《Radiant (Lashton)》Chapter 4
"Mikey! Cal! You guys goo-WHAT THE FUCK"
Ashton had left Luke, leaving him rather confused but he shrugged it off. Ashton was fine. He wasn't hiding anything. If he had any issues they most definitely would've noticed. Luke continues to ramble with himself, so absorbed that he misses Michaels entry, and only notices him when he throws himself on top of Luke.
"Geez, fucker"
Michael snorts at this, but lays sprawled on top of Luke.
"Hey, you feeling ok? Ashton told us what happened?"
"I nearly got raped Michael, don't ask if I'm ok"
"Sorry, but seriously are you traumatized bad enough that we should cancel?"
"Not really. I wasn't expecting that, it sure as hell scared me shitless, but Ashton and Matt where there. And also, we have some fucking crazy fan girls, so I've definitely been unwillingly touched...remember that one Italian interviewer who stripped to her bra? point is, I'm good mikey, thank you for your concern"
"Alright broski...but hey, we've barley hung out it's been ages, do you wanna watch a movie or something?"
Luke contemplates Michaels offer, shrugging his wet curls out of his face.
"But we've got to rehearse who do you love, and then waste the night, cause Calum can't remember the lyrics and we keep screwing the tempo"
"Well, they've decided against a rehearsal, because they're prioritizing maximizing security and sending out an alert for Jacob, he ran away before Matt could properly deal with him."
"But how about Waste the Night? That's a band thing, with just us"
"Look, Luke, you're shaken up. Calum can do private practices, and since the main rhythms rely on Ash, he's gonna work with Cal. You aren't pressured to do anything, so I was told to go hang out with you, hence my asking: wanna watch a movie"
"I don't wanna leave, I'm safe in here. Let's just watch something on Drew's laptop. I saw him on it earlier, I'm sure we can use it."
Michael agrees, so the pair head out to the common area, where instantly Luke is engulfed in a hug. Michael disappears, so Luke reassures the others that he's alright. He really was, he took it a lot better than he expected himself to be.
Maybe it was Ashton, and the way he instantly comforted Luke, despite his own bloody nose. Maybe it was the fact that every part of him Ashton touched somehow became pure again, no longer coated in grime from Jacobs touch.
There was something about Ashton Fletcher Irwin, something that really made Luke think:
Shit. I want him.
Maybe he was horrible for forgetting Sierra in that moment, but hell, if she were here, she'd probably be all over Ashton and he wouldn't blame her.
Michael returns with a shit eating grin, holding Drew's laptop under one arm and a couple of chocolate bars and two sodas in his other hand.
The pair walk arm and arm, in search of a cozy corner to retire to. They evidently were unsuccessful in finding a ideal place, as they would've wanted silence and privacy, but the whole venue was buzzing with people.
They eventually curled up under the makeup table in The Chainsmoker dressing room.
It lasted about 15 minutes, cause Luke's a lanky bitch and also because Alex wasn't very appreciative of being scared shitless by two half naked 30ft Australians. (In retrospect, taking your shirt of is totally worth it if Luke Hemmings will do the same"
So, that was that.
Michael and Luke wandered around aimlessly for a few more moments, before giving up, and seating themselves directly in the pit, jumping over the barricades. They sit together, their backs against the barricades, as Luke clicks away on Drew's laptop, Michael tears the wrapper of of his chocolate and takes a large bite.
Luke angles the laptop towards Michael whos eyes dance with excitement as he sees Shoto Tadoroki on the screen. Michael zones out, so wrapped up in the anime he'd seen 100s of times before, that Luke eventually pushes the laptop into Michaels lap, and stands up, shaking out the pins and needles and stretching.
He's over the barricades and on his way back, when he decides to turn around and take a candid photo of Michael, absorbed in his show. Luke smiles at the picture, before chuckling quietly and tucking his phone away.
He maneuvered himself around backstage, trying to walk into a particular drummer, with no luck. He eventually collapses on one of the leather couches, distracting himself in his phone until he was called to get ready for the show.
Luke wasn't sure how he survived the whole show, feeling like he blacked out the second he stepped on stage.
But all in all- it went pretty well. He'd jumped and sang as he was supposed to, admittedly a little impressed by the vocals he'd hit on easier. It had been a smashing crowd, who screamed and danced along with him, and Luke even tossed a few guitar picks down to a small group pressed against the corner barrier right between Michael and Luke.
He'd seen one of the boys fall to the ground sobbing when Luke had handed him the pick, and Luke did feel a little guilty after.
Ashton had done the usual, tossing drumsticks into the crowd cautiously before bowing with the rest. Today, Ashton had stood between Michael and Luke rather the just beside Michael. This of course, left lots of opportunity for some sort of contact, and Luke was correct, because Ashton leaned right up against him, hand brushing over Luke's ass.
Luke's so, so, fucked....
Once they've arrived back at their hotel, and the fans have cleared away, Calum and Michael immediately swap into clean clothes. The two wanted to head to the bar downstairs before their flight at 6:30 tomorrow morning. The two wanted to chill a bit, and had invited Luke and Ashton, who politely declined (sort of. Ashton's denial included many profanities and Luke's involved some violence and a middle finger)
They were out the door within minutes, leaving Ashton and Luke alone. Luke commented on how he should shower, and Ashton agreed, saying he'd meet with Luke once he was finished. Luke was back in his own room, before it occurred to him, that there was a hot tub downstairs.
He figured Ashton's sore muscles would appreciate it. Luke glances at them time seeing only 15 minutes had passed since he'd left Ashton's room, so he headed back to where it was, using the spare key to open the door. He heard silence at first, but as he slowly opened the door further, he froze at the sight.
There he was.
Ashton fletcher Irwin.
Laying back on the bed.
With his fingers half way up his ass.
And Luke nearly slammed the door, but something in him stopped him. He stood there, gazing lustfully at ashton, arching his back as he fucked himself on his fingers.
He had his eyes shut and his pretty pink lips parted, the soft moans escaping his lips too much for Luke. Luke actually had to restrain himself from cumming right then and their, because Ashton looked so hot, as he thrust in and out.
Luke was leaning against the door frame, his body propping open the half open door, as he let his hand trail down to his hard on. Ashton's fingers were so long, and Luke watched as he curled them, letting out a sharp hiss when, Luke assumed, he hit his prostate.
Luke wanted nothing more at that point, then to walk over and fuck Ashton so hard he wouldn't be able to walk. He wanted to hear those whimpering moans, wanted to feel Ashton's tight hole around his dick, wanted to see Ashton cum and wanted to listen to him scream.
Luke was panting as quietly as he could, rubbing the front of his pants up and down. His stomach tightened, and within minutes he came, thrusting into his palm. Somehow he'd maintained silence and Ashton hadn't noticed him. He was so entranced by the sight in front of him, that Luke only snapped back to reality when Ashton let out a muffled scream and his cum roped over his stomach and chest.
Ashton fell back onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling, so Luke took his chance and quietly left, thankful for the small sink creating a partition and angle so Ashton wouldn't be able to Luke unless he looked close enough.
Luke awkwardly shut the door, and zipped back into his own room. He had already changed his pants and boxers when it occurred to him.
Ashton likes it up this ass.
The thought sent shivers up Luke's spine, and before he could pleasure himself for a second time, he heard Ashton knock. Luke answered the door, and the slight flustered look on Ashton's face indicated he suspected something.
"I heard screams and loud noises from Michaels room, I think he and Calum are fighting. They both tend to get violent drunk"
Luke furrows his brow in concern and follows Ashton down the hall. The screams and loud noises get louder, and Luke sees Ashton tense as he twists the knob.
"Mikey! Cal! You guys goo-WHAT THE FUCK"
And really, Luke was overwhelmed in the moment.
Ashton was absolutely shocked, mouth hung open and body stiff. His mouth shut, before it fell open again and he muttered incoherent words under his breath.
"Michaels cheating on his....fiancée and him and...Calum are both having sex. With each other. They're not straight..."
Luke tried to make sense of the situation, but he failed, instead looking to Ashton for guidance. Despite his thoughts revolving around hippos and ponies, Ashton was actually very intelligent and responsible.
"I think we ought to leave them...let them...finish up...uh....tomorrow, we'll talk to them tomorrow"
Ashton finally strung together a sentence, before he quickly placed the do not disturb sign on the front of the door. He promptly grabbed Luke's hand, and tugged him towards his own room.
Luke tried to ignore the fact that Ashton was in fact holding his hand, and focused on what he'd just witnessed. Whether it was a drunk thing, or Calum and Michael were serious, it concerned him, leaving his head spinning.
Ashton had pushed Luke into his room, getting Luke changed, in bed, with the tv remote and a warm cup of milk. Ashton did this all in a matter of minutes, before he pressed a quick kiss to Luke's forehead, muttering a goodnight.
The gesture caused Luke to flush, and a happy thought filtered its way into his mind. Ashton was a lot smaller than Luke, a good 3 or 4 inches, which mean he was perfect for forehead kisses from Luke. That also meant he was optimum ball kicking height, and Calum could confirm that first hand.
Ashton reaches the door, and takes a meaningful glance back and Luke, before he flicks off the light, leaving Luke in darkness.
Luke reaches for the warm milk, not 100% sure why Ashton had bothered with it, slowly sipping it, till he felt his eyes droop with sleep. Just as he'd placed the cup on the side and slinked down under the sheets, his phone buzzed under him.
Luke curses and fumbles with it, before attending Sierras call.
"Hey lu"
"Shit, you sound tired, sorry baby, I'll call later"
"No, it's fine, I'm just...conflicted"
"Aw, tour stress? Or have you suddenly lost all feelings for me? I'm just kidding, but seriously?"
"I don't know. It's just some strange feelings"
"Maybe there's something you should know..."
"You know what lu? It's nearly half past midnight. Go to sleep"
Luke has no energy to protest, so he hung up, curling up, but not before he looped "Best Friend" quietly by his ear, letting Ashton's voice lull him into a deep slumber.
The next morning is hell.
Absolute hell. It started off with Luke waking up 3 hours late, because his phone died somewhere during the night. After getting ready in record time, Luke rushed out to the elevator, and of course, it's not working. Luke makes a mad run for the stairs, and goes down faster than expected, because he'd fallen. Then he'd screamed at fans in the lobby, because he was so fucking late and made 3 of them cry.
Really, today was not Luke's day.
To top it off, upon his arrival at the tour bus, he'd been greeted with screams, curses and just enough to give him a pounding headache. The only thing he could be mildly grateful for was the fact that he was already packed and ready.
They were late to the airport, and getting trough security was hell. Luke was a flustered mess, that he completely ignored all others, until the were on the plane.
Calum and Michael were platonic as usual, cuddled up, and the soft smile on Ashton's face made it very clear that's resolved whatever the fuck had happened yesterday. Luke was appreciative, because he was to awkward to do things like that. He didn't wanna know more about the situation than he did, so he decided not to ever bring it up. Drunk mistakes happen after all.
Warm sunlight cast rays through the window, reflecting on Ashton's face. He screwed up his nose and smiled, squinting his eyes, yet keeping a steady gaze on Luke.
Luke tried to ignore him, focusing his attention on his girl, who had surprised him over face time with a new song she'd written. Not that Luke didn't care, he actually thought it was a beautiful song.
The call ends not long after, and Luke's overwhelmed with the adorable-ness radiating from Ashton. He's curled up on the floor, bathed in sunlight, with his phone resting beside him and eyes shut. His breath evens out as he falls into a deeper sleep, and Luke can't help it when he pulls a blanket over him, and presses a soft peck to his cheek.
A loud thud startles Luke, and he snaps back to see Michael on the floor, rubbing his head where he'd hit it. The anime on his computer continues on, and Luke isn't 100% sure what he's looking at.
He sees flowers and a few characters he'd seen Michael purchase stickers of, but that's all.
He turns to Michael, who explains how it was about hanahaki, a disease about unrequited love, and how the person who loves someone who doesn't love them back coughs up flowers till the plant in their lungs stops them from breathing.
It was fictional, but it stuck with Luke and he had to wonder...did he love Ashton? Whether it was live or just a stupid crush, it was unrequited and the thought hurt luke. It burned behind his eyes, until he was able to cry alone in the shower, body racking with sobs.
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How to raise a Hive Queen
This story is about a newborn Hive Queen, which gets raised in an unexpected environment. The first part of the story will focus on her development and the challenges that come with it. Eventually she will start to produce her own swarm of hive creatures. The species of the Hive Queen is called the Sylv and they are a insectoid species with an hive mind. The Sylv can evolve themselves through extracting traits from other non Sylv creatures. This is limited to modify the basic set of creatures the Sylv can produce, they are not able to create completely new creatures. In this regard they are more like ants, who have workers, soldiers and queen ants. The Sylv live underground in so called hive complexes and use living structures in them to produce more of their kind. The Hive Queen is the leader of a Sylv Hive and responsible for evolving the swarm. This novel takes place in a fantasy setting and was inspired by other hive species like the Zerg from "Starcraft" made by Blizzard Entertainment, the Arachnea from "Her majesty's swarm" published on j-novel club, and the Vex from "I don't want to be the Hive Queen" by ValetheHowl. I really enjoy stories with an organic hive mind species and want to contribute myself. The focus and theme of this story will change as the Hive Queen matures and defines the goals she wants to achieve. If you like this story also check out my other fiction "To former Glory" here on Royal Road :D
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