《Rarity and spike or AJ and spike》A/N duplicate


"Rarity thank goodness your fine"twilight said

"Of course thanks guys for taking care of me"rarity said

"Umm hey guys"

"Huh"rarity got shocked to see rainbow carrying flowers and chocolates

"Here rarity"dashie said

"Thank you"rarity said getting the things

"Umm rare because you don't love me I still love you no matter what"rainbow said

"Awww"flutters,and pinkie said

"Thank you rainbow"rarity said

"Good thing spikes not here"pinkie said

"Yeah "everyone replied

"So yeah rare I have one more gift for you"dashie said

"And yeah what is it"rarity said

"This"dashie said giving rarity a kiss

After parting from the kiss rarity forgot that she had to see someone

"Umm sorry but girls I need to see someone"rarity said leaving the girls

"Umm hi rarity"spike said

"Hi darling umm listen I need to be some where"rarity said

"Ok"spike answered

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