《Yin-Yang~Ziam》no. 1°


Zayn's P.o.v

For as long as I can remember I had always loved to dress different. Not like my gender. I like the feel of leggings and a silky skirt I like to put on a bra and pretend I'm one of them. Women are exceptionally beautiful its unfair.

Today is the first day of school and I have decided to wear a black dress that flows nicely and goes mid thigh (which I shaved for in preparation) my yin yan earrings, and my black boots that have a large wedge to give me at least a little height. I middle part my hair and put it in two little twist buns then brush my teeth and put deodorant on and my Victoria Secret perfume. Then I finish the look with just some mascara to my already really long lashes so they are quite close to touching my plucked eyebrows.

I don't wear a bra because those things are painful and since I'm male (yuck) I don't necessarily have to wear them. I feel small since I'm only 93 pounds but the dress makes me feel a bit smaller than usual and I like the feeling. I go downstairs after grabbing my phone and my school bag to meet my mom who kisses my cheek gripping me tightly.

"Zayn I know this school will be good, and since Ashton goes there I am a lot more comfortable I doubt he will allow anything that happened last year happen this year" she says kissing my forehead again.

Ashton is my one and only friend. I emergency transfered schools because a group of people were harassing me to a big extent but the school I'm going to know is under a pretty strict no bullying policy and Ashton is there and he will likely beat the shit out of anyone who could cause me harm. Ashton is a grade older though a junior and I'm a sophomore and his friends are supposedly the people you don't want to be seen with.. I'm bad at socializing anyways so I doubt they will speak to me. I always stutter and can never seem to grasp what's going on. More or less stupidity.

I rock back and forth on my heels waiting for Ashton to pull up in his truck. Just as I begin to sit down I hear a honk signalling me that he has arrived. I hug my mom once more and run out to the car opening the door. Ashton looks at me and smiles.

"You look cute today" he compliments me which sends me into a blubbering mess.

"T-thanks" I manage to get out gripping my hands together tightly.


Way to take a compliment Zayn you are clearly the best. My mind yells.

We reach the school much quicker than I thought and my heart begins to race as I think of all the people.

Ashton answers my worries as he comes to my side of his car and opens the door for me offering his tattoo littered arm to grab onto. I walk awkwardly with my feet turned in and since Ashton is much taller than me its a kind of an uncomfortable position but I'm more than greatful for the sense of security it provides.

Ashton leads me into the school and my face tints pink to the numerous glances that follow me. I grip Ashton tighter as we near a group standing of boys that look much like giants littered in tattoos and piercings. One in the middle makes my heart race when I look at him, he is a lot more muscular and the amount of tattoos he has can give me a head ache. His hair is brown and tasseled on his head and his eyes are chocolate brown and hard, they don't seem to hold happiness. He's intimidating and my heart feels like it might it explode so my legs quiver a bit once I am standing in front of the group.

"This is Zayn" Ashton says removing my arm from his own and placing his one my back for comfort. I open my mouth but nothing comes out.

"I'm Z-z-zayn!" I repeat what Ashton said then cover my face with my hands. Gosh I just embarrassed myself! They already knew that Zayn get it together!

"He's a sophomore and pretty shy so don't ask him so many questions but he has all classes with me because hes so damn smart so he has some with you too along with the same lunch" Ashton explains. He then steps away from me and points at the boys telling me there names. My eyes rest on the boy in the middle, Liam.

"You're quite cute" Liam says making me step back but not smoothly of course I bump into a bystander and knock their hat off before hitting the tile floor with a thud. Great just great. My eyes water a little from the embarrassment but none of them laugh only rush to my side as I sit on the ground looking like a complete fool.

"Its okay I trip a lot" Calum's says grabbing my arm without asking and pulling me up onto my feet swiftly. I finch because I rammed my bum into tile about a minute ago and that was not the best feeling that's for sure.

"If I where you I would of been cussing up a storm", Harry tries to replace where Ashton's hand rests on my back but from previous experiences I flinch away.


"S-sorry" I apologize quickly afterwards clasping my hands together again.

"All cool" he throws his hands in the air chuckling but they go back into the pockets on his jeans soon afterwards.

Liam seems to have his eyes focused on me which is making me quite uncomfortable if its even possible to be more uncomfortable.

"How old are you?" He suddenly asks stepping forward again. I want to step back but from the previous event I just rock back and forth, my brain screaming at me.

"I-I'm 16" I whisper loud enough for Liam to hear though. He only nods with a prominent smirk on his face and licks his lower lip. That sends my whole body on fire and I shiver a bit before turning to Ashton.

"Let's get to class, we have ours on the third floor first." Ashton grabs me not even letting me tell my that I need to pee and grabs me tugging me up the first, second and third floor of the building.

"Isn't there an elevator?" My voice goes normal because its only Ashton.

He chuckles as I huff out breaths I almost go to put my hands on my knees but I stop because I'm in a dress.

Ashton shakes his head and tugs me into a big classroom with abnormal tables that are thin and long like counters with different supplies on them.

"This is science" Ashton answers my thoughts and pulls me to the table in the back, I hold my dress down and take a seat on the stool beside Ashton's.

Its only two to a table, and the classroom is starting to fill up with lots of people. I notice Michael and Harry sit down at the table beside us. They seem like nice people.

"I hate this class" Michael bends over and whispers in my ear. I giggle because he doesn't even know who the teacher is and what we are gonna learn.

"I-i don't t-think I-I'll mind I-it" I respond fondling with one on my yin yan earrings and then lightly patting my head to make sure that my buns were still secure.

Michael opens his mouth to say something but closes it when a man walks in. He's on the bigger side and is tall with a grey suit that has sweat stains. Gross.

"Welcome to Chemistry teacher, Mr. Bentsworth" he says in a dull tone and rolls his eyes. Well okay then.

"This class isn't that hard so if you just pay attention in class and do the work you will excel to a higher level" he explains. I want to roll my eyes because I feel like this class will be extremely dull.

"Come up to the class when I call your name, and grab a textbook you will keep that for the entire year so please take care of it." I hear a couple people snicker because I'm sure no one actually does.

My name comes after awhile and I stand timidly walking up to the class and turning back with my book before taking my seat again. I'm applauding myself because I dont trip:).

Before Mr. Whatever could say anything else the bell rings signalling my departure with this horrendous class.

Ashton leads me back down one flight of stairs to the second floor.

"English" he says crouching down to my height. I take a deep breath in, English has always been my favorite out of all the subjects. I was going to be in advanced but I was to afraid to be put in a class without Ashton.

I smile and nod at him grabbing his hand and marching into the half filled class. I blush because people are looking at me but I blink a few times and just continue to the back seat Ashton in the back corner and me in the desk beside him.

I cross my legs and pull out my phone only for it to be snatched up by Ashton who types in my password and goes to my contacts. My lip trembles a bit since he took it from me so I bite it and raise my eyebrow looking at him hard.

"Putting the boys numbers in your phone in case you have trouble and I'm not here" he explains.

I flush at the thought of having Liam's number but I shake it away. Just as I get my phone back I go to my gallery, which I sometimes swipe through when I'm bored.

The teacher walks in the room with a smile. She's pretty, brown hair, green eyes she's wearing a long black skirt and an pink blouse with strappy sandals. I set my phone on my desk and turn my attention to her.

"Hello I'm Mrs. Bradwell welcome to my-" she stops talking when the door is opened and in steps Liam.

I blush again when his eyes scan the crowd of people and land on my own.

He nods at the teacher before stepping past her and walking back to sit in the open seat my me. I rest my head on my hands and swallow thickly. Great.

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