《texting → lashton》twenty three. (final)


This took me all night so enjoy u fuckin fucks i love u

there will be a epilogue btw js

aw enjoy


Luke's right hand clutches the steering wheel as his left hand fingers nervously taps against his knee. To say he's nervous would be an understatement. He's giddy, he's happy. All in all, he's excited. He really doesn't know where this boost of confidence is coming from, but he doesn't mind it. At all.

He could have gone to see Ashton so many times before, but he didn't. And he can't change the fact that he didn't and he knows for a fact that Ashton is going to ask him about that. Truth is, he doesn't really have an answer to why he didn't visit Ashton. Luke knew his address, he could have gone any time. But no. He chose to wait.

But now Luke is on his way to see the college boy he loves so much for the very first time. They've never called, they've never skyped. Nothing like that. They've simply texted for a couple of months and Luke fell in love with Ashton's personality far before he saw an actual picture of the boy. Ashton just mesmerized Luke from the beginning, and that's that.

Luke hears his phone ring from his pocket; he's knows that the Green Day ringtone of Boulevard of Broken Dreams is the one belonging to Ashton. He hesitates, but he doesn't answer. He feels a wave of guilt wash over him as the ringtone cuts off, but he doesn't want to answer it and possibly cause a car wreck. Not now. Not today.

He quickly checks the time on his watch; 2:37. He's been driving for 25 minutes and he's only about 5 minutes away from where Ashton is. His stomach goes wild as he starts to think of Ashton. How it feels to hug him, what his voice sounds like, if he still has that cute fringe. Every question you can think of practically bounces around in the blonde boys brain.

Luke finds himself turning into the library parking lot, carefully choosing a parking space, and turning off his car. But then, he just sits there for a while. Thinking.

What if he doesn't like me?

What if I'm not what he wants?

What if he's ?

What if he doesn't want to be friends and is just pissed at me for leaving for so long?

All these questions fill Luke's brain, but he shakes them off, and brings his hand to the door handle. He chukles as he sees how his hand is shaking from nervousness and a bit of fear. He takes a deep breath, and gets out of his car. He looks in the side door mirror, making sure his quiff is still nice and neat, and his clothes are presentable. After a few tugs to his hair, and a few extra fixing to his clothes, he finally decides to enter the library. Shaky hands, a nervous stomach, and a mind filled with eager questions, he turns around and slowly starts walking towards the library doors. Every step he takes earns for him to become even more nervous than he was sitting in the car.

Soon enough, Luke's opening the library door and slowly walking in. He takes about three steps, then stops to look around. A curly haired boy catches his eye, making Luke smile widely. His fringe is no longer a fringe, but it's all curly and topped with a fedora. He's wearing brown glasses that sit on the tip of his nose as he peeks into History book and writes down something in a notebook. His eyebrows furrow in concentration, but he looks more frustrated than anything.


All nervousness washes away and Luke's now filled with nothing but excitement. He clears his throat, probably from nerves, and casually walks up to Ashton's table. Ashton doesn't seem to notice the blonde boy, as he's so into his studies. This only makes Luke smile.

"Excuse me," Luke says, a light smirk playing onto his lips. Ashton's head shoots up, and his facial expression softens as his lips part and Luke swears he can hear a light gasp escape the curly haired boys lips. "Can I sit with you?" Ashton nods, happily. Ashton's stomach is going wild just because he's finally heard Luke's voice; his Australian accent is so thick. And Ashton loves it.

As soon as Luke's butt hits that chair beside him, Ashton is engulfing him in a tight hug.

"Oh, my god. You're real. You're Luke. Oh, my god. You're alive, lukey." Ashton mumbles, causing Luke to chuckle as he wraps his arms around Ashton, taking in the sweet sound of his voice. "Talk again." Luke mumbles. This time, Ashton laughs, causing unwanted attention from a few people in the library. Ashton covers his mouth, pulling away from the hug, but the smile on his face doesn't fade one bit. Ashton glances at his books on the table, then back at Luke.

"C'mon," Ashton says, already stuffing his books inside his backpack, "I wanna take you out to lunch." Ashton says, earning a shy smile from Luke. Ashton stands up, holding his right hand out for Luke to take. Luke smiles, intertwining his fingers with Ashton's as he stands up. The height difference is definitely noticeable.

"You're so fucking tall, Luke." Ashton giggles, sliding on his backpack strap to his left shoulder.

"Leave me alone." Luke whines as a blush creeps up to his cheeks.

Ashton just smiles, leading Luke out of the library and to the only place he can afford right now: Maccas. (McDonald's, if you didn't know.)


"If these sheets were the states and you were miles away!"

"I'd fold them end over end to bring you closer to meee!"

"Because I don't sleep at all without you pressed up against me!"

"I settled for long distance calls, I'm lost in empty pillow talk again!"

"You even serenade in real life, oh, my god." Ashton practically swoons over Luke. Luke is attractive to Ashton, yes, but the fact that he has beautiful taste in music is a major turn on for Ashton; music choice has always been a big thing for him.

The fact that they were both singing-- very poorly, I might add-- in very loud, obnoxious voices in the middle of Maccas made Luke very happy, because he knew this would turn into a memory that he would never forget; like, this is going to turn into a story he's going to be able to tell his children.

He could see it now;

Hey, kids, me and your father once went to Maccas and sang our hearts out and got kicked out while eating chicken nuggets. Aren't I a great influence?

Silence seems to sliver into their conversation. That is, until Ashton starts to blabber.

"I meant what I said," He says, playing with the plastic spoon that comes with his milkshake, "I- um- I- I really do love you, Luke."

Luke tries not smile too much, but he really can't help it. All nervousness washes away from him and is now replaced with confidence. Luke brings his right hand to hold Ashton's, taking the curly haired boy by surprise.


"I love you, too." Luke says. Ashton is just surprised that his heart is still intact because it's beating so fast.

"I don't know what else to say," Ashton giggles, "let's just go back to my place, okay?"

Luke smiles softly, but on the inside he's practically screaming with excitement.


"This is your place?"

"Mhm." Ashton hums, setting his keys and his fedora down on the island in his kitchen. "Nice, huh?" Ashton asks, and throws his backpack on a stool beside the island.

Luke nods, looking around the small apartment. "Very." He smiles, following Ashton into the living room. Ashton sits on his small couch while Luke just kinda stands there, awkwardly fumbling with his fingers.

Ashton scoffs. "Sit down, you nerd."

So, Luke does. But on the other end of the couch. Ashton rolls his eyes, but the smile on his face never fades one bit. He realizes that Luke is probably just nervous, so he scoots himself closer to Luke, earning a small smile from the blonde boy. Ashton does leave him some space, though. He doesn't want to make Luke uncomfortable, but he still wants to be close to the boy.

On the other hand, Luke is mentally slapping himself in the face. He can obviously see that Ashton wants to be close to him, but that boost of confidence he had earlier, just isn't there anymore. He's happy that Ashton is able to understand what Luke is feeling, though.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Ashton asks, trying his absolute best to make Luke comfortable. Luke smiles and nods, "What do you have?" He asks.


They never found a movie to watch, but they did get to talking. Just getting to know each other a little bit better. Ashton still hasn't asked why Luke never came sooner because, honestly, he doesn't want to ruin the moment. Right about now, Luke is talking his favorite band at the moment. And the sparkle in Luke's eyes and the way he uses his arms to emphasize some things just interests Ashton.

"Alex and Jack are obviously in love with each other, like do you see that chemistry? Even we don't have that chemistry!"

Ashton giggles at that.

"And oh, my god, their music is just unbelievably good; like, it's a fucking gift from the gods, Ashton." Luke explains, his facial expression showing that he's 100% serious.

"I swear, I'm gonna marry every member of All Time Low." Luke says, a big smile covers his face.

"You're so gay, Luke." Ashton laughs, taking a sip of his soda. Luke sticks out his tongue in a teasing manner.

"You're gay." Luke mumbles.

"Your point?" Ashton smirks, raising his eyebrows lightly.

Luke rolls his eyes, getting up to change the song that had just come onto the radio. Luke isn't very fond of MAGIC, especially since it's so overplayed. He shuts off the radio and walks over to Ashton's C.D rack. He looks through some, until one interests him. He smiles, sticking the C.D into the player and pressing play.

"Oh, well imagine as I'm pacing the pews in a church corridor,"

Ashton immediately facepalms himself as he hears the familiar tune of Panic! At the Dico's famous song I Write Sins Not Tragedies play. Luke can't help but laugh as he sings along to the words.

"It's much better to face these kinds of things with a sence of poise and rationality," Luke sings, practically at the top of his lungs while going back to sit next to Ashton; who is a giggling mess.

"You're such a nerd!" Ashton giggles as Luke sits next to him.

"I'm your nerd!" Luke says, beginning to dance in the most idiotic way he can think of. Ashton can't believe that thisis the same boy who, hours ago, would barely speak a word to him.

"I haven't played this C.D. in years!" Ashton states. Luke just shrugs and continues to sing along. Ashton isn't worried about the many noise complaints he's probably about to get, he just loves seeing Luke act so ridiculous. Like he's knows Ashton forever.

Once the song is done, Luke turns it down a bit as a Green Day song comes on. He wants to sing along, but he's so out of energy, he just doesn't want to put the effort in.

"You know," Ashton says, "it's a long way back to your house and it's nearly 7PM..." Ashton trails off. Luke smirks, sitting up on his elbows.

"You're right. I should stay here 'til morning, I just burned myself out dancing to Panic!. I can't drive in these conditions!" Luke gives a dramatic sigh, making Ashton smile.

They continue to talk and even sing together to some songs from when they were teenagers. They talk about college, they talk about their family, but they've both been avoiding the subject of them. Luke doesn't want to bring it up because he doesn't want to be rejected. That's a big fear of his. And Ashton, well, Ashton is very tempted to.

So, he does.

"What are we?" Ashton asks as thumb glides back and forth over Luke's hand. Luke smiles at his actions.

"What do you want to be?" Luke asks, smiling softly.

"Something." Ashtons admits, looking up to meet Luke's gaze. Luke's stomach is going crazy while Ashton's heart is beating too fast for him to handle.

Then, it kind of just happened. They both leaned in, The xx softly playing in the background, as their lips met; their hands still intertwined, their stomachs doing so many flips, and their hearts beating a mile a minute. Luke removes his hand from Ashton's and brings it up to cup Ashton's cheek, while Ashton brings his hand to Luke's hair, running his fingers through it. Even though the kiss isn't a heated one, it still kinda turns Luke on. And when Ashton pulls away and starts to place soft kisses to Luke's neck, he loses it.

It all happens to fast; Luke doesn't really know how they ended up in Ashton's bed, but he's not complaining.

So, after a few laughs, condoms, and even some lube-- which Luke teased Ashton about having-- the two boys were doing it; I would say they were just having sex, but if I did I would be lying. Let me tell you, they were making love. Love was applied into every moan and thrust and Ashton was so gentle with Luke, just gazing at him as the blonde slipped into pure bliss. Ashton couldn't find a single flaw in Luke that night. The way he moaned Ashton's name in pleasure, the way he chuckled because it felt so good he really didn't know what else to do, the way he threw his head back when he finally reached his high; Ashton saw nothing but perfection in him. And Ashton wasn't the only one thinking these things.

Luke loved how gentle Ashton was with him; taking his time with every thrust, making sure not to hurt him. Whispering quiet I love you's into his ear and pressing soft kisses to his neck every time he thrusted into Luke. Luke could actually feel the love that Ashton was giving him. And he loved every second of it.

Pants, gasps, the soft sound of skin against skin, and a few untamed moans and swears slipped through the air as they both reached their high. Once they were both done, they just looked at each other and couldn't help but let a few laughs slip.

And somewhere between their cuddles that soon came afterward and the soft kisses to Luke's forehead and the occasional lips, Ashton started to let his mind speak.

"Are we something?" He asks, nervousness clear in his voice.

Luke smiles down at the boy and nods, "We are definitely something."


"If that's your way of asking me, then yes." Luke smiles while Ashton just giggles and presses his lips to Luke's.


Perhaps tomorrow came too quickly. Sunday is never a good day and today is no exception. Luke has classes tomorrow, as does Ashton. So, Luke has no choice as to drive back to his place. Which is depressing for both boys, but they're trying not to think about it much, since it's only about 11AM right and Luke doesn't plan on leaving until about 4:00. They still have a couple of hours.

They spend that time basically cuddling and watching a couple of movies; of course, they weren't really paying attention to the movie as they were more paying attention to each others lips; they spent most of the time making out more than watching the actual movie.

Then, that dreadful hour came and Luke had to go.

"Drive safe, okay?" Ashton says, leaning his arms on the car door of Luke's car. Luke nods, leaning in to give Ashton a kiss before he pulls out of the parking lot.

"I love you." Luke says, trying his best to smile.

"I love you, too." Ashton smiles. Luke does the same and with that, Ashton starts walking back to his door. That is, until Luke calls for him.

"Hey!" Luke calls, Ashton turns back to face him.


"I'll text you later." Luke smiles, then immediately drives away. Ashton smiles softly, going back into his house and sitting on the same couch where, not even 30 minutes ago, him and Luke were cuddled together, but now he sits by his phone, just waiting for his lovely boyfriend to text him once again.


that's it. that's the end. HOW CUTE WAS IT I THOUGHT IT WAS VERY CUTE OK

tbh i just made this story bc i was bored but then people actually gave it attention and oh my god it ranked in the hundreds in the fanfiction and humour tag and i just- i can't thank you guys enough. i looooooveee youuuu.

btw that was my first love making/real/serious scene I've ever written so yeah sorry if it sucked ):

thank you for reading, i hope you liked it. (:

- haley.

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