《texting → lashton》seventeen.


do you ever feel like breaking down

do you ever feel out of place

like somehow you just don't belong

and no one understands you

do you ever wanna run away

do you lock yourself in your room

with the radio on turned up so loud that no one hears you screaming

no you don't know what it's liiiiiiiike when nothing feels alriiiiighttt

you don't know what's it's like to be like meeeeeeeeeeee

my jam tbh


this song is so relevant atm

i miss you

calum asked about you the other day

i told him that we still talk

even though it's been two months since i last heard from you.

i text you every day, almost.

i asked my mom of i should delete your number

she said no because you could come back

and that's the only slimmer of hope i have.

you're so lame and funny and attractive and cute and it's weird because I've never even met your lame butt but i still adore you so much and i haven't had contact with you in over two months but my adoration for you only grows and this is really depressing tbh please come back

i miss you luke.

I'm going to bed.


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