《Yin-Yang~Ziam》no. 24


Zayn's P.O.V

After spending the day with Liam and my mom I actually slept alone, well, which was the first in a long time.

I wake up to my alarm, signalling that I need to shower and get ready for school. Yuck. I shower fast, washing my hair and body before rinsing out letting Halsey's voice join my morning routine.

I decide to go lazy, one because it's Monday and I'm still tired despite the fact that I slept well. Odd.

I slip on some Calvin Klein plain black leggings and a random big plant tshirt with my clunky white nikes. (Outfit at the top)

I finish getting ready, adding a last touch of classic raspberry lip balm before opening my phone to see Liam texted me. I read it but decide not to answer since he's probabl downstairs talking to my mom.

I grab my backpack, and phone before running down my stairs to see what I expected. Liam and my mother lost in a conversation over the tiny dining table in the kitchen. He turns to face me, eyes trailing up and down my body making me flush.

I shake off the heat and show him a small smile before enveloping my mother in a tight hug, kissing her forehead.

"Love ya mum" I mumble into her forehead before grabbing Liam and run out to his car. I reach for the door but Liam's hands find their way onto my hips and I'm turned to face him, pressed against the car.

"Leggings are a good look for you." Liam speaks lowly, his eyes flickering to my thin legs that black material are currently hugging.

I smile and peck his lips quickly but Liam presses his body onto my own to deepen my innocent gesture. I place my hands on his hard chest to push him away softly. Liam takes the hint and brushes a stray black hair behind my ear before kissing the tip of my nose.


I am tackled in the parking lot by Kat and Phoebe who I haven't seen in days.

"I have missed you, you beautiful ray of sunshine!" Kat screams picking me up slightly causing laughs to slip from my lips.

"I missed you both more we can't just go weekends without hanging out." I agree with her hugging them both once more.

"So, Liam and you?" Kat asked placing a hand on my hip. I turn to see Liam leaning against the other side of the car, most likely waiting for me to finish my conversation so we can walk in together.

I blush a shrug causing screams to release from their lips and they jump up and down with excitement.

"Yes! Fuck yes! Thank god he's done being an asshole" Phoebe whispers the last part so Liam wouldn't hear making me turn back to look at him, giggling.


We part ways and I turn back to Liam who's waiting patiently against the car, flashing me a heart warming smile. Our hands meet and we walk through the doors of the school.


I expected stares and we got them. Everyone was looking at us, and if not us directly our hands that we're binder together.

I flush and duck my head but Liam squeezes his hand in mine for comfort. It's like this school hasn't heard or seen a gay couple before. I try to avert my eyes from Tracy who's leaning against a random locker with her friends standing beside her, arms crossed. I could almost feel the hate burning my back as we passed them.

"She's jealous" liam bends down and whispers in my ear when we get to my locker.

I laugh and shake my head looking at myself up and down.

"How? How could she be jealous of me?" I ask laughing slightly at idea of Tracy being jealous of anything let alone me.

"Because we are in a relationship. All we did was fuc-" I cut of Liam's foul words with my hand on his chest flinching at the idea of Liam being with her.

"Sorry. Let's stop talking about this and go to class"


School ends soon and I find myself gathering my things from my locker when my door is slammed shut and my books and art are shoved out of my hands.

I look up, eyes wide to see Tracy and some other chick smirking widely. I roll my eyes going to pick my things up when I feel a sharp pain on my mouth, blood immediately filling it making me cringe at the metallic taste.

I feel hands weave into my hair pulling me to my feet leaving a tingling pain in my scalp.

The two girls back away from me and stand with Tracy again who is shaking from laughter.

"Next time it's gonna be worse. You don't know anything about Liam, he will leave you and I know it. Once he realizes how disgusting you are he will leave." She spits in my face as she runs her fingers through her straw hair.

Tears threaten to slip but I refuse to cry in front of her I just pull my hand up to my lip and watch them walk away. I can't believe one of them put a heel to my face, I didn't even know they were capable of that.

Once they finally leave the hallway I gather my things wanting to cry when I see my homework has ripped along with a few other papers that were crumpled and stepped on.

I shove them into my backpack, tears stinging in my eyes as I walk into the girls bathroom. Thankfully everyone had already left the school so I set my things down and look at myself in the mirror. My hair is sticking up and my bottom lip is split. I sigh and duck my head under the faucet to rinse my mouth out, ignoring the stinging pain.


This is just like my old school I should've known. I wipe my mouth, shaking my head as I grab my things again and keep a paper towel on my mouth.

I walk out of the school catiously turning around to make sure no one was following me about to cause me more harm.

I spot Liam's car making my heart flutter as I see him on the inside, drumming the steering wheel.

Atleast he waited for me.

I knock on the window slightly startling him but he unlocks pulling me onto him immediately, holding my face in his large tattooed hands.

"What the fuck happened?" Liam asks sitting farther up before gently removing my hand to reveal my recently split lip. His eyes grow darker and his fist clenches onto the grey material of my shirt.

"T-tracy but I'm f-fine Liam." I respond softly, I would say I've had worse but I feel like that would just make everything worse.

"She's such a fucking bitch" he hisses, his thumb brushing my cheekbone slightly. I shrug mostly numb to the situation.

"Its fine Liam." I assure him, linking my hands behind his neck but he only shakes his head.

"Don't think I don't know what that just did to you Zayn. No, you're not going to be bullied again, I promise you. This school is different one person isn't going to change it. I'm so sorry for letting you out of my sight here." Liam mumbles lowering his forehead to my own.

Redness appears instantly on my cheeks as I feel his breath fan my face.

"Liam it's okay." I answer truthfully. I know with Liam beside me it's not going to happen I'm more worried about him beating the shit out of someone then me only getting punched.

I admit it hurts pretty bad but this has happened so many times and the fact the Tracy didn't even do it and had someone do it for her tells me she's weak.

Liam kisses the corner of my mouth softly before dragging his lips onto mine, obviously not caring about my lip.

The tingling feeling overpowers the pain and I feel myself wrapping my fingers into his hair and tugging.

Liam's hands side down my back to my hips and he squeezes them slightly making me arch my back in pleasure.

Suddenly a loud sound signals from in front of us and we both jump so hard our heads smash against the ceiling and me to jump from his lap onto my own seat.

Liam bursts out into laughter as I still look around, frightened that someone might have seen all of that.

"Babe, it was you" he laughs out holding his stomach with one hand and his head with the other.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion but they slowly raise back to normal and I hide my face in my hands thinking about how I arched my back. I hit the horn.

I'm so embarrassing. I shake my head at myself still covering myself as Liam takes the time to start the car and successfully pull my hands from my face giving me multiple kisses all over my face.

"That was cute, no need to be embarrassed." Liam murmurs against my cheek leaning over to kiss my lips again but I push him away this time making him pout.

"I forgot where we are Liam. This is a school parking lot! What do you think someone would do if they saw us!?" I slightly raise my voice to show to severity of the problem but Liam still seems pretty unfased.

"I don't know.." Liam shrugs messing with his hair as he turns up the radio.

"They would probably get us in trouble but secretly be thinking GOALS." Liam says dramatically making a giggle release from my lips.

Liam laughs along with me making my heart feel a lot warmer. I'm truly happy when I'm around him.

Liam moves to turn up the music letting another unknown song play from the speakers at a loud volume as we finally pull out of the school.

I laugh at Liam's intentionally bad singing and slide my hand into his open one, feeding Liam's already wide grin.

We pull into my driveway minutes later and relief floods me when I see my mom's car.

"I don't have to stay, you know that right?" Liam whispers softly his thumb brushing my shoulder. I shake my head.

"I know my mom likes you, I want you to be with me" I smile sadly and grab his hand tugging us out of the car and to my front door.

I know I'm going to see her and I knows shes going to look worse which hurts my heart but all I need to do is spend time with her and make sure she likes Liam. They are both important to me. More than they will know..

Um this sucks so bad I'm very sorry

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