《Wolves of Roma》Chapter 6
Chapter 6
The second group of fifty rogue wolfs were close to their brothers they would join them shortly and take out the unexpected resistance...they sped up with renewed rigor and then suddenly hell broke loose.
When Alex pressed enter the text on the screen changed to "Armed: Active".
A short wave radio command was received by the landmines buried in the ground and in a fraction of a second the trigger mechanism activated.
When in deactivated mode you can play catch with a land mine pretty safely but with the trigger activated the hunk of cylindrical metal turned in to something more deadly.
The land mines buried under less than a feet of earth read the activity of wolfs above and they triggered an explosion.
The specially designed landmine explode in phase wise manner, first a small concentrated sphere ejected up about 2 feet off the ground. This sphere had a deadly payload of explosive, once two feed off ground, it exploded impacting anything in five feet radius very badly disintegrating skin, muscle and bones of unfortunate wolves in their radius.
The second phase was the cylinder in the ground. It contained a highly compressed explosive which exploded with a lag of launching the sphere explosive in to the air. The explosion turned the metal body of the landmine in to deadly shrapnel that flew out from the ground and pierce anything in a nearby area. The mine was coated with a compound of silver making this even more deadly for the wolf as a wolf embedded with silver will heal very slowly and with serious injury would bleed to death.
Within seconds, it was over.
Most of the wolves were torn to shreds instantaneously. The unlucky one's who were not killed by the exploding mines were lying on the ground with major injuries, some of them with loss of limbs and body parts, bleeding to their certain death.
About ten of them came out of it with minor injuries and they were already tagged, in the shock of the blasts they did not even notice the pinpricks they would have felt otherwise. What they were seeing was mutilated bodies of their brothers lying on the ground some of them howling in pain. They turned tail and ran.
The snipers took mercy and put the injured out of their misery.
The wolves fighting Adrian and his team abruptly stopped fighting and fled. Around twenty of them were dead or grievously injured the rest just gave up and ran, Adrian and his pack did not peruse. They had caused heavy damage to the rogues, bodies were littered everywhere.
The ones that were left to escape, as per Alex's instructions most of them were successfully tagged. Adrian changed in to human form surveyed the surroundings, his team was shifting back. "Clean this shit up" he barked and walked towards the tree where he kept his clothes and he put on the earpiece.
"Talk to me" he said in to the earpiece.
Nick and Jeff watched with horrified fascination as the carnage unfolded, a section of the screen filled with bright light as if something exploded and once the light faded out on the screen the red blobs of wolves disappeared off the screen instead now the IR cameras picked up immovable shapes of wolfs.
Where they were bright red before now they were minor oranges surrounded by hues of blue, indicating that the bodies were going cold...essentially dead.
They had never encountered such scale of mass destruction before, this was not war, it was slaughter. They looked at the Roma wolves with renewed respect and even fear. Fear was a perfectly healthy reaction to someone who could inflict such damage, they might have doubted them before but now the carnage displayed their deadly capability and for the first time they felt they had a chance of making out of this alive.
"It's over" Alex whispered in his earpiece "Leave a patrol behind and return home, I don't think they will return today." The rogues would be in a disarray right now trying to figure out what the hell had happened.
"All right, good show folks, lets pack up" Alex said to the room, most of them would retire for the day. Leaving behind only a couple of folks to monitor the parameter just in case.
Alex walked over to a stunned Nick and Jeff "We are safe for today, lets re assemble tomorrow." he said and walked out. All this killing had unnerved him. He was good at this but didn't mean he had to like it.
The news of the destruction of the rogues spread like wildfire and the pack house broke up in cheers, in a matter of minutes the compound turned in to a festive zone. T
he kitchen was fired up and drinks were being passed on. Nobody cared that it was midnight, there was nervous energy in the air, there was music and laughter, the grim atmosphere hours before completely vanished. When Adrian and his team returned they were loudly cheered and welcomed as heroes, drinks were passed to them and they were quickly assimilated in to the festivities.
Alex, when he returned near his command center after taking a walk to get some fresh air and gather his thoughts, was surprised with the activity. When he was offered a beer he graciously accepted but he sat near a makeshift tent his team had set up earlier in the day and had put up some temporary chairs and tables. It was a perfect place for him, overlooking the festivities but still giving him privacy, he was not in the mood to join in.
Adrian had walked over "Why so glum brother?" and dropped himself next to him.
"It's not over yet." Alex added. Not by a long shot, the threat would only be over when the rogues were completely eradicated. Yes, today that had massive casualties but no one knew how many more of them were around or what they would do now.
Adrian nodded "I know, buts that for tomorrow." With the losses the rogues encountered today, there was no way in hell they would be attacking again anytime soon. They were safe....for now.
"They" Adrian pointed to the crowd of celebrating wolves"I believe did not have much to celebrate in the past few months, let them get some steam off." Few days ago their situation seemed desperate and now suddenly their fortunes had turned. They did have a valid reason to celebrate.
"So many dead" Alex whispered.
Adrian understood, Alex while he was superb at his job always felt bad killing their kind. Alex sincerely subscribed to the thought that werewolf's need to unite and get strong because when the humans found out about them, which according to him was only a matter of time. Then their real chance of survival would be a unified front, the current infighting and killing only made them weaker for humans to pick them off one by one. He was an idealist like the Royals who also believed the same and were doing everything for a unified world order.
"We saved lives as well" Adrian interjected.
"And, I see a cute blonde over there who has been sizing me up and if I read her vibes right, I might just get lucky" he winked and the girl who was looking at him and she blushed and looked away and again peeped at him through her lashes. Adrian patted on Alex's back and walked towards the blond whose eyes widened when she saw him approaching.
Alex just smiled and shook his head, Adrian was always a player, but he played fair. He always let the girl know the score, it was just a good time and nothing else and Adrian secretly harbored hope of finding his mate which Alex has given up long time ago. When he was ready he would hook up with a nice she wolf and settle down, he took a swing at his beer bottle but it turned out empty, he was just about to go get one more beer when he noticed someone there. He was so lost in his thoughts that he did not see sense her approaching.
"Want one?" she asked holding out a beer, she clearly came with an agenda as she was holding two beer bottles.
"Actually yes" Alex said taking it from her, she was a short, petite brunet with large brown eyes. She was a looker, this one. Maybe she would be interested in lifting her tail tonight. Come to think of it, it's been too long.
"Not joining the festivities?" She asked.
"Not really a festive guy" He deadpanned.
She just raised an eyebrow.
"What about you? I don't see you in the thick of it either" he asked her
"Not a festive girl either" She said smiling.
"So what brings you here?" He asked and winced, have some tact Alex.
Her smile dropped "Well I saw you here all alone and thought you could use a drink" she pointed to the beer he was sipping which he had taken from her earlier "And was escaping an overzealous wolf, hope you don't mind, but if you want me to leave..."
"It's ok" Alex interrupted "One of ours?" he asked. Ready to kick the ass of his men if they had harassed her. He would be surprised if it was one of the Roma wolves. Discipline was ingrained in to their very fiber.
"No, no" she said shaking her head vigorously "Your boys are behaving like gentlemen, it's one of ours, who can't take no for an answer." she scrunched up her face in distaste.
"Want me to straighten him out?" Ales asked sitting up straight, ready to jump in to action.
"No, nothing I can't handle" She smiled "Thanks though, my knight in shining armor!" She smirked at him.
"Well I have been called worst" he smiled back, he was enchanted with this she wolf, it didn't happen often.
"I am Evelyn by the way" She said extending her hand.
"Alexander" He offered back, shaking her hand gently. her soft hands.
"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl" he added. She blushed at his compliment, her blush made her more alluring.
They sat for a moment in comfortable silence. Perhaps both of them enjoying the short lived peace the night had to offer.
"Thank you!" Evelyn said all of sudden breaking the silence.
"For what?" Alex questioned.
"For giving us a reason to celebrate, for giving us a reason to hope, for saving us from a certain death."
He looked at her, she was sincere and meant every word.
"You are welcome... I guess" He said uncomfortably, never being in such situation before.
They sat in awkward silence before Alex interrupted "It's not over you know" She nodded her head in acknowledgement.
"I just don't understand" she sighed "All this killing, can't we learn to live together, there is enough land for all of us."
Alex looked at her with renewed interest "Idealist I see."
"Nothing wrong in being idealist" She defended "I just don't see the point in all this power play, all we want is some peace and quite so that we can get on with our lives, is that too much to ask?" she said looking toward the festivities, reminiscing of simpler days.
"Sometimes, it is the simple things, that are most hard to accomplish" Alex responded and she looked at him, it was not an empty statement, it spoke of experience.
Alex looked at her "Ironic isn't it?"
She shrugged "I am done with this place she said" out of the blue. Not sure why she brought this up with a complete stranger, but Alex made her comfortable, she felt a sense of security from him, this feeling that she had with very few wolves.
He just looked at her with a questioning expressing waiting for her to continue.
"When this is over and I come out of it alive, I am going to leave for the biggest city I can find."
"Just like that?" he asked.
"Just like that."
"Why?" he was curious now.
"I cannot take this violent life, and it's just not the fighting and killing. Even the everyday stuff, just going through everyday stuff in a pack is exhausting, on top of that the medieval attitude towards she wolfs."
"All you need to do is find a nice mate and settle down and have some pups" she mimicked clearly it was a sentiment repeated to her multiple times "As if the only purpose in my life is to be a brood mare" she grimaced "No.Thank.You" she looked at Alex after her little rant, he was smirking at her with mirth in his eyes.
"What?" she snapped.
He put his hands up in a gesture of surrender "Nothing"
"So you think I am being overdramatic?"
"Well...most she wolf's dream to find a mate and settle down, is that so bad"
"No, it's not. I know most of them are perfectly happy whit what they have. But, I want more"
"Yes you know, like a purpose, a sense of accomplishment, do something to prove it to myself that I can be more."
"You go girl!" Alex quipped.
"You are making fun of me!" she said hotly.
"No... I am not, honestly, it is refreshing." he said sincerely.
"It is?" she quizzed "Most of my pack thinks I am mental, they can't dream of leaving the pack, I feel it's liberating, challenging..."
"What will you do, once you leave?" he was genuinely curious.
"I want to be a doctor, a human one. With my wolf's skills, imagine the possibilities."
"What does your Alpha think? If he knows, that is" Alex asked.
Her mouth formed in to a thin line "He does not like it, but I have harassed him enough for him to consider it a possibility, the last I spoke to him he told me after all this is settled to come talk to him."
Alex was surprised, an Alpha would never let a female wolf from his pack to leave as it would go against his protective instinct. But at the same time he could see the determination in her eyes, he could feel that when required she could be quite persistent.
"So, nothing to stop you, huh?" he asked.
"Well, I think I can handle my Alpha, mom & Jeff. Jeff is the beta of the pack by the way, he and my mom are an item and they plan to marry soon."
"I know, I met Jeff" Alex added.
"The other thing that can stop me is a Mate, I don't see him around, so no worry about that and once I am in a city it is unlikely that I will find him" she said happily "And since I did not shift yet, and there is no mate in the picture, there is no danger of me shifting anytime soon, so that is covered as well" Female wolfs shift around sixteen and if they don't shift then the only way they will shift for sure is when they find their mates.
"You are forgetting one thing" Alex mentioned.
She looked at him with a question mark face.
He smiled "Your Alpha is not the only one who you need to take permission from now."
"Whatever do you mean? Who else?" She asked clearly lost.
"As of two days ago, your alpha pledged his allegiance to Roma and Roma follows the law of the old, ergo, you are now under the law of the old."
He could see the wheels spinning in her head "What does it mean?" she whispered fearing the worst.
"It means" He paused and got up "You need to go to bed, it's late and I will see you tomorrow" and he got up and started to walk away.
"Alex!" She screeched and reached him in quick strides "Tell me what it means!" she demanded, reaching him and pulling at his arm so he stopped and turned towards her.
"It's all really complicate and boring..."
"Alex!" she hissed gritting her teeth.
He found it amusing, seeing her this riled "Look, let me find more info and let you know tomorrow, how about that?"
She narrowed her eyes suspiciously at him "Tell me what you know, why wait till tomorrow?"
"Maybe, because I want to see you tomorrow again?"
"Why?" She asked lost.
"Because, maybe, I want to spend some time with you."
"Take an educated guess" he smirked.
She narrowed her eyes at him.
"It give and take, Eve" Alex said.
"Only my friends call me Eve!" she exclaimed.
"Am I not?" he asked, his eyes daring her to answer otherwise, not that she thought he had some information she wanted.
"Maybe" she said reluctantly "The jury is still out."
"Make up your mind Sweetheart! Let me give you tonight, tomorrow morning, you me and breakfast, let's call it a date."
"I am not your sweetheart and there is no date" she said pointing between them.
"Ok then" he said walking away.
"What! That's it?" she asked clearly lost at him giving up so easily, somehow she felt he was not a guy who gave up easily.
"No" he paused and turned "but I know that I have something you want."
"I can ask others you know"
"I already told them to keep their mouths zipped, even Sebastian won't talk, but you can try" he shrugged.
"Or, you could simply meet me tomorrow at breakfast table and find the answers."
"It's just breakfast" she clarified.
He just stood there impassive, waiting, clearly knowing the outcome.
"Fine!" she relented.
His face broke in to grin "Let's meet tomorrow Eve, I will find out what I can. Good night sweetheart!" he smiled and turned his back to her and walked again with a grin.
"I.am.not.your.sweetheart!" she muttered mutinously to his retreating back, but he kept walking, if he heard it he never showed it but he did start whistling, the grin never left his face.
This trip was turning out to be fun indeed.
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