《DIRTYBITCH》chapter twenty three


The next morning.

We all woke up in the same bed. No words was spoken we just looked at one another. We just let silence do it's job. My heart felt for Diamond. P so fucked up. His ass should go to jail. That's one reason why I believe in safe sex, but who would guess the person you love would give you with anything. I started to think about Kash ass. He did me the same way, doesn't matter if the STD treatable or not, it's disgusting and disrespectful. Some men make it hard for a woman to trust them. They want us to be 100% loyal and show trust but where's our loyalty and trust. I gave Kash all of me. My heart, my body, my mind, my time and most importantly my fucking loyalty. I made that man my main priority I did everything for his ass. The shit I'm doing ain't right but I feel as if it isn't wrong either.

Payback is just a bitch and I'm that bitch.

"Good morning y'all" Apple said finally breaking the silence. "Good morning" I said back to Apple. Diamond kept silent. "You good sus?" I asked Diamond. "I'm just in shock ya know. I never expected this shit to happen to me and to get it from P? this shit hurting me to the core" Diamond expressed. "I understand how you feel" I said. "Do you really Nina? Dimond questioned with sass. "Kash gave you HIV?" He continued being rude."No need for the attitude Im just relating to what you're going through and no he never gave me HIV, but he still gave me a STD" I shot back. "Its heartbreaking and a complete embarrassment" I added shaking my head. Diamond put his head in his hands. Next we heard sniffling. "Don't cry Diamond" Apple said. "I'm. Trying. Not. To" Diamond cried pausing with every word. "Put him in jail sus, this man ain't right" Apple pleaded. "He been infecting people for years now Apple these gay guys are scared of what P gone do to them" Diamond said crying harder. Before Apple could speak Diamond phone started ringing. He grabbed it. "Why is he calling me" Diamond said shaking his head in disgust. He quickly denied P call. P called again. Diamond denied it again. P called right back and Diamond answered on speaker yelling. "I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY TO YOU STOP CALLING MY PHONE" Diamond said. He was yelling so loud you can see the veins in his neck. "Don't hang up this fucking phone" P said with a hard whisper. "Fuck you" Diamond said hanging up. P called back. Diamond answered. "Bitch hang up again and I'm a tell ol boy about you and them ratchet bitches hitting his spots" P said quickly. Diamond looked at me with panic eyes. "You wouldn't" Diamond said. "I will unless you got 85k" P said trying to black mail us. "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS" I shouted. "Hell yea I'm serious y'all got 36 hours to get my money too or I'm putting all three of y'all on blast" P said. "ROT IN HELL YOU AIN'T GETTING SHIT BUT A BULLET" Apple yelled. P laughed. "Dont get my 85 bands you gone catch a few of those" He said hanging up. "FUCK" Diamond yelled out in frustration. He sling his phone across the room screen first smacking the wall. "First a STD now he's blackmailing me, lord why are you letting this man fuck my life up" Diamond cried out. "You let him do you like this I told you stop telling these niggas your business everyone you fuck don't gotta know your every fucking move" Apple shot at Diamond. "Now look at us..FUCKED" Apple continued to rant.


"I didn't tell him about us hitting Kash spot" Diamond said. "Then how the fuck he know it was us" Apple said. Diamond shrugged his shoulders. "All I said was that we were going to rob this place, I didn't say who nor where" Diamond said. "He had to put two and two together" Diamond continued. "UGH" Apple groaned. "I know and I'm sorry I fucked up real bad" Diamond said. "We fucked up" I said. "I ain't fuck up" Apple said. "Yea you did we fucked up when we agreed to do this shit so stop just blaming Diamond" I said to Apple. She shook her head. "So what? we gone pay a nigga some money that we don't have" She said. "Cause we can't let him tell Kash" She continued. "He's not gone tell Kash Apple that's the thing he ain't stupid" I said. "If P call Kash and tell him that shit Kash gone question him on how he know" I added. "This nigga gave us the guns and the whip to do the shit" I continued. "I know, but Nina he sounded for real" Diamond said. I shrugged my shoulders. "If he want the money tell him to pull up and come get it, fuck him we don't owe him shit" I said. "This is too much" Apple said pacing the floor complaining. "Apple calm down I said I was sorry" Diamond said getting off the bed. "It's not okay this man is trying to ruin your life" Apple said. "We don't need another problem and P is a fucking problem" Apple continued. "Don't worry about P" I said to the both of them. "He's just talking out his ass" I added. "I hope your right Nina" Apple said walking out the room. I got up and followed her. "We good" I said. "It's to much going on Nina I'm scared" Apple confessed. "We good Apple I promise you" I said. "Kash don't know shit and P not on shit" I added. Then I felt the need to pull Apple in for a hug. "We we have nothing to worry about" I said again. She hugged me tight and took deep breaths into my shoulder. I felt her body loosen up a bit. "I'm a lay back down for a while" She said walking to her bedroom closing the door behind her. "She's so mad at me" Diamond said walking in. "Apple is just being Apple right now" I admitted. Diamond looked down. I can tell he was thinking heavy on that P shit. "I couldn't sleep lastnight" He said taking a seat on the couch. "Mind too heavy?" I asked. "To heavy" He said looking at me. Before I could respond he continued to speak. "I wanna..uh..get tested..to make sure..ya know" He said sounding nervous. "You wanna go now?" I asked. He nodded his head yes.


When we arrived at the health department Diamond started to get nervous. "We ain't gotta do this today" I said grabbing his hand. "I want to" He said. I nodded and we walked in together. We took a seat while Diamond filled out information. Once he was finished he gave them the information and they gave him a number. He was about to sit back down until they called his number. "Come on" He said to me. I got up and followed him. "Sorry sir, but you can't have someone with you" The nurse said. "It's okay Diamond I'll be here when you come out" I said to Diamond. I walked back to my seat and waited for Diamond. 20 minutes passed and Diamond came walking in. "Let's go" He said leading the way. "You good?" I asked. "Yes thank you for taking me Nina, can we keep this between us" He said. "Your welcome and yes of course" I said. The whole ride back home was peaceful. When we got back to the house, Apple was still sleep. I took a seat on the couch and turned on P-Valley. Diamond joined me. We was half way through the 3rd episode when my phone went off. I grabbed it and it was a text from an unsaved number. The text read. I looked at the number and immediately knew who it was. KASH. "Tell me why Kash just texted me" I said to Diamod. "You lying" He said walking over to me. I showed him the text. "You think he knows?" He asked. "Let's see" I said to Diamond texting him back. I texted. He wasted no time texting back. He replied. "He said he just need someone to talk to and him and girl got into it" I said to Diamond. He rolled his eyes. I replied.

That's when a call from him was coming through.

I answered.

"Hello" I said.

"Yea how you been?" He asked.

"I've been good just living ya know" I said.

"I hear that but I called to see if I could see you when I get back in town" He said.

I took a quick pause.

"When will you be back in town?" I asked.

"In two days I had to bring girl out here to Texas" He said. "Y'all must got into it real bad" I said. "Hell yeah we did so we giving each other space, but I'm a call you later tonight or in the morning I hope you answer" Kash said. "Okay be safe" I said. "Fasho, you too" Kash said hanging up. I looked up and seen Apple and she was shaking her head. "What?" I said. "Was that Kash?" Apple said walking in on us. said. "Yeah it was" I said. "Oh shit what he say" Apple said getting loud. "Calm down he still doesn't know he just wanted to know if we could see each other when he gets back in town" I said. "Where is he?" Apple asked. "Texas" I said. "That's good, he's not home" Apple said.

"No we need a plan" I said. "Plan for what when he's not there, lets go in now and get it over with" Apple said. "No" Diamond said. "Why not he's hours away" Apple said. "Trust me somebody is watching that house" I said. "And how you know that?" Apple asked. "Cause Kash used to have his people watching the house when I was there" I said having flash backs. "So how we supposed to get in that muh-fucka?" Diamond asked. I shrugged my shoulders and started to think.

Then it hit me.

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