《DIRTYBITCH》chapter nineteen


Continuing chapter eighteen. . .

It had just struck midnight and we was parked outside the trap. Not a single soul was present. It was a real quiet night tonight. Me and Diamond was dressed in all black except Apple. She had on a big T-shirt and some biker shorts. I had to admit Apple did her thang with her makeup making herself look beat up. If I was on the other end I would really think she was beat up. "Okay y'all bow y'all heads" I said. "Girl I am not about to pray for some sins we finna commit" Diamond said. I rolled my eyes. He was right, but god knows our hearts and he know we don't mean no harm. I closed my eyes and prayed to myself. "Amen" I said cocking my gun. "Y'all ready" Apple said looking at us. "Yes" I said nodding my head. "I love y'all" Apple said hugging me. "Love you too" I said hugging her back. "Y'all acting like we not gone make it out safe, as long as we stick to the plan we good" Diamond said pulling his wig into a low ponytail. "Plan or no plan bitch you never know what will happen" Apple said. "Ain't nothing going to happen, they better not try no funny shit" Diamond said cocking her gun back. I let out a deep breath and pulled my mask over my face. "We gone text you when we in" I said getting out the car. "Fasho" Apple said climbing into the drivers seat. Once Diamond got out we walked down the alley and creeped up to the side of the trap. Diamond grabbed my hand. "Look" She said making eye movement towards the camera. "Fuck" I whispered. "What now" I said continuing to whisper. "The window" Diamond said pointing. I nodded and we moved towards the window. We literally crawled on the grass to avoid being seen on camera. "It's locked bruh" Diamond said getting frustrated. "We have to break it" He continued. "No wait they gone hear it" I said trying to figure something out. "Text Apple and tell her to move now and make sure you tell her to bang loud until they open the door" Diamond whispered. I nodded and did as I was told. Apple hit me back immediately. she replied. Me and Diamond waited patiently until we heard knocks on the door. Two minutes later, we heard loud booms at the door. That's when Diamond shattered the glass. I went in first then Diamond. You could smell weed coming from under the basement door. While Apple was banging it got real quiet and then we heard a "who is it". The floor squeaked as footsteps made it to the door. "Help me please" I heard Apple pleading at the door. "Nah we ain't serving" a voice said. "I'm not a crackhead my boyfriend just just beat me up, please help me" I heard Apple continuing to plead. "Fuck man" a dude said. Then the squeaking noise begun to move throughout the floor. "May I use the rest room?" Apple asked. "Aye Yo-yo show girl to the bathroom" He said. "And why the fuck you can't do it" Yo-yo shot back. "It's okay I can manage just tell me where to go, I won't be long" Apple said trying to convince dude. "Go straight to the back and make a left at the last door you got 5 minutes and if you not done by then I'm coming to get you" I heard dude say. I looked at Diamond and nodded my head towards the basement steps. He nodded and we slowly walked up the steps and waited till we heard the door unlock. Within a few seconds later we heard the lock. Diamond reached for the knob, but I stopped her. "Wait till he go gets her" I whispered. Diamond agreed. We waited exactly five minutes then we heard talking and walking throughout the hallway. "I told that hoe 5 minutes" I heard him say as he went to go get Apple out the bathroom. I heard a knock and Apple voice. "Sorry" Apple said. Once I heard footsteps approaching I grabbed hold onto the door knob. I counted down from three. "3.. 2.. 1.." I said and that's when I opened the basement door. When dude seen me it was already to late I had my gun pointed straight at his face. Diamond had her pointed at him as well. I put my finger to my lips. "Shh" I said quietly. He nodded. "When we go in there tell them to put the guns down and do as I say, understood" I said. He nodded. "Now move" Diamond demanded the guy and snatching Apple up. I walked behind him with my gun pointed straight at the back of his head. "Aye nigga about time-" And before the nigga could finish his sentence he seen the steel I had pointed at his homie head. "Put y'all guns on the table and do as they say" He said dryly. I looked at Apple and she was being a very good actor with them fake ass crocodile tears. "Bitch shut up" Diamond said pushing her onto the couch with two other niggas. "Everybody get the fuck down" Diamond demanded and slowly but surely everyone did just that. "Now" Diamond said grabbing the guns off the table and placing them in the trash can they had by the couch. "We here for the money so where it's at" I said pushing dude to get down. "This the trap you think we gone keep bills around this bitch" one of the other guys spoke up. "Hell yeah that's why we here and since you got all the mouth get the fuck up and go find it" Diamond yelled in his face. "I ain't finding shit" He said spitting at the ground. "Fuck you bitches" He spat. "Fuck you bitch" Diamond said shaking his head with the gun. He winced in pain. Diamond hit him again. "Now get the fuck up pussy and go get the fucking money" Diamond yelled. Dude looked at the guy I had the gun pointed to and dude agreed. "Go get it bro" He said to him. "Kash gone kill you bitches" Dude said as he got on his feet. "Fuck Kash you better hope you live to see Kash" Diamond said being disrespectful. I watched them walk to the hallway. Dude removed a picture from the wall and revealed a big ass hole in it. He pulled out two duffle bags. Diamond snatched one from him and told him to walk back into the living room. He did as he was told and got back on his knees with the others. "Check it" I instructed Diamond. He opened the bag and grabbed a stack and showed it to me. I wasn't paying attention when I heard Apple voice. "All you had to do was follow directions, dumb ass nigga" Apple said. I looked over and dude with all the mouth had a gun in his hand and Apple had hers pressed against that man temple. "Hand it over" Apple demanded. "Y'all bitches gone have to kill me" Dude said lifting his gun quickly. He aimed it straight at me and before he could pull the trigger Diamond put holes all in that nigga chest. "Grab the money" Diamond yelled. I stood there frozen. Apple pulled me towards the door. "Sus we gotta get the fuck out of here" Apple said yanking on me. I heard sirens in the distance and that shit snapped me back into reality. I rushed out the door with Apple. Diamond was already in the car with it started and everything. We jumped in and Diamond smashed off. "Nina you good?" Diamond asked looking back at me. "You killed him" I said blankly. "Hell yeah I did it was either him or you" Diamond yelled. "You fucking killed him Diamond what the fuck" I said freaking out. "Nina calm down" Apple said grabbing my arms. "What did you expect me to do let him fucking shoot you" Diamond shot at me. My head was all over the place and I couldn't catch my breath. "Nina breathe" Apple said. "I think she having a panic attack" Apple yelled to Diamond. "Nina listen to me inhale through your nose exhale through your mouth" Apple said.


I tried doing what she said and I just couldn't breathe. My whole body went into shock and I felt myself beginning to shake.

All I heard was

"She's having a seizure"

before I felt myself drifting away.

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