out the right bottle of wine, for example..."
"...or getting front-row tickets to another ball game."
"Exactly! And I can always offer you fashion tips and help with your pickup lines."
He smiled. "I think I'll do without the pickup lines."
"And if you ever go to New York again, I can give you suggestions on restaurants and attractions."
"I can ask my other friend Tripadvisor."
"Maybe you'll need a place to crash if there are no hotel rooms available."
He glanced at the overhead speaker and frowned, but I could see he enjoyed the light banter too. It was nice to joke like this again. "When's this song ever going to end? You're annoying me."
He didn't act like I annoyed him. If anything, the distance between us closed further, both figuratively and literally. I couldn't even remember when my arms had wrapped themselves around his neck, and his circled my waist. I was suddenly very conscious of his broad chest and how I could practically feel his breath on my face.
I tilted my head. "You know, you did say before that you want me in your life for as long as I'm willing to stay." Sean used to find it funny when I twisted his words. I hoped he still did.
"That's not what I meant."
"I can't stay in your life as a friend?" I raised my eyebrows in defiance. "We don't have to abide by the all-or-none law like a muscle fiber."
"What does that mean?"
I sighed, pretending to be impatient. "Gosh, Sean, don't you know anything? When you stimulate a muscle fiber, if the stimulus is strong enough to exceed the limit, then the muscle fiber will respond. It's not like the stronger the stimulus, the stronger the response. It either responds fully or none at all. Like you. It's either a love you forever or don't talk to me. Which is silly, because you're a human being and you should be more complex than a muscle fiber."
He stared at me, and then he started to chuckle.
I beamed. Who knew that one day I'd be able to feel so smart around Sean? Some part of me did change for the better, after all.
"Well," he said, "I don't know how to refuse when a girl talks science to me."
"You might as well say yes now, or I'll just keep nagging you."
"Okay, okay. I'll start by returning your e-mails. Don't push it," he warned, but his eyes were full of amusement. I took it he wouldn't mind if I placed my head on his chest now, so I did.
I loved his body, not in a sexual way (okay that too), but how well we fitted together. I knew exactly how to position myself against him, and his arms were at just the right angle. This evening the scent of him was especially pleasing. I felt warm and comforted in his arms, like I was wrapped in a soft blanket and sipping a mug of tea.
He complained earlier about the length of the song, but when it ended, we glided seamlessly into the next one. We were silent through the second dance as we held onto each other. I closed my eyes and basked in the Seaness of him.
That's why people like dances. It's a chance to hold a hot guy that doesn't belong to you for a few shimmering minutes of heaven.
The song ended too soon, like a merry-go-round that was stopped abruptly, like a dream interrupted. Slowly, he pulled away. I was suddenly cold, but I knew I couldn't dance in his arms forever.
"Thank you for the dance," he said.
"It was my pleasure."
That was it. For now, for God knows how long. The area around my eyes was hot with emotions. He was still looking at me although we were already a few steps apart, like he had a thousands words to say but didn't know where to start. I wasn't ready to move on either, and I couldn't bring myself to say goodbye yet. My thoughts were a mess, and trying to sort them was as if trying to unwind a tangled ball of yarn.
So I took a step closer to him and said without thinking, "Hey. Do you want to get out of here?"
I gripped his hand and tugged him through the darkened campus.
Perhaps it was the magic of the last dance, prom, or that nighttime generally brought people closer, Sean was surprisingly cooperative. He didn't ask where we were going, and he didn't seem surprised when we stopped before the swimming pool. It was breaking and entering again for old times' sake, just like the first time we went to the homecoming dance together.
We had agreed on dating exclusively back then, but now we were back to two single people with a sea of feelings, arguments, tears, and promises between us.
He hoisted me up and helped me climb over the fence first.
"Don't try to look up my dress," I said.
He smiled and his eyes sparkled like sapphires. "It's nothing I haven't seen already."
I jumped off the fence. He took off his suit jacket and handed it to me from the other side, along with his cell phone, and then he briskly joined me. It was so petty but I liked guarding his belongings for him. He didn't ask for them back, so I slipped the phone into the jacket pocket and hugged it loosely to my chest.
We sat by the pool and enjoyed our private party. Since graduation was looming so near, this might as well be the last night for everything. For recollection, for prospection, and for sneaking peeks at Sean with his tie loosened and the sleeves rolled up. He seemed to be in a relatively good mood to talk. He was excited about going to university and I was genuinely happy for him.
It was nice to have something else in life to look forward to besides relationships.
"You're going to do great at MIT," I said. "It's like an amusement park for nerds, and I mean it in the best way possible."
"You'll have fun at NYU too," he said, "but they don't have a traditional campus and the dorms are far apart, so you might not live close to your friends."
"That's okay, the city is fabulous! There are too many things to do so people don't feel the need to stay on campus. It'd be like living in the city and taking classes somewhere."
He nodded. "Yes, there's too much choice in the city. People might choose to do their own thing, alone, instead of compromising to do something together."
"Wait, how do you even know about the social scene at NYU? You don't know anyone that goes there."
"I just do."
I jabbed at his side with my elbow. "You did research, didn't you? For me."
He didn't confirm this but I knew I was right. "Flora, you'll make friends in no time, but it might be a good idea to be more independent too. It's going to be lonely in the beginning. It won't be like in high school where we all sit at one big table and you get to see everyone all the time."
He went on for a while, and I realized he was worried about me. He still cared for me even though I wasn't his responsibility anymore. I looked up at the stars and I started missing him already.
"You'll have different classes and schedules, and you can't always have people to keep you company," he said. "You need to learn to have fun by yourself."
"I know. That's good advice." University would be a great opportunity for me in more ways than one.
It was a cloudless, serene night and the air was clean. The moon shone down and casted a shadow along his jawline. His eyes were alluring under the dark lashes. I was touched that he was looking out for me, but I got a spur-of-the-moment idea and decided to have fun with him while I still could.
I stood up and beckoned for him to join me. "I want to show you something I discovered the other day."
He followed my lead. I walked along the edge of the pool, all the way to the deep end. I turned around to face him and leaned in.
"Remember the first time we broke in here together?"
He nodded. "Of course."
"Do you remember what you said to me?"
"I said a lot of things," he replied. His eyes were curious.
"You made me promise something."
"Don't go out with other guys?"
I flashed him my sweetest smile. "No, Sean. Don't push you into the pool."
With that, I placed my palms on his chest and pushed him into the pool.
His expression was priceless. I knew it was a stupid, reckless thing to do, not to mention dangerous, but I'd do it again if I could.
It wasn't because of the shock on his face or the way his shirt clung to his body when he came up. It wasn't because his dark hair matted down his face and made his blue eyes more enticing than ever, or because when he pushed himself out of the pool, he said to me in a harshly sexy tone that I should surrender myself to him so that he didn't have to chase me, or how every one of my organs blushed when his strong arms picked me up and clasped around my body before he tossed me in the water--
It was because when we started splashing water on each other, he laughed.
And my heart tightened.
I would do it over and over just so I could hear him laugh again. It had been missing between us for such a long time, and I remembered how seeing him happy was one of the things that made me ridiculously happy. I watched his face with my chest full of affection.
I loved him. I loved making him laugh. I could probably live without his kisses, but I wished he could always share that kind of happiness with me.
"You're every bit as crazy as I remembered, Flora Morgan," he said as he helped me get out of the pool. He pushed his wet hair out of his eyes, and he looked absolutely adorable.
"At least I made sure your cell phone wasn't on you before I did it," I said between giggles.
We were both drenched. Sean walked back to the opposite end and picked up his suit jacket. He held it out to me. "You might want to put this on. I don't want you to catch a cold."
He wasn't looking at me when he said it. I glanced down at myself and noticed how transparent my soaking dress had become. I draped his jacket over my shoulders and pulled it close with one hand; it was a warm night, and now it had become warmer. I could feel the chemistry between us sizzling and shooting off sparks.
We headed toward my car in silence. I tried not to notice how Sean looked when he was all wet, but I could feel him radiating sexiness right next to me.
"Did you drive?" I asked as the parking lot came into view.
"No, we took Janet's car, but she left already."
"Let me give you a ride," I said.
"You can even dry off at my place if you want to. Ray lives really close to me, so we can walk to the party together afterwards."
I was surprised he didn't object to the plan. I thought he only wanted to dance, but this was going a lot better than I anticipated. I was already thinking of what song I should play later when we reached my car. Sean stopped before it and ran his palm gingerly along the car hood.
He didn't say anything, but I could guess what he was thinking.
We spent so much time together in this car. I used to pick him up after his games and let him sleep next to me on the passenger seat. I'd always let him rest for a while longer as I watched the way his chest rise and fall. He would wake up groggily and flash me a bashful grin, apologizing about what a boring boyfriend he was. I'd shut him up and we'd make out, then we would go up to his room and make out some more.
It was not just a vehicle but a metal box full of memories. His hand reached the door handle, and then he pulled it back again.
"Flora...I think I'll just see you later at the party."
I already knew he would say that, but it still felt like a blow to the stomach. I could feel myself starting to get whiny again. "Why can't we go together?"
He turned to face me. His eyes were clear and honest, like a shallow pool I could see right through. "I'm afraid of what will happen if I go home with you. I don't know if you feel this, but there's still a lot between us and I'm very much attracted to you."
"It's not just you. I feel the same way."
He nodded. "I have thoughts about you that shouldn't be allowed between friends."
The way he said it wasn't flirty. It was serious and almost grave. I couldn't remember the last time he was so blunt. Now that it was out there, we fell silent again.
"We don't have to be friends," I said finally, working up all my courage.
He hesitated for only the briefest second. "I think it'd be best if you go to NYU without a boyfriend," he said. He was gazing at me with so much tenderness; it was painful and soothing at the same time. "You should be free to do whatever you want, without me holding you back. Explore the city. Make friends. Go on a few horrible dates so you have some fun stories to tell..."
He looked at me like he wanted to remember every detail of my face, like he knew he wouldn't be seeing me for a while. Tears started to rise up and I blinked rapidly.
"I really mean it," he said softly. "I still...I want you to know that you mean everything to me. This isn't me saying no to you. This is the best thing I can offer you right now."
"You're saying it like you want us to both move on and forget each other."
"I just want you to be happy. I know this sucks right now, but you'll get better. You'll be fine."
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