《This Love Is A Stretch! (Sky High Lash FanFic Love)》A Lovely Walk Back Home!


Chapter 14: A Lovely Walk Back Home

I looked down to see Amy had sent me a text.

"Where are you? Me an Ashley our in your room wit a surprise to help you with your Lash problems :)" Was what the text read.

"Your dad?" Lash asked rubbing his thumb on the back of my hand that he was still holding.

"No the twins...I guess I should head back home." I said texting Amy back letting her know I was on my way back then put my phone back into my pocket.

"Want me to walk with you?" he said lifting my head forcing me to look at him.

"Yeah I'd like that."

"Great let's go then." he said smiling and grabbing my hand.

We started walking back to my house hand and hand as I held the flower he gave me in the other. The whole walk Lash was whispering sweet things in my ear; about how he still loved even after we broke up, how he actually wrote a poem, song and love letter that he was going to give me and try to get me back.

"Wow you really did all that?" I asked stopping in my tracks.

"Of course. I love you!" he said placing the flower into my hair.

"I will do anything for you, anything to get you back and keep you safe. I wasn't sure which would work so that's why I did all three, but none of those could be as could as our tree and your favorite flower." he said holding both of my hands as he stood in front of me.

"Oh Lash..."I said starting to feel tears form.

"Mary what's wrong?" he asked wiping the few tears away before they fell.


"It's just....I Love You so much and hearing you say all that really makes me happy. I missed you so much." I said hugging him around his waist as tightly as I could.

"I missed you too." he said softly into my ear as he hugged me back.

"Come on lets get you home." He said pulling away and grabbing my hand, I hadn't even realized that we were only a house away from my house.

"Wait Lash! It's probably best if I finished walking home by myself from here."

"Why?" he asked worriedly.

"Well because my dad still hates you, even though he told me to see you tonight. I could read his mind that he still doesn't like you that much." I said pulling him back and looking at him, then he started laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked worried.

"The way your dad feels hasn't stopped us before. Should I remind you of last night in your room?" he asked wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Lash I'm serious. I don't want any more drama or trouble than what I already have." I said pushing on his chest lightly.

"I'm serious too. I lost you once and I promise to not let anything get in-between us; ever again. I Love You." he said placing a hand on the left side of my face.

"Lash..." but before I could say anything else he cut me off my pressing his lips to mine in a sweet kiss. I moved my hands to his broad shoulders as he's hand tightened around my waist and the other ran through my hair. Then before I could deepen the kiss Lash pulled away and placed his forehead against mine.

"Let's take telling your dad that we are back together one step at a time ok?" he asked.


"Ok." I said softly not able to find my voice after that sweet kiss.

"Ok then, see you at school tomorrow then?" he asked placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Ok." I said smiling.

"I Love You Mary!"

"I Love You too Lash!" I said placing a light kiss on his lips then turned quickly and headed to my house before he pulled me back, also I wanted to tease him a little bit.

Now time to deal with my father and worse...The Twins.

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