《Ask Soviet》Allies and Axis


Soviet: I was a part of the Allies during World War II because my leaders advised me to..

I didn't agree with Britain on most things, and we argued quite a bit.. We tended to get into heated arguements that eventually led to us leaving the room and.. fixing.. the issue elsewhere.. iykyk..

America and I had similar attitudes toward the war.. but we still clashed from time to time.. He would never give me a chance to speak which irritated me.. even though I didn't really want to speak a whole lot..

I didn't really have any problems with the other Allies mainly because I wasn't around them quite as often.

The Axis were a funny group..

Third was a horrible man, but.. I.. he.. he tricked me into thinking he really liked me.. I was a fool to love him..

Fc. Italy was a coward.. he switched sides because he the Axis were losing! I didn't mind his personality.. I just could not believe that he would pull such a stupid move.. in the middle of a war..

Im. Japan was a fool.. he bombed America.. AMERICA of all people!! He was stupid to think America wouldn't take action against that! I do admire his guts to do that though..

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