《Wolves of Roma》Chapter 19


Chapter 19


"Where the hell is he?" Roma cursed.

Adrian did not show any expression, it was very rare for Roma to curse. That too curse her son, who currently was missing.

"I think he might have gone for a run" Adrian added.

She sighed in frustration.

"He might be back soon" Adrian suggested trying to appease his frustrated monarch.

But they knew if Maxwell wanted he would disappear for hours.

She just shook her head, she was in a catch 22 situation. If she summoned him back and it turned out to be nothing it would be hard explaining it to him, but on the other hand... She shrugged, the girl wasn't going anywhere. It was better to set up an accidental meeting rather than getting her son's hopes up.

She would regret this decision later.


Evelyn rolled her breakfast cart to the room and one of the guards opened the door.

She was surprised to see that the room instead of being empty like usual had two occupants. Roma and Adrian.

"Good Morning" She politely greeted them as she rolled the cart to its destination, the table.

As she was transferring contents she heard Roma from behind her "Could you pour me some coffer dear?"

"Sure" Evelyn obliged

She poured some coffee in a cup and up a container of cream and sugar on a tray and took it to where Roma was sitting.

"Here you go Roma" She said, putting the tray in front of her.

"Thank you....Evelyn isn't it?" Roma asked, pouring some cream and adding two cubes of sugar in to her cup and stirring gently.

"Yes, ma'am" Evelyn confirmed.

"How old are you?"

"18 ma'am"

"Are you in school?"

"Yes ma'am, senior year"

"Good, so you graduate this year?"

"I do ma'am"

Roma just nodded

"Thank you Evelyn" She smiled at the girl dismissing her.

"Have a nice day ma'am" she looked at Adrian "You to Adrian" she added.

He gave her a polite smile and nodded "You too Evelyn."

The waited in silence as the girl left with her cart closing the door behind her.

"She is pretty" Roma voiced her thoughts out.

Adrian just nodded, yes she was a pretty girl.

"Do you think it's her?" Adrian asked.

Roma gave a resigned sigh "I don't know, could be. It's Maxwell who needs to confirm. I am just going on a hunch"

Knowing Roma Adrian knew that her hunches hardly proved wrong.

But he understood why she was keeping this from Maxwell, she didn't' want to get her Son's hopes up.


Evelyn delivered breakfast for couple more rooms until she encountered a grumbling Amy in the second floor. This floor had been her last stop before heading back to the kitchen.

"What's up?"

"Stupid Wolves!" Amy muttered.

"Anyone in particular" Evelyn asked.

"All of them!" she spread her hands indicating the rooms in the hallway.

"They have these wild drinking sessions every day that by morning all rooms are a mess. I have to change linen every single day!"

"On top of that...today, I ended up cleaning vomits off floor"

Evelyn scrunched her nose...thank god for small miracles, she was in the kitchen duty.

"The whole floor stinks!" Amy muttered, she pulled out a room freshener from one of the housekeeping closets which was present on every floor and started spraying furiously.

"Well I am heading back to kitchen, I am done with breakfast duty" Evelyn added

Amy gave Evelyn puppy dog eyes "Can you help me? I am still on the second floor and I have to clean rooms in this entire place."


Evelyn hesitated

"Please!" Amy begged "You help me with the rooms and I will help you in the kitchen, whatever you want"

Evelyn sighed "Ok, let me check" but she knew with breakfast done there would be couple of hours lean time before lunch preparation started and they were staffed adequately in the kitchen, she could help out Amy.

"All right" she said.

"Yay!" Amy said and hugged Evelyn "I owe you one, here is a master key" she passed on one more master key to Evelyn "You can use it in the unoccupied rooms" They had to clear all rooms every day. It didn't matter if it was occupied or unoccupied.

"The supplies should be in the housekeeping closet on each floor" you can start with fourth and work your way upwards.

Evelyn nodded and started her trek back to the kitchen. Behind her Amy was furiously spraying room freshener all over the hallway.


Maxwell stepped out of the elevator heading towards his room when he stopped and took a deep whiff. That scent was there again. Now he turned back following it. The scent stopped near the elevator. But it was a service elevator not the one used for guests of the hotel.

He pressed the elevator button and waited for it to come up and open, as it opened he stepped inside and the scent was not there inside the elevator. He looked up and saw a fan which was running on the roof of the elevator and which also acted as an exhaust inside the elevator so the air was constantly being recycled so the scent would not linger.

He out of instinct jumped in to the elevator and pressed button to the floor below. As the elevator moved down and door opened and he walked out in to the hallway and took a deep whiff. Yes, he could feel the familiar scent. As he followed the scent it stopped abruptly near one room. Did the scent belong to a guest? He thought it was unlikely as all guests in the hotel currently were Roma wolves.

As he was thinking he looked around and saw the sign for the emergency exit stairway. He walked to it opened the door and took one flight of stairs down and walked back in to the hallway on the floor below and took a whiff again. Nope no scent here, he walked around the floor hallway but could not pick up that scent.

He returned back to the emergency exit and went one floor down again, yep the scent was there and it lead back from one of the rooms to the service elevator.

It was definitely one of the hotel staff.

He pressed the button and waited for the service elevator to come down, he again took the elevator down to the floor below trying to track the scent.

That way he reached the second floor tracking the scent when suddenly a new scent assaulted his nostrils. He coughed with disgust. He was assaulted with the smell of room freshener all over the hallway and he could not smell any other scents.

He was about to go back to the floor below when one of the room's doors opened and Alex walked out.

"Maxwell? What are you doing here?" Alex asked wondering why he was on the second floor.

Maxwell opened his mouth to respond but what would he say exactly? He was trying to track a scent? Why? He had no clue. Because his wolf was acting up.

"Nothing" Maxwell stated "I just went for a run and wanted to check with you if you wanted to hang out today."


"Sure" Alex nodded "I set up my Xbox yesterday night, want to have a marathon?"

Maxwell shrugged, he had nothing better to do "Let me take a shower and have some breakfast and I will be with you in an hour."

"All right" Alex said excitedly "Let me stock up my fridge" and rushed back in to his room.

Maxwell gave up his hunt and walked to the guest elevator and pressed the button to go back to the top floor.


An hour later Evelyn started to help out Amy with housekeeping. She started from the top floor from Roma's suite. Roma was not in so one of the security guards let her in and was hovering over her as she started tiding up her room. Once done the guard guided her to the other bedroom in the suite. She had not even know someone was staying there.

As she walked in, she saw the state it was in. It was in a disarray. Looking at the clothes strewn all over she realized it was a guy. She shook her head and got to work. Ignoring the guard hovering behind her.

After thirty minutes the room was tidy. She had neatly folded the cloths strewn all over the room. The sheets were neatly set. She was satisfied with the appearance of the room, she hoped whoever was staying there would appreciate too. She packed up her stuff and moved out of the room. She was done on this floor and would start with the one below.


Max spent a good part of afternoon in Alex's room, killing time playing on his Xbox, after a long time he was just killing time and it was fun. They had started drinking beer and before they knew it a whole pack of them was empty. Both Maxwell and Alex had a small buzz from it and they finally called it quits.

Maxwell headed back to his room as he stepped in to his bedroom he was assaulted with the familiar scent.

His senses were in overload. While he always smelt that scent in milder quantities now it was pretty strong, indicating whoever that scent belonged to had spent some time in the room. His head was spinning and his wolf was trying to claw his way out. Whatever it was, this scent drove his wolf in to an overdrive, with the alcohol buzz it was becoming difficult to control and contain his wolf.

He walked out of the room and opened the door of the suite and looked at the guards stationed near the door.

"Where is my mother?" he asked.

"She and Adrian stepped out sir" The guard said and added "of course she had a security team with her" he reassured him.

Maxwell nodded and asked"Who was in my room?"

"There was a girl from housekeeping sir" one of the guards answered.

The moment the guard mentioned a girl he had a bolt of pleasure shoot through him. His fucking wolf was horny, he thought disgustingly.

"When was this?" he asked trying to ignore his wolf's feelings.

"About an hour ago sir. Anything wrong? Are you missing anything?" the guard inquired.

"Nope, nothing, don't worry about it" he dismissed the guard. Taking an indication from the earlier day pattern he assumed whoever the scent belonged to would be in the lower floors. He looked at the hallway trying to find his way down. At one end of the hallway were service elevators at the other end were the fire exit stairways and in the middle were the guest elevators and he was closest to the fire exit stairways. So he stepped towards them and quickly and took a flight down to the floor below.


Evelyn just completed cleaning all the rooms in that floor and had put the supplies back in the closet. She had pressed the button for the service elevator and was waiting for it to arrive and she suddenly remembered that she forgot some dirty towels in the last room which luckily was the closest room to the service elevator she would step in and collect them before even the elevator would come.


Maxwell stepped out of the emergency stairway and in to the hallway of the floor. He stood at the end and took in a deep whiff. Yes, the scent was there and he was contemplating his next move when he heard one of the room's door open. This room was at the far end of the hallway from where he was standing.

A girl, a brunette appeared out of the room with some towels in her hand. Her back to him she headed towards the service elevator and was waiting for it.

He was rooted to the spot drinking in her sight, his wolf was raging, trying to break free, his head exploding with this internal battle and yet he was experiencing a strange pull towards her.like gravity.

He let out an involuntary growl and the girl spun around. The ground under his feet felt like it gave away as emotions from his wolf hit him like a sledge hammer. And finally, his wolf broke free.


Evelyn was waiting for the service elevator when she thought she heard a growl. However unlikely that was, she instinctively turned around.

She gasped as she saw him. He was definitely a wolf, but what was alarming was the moment he say her, he as swayed for a second and his posture became stiff.

He stood there for a moment and started to walk towards her. His body language was anything but friendly.

She involuntarily took a step back and she heard him growl again. Alarm bells ringing in her head.

At the exact same time the elevator behind her chimed and the door opened.

He paused at the distraction, she looked back in to the elevator and then looked at him again.

He growled again, it was a growl of warning and she could take a guess what he wanted, he wanted her to stay where she was.

As the doors started to close, she looked at him and jumped in to the closing elevator. There was no way in hell she was staying anywhere near a crazy guy who looked barely in control of his wolf.

She heard him roar and from between the closing doors she saw him start run towards the elevator.

Her panic grew.She jabbed a number inside the elevator randomly and also was pressing the door close button repeatedly, the doors were not closing fast enough. She was praying that the doors would close before he would reach her.

She saw him almost reach the elevator when the doors closed and the elevator started to move down. The only thing she would remember would be his black eyes. She had seen such eyes before in her pack. When the wolf inside took total control. Such folks were dangerous and unpredictable.

She heard him punch the door violently and shuddered involuntary at her narrow escape.

But what she heard next made her blood run cold.

"Mate! Mine!" he roared and that was the last thing she heard as the elevator progressed downwards.

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