《Flower Crown ~ Zianourry[ON HOLD]》Secrets pt 2


Creds to @straightforziam on instagram!!! AND THESE PHOTOS ARE RECENT ABDBSHSJSN

{Edit: this is old now lol }

Also shout out to my good friend Larson he wrote this chapter for me because I am so lazy. Props to him or else this chapter would have never made it actually this story would have never continued. But I do plan to finish TVL Eventually. So bear with me guys!! Enjoy.




Max was keeping a secret. A secret he completely forgot about. Something so very important and yet it slipped his mind. How could he be so forgetful. That day when he made love to Zayn over the sink it never crossed his mind about using protection. Perhaps because he forgot about this secret he neglected to put on a condom. Now thinking of this terrible moment , Max paced around his room.

If only he wasn't so horny for Zayn. If he had a clear mind he could have stopped himself and save the trouble he has now caused. He wonder how long would it take for him to receive it.

This was not good.

He needed to inform Zayn about this matter as soon as possible. Max knew there would be a lot of trouble coming his way so he began to mentally prepare himself. He hit himself across the head a few times.

He debated whether he should tell his friends about the matter or if it would only make it worse. No one knows about it besides him and his family. He needed to be cautious. Spreading around such a thing would be humiliating. He would never recover.


Louis , Niall and Zayn sat in the lobby of the hospital waiting patiently for the doctor to call them. They had been waiting approximately 30 minutes. Way over the time they were supposed to be there.

"Where the hell is this doctor. I've got other things to do",said Louis. He didn't really. He just hated hospitals and sick people. It was making him uneasy the longer he sat there. Louis began to bounce his leg now become impatient. Niall took a deep sigh and continued on with his magazine about sports he didn't care about.

Zayn sat between Niall and Louis quietly looking at everything around him. He has come to see the doctor a few times for check-ups and blood tests. But like Louis he hated hospitals. The quietness was getting to him and he wanted to talk but earlier due to him talking so much Louis said he would buy him ice cream if he promised not to say a word for the remainder of the time spent at the hospital. It's been thirty minutes.



"Ah. What did I say. If you talk no ice cream for you",Louis said. Zayn pouted. But proceeded to open his mouth.

"I wan go home", Zayn whined. Niall put down his magazine and looked at Zayn.

"I want to go home to. But we're here to look at your blood results and the doctors gonna give you a check up",Niall said with a smile. Zayn pouted again. He made a slight huff before standing up.

"What are you doing. Sit down",Louis said grabbing Zayns arms and pulling him back to his chair. Zayn whined before standing up again.

"Don wanna sit",Zayn said. Louis sighed. Niall sighed from boredom.


"I think the last time I cut my hair was a couple months ago",Harry said.

"You need a cut Harry", Liam emphasized the word need. Harrys hair has grown last the length of his shoulders. He kept it high in a small pony and left some curls dangling out.

"My hair is an expression of who I am. Anyways we're here for you not me",Harry said sassily. Liam wonders how he fell in love with this dork.

"Hello welcome to Supercuts what can I do for you today",The barber asked.

"A Caesar style cut",Liam said. The barber smiled and gestures for him to sit in the chair.

"Let's ask Zayn to invite Max over today. I really want to meet",Harry said. He sat down on the small bench provided for customers.

"When he comes back from the doctor. We're just inviting him for a chat, remember we're not trying to interrogate him",Liam reminded. Harry nodded his head.

"I'll text Louis",Harry said pulling out his phone


Louis received the message from Harry telling him to ask Zayn to invite Max for Lunch. Louis looked at Zayn who was playing with the little block sat displayed on the table.

"Zayn love. Your friend Max. Would you like for him to come over?"Louis asked Zayn. Zayn pauses at the mention of Max and what they did together. He was told to keep it a secret. They won't know unless he tells them. He misses his friends as well.

"Can Zayn invite all frwends?"Zayn asked. Louis smiled. He was happy to know Zayn has friends. For most of Zayns life he usually sat alone during lunch.

"Of course",Louis said. He patience quickly went out after that. He stood up and walked up to the front desk.

"Excuse me ma'am. But We've been here for almost an hour now. Where the hell is this doctor we're supposed to be seeing and why is he taking his slow ass time to come. I don't want to be here any longer wasting my day on some some cheap ass doctor who can't show up on time",Louis shouted. The receptionist just stared at him unable to figure out what to say. She stumbled out a few words.


"Well...uh..we've got a busy schedule today. Our doctors are very busy I'm sure they'll be with you as soon as possible", she told Louis. Louis temper was getting the best of him. He wanted to drag the lady from her cubicle and throw her out the window. Just as he was about to say something the doctor arrived.

"Sorry I'm late uh..Zayn Malik?"the doctor said looking at the patients. Louis gritted his teeth and stormed up to the doctor.

"You should be fired!"he yelled pointing his finger into the doctors chest. He huffed before he grabbed Zayns wrist.

"Well, lead the fucking way",Louis said. The doctor could only smile.


"So the results have came back",The doctor said.

"I don't have time for this bullshit. Tell us already. Don't make us wait a fucking hour over the time we were supposed to be here to stall us this crap. What the problem?"Louis said. He began to bounce his leg in order to contain his anger.

"Has Zayn been sexually active?"the doctor asked. Niall and Louis froze. They knew full well that Zayn is underage and they are grown men. It's illegal.

"What's this supposed to do with...."Louis trailed off.

"Zayn has HIV",The doctor said. Louis and Niall were shocked. How could such a thing happen?

"What? I don't understand . How?!",Louis shouted.

"Well I can only tell you it's through sexual contact...Zayn, have you been sexually active lately?"the doctor asked Zayn. Zayn smiled. He was about to speak when Niall cut him off.

"No he hasn't. Clearly he's to innocent for that type of stuff",Niall said. Niall looked at Zayn and gave him a stern look.

"Well then there could only be one thing. Zayn could have possibly been raped and not even known it. If his innocence goes that far. I'd say that is the answer",The doctor said. Louis was about to chime in and tell the doctor off but Niall cut in with his great acting skills.

"Oh my god. This-that is so...so crazy. Oh no Louis",Niall said feigning a look of sadness he motioned for Louis to play along.

"Your absolutely right. Who could have done this?!"Louis said hysterically. He ran to Zayn and hugged him. Niall did the same.

"Why didn't you say anything",Niall cried. Zayn sat confused. He assumed they found out about him and Max and just started to cry.

"Zayn sorry daddy",Zayn sobbed. Niall secretly nodded in satisfaction. Even Zayn knew to play along.

"It's ok love. We're gonna get through this",Louis said. He gave a death glare to Niall.


Now walking back to the car Niall and Louis were having a fight.

"How can he have aids!"Louis yelled. He put Zayn into the car first before getting into the drivers seat. Niall came in the passenger seat turning to face Louis.

"I don't know", Niall said with a huff. Louis gasped.

"This can mean one thing",Louis said seriously. Niall was afraid

"What", He said sharply.

"One of us has aids",Louis ѕaιd. The car was silent for a very long time. Zayn had fallen asleep, his head leaning against the window.

"I mean how else could have gotten it. He's only ever slept with us",Louis said suddenly.

"Does this mean... We all have aids?! I mean we all sleep with each other", Niall said panicking.

"I think so Niall. I don't have any explanation", Louis said biting his finger nails.

"But then how did we get aids. Who is the start of it. It's definitely not me. I've only ever slept with you guys",Niall said. His palms were becoming sweaty. The more they talked about the more nervous they'd become.

"Someone is cheating",Louis said looking at Niall straight in the eye. Niall looked bewildered.

"Louis that's ridiculous. How could you come to that conclusion", Niall said in disbelief.

"How else would one of us have contracted aids. If we fucked someone else!" Louis said. He ran his hands through his hair.

"Harry couldn't possibly. Maybe Liam? But Liam is to much of a gentlemen", Niall said.

"But remember Harry went exploring during high school",Louis said.

"But then why are finding out about it now. It can't be him",Niall said. A brief silence came.

"Are you cheating on us?"they both said in unison. Louis gaped. Niall looked shocked. They both looked at Zayn.

"Maybe we all should get tested", said Louis. Niall nodded slowly.

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