《Wrath of Roma》Chapter 11
Happy new year folks!
Chapter 11
"Well I am here" The Alpha told over the video conference "I don't know why this could not be done over video in the comfort of my home" he muttered but he knew why he had to be here and that is why he came over readily. He had demanded that this pack be merged with his for continued loyalty and if Adrian was making that announcement it would make sense that he be here. He did not expect any trouble, Ryan was loyal to fault to Roma and that that poor fuck did not know that loyalty was going to screw him over royally. The irony, he could not help but grin a little.
"Thanks for coming over Alpha Connor and Thank you Alpha Ryan for hosting this meeting" Adrian said over the video link looking at the men peering in to the screen. He had deliberately ignored the grumbling from Connor.
"So" Connor said "What's up?" he said rubbing his hands in excitement of the announcement he was expecting, his pack would be so thrilled! He had kept this a secret and not a soul in his pack knew what he was up to.
"Gentlemen, I had a meeting with Roma yesterday" Adrian said, he now had the undivided attention of both alphas "In view of the recent events we decided to make some changes across the packs, this is to strengthen our borders and protect the Roma empire as whole."
Connor was fidgeting in his seat while Ryan was too calm.
"In this regard" Adrian continued "Roma has decided to merge both your packs" A grin escaped Connor.
Adrian now looked at Alpha Ryan "Alpha Ryan you are now the alpha of both packs effective immediately."
Connors jaw dropped.
"Alpha Connor, you are stripped off you title and charged with treason against the crown. You have been sentenced to death, sentence to be carried out immediately."
As Adrian said those words, the door for the room opened and a few royal guards who had been flown in advance stormed it and effortlessly slid in a silver collar around his neck. The shocked alpha did not offer any resistance and he was in collar before he could blink in understanding.
As the guards pulled him up unceremoniously his mind caught up, he tried to wriggle out but four trained guards held him still and the silver collar prevented him from using his werewolf strength.
"What the fuck? What is the meaning of this Adrian?!!! I demand I be released at once!!! You and that bitch will pay for this!" he screamed as he was dragged out.
Ryan sat stoic and looked at the screen "You know what to do Ryan" Adrian told him.
Ryan followed the guards dragging the screaming alpha out to the courtyard where his pack folks stopped what they were doing and staring at the commotion in surprise at guards dragging the visiting alpha in to the grounds.
"Ryan, let me go!" Connor yelled "You idiot what do you think you are doing, that stupid bitch does not know what she is doing, she is just a stupid kid!"
A stunned audience surrounded them mostly in shock.
"Alpha Connor" Ryan called out loud so his pack can overhear "For treason against Roma you are being put to death, as ordered by her."
The alpha started yelling and struggling wildly the four enforcers held him down on his knees "Fuck you and Fuck her you fuc.."
He did not finish his statement as Ryan snapped his neck. As the alpha fell on the ground unconscious. He extended his hand and one of the guards gave him a gun. He pointed it at the fallen alphas head and fired. The body shook at the impact of the bullet and blood started pouring out of the hole created by the bullet.
"Burn him, he is not entitled for a burial" Ryan told the guards who nodded to him.
He looked over his stunned pack members and found his beta in the midst "assemble a team" he told him "We need to take over the Connor pack, we leave in thirty." With that he turned around and walked in to the house and while walking he pulled out his phone and dialed Adrian's number.
"Alpha Ryan" Adrian said.
"It's done." Ryan told him.
"Good. I will call Connors beta and let him know there is a change in guard." Adrian said.
"If there is resistance?" Ryan asked. Loyalty couldn't change overnight, there could be potential problems.
"Deal with it as you see fit Ryan. It is your pack now. We are sanctioning all kills" Adrian told him.
"All right" Ryan sighed knowing the task in front of him might not be simple "Tell Roma I appreciate her support and she always has my loyalty."
"She knows and she does Ryan, why do you think she is giving this additional territory to you? Do you realize with the combined lands yours will be one of the biggest packs in size? You need to make it big in terms of might as well."
"Sure Adrian, you can count on it."
"When the dust settles you should come over, get to know your monarch."
"Will do Adrian."
"All right, call us when you take over the pack" With that Adrian disconnected and stepped out of the room. There was someone waiting for him.
"Are they in?" He asked him.
"Yes sir, I put them in the meeting room in the basement like you wanted" The guy told him.
"How many do we have?" Adrian asked.
"All twenty two of them." He told him.
This was good news out of the twenty five troublesome alphas three of them could not make it. One he dealt with right now and the second one was being dealt with similarly. The third one was a problem, he had refused to come and since then put his pack on lockdown like he suspected something. Well that was just one alpha and he would handle him later. He now had twenty two alphas to take care of.
He walked to the elevator and flashed a card at the card reader. Having the card was the only way to summon the elevator.
"So, what is the mood like?" Adrian asked waiting for the elevator to come over.
"They are all very confident. They think they are getting what they want." The aide told him.
"Good. Did any of them get support staff?" Adrian asked.
"Yes, quite a few betas and gammas" The aide responded.
"Where are they?" Adrian asked as the elevator chimed and the doors opened and he stepped in followed by the aide. He pressed the button to the basement and entered a coded on a keypad. One more security feature recently added, even if someone stole the card unless you had the codes the elevator would not move.
"I set them up in another meeting room, told them this was an alphas meeting only."
"Good" Adrian said as the doors opened and they walked out in to the basement.
"Is the team ready?" he asked.
"Yes sir, once you are in the team will seal the area and will wait outside for you signal"
"Excellent" Adrian said reaching the door of the room. "Go ahead and inform the team and you can go back up, I don't want any unnecessary staff on this level and seal out the basement just in case"
"Yes sir" he nodded and stepped away.
Adrian paused and looked at the watch on his wrist, it was time and opened the door.
"Good evening alphas!" He greeted entering the room.
The room had a long table in the center surrounded by chairs and only one way out. No doors or windows, which suited his purpose just fine.
"Adrian!" one of the alphas shouted "We have been waiting forever...why have you crammed us in this shitty room?" he complained. They had been chafed at the treatment.
"Sorry about this gentlemen!" Adrian said "But we wanted to keep this low profile so could not have a meeting up there" he pointed up, indicating the palace.
"Well we are here" one alpha said "shall we get on with it?" He said impatiently.
"Yeah!" one more alpha chimed in "Where is our young queen?" he said with absolute disrespect.
"Heard she is a looker" one more alpha chimed in.
"At least she is good for something" one more added and some of them chuckled.
"So Adrian...are we going to waste time or get down to business, we are busy and have packs to run...I don't have time to sit for her majesty" he ridiculed.
"Don't worry about work" Adrian calmly said "Roma will not be coming down, however she does send you her regards to all of you and also a surprise."
"Well it better be good!" one more alpha added.
"Why don't we find out?" Adrian smiled at them and turned around and opened the door and ten soldiers with complete combat gear and Kevlar body armor carrying fully automatic weapons rushed in and took positions but they guns were pointing downwards.
Turmoil broke out in the room, some of the alphas got up and grouped together.
"What is the meaning of this Adrian?! Is this some twisted joke?" Someone demanded.
"Gentlemen" Adrian said from behind the wall of soldiers "All of you have been charged for treason against the crown and you know the punishment for treason don't you?" He gently voiced out.
"Are you joking? You will kill us all? Don't be absurd!" one of the alphas shouted out still in disbelief.
"Why not?" Adrian calmly asked "Why can't you be replaced? What is it that you have that cannot be replaced? All your packs will be assimilated in to our existing loyal alphas packs. Better for everybody."
"Adrian. Let's be reasonable about this, let's sit down and talk" one of the alphas said with a worried tone.
"What's there to talk?" Adrian asked disinterested "You made your choice when you acted in your own selfish interested and Roma decided how to reward your selfishness."
"She is just a small girl Adrian" Someone sneered.
"Maybe" Adrian said "but you forgot something, she is also your queen and your monarch."
"Goodbye gentlemen!" Adrian said.
"Adrian" "Listen to us" "don't be an idiot" "You need us..." Voices rang out some alphas got ready to attack the soldiers and Adrian gave the nod. In perfect union as only trained soldiers can do the men sprang in to motion and opened fire.
It was a massacre.
For no wolf, however powerful was match for an automatic gun with silver bullets.
"I always hated this room" Adrian muttered and ordered the men "Clean this mess up" he said indicating the mutilated dead bodies."
Adrian storm in to the room and the betas and gammas got up, these were all the support staff that had come along with their respective alphas. What alarmed them more as what followed behind them, men with guns.
"Gentlemen" Adrian said without a preamble "All your alphas were charged with treason against the crown and were executed for their crimes. Your packs will be merged with alphas loyal to the crown. You have a choice to make. Defy your queen and join your alphas or submit to her order and help you packs integrate smoothly will minimal disruption for everybody." He dripped the news on to the shell-shocked audience.
"I know this is a shock for you so I am giving you an hour and will be back for you to decide on what you want to do, I will leave you alone in the room but I just wanted to show you what is waiting outside the door in case you get any ideas" Adrian cautioned them and stepped out with the men trailing behind him. They took positions outside the door.
"At first sign of trouble, shoot" Adrian told one of them.
"Yes sir"
Adrian walked back to his office where the aide was waiting.
"all of them are on the call sir" he informed Adrian.
"Good" Adrian said and walked to his desk as the aide walked out and closed the door behind him.
He sat down and hunched over the phone and hit unmute button.
"Alphas, thanks for waiting." He told them.
"Adrian, what the fuck is happening?!" one of the alphas demanded over the phone.
"I heard a rumor that Connor was killed by Ryan and is taking over the pack." Another alpha said over the phone.
"Heard Alpha Edward was assassinated on his way back from a meeting?" one more alpha added.
"Also Kevin's pack is in lockdown and he has patrols running around borders like he is expecting a war." One more alpha added. "I have been trying to reach Sebastian but am getting the runaround from your switchboard and his cellphone is unreachable."
"Gentlemen! Gentlemen!" Adrian interrupted "I know you have a lot of questions, but you need to listen to me without interrupting me first and then I promise you, your questions will get answered."
Adrian said getting the attention of the alphas over the phone.
"Twenty five of our Alphas conspired against the crown" Adrian began "They tried to take advantage of Roma during the most distressing time of her life, they tried to bargain for more power when she was burying her family in the ground. As you guessed she did not take to it very well. But could you blame her? Her men, instead of supporting her in her time of need saw it as an opportunity to exploit that." He said to his stunned audience. "You should know that some of these alphas wanted some of your packs and lands, it was their demand."
"However, Roma saw this as an act of treason. And all of you know the price for treason against the crown. I am just coming over from executing twenty two alphas on the command of Roma" He told his stunned audience.
"Connor was killed by Ryan, but was done so under the direct order of Roma" Adrian further explained. "Ryan will be taking over Connor's pack and some of you will be taking over the packs of the dead alphas, I will be reaching out to those of you individually on plans of integration." He further added.
"Your loyalty will be rewarded gentlemen but I also wanted you to caution you against any adventurism of any kind. Right now Roma isn't in a very forgiving mood."
"Thank you and I will reach out to you shortly" and with that he disconnected the call. And pressed a button on the phone and it was answered by the aide.
"Yes sir?" He asked.
"Call Conner's pack and get me the beta on phone."
"Yes sir" His aide said and disconnect the call and a minute later Adrian's phone rang "Sir, I have beta Thomas on the line for you"
"Connect him" Adrian told him and heard a click.
"Beta Thomas?" He asked.
"Yes sir" The beta responded his voice unsure. A call from the palace did not occur every day.
"I am Adrian, I am special assistant to Roma." He told him.
"Yes sir. I know who you are sir." The beta acknowledged.
"Good. Beta Thomas, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but your actions will determine the future of your pack. Do you understand?"
"Ye..yes sir?" The beta said puzzled.
"Your alpha was charged with treason against the crown and executed by alpha Ryan under direct orders of Roma" He told the beta.
"Your pack has been handed over to alpha Ryan, it is up to you weather you want the handover to be peaceful or you want to fight him. But you need to know, Ryan has the backing of the monarch and will arrive at your pack borders with Roma soldiers, attacking them will be treated as an act of war and they will deal with any resistance as actions against the crown. We have issued a kill order for anyone showing resistance. I am telling you all this because, I want you to talk to your pack and let them know what is happening. These are the orders of Roma and any defiance will be treated as treason."
"Yes. Sir" The unnerved beta responded with a tremor in his voice.
"Good, when Ryan comes to your border you will let him in...he is your alpha now."
"Yes sir"
"Good" Adrian told and disconnected.
The trembling beta put the phone down and wiped his brow he was going to grab a drink when a knock sounded on the door.
"Boss" one of the wolves entered the room "Alpha Ryan is at our borders, he is with soldiers he is demanding entry in to the pack lands."
The Beta froze for a minute.
"Sir?" the wolf intruded his thought.
"Yes?" The shaken beta asked.
"What do you want to do?" The wolf asked.
"Let them in" He told the wolf.
"Are you sure sir, they don't look too friendly, do you want to check with the alpha?" He asked.
"He is dead" The beta said in a flat tone "Alpha Ryan is our new alpha, let them through the borders and assemble the pack." He told the shocked wolf.
Adrian knocked on the door and entered.
"It's done" he told Roma and Sebastian sitting in the room.
"Thanks Adrian" Roma told him "I want you to stay back in Roma and sort this out."
"Sure Roma" He told her.
There was another knock on the door and Alex entered "Your ride is here" He told her entering the room.
"Thanks Alex, let's go" she told him.
Roma got up and walked out, Sebastian trailed behind her and they walked out to the courtyard where a helicopter was waiting for her. She would be taking a chopper to the airport less risky that way. They were not compromising on security.
Her packed bags were already in it, they quickly got in and the chopper took off, it would hardly take ten minutes to get to the airport.
A convoy of vehicles stormed in to Alpha Kevin's pack. The pack warriors were waiting in position. From the convoy one of the men got down and took up a bullhorn and spoke in "Pack, this is to notify you that your alpha has been charged with treason against the crown, please hand him over or face consequences."
None of them moved.
The soldiers from the rest of the convoy got down and took positions, the pack attacked.
Adrian got a call on his phone "Yes?"
"Sir the pack put up resistance, we had to take them down" the guy over the phone responded.
"Ok, what about the alpha?" he asked.
"Gunned him down sir. He is dead, so is most of his pack. We just have some woman and children."
"Ok, keep them in lockdown, we will distribute them across various packs."
"Got it sir."
Evelyn settled down in the plane and was browsing her phone.
Sebastian sat across her engrossed in a laptop, the plane was parked across the tarmac and was not moving. Evelyn stared out of the window for a moment and looked at Sebastian.
"Why are we not moving?" she asked him.
He looked up from his laptop. And looke out of the window and looked at her as if remembering something suddenly, he smiled at her.
"This is your aeroplane Roma. They are waiting for you."
She looked at him confused.
He pointed to the phone next to her seat "Pick it up and ask the captian you are ready to go"
She gave him a look that said seriously? But followed his instructions and picked up the phone. It was promptly answered.
"Good evening Roma"
"Um...lets go" She said a little unsure.
"Yes. Ma'am" The pilot acknowledged.
Outside, the Rolls Royce engines revved up for a long flight ahead.
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