《DIRTYBITCH》chapter twenty one


One week later. .

"I fucking knew it" Diamond shouted. "I told y'all those pigs ain't give two fucks about them niggas" Diamond said showing me and Apple a Facebook post. "Ain't no way and they charged them with the guns and drugs" I said reading the article. "That's what they get I could care less better them than me" Diamond said shrugging his shoulders. Me and Apple gave him a look. Diamond rolled his eyes. "What ? Don't look at me like that fuck them niggas and besides Kash gone bail them niggas out anyways" He said snatching his phone back. I rolled my eyes. "Don't nobody care about you snatching your phone and fuck Kash" I said. "I'm tired of hearing his name, shit be making my stomach turn" I added. "Girl boo, it used to make you wet hearing his name now yo stomach turning?" Diamond questioned being smart. "And it did and it do" I said with sass. "So don't say his name around me I'm tired of hearing it" I continued in irritation. "Enough, it's not the time for all that going back and forth, we going inside Walmart or what?" Apple said. "You know we going in" Diamond said jumping out. I took the keys out the ignition and grabbed my purse and got out too. As we were walking up I noticed Kash's car. I wanted to say something, but I just told the girls I ain't wanna hear his name. So I kept it to myself and prayed I didn't run into him. The security guards at Walmart do not play. They will take yo ass to jail and I'm fasho not trying to go there.

We did the usual food shopping and went straight to check out. I guess god was getting back at me, because I made eye contact with Ashley Kash's baby moma. She looked at me then her baby then smiled. In my head I was like "I know this bitch didn't" but my face expression was on drag a bitch. "You mad for what again? I asked rudely. "I got my child" She said rolling her eyes. By then her friend was staring Apple and Diamond up and down. "Can I help you ma'am" Diamond said to girl. "No sir you can't remember what happened last time when you call yourself trying to check a real woman" Girl said. "Not a real woman bitch you tried it I'm still a man and look better then you" Diamond spat running his hands through his 30 inch wig. "Let me make a call" Girl said trying to rush off. "Who you calling sus, we on allat" Diamond yelled. By this time two swoll ass security guards walked up. "Do we have a problem ladies?" One of the asked. "I don't know? Do we" I said looking at Kash's baby moma and her friend. "No there's no problem officer because if there was I would of handled it" Girl said. "Bitch handle who, wassup?" Apple said trying to tie her hair up. "Okay If you ladies not going to act right I'm going to have to ask all of you to leave the store" The other security guard said. "Why we gotta leave? Girl over there the one popping her gums" Diamond said. "Because she can" Ashley butted in. "Chile please, y'all hoes cannot fight, my sus already dragged you bitches" Diamond sassed off. "Officer can you please make them leave the store. I'm trying not to show my ass in front of my child" Ashley said. "Girl fuck both of you bitches and that baby" I yelled. I knew her baby had nothing to do with it, but I was in the heat of the moment and that shit just popped out. "You just mad because that pussy couldn't hold a baby bitch" She spat at me. That's when I lost it and tried to grab that bitch. Security grabbed me so quick and held my arms in the air. Apple ended up snatching Ashley by the hair and started wailing on her. "Let me go" I yelled trying to get loose. The other officer grabbed Apple and tried to break up the fight. That's when the other girl started attacking Apple. Diamond wasted no time putting the paws on girl. The officer that had me let go to break up the fight with Diamond and girl I went on and snatched Ashley by the other side of her hair and banged that bitch all in her head a few times before they called backup. Within 5 minutes the whole damn Walmart was flooded with polices. They made all of us lay flat on our bellies while they handcuffed us.


Ashley started to have a bitch fit when they said she was going to jail and had to leave her baby. I looked at Apple and she had tears in her eyes. At that moment I felt bad ass fuck. "I'm sorry Apple" I said thinking about her kids. I know how bad she been trying and here I am fucking shit up for all of us. They placed me and Apple in a car. Placed Diamond in a car by himself and then the duo rode together. The car ride to the station was quick and quiet. Only noise was made was the cry's Apple tried to hold in. Once we got there all of us were put in a holding cell. We was allowed one phone call and not me nor Apple had someone to call. "I can't call that lawyer Nina, if I do I minds well kiss getting my kids back goodbye" She said putting her head in her lap. "I know" I said taking a seat beside her. I started to rub her back. "It's going to be okay friend, I promise" I added. " I hope so friend" Apple said between tears.

Five hours flew by with ease. The clock outside the cell read 5 minutes till 10pm. "I guess I have no choice, but to call the lawyer to get us a bail bonds man" Apple said. It's like soon as she said that god gave us a little help. "NINA RICHARDS" The guard yelled my name. "Yes" I said standing up. "You've made bail" He said. "Did you say bail?" I asked making sure I heard him correctly. "Yes ma'am that's what I said" The officer said. My face was in shock and so was Apples. "Who bailed me out?" I asked the officer. He shrugged his shoulders. "Was told not to tell but he did say he sure was sorry" The officer said. When he said that I knew exactly who he was talking about. It had to be Kash. Thats the only person I can think of. At this moment so many thoughts begun to flow through my head. I ain't know if Kash was truly sorry or he's trying to set me up,


but whatever he's up to I'm fully alert,

now I gotta bail my girls out.

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