《I Hate my Stepbrother (I Love Him) (Punk Niall Horan)》Ch.16 She where!


Avalon pov.

The men took me to a lab and we are waiting outside for the guy that paying them.

One of this guys will not stop squeezing my ass. ugh it Niall all over again but it's just some creep.

"Will you stop" I hiss at him.

"Ooooo the kitty's mad" he said.

"Jake stop messing with her, cause of she claws your eyes out I will not stop her from doing it" the leader who I lean his name is Justin.

"Ok boss I won't mess with the kitty" Jake said.

"You got her, great" a man said.

"Yes now my money" Justin said.

"Here" the man handed Justin a lot of money.

"Kitty you will be going back with your family soon not with this scientists" one of justin team member Whisper in my ear. then him and some others pulled guns on Justin and the man.

"What the hell is going on Siva! what are you doing?" Justin said in shock.

"Well we hate working for you. So we are taking her, and leaving you" Siva said then one of the guys with him shot the scientist and Justin.

"Let's bounce!" one of the guy said.

We ran to a van and hoped in. I have no idea where they are taking me but if I get to go back home I don't care.

Niall pov.

We are still at the house trying to figure out o way to get Avalon back when Alex yelled.

"What is it!" I yelled.

"The tv. moms on the tv" Alex yelled.

Me and the boys and Avalon's friends. yes I hate them but I need all the help I can get. we look at each then ran to the living room and Alex was right Avalon was on the tv.


"Breaking news there's been a shooting at a research lab, as you can see caught on camera these men where bring a girl there. It looks like this girl is a hybrid. These men pull guns on the scientists and one of their one and shot them and took the girl. These men and the girl are wanted by the government. We have also been told that the scientists son is missing. *picture of Alex* If you see them or the mans son call this number-" we turn the tv. off.

"At less she not with my real dad and he's gone and I'm "missing" but mom is away from my dad but who knows what those men will do" Alex said.

"Your right so how-wait she had her phone on her when she was taken so I can track her" I said.

I take my phone out and connected it to her phone.

*beep* my phone goes off.


"WHAT?!?!?!?!" The others yell.

"I'm not joking that's where the tracker says she is" I said.

"Well let's get going" Alex said.

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