《life of CYN》𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑟
Cy Bridges
"Come on cause Saint got one more time to call me and I'm gon slap him."
Noni said while standing in the door way.
"I'm coming." I gave myself one last look before coming out the bathroom.
Me and Noni gave each other that look of approval.
"Oh yeah they gon be on our asses tonight."
I pointed at her. "Definitely is, hol on let me grab my purse."
We had to get there like a hour early just to help them set the last lil bit of shit. These niggas had us out all day doing mad shit.
It was gon be bussin tonight I
already knew that , this was all the town was talking bout on facebook.
Once I had everything I walked down to my mom room.
"Ma you sleep?" After knocking a couple times I opened the door seeing she was knocked.
Shaking her a couple times she finally opened her eyes. It was time for her to get up anyways since she picked up a shift.
"What girl?"
"I'm about to go mommy how I look?"
She ain't gon lie to me.
"You look cute. What time you gon be back home?" She said while rubbing her eyes.
"Round one is that cool?"
"Yeah just make sure you back in this house no later than that. You and Noni don't need to be out too late."
Wasn't like she was gon know if I was in the house or not.
"I know , it's okay if she stay over?"
"Yeah I don't care , y'all have fun I'll see you when you get back." That stopped me right in my tracks.
"Huh? You ain't working tonight?"
"No I called off so I can watch Moo."
My eyes hit the back of my head so fast. "What Treasure got going on that she got you calling off work."
"She ain't tell me to do nothing I offered. Stay out the business Cyn."
I put my hands up in surrender.
"Alright whatever you say, love you."
"I love you too."
We exchanged kisses on the cheek and I got up from her bed.
"Be careful if anybody even sound like they on some stupid shit y'all leave immediately. Got me?"
"Yes Ma I know. We gotta go."
"Alright alright get out my room." I shut the door behind me and met Noni outside in the car.
She had dinobtw blasting, the doors was shaking.
"HANDS ON THE HEADBOARD PUSSY IN HIS MOUTH!" I was bent over throwing ass while she was recorded amping me.
"Yeah best! That thang is thanging!"
My outta breath ass got up and hopped in the car.
"Bitch where my asthma pump?" With my hand over my chest I was tryna catch some air.
Being dramatic.
"Not the pump lady. You don't have asthma."
"Well bring me some oxygen shit."
She start laughing putting her seatbelt on. The music cut off indicating that somebody was calling.
"Let me answer cause he not gon stop."
"Exactly and he fucking up the music." I said as I backed out the driveway finally.
"Is y'all outside?" I could hear Louie asking this time.
"Dude no we just leaving Cyn house."
"Y'all was been suppose to be here."
"Do you see us?" She put the camera on me and her.
"Cold baby." I said to him.
"This takes time fool." She told him and I silently agreed.
"Y'all dirt , stop at the sto and grab me some woods I forgot."
"Alright alright let me hang up before you get to asking for something else. "
He start laughing. "Bye dude."
"We gon have to stop up here , you know these the people that fuck with me." She pointed to the store at corner, we was always in here.
My phone was going off from inside my purse pissing me bad.
"I wish these people stop inboxing me about the party. Like I am not the host."
"Bitch okay, they been blowing my shit up all day." I pulled into the lot putting the car in park.
"You want something outta here?"
"A water and some donuts."
She slammed the door running inside. Pop start facetiming me soon as he texted me back like damn can I respond.
"Let me see what you got on." He was glancing between me and the game.
"Look." I bent the camera down so he can see the drip.
"I look good I know."
"Na that shit got yo stomach all out."
"I ain't bouta wear no long ass dress to a party, you such a hater."
"You going Saint and Louie lil shit?"
"Yeah we on our way there now, ain't no party on campus you going to?"
Noni had came out the store and was making her way back over here.
"Yeah I'm pose to be going somewhere with these niggas later on."
"What niggas Pop? You barely like people."
"Who that?" Noni was all in my phone once she got in.
"Wassgood Noni." She rolled her eyes instantly and I pulled out the lot laughing.
"Now you know I don't like you."
"I see yo bitch left you."
"and I see that beard still patchy either shave the shit off or get some oil."
I almost screamed. This bitch right here. The man ain't say shit back just hung up and that really had me crying.
"Bitch you hurt his feelings." I couldn't stop laughing.
"No cause he really tried it with that one." When we was together they damn near hated each other. Argued more than me and him.
"You got his stuff? Ion wanna hear that mouth."
"Yeah I got the five pack so he owe me some bread. Them shits be ten dollars."
"Oh yeah they in their taxing bad."
Like damn why can't each wood be a dollar?
"No forreal." They was having this shit all the way out in west seneca at Saint uncle big ass house.
Uncle Roach was cool as hell just don't fuck up his shit. He ain't play bout his house.
"You drinking?" She asked me while putting on more lipgloss.
"Na I gotta drive."
"I'll drive you know ion even do the drinking." I thought about it for a second.
"Shit cool with me, I'm bouta get twisted."
"Oh na not if I gotta carry you back to this car."
"Absolutely not I ain't tryna get that drunk now." We was bumping the city girls the whole way to there.
It was going on nine fifteen when we pulled up in the driveway. Some people was already in they cars waiting.
I know motherfuckas wasn't tryna pay that inflation price.
"Grab this for me please, I got too much shit." She took the purse out my hand and I grabbed this big ass tote. They put me in charge of making the the dips so these heavy ass pans was what I had in here.
Noni start banging on the door. As she should cause my arms was bouta fall off.
"Who is it?"
"Nigga open the door."
The locks start clicking and Saint opened the door moving out our way. As Noni was walking pass him this nigga was staring mad hard.
I snapped in his face a couple times.
"Wake up daydreaming ass."
"Shut the fuck up." He gave me the finger going back to rolling his blunt.
"That mouth don't stop moving do it?" Smart ass mouth, I mushed the side of his face almost making him drop the weed.
"Now when I body yo lil ass you gon be crying."
"Na you know better cause then we gon be in this bitch boxing." He waved me off and I went in the kitchen.
"Where Louie at? Since he died for these backwoods."
"He just left to go pick up Sadai for me."
I could hear them two talking in the living room but I was too busy setting these dips out on the island to worry bout anything else.
"You ain't speaking?" I turned around holding my chest.
"You can't be doing that, I ain't even see you."
"Mm." Knowledge looked me up and down.
"You look good."
"You ight." He start laughing cause even he knew I was cappin.
"Huh you gon take my picture?"
I held out my hand and he passed me his phone. This nigga ain't have no code on his shit.
"You don't believe in passcodes?"
"I get too high I'll fuck around and forget that shit." He said nonchalantly and start doing his fake baby poses. I love when he wore his hair up that shit was so fire.
"Here." Hopping off the counter he took his phone looking through the pictures. I went back to setting up.
"What's yo ig?"
"Pretty dot problems." At first I ain't even notice how close he was standing until I turned around.
"Damn you in my business. Back up."
"Don't start acting like that." He put his arm around my neck pulling me into him.
I wrapped my arms around his waist.
"How I'm acting?"
"You know how you acting cut that shit out."
"This just how I am , you wanna be my daddy so bad."
"Yeah we definitely gon fix that."
He smacked my side and I popped him in his chest.
"See you too fucking heavy handed." He was rubbing his chest hot as hell.
"You set up already?"
"Yeah you ain't see that big ass dj booth?"
"I wasn't paying attention. Don't be playing no bullshit."
"Never, stop playing with me."
"Ooo am I interrupting?"
Noni annoying self came in the kitchen doing the most.
"Don't start."
"I ain't even start friend, just know I love the look." She pointed between us smiling, Knowledge spoke to her and went right back to his phone.
"It's doing it for you?"
"It's definitely giving what it's suppose to gave." She said in her Santana voice. We loved him bad.
Unwrapping my arms I was tryna get back to making this punch and he wasn't tryna let me go.
"Damn what you gon do hold me hostage?"
"Man watch out." He start laughing making me laugh.
"Come over to the booth when you done in here."
"Okay." I could feel Noni staring at me from her chair.
"What nosey?"
"Y'all in here cuffed up and what not. I thought you ain't like himmmm." She mocked my voice.
"Pass me that sherbet."
"Uh uh not you ignoring me."
"Huh what you say?" She slid the carton over to me and I opened it.
"You like him don't you?"
"Girl no....okay maybe a smidge." I showed her how much with my fingers.
"Finally bitch cause I know that coochie got cobwebs on it."
"Oh never lady." I poured the Hawaiian Punch and Ginger ale inside the punch bowl.
"Here help me scoop this." She grabbed the other sherbet out my hand and we start scooping it into the bowl.
"Y'all been talking?"
"Not really but at first I wasn't fucking with him like that, after yesterday though he cool."
"Yesterday? What happened yesterday? Oh yeah you don't tell me shit."
"Stop being dramatic, he pulled up on me and we was out there flirting talking. He not a thirsty ass nigga like he laidback as hell."
"That's gon be yo nigga watch."
"Mmm we gon see, this attitude might run him off."
She start laughing. "Girl bye from what I hear " he gon fix that" so you ain't even gotta worry about that."
"You in our business."
"Okay our business."
"Here you go." I grabbed my phone off the counter once we was done. It was getting closer and closer to party time.
My IG was blowing up, somebody was either dming me or liking this picture. Knowledge end up following me so I clicked his page seeing the pictures we just took.
Thirsty ass hoes. He ain't respond though so that's brownie points. This who catch feelings a lil fast so I ain't tryna jump head first into no weird ass situation.
The whole floor was shaking once he start playing Chips. It was bussin in this bitch.
I was recording Noni rapping hard as fuck.
"This who wanna be Jrey Cash so bad."
"You know this my shit."
We was like two hours into the party and it was nothing but good vibes , no drama or nothing. So far.
I was fake drunk. Enjoying myself.
"Come with me in the kitchen my throat on fire." Noni was screaming over the music.
"I bet it is all that fucking yelling you doing."
"Come on." She grabbed my hand leading me through all these people. This who gon move you out the way once she say excuse me that first time.
We made it into the kitchen and walked over to the fridge , which was being blocked by a group of niggas talking.
"Excuse me y'all." She said it the one time and they must ain't hear her.
"She said excuse me." I chimed in.
"Damn y'all watch out." That caught some attention.
The darkskin one finally acknowledged us moving out the way.
"Our bad Ma go head."
"Mhm thank you." They was damn near eyefucking for a minute.
"Girl watch out y'all playing googly eyes and shit." I moved her out the way playfully and grabbed her water.
"Here." She thanked me going back to her conversation.
"You good over here? I'm about to make myself a drink."
"Yeah I'm straight fr-"
"Drink? What you drink that girly shit?" This other darkskin boy asked me, I think his name was Demario or something like that. We follow each other on Twitter.
Now he looked great it was tattoos for me definitely.
"Boy watch out, what you sipping on some new amsterdam?"
"Never that, nothing but forty two touch my lips." He held up the bottle fake tryna flex.
"Mm whatever, y'all gon take a picture?" Noni chimed in.
"I was finna ask why you had this big mothafucka around yo neck." He walked up on me wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
"Aht aht." I popped his hand.
"Watch them hands."
He laughed backing up.
"My fault my fault."
"Now pose or something." Noni made me stand in the middle of them and these hood boogers was throwing up gang signs my happy ass was just smiling.
"Alright y'all can move now and put that rent money away." She said and they all start laughing,
"Mmcht yo mouth gon get you in some shit." Noni lil man candy said to her.
"Not with you it ain't so you don't even gotta worry bout that." I giggled and walked towards the drink the nigga Demario was right behind me.
Them three shots I took beforehand was kicking in lowkey.
"What's yo name?"
"Cyn, and you Demario right?"
"Ohhh my bad Demarlo, You want one?"
I held up my cup.
"Na I'm straight, you look familiar though? We follow each other or something."
"On Twitter yeah." Once I had added just the right amount of henny to my punch I tasted that bitch. It hit too crazy.
"Yeah that's it , I definitely be seeing pop yo lil shit on there."
I start laughing. "Ion even be doing nothing on there."
He brung the bottle to his lips taking a sip.
"From what I see you be on shit."
"Na cause them motherfuckas on Twitter really be tryna play you like I don't do this dogging shit."
"Oh you tough?" He smiled at me.
"Something like that. Bitches know my body." I slapped my chest making him laugh.
We wasn't really talking bout shit just like going back and forth chatting so I was distracted. Knowledge wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I almost peed.
"You just scared the fuck outta me."
He ain't say nothing at first just was sizing homeboy up.
Demarlo was chuckling. "Aye imma see you Cyn."
"Alright." He walked off in the other direction.
"I scared yo lil nigga off?" I smacked my teeth.
"How the music still going and you over here in my face?"
"Don't worry bout that. Come in here with me." His mouth being so close to my ear was making me anxious.
"To do what?" I whispered back to him.
"Come see." He grabbed my hand tryna lead me out the kitchen.
"Hol on."
I looked over at Noni making sure she was good with buddy. They look like they was really having a conversation so I went with Knowledge.
Wasn't nobody really by the steps so he pulled me over here.
"Why you got me over he-"
"Sit down we ain't playing twenty one questions so don't start that." He pulled me down so I was sitting on his lap.
"Yo ass think you slick." I made a confused face.
"What I do?"
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