《Rarity and spike or AJ and spike》Ch. 1


"Umm spike I need to tell y'all something" apple jack said in a serious tone

"What babe?" Spike said questioning

"I'm sorry but "

"But what" spike says

"I think your really not my type I like a different guy now and your just all like you like rarity not me k" applejack said

"But applejack I love you our love will never die just because yeah I like her a little will never stop my love for you your my one and only babe" spike said with passion

"Don't call me that again y'all better leave now" AJ said

"Please I love you please" spike said worried

"LEAVE!" AJ said almost about to cry

"Please babe"

"LEAVE" AJ said screaming

"OHHh okay"

*back at spikes house*

"It's not fair I love to people one leaves the other says I'm too creepy around her what to do" spike says

"SPIKE GET DOWN HER THIS INSTANT!" Twilight screams from the kitchen

"COMING!" Spike screams

"It's just not fair "

*the next day*

"Just do twilights advice stay away from her wait where is twilight?"

Spike questioning himself

"Spike I'm here" twilight screams

"Bye sis I'm going" spike says to twi

" bye spike I'm gonna have calculus as my first so yeah bye"

Going to spikes first class he bumps into this beautiful girl

"Sorry" spike says worried

"It's just okay"

Looking at the girl spike gets a shock


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