《Never Have I Ever [A Niam FanFic]》Chapter 16
It's the last chapter guys, I'm gonna miss writing this story so much 😢.
I'm not sure what kind of gun that is (on the side) but Damian is using it. And the song fits perfectly for this chapter so you can listen to it while you read or you don't have to its your choice.
Enjoy. This is a loong chapter just to warn you.
Just when he's about to pull the trigger their was another clicking sound "we'll see about that."
Raven's Pov-
(Before Niall arrived)
"Why does Damian hate Niall so much" Lilac asked me, it seems she's been wanting to know that for a while, I sighed and sat down on the floor "he hates Niall because he-" I say a bit hesitant "it's ok you don't have to tell me" she said reassuring me. I shook my head "no it's fine I'll just go ahead to say it" I say.
I took a deep breath "Niall was only eight and I was seventeen when this happened" "so your twenty six years old right now" I nodded my head "yes and Niall is seventeen now as well" I smiled a little. I looked down at my hands.
"I met Damian at that age and it was the worst mistake I have ever made" she moved from the bed and sat next to me on the floor "what kind of mistake did you make" she asked me. "I umm I started doing drugs, drink, go to clubs and did some crime and I slept with Damian a lot" she gave me a confused look "he didn't rape me if your thinking about that" I said reassuring her.
She nodded her head "and I may have fallen in love with him" her eyes widened "what!??" I nodded my head "I had never met anyone who has ever fell in love with The Damian Stone the second most dangerous man alive" I laughed a little. I turned to her with a serious look on my face "one day Damian told me to hold onto some kind of drug for him because he wanted to use it on someone else."
"Wait a minute? I thought Damian made you steal your parents money" I shook my head "he lied, he always lies so no one will know what he told his victims what to do" her mouth went into an "o" shape which made me laugh a little "as I was saying, I had the drug but it was in a needle don't ask why I don't know either and I left it on my bed when I went downstairs to get something to drink."
I felt tears prick my eyes as I wiped them away "I didn't know Niall went into my room to find something to play with and he found the need and didn't know what to do, my parents weren't home at the time which was a good thing" I felt my hands shake a bit "when I walked into my room I saw Niall on the floor crying his eyes out with the needle in his arm."
Her eyes widened "I ran to him and got the needle out of his arm, I don't even knew how he got it in there but all I know is that he got it into the vein" I took a deep breath feeling the anxiety from the memory "did you take him to the hospital" she asked me, I nodded my head "yes to my doctor she knows what I'm dealing with" I said to her.
"I brought the needle along to and showed it to her while I held onto my eight year old brother with tears streaming down my face" "did you know what the drug was" I shook my head "no all he said it was important to him", "I thought the drug was gonna kill my brother but it didn't and now I wish I should never had the drug with me at all."
"When she came back she had a confused look on her face" I can't believe I'm going to say it after keeping this secret for nine years "what did she tell you" she asked me "I can't believe I'm gonna say this" I turned to her "the drug can make a boy or man have uterus that a woman has" she started to choke on air so I patted her back.
"Thanks. so your saying that the drug gave Niall a uterus, what are you trying to say" "what I'm saying that Niall can get pregnant by another boy, I don't know why Damian needed that drug really bad but I guess he can't have it anymore now."
I wiped away the tears away from my eyes "Damian hates Niall because he took the drug that was meant for someone else, so he wants Niall not to be gay anymore so he won't get pregnant by dating a girl" "who was supposed to get the drug?" I shrugged my shoulders "no clue."
"When I told Damian what happened he was gonna kill me but I ran out and packed my stuff at home and lived here for the rest of my life." she gave me a side hug "does Niall or your parents know."
"Niall doesn't know at all and I want it to be that way, and for my parents well that's the reason they've been over protective of him" she nodded her head "no wonder he didn't go to parties well except one and that's when he lost his first kiss to Liam Payne" I chuckled.
She took out her phone "what are you doing" I asked her, "I'm texting Niall my whereabouts so he can help me" "oh" I stood up walking to the door "where are you going" she asked me standing up "to hide." I walked out the door and down the stairs "where are you gonna hide" she asked me from the top of the stairs.
I looked up at her "I know this place inside and out so I know where to hide" she nodded her head and walked back into the room. I sighed and walked past the kitchen and into a secret hidden room. I close the door and looked through the little cracks 'please don't let anything bad happen' I thought to myself.
After I've been here for three minutes I hear the door creak open "this place gives me the creeps" I heard a girls voice say which I had no idea who it was but I'm guessing Niall's friend "come on we need to find Lilac" I heard his voice, it sent tears to my eyes hearing his voice. god I miss my little brother.
"Lilac!, where are you!" I heard him yell her name, "up here" she yelled back. I heard the creaks on the stairs, I heard them talking but I ignored them. after about fifteen minutes I've been hiding I heard a creak of the door being open again and I have a feeling that this isn't good.
I heard the voices sounding a bit freaked out upstairs, I heard footsteps and I saw Damian come into my view, I stayed quiet hoping he won't see me. I heard the quiet footsteps from the others trying to get to the door hearing them whisper. I saw Damian smirked evilly and walked out of the room 'oh no'.
I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding, I walked out of the room and crept out hearing their voices not caring how much I've missed, I pulled out my gun as I got a bit closer without them seeing me. I see a boy with tattoos and a few piercings on his face while he's trying to calm down Damian 'he looks awfully familiar' I thought to myself.
I stopped walking so I'm about ten ft away from them "after I shoot her, I'm gonna shoot him" he pointed to my brother, like heck you are. I pointed my gun towards the back of his head, I know he's about to shoot her so I click my gun getting all of there attention on me "we'll see about that."
I said, Damian turned around with Lilac still in his arms "and who are you" he sneered at me tightening his grip on her. I cocked my head to the side "that doesn't concern you, now.let.her.go" I said through gritted teeth.
He thrown his head back in laughter "you don't scare me girl" the others have confused looks on there faces, I looked over at my brother then I looked back at Damian "your gonna let her go and you are never ever gonna shoot my brother!" I yelled the last part as I started walking forward.
"Brother? Hah stop trying to scare- wait a minute" he let Lilac go and she ran to the others. Damian walked over to me but we still had a good distance between us "well well after nine years I never thought of seeing you again Raven, I thought you were dead" he said smirking.
"Oh so you missed me didn't you Mr. Stone" I said with a fake sweet smile but it turned into a straight line afterwards "you don't scare me anymore Damian and your never gonna hurt Niall" I walked towards him raising my gun to him but not shooting him.
"And what are you gonna do, kill me like that's ever gonna happen" he was closer to me now, he leaned forward into my ear and whispered "I should never have trusted you with that drug" that's it he's gone way out of line, I kicked him in the d*ck where he doubled over in pain and I kick him across the face.
"Don't underestimate me Damian" I sneered. I walked over to the others "you alright" I asked Lilac, she nodded her head still holding her wounded shoulder "excuse me but not to be rude but who are you" a girl with a lip piercing said "and I'm Constantine by the way" I nodded my head.
"Well I guess I can tell you" I looked at Niall "my names Raven, Raven Horan. I'm Niall's older sister" all there eyes widened "how-what- I thought you were dead" I rolled my eyes at what they said "lets just a go before something happens alright" they all nodded but I know there still processing at what I said.
We ran out of the building which I have called my home "so nine years you've been living here" Niall said running next to me "yeah I just didn't want you getting hurt" he gave me a confused look but I shrugged it off "I'll tell you another time" he seem he wanted to continue but he dropped the subject.
We all found ourselves in a empty part in the woods "how did we get here" Lilac said looking around "I don't know" Niall muttered, I guess we did run really fast "do you guys have a feeling of being followed cause I do" Eleanor said walking backwards. confused I turned around and saw about three guys walking into view including Damian 'how did he.'
"Your not gonna get away with this you little brats, now I'm gonna get what I want and your not gonna stop me" he grinned wickedly. we started to back away but two men got a hold of Niall and Lilac "let them go!!" I yelled "you can't stop me anymore Raven and I'm gonna get away with it this time."
I looked over and saw Louis, Eleanor, Liam and Constantine standing next to a tree not knowing what to do which I'm glad because I didn't want them to get hurt as well. as Damian turns around I run towards him jumping onto his back hitting him repeatedly "I. Don't. Think. So." I said between hits.
He grabbed both of my wrists and flipped me to the ground which hurt a lot. I got back onto my feet fast turning to him holding up my fists "if that's what you want it then, alrighty then let's fight" he removed his jacket and threw it to the ground. He brought up his fists. He took the first swing and I dodge it and kicking him on the side.
I brought up my fist hitting him square in the jaw, he hit me on my side as I kicked him in the gut. he punched me in the face making me stumble a bit "is that all you got" I said to him spitting out some blood. all he did was smirk, he brought up his leg kicking me across the face and knee'd me in the stomach.
I coughed up some blood but composed myself and kicked him in the leg and punched him. he roughly grabbed my hair and pulled me towards his face "you done yet" I spit into his face "never" he growled and pushed me to the ground. he got on top of me and started punching me across the face but I rolled us over so I was on top and did the same to him.
We kept going at it until he pinned me down "remember we used to be like this nine years ago" he said to me in my ear "I didn't miss it at all" he lifted up my head "goodbye Raven" then he slammed my head into the ground hard, I started to see black dots as he kept slamming my head to the ground.
"You won't get rid of me" I said until I blacked out.
Lilac's Pov-
After watching the fight between Raven and Damian stopped as her head turned to the side her eyes closed, he got up taking out his gun pointing it towards her head as she laid there unconscious, tears were streaming down my face. I can't let this happen, Niall finally was reunited with his sister so I'm not gonna let her die right in front of him.
I did the most unthinkable thing to do, I got out of the hold of one of Damian's men and ran towards him. ignoring the calling of my name from Niall "No!!" I yelled and I pushed him out of the way and grabbed the gun from his hand and pointed it to a different direction as he fired it and it hit the tree.
I stood still panting as Damian looked at me with anger in his eyes, I was still holding the gun tightly in my sweaty hand.
I felt myself being pushed up against the tree roughly "why do you always have to ruin everything!!" He yelled into my face but I didn't whimper I just had a straight look on my face "no ones dying tonight" I said trying to pull the gun out of his hand.
He got angry even more. I put my other hand on the gun trying to pull it free as he tried to move it to a different angle. we stared into each other's eyes. I looked down seeing that Raven is still unconscious. I looked back up struggling to keep a hold of the gun. I felt the gun being pointed to a different direction but I didn't know where.
"Your not getting away with this Damian" I said, but all he did was smirk "I already did" I was confused at first but until I heard it.
My eyes widened at the sound, he started to walk backwards with a triumph smirk on his face as he picked up his jacket "one down one more to go" was all he said and walked away along with his men disappearing in the dark, I heard Niall yell but I didn't catch it as I slid down the tree feeling something warm and wet on my fingers.
I looked down seeing there's a gunshot wound in my stomach and blood on my fingers, I looked up feeling a tear go down my face knowing that my time is almost up. I feel myself getting weak already.
Niall's Pov-
My mind was going crazy as I saw Lilac get shot and sliding down to the ground holding onto her stomach, I was free from the mans grasp as he walked away "Lilac!!" I yelled running towards her. I got onto my knee's putting her face in my hands as the others came to us. I wiped her hair from her eyes as she looked into mine.
I felt my lips tremble as tears were streaming down my face, she looked paler than ever "your going to be ok, we'll take you to the hospital and everything will be bett-" she cut me off by putting her finger on my lips "its...already...too...late...for...that" she said as she struggled to breath.
I put my hand onto her stomach to keep the blood from coming out "don't say things like that, I'm not gonna let you die" I whimpered the last part. she smiled a little "your...going...to...be...ok" I know the others are giving her worried glances.
She put her hand on my cheek "there's...more...danger...coming...for...you...Niall" she said as more tears were streaming down her face "there's...something...you...need...to know" she said to me as she started coughing out blood. I heard a groan next to me and I looked down seeing that Raven is opening her eyes, she sat up slowly and her eyes widened when she saw Lilac.
"Please don't die Lilac" I whimpered out "we'll take you to the hospital and they will save you" I said trying to get her to agree but she shook her head "I'm...more...concerned...for...you" Raven sat next to me "tell...him...what...you...told...me" she said to Raven. she nodded her head "I will I promise."
Lilac smiled weakly and looked at the others "I'm...sorry...what...I...did...to...you...guys" she said to my friends "you are forgiven. then she looked at me one last time "protect...yourself...Niall...their...is...more...evil...out...to...hurt...you" her hand started to slip from my cheek "goodbye...Niall...please...don't...forget...me" I nodded my head "I never will" I said to her as she smiled then it turned into a frown as her head turned sideways and her eyes closed and her hand fell from my face to the ground. She stopped breathing as her body went limp.
A sob came out of my mouth as I saw her die right in front of me, this is the worst feeling I've ever felt in my entire life. I heard Eleanor start to whimper and knowing that Louis is comforting her "this isn't supposed to happen" I said looking at Liam, he gave me a sad look. I looked back at her body.
"What are we going to do with her body" Constantine asked as she wiped away her tears "I don't know but as long it's not here" Raven said standing up slightly "are you ok" I asked her. she nodded "it's a minor head injury I'll survive" I turned back to Lilac's limp body.
I stood up and placed my arm under her legs and my other behind her back, I stood up carrying her bridal style as her head tipped back a bit "I know a place where we can put her" Raven said to us "is it that abandoned place we were at" Louis said with his arms around Eleanor "it's a different place" she said walking in front of us.
We started to follow her through the woods, I took little glances at Lilac seeing that her head is moving by every step I take "this is gonna be a long walk" Louis grumbled, I laughed lightly at that. I walked up next to Raven "you ok" I asked her, she looked at me "yeah just a few bruises but I'm alright" I nodded "did you know Damian" she nodded "yes, I worked with him like Lilac did but more differently" I stared at her for a moment she changed a lot since I was eight. When we finally made it to our destination "why are we at Lilac's house" Liam asked standing next to me. My sister turned around "because no one is gonna know that Lilac was murdered. so we're gonna make everyone think that she committed suicide."
"Umm why?" She sighed "so no one would get suspicious how she died" she said getting annoyed with Louis already "guys lets just do this alright" I said walking up the stairs. Raven stared at me "you have to get her house key from her pocket" I nodded my head putting my hand in the front pocket finding the key instantly. I gave it to her. she unlocked the door and stepped aside and gave me the key back "her parents aren't home so your good" I nodded my head and got inside as the others stayed outside to wait.
I walked upstairs and went into her room, I turned the light on. I walked over to her bed placing her on it with her head on the pillows. I saw the gun she had earlier when she shot Damian in her pocket. I took it out and put it in her hand.
I ripped off a piece of paper and wrote down 'I'm sorry' in her writing and put it in her hand and placed it on her stomach not having it touch the blood. I put my hand on her pale cold cheek "I won't forget about you Lilac" I whispered then kissed her cheek. I put her house key on her dresser.
I looked around her room seeing some pictures of her being young and happy, I saw some medals and tiaras from pageants she did when she was young ( , , ) it's gonna be strange without her here anymore.
I looked at her body one last time and I turned off the light and closed her door. I walked out of the house closing the door behind me "ready to go" I nodded my head, we all walked off together on the road since no one is driving by "what did Lilac want you to tell me" I asked my sister as Liam took a hold of my hand.
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