《life of CYN》𝑇𝑤𝑜
Cy Bridges
"Aye Cy you got a -" I took my airpod out irritated, it was too early and wasn't nobody tryna talk right now.
"What you say?"
"You got a pen?" Reaching down in my tote I passed him a extra one I had.
"Good looks. I'll give it back after class."
"Kell keep it, you know you ain't got shit else to write with for the rest of the day."
"You right." He turned back around talking to his lil friends and I put my headphone back in.
First period got on my fucking nerves. These bitches was so loud and obnoxious.
Webber High was half smart half ghetto. Like we had the highest test scores in the county but the most fights.
Since this was my previous middle school I died for my parents to send me here for high school.
I loved it here and on top of me already being comfortable basketball was a big reason I stayed.
Our girls basketball team was the second best in the district. A scholarship this year mattered more than ever forreal. I ain't want that stress on my mom , college was bread and since I couldn't take as many clients with school starting back up getting this scholarship was my way of helping.
I know what y'all thinking "why does she get her hair done by other people if she do hair herself?" shit I don't be feeling like doing my hair all the time.
"No bitch I went over there last night."
"Over where?"
"Girl Saint house, you see how I'm walking?"
"Yeah it was definitely the limp for me." I rolled my eyes at Krystal and Laila. That's who needed attention twenty five eight okay. The both of them sucked the whole basketball team.
If I could hear them over my music you know they loud. Going into my messages I clicked on his name ready to clown.
I exited out the messages disgusted. That's who fuck anything with a coochie and legs.
The scheduling this year had me hot, me and Noni barely had classes together leaving us bored as fuck until lunch time then we had the last three periods together.
The bell rung and Mrs. Jill spedwalk into class shutting the door hard behind her.
"Goodmorning class my bad I'm late I almost smacked this bi-" She cleared her throat catching herself. Mrs. Jill was only twenty three and forgot we wasn't her friends sometimes.
"This lady on the skyway, anyways since we been working hard these last couple weeks I figure today a be a free write day."
"See this why you my favorite."
Marcel smacked his lips together pointing at her.
"I bet I am Marcel, anyways pull out y'all notebooks and write about today's free write topic which is what are your plans after graduation? Some goals, future career plans, etc. By the time that bell ring I'll need everybody full two pages on my desk."
Once she sat down and got on that laptop I turned my music all the way up pushing this pen fast as fuck.
Wasn't nobody tryna spend the whole forty minutes doing this shit.
After twenty minutes of writing down whatever came to mind I got up from my seat handing my paper in.
"You done already Cyn?"
"Sure is huh." She grabbed the paper from my hand setting it down.
"We got homework tonight?"
"Not tonight but tomorrow y'all will."
"Okay, can I go to the bathroom?"
"Mhm take the pass and don't be taking all day talking to Noni."
She knew me so well cause that's exactly what I was going to do.
"Girl I am going to pee."
"and girl you better be back in seven minutes."
"Mhm." I grabbed the pass off the hook and sped walk out that bitch.
Noni had texted me talking bout meet her on the first floor so I was flying down them steps and from the fourth floor was a sport in itself.
"Why you not in class?" This boy Rodney blocked my path on the stairs.
"What you want? You see me in a rush."
"Why you always got a attitude when you see me?"
"Why you always got something to say when you see me?" We was having a stare down before he finally moved to the side.
"Go head boujie ass."
I put my middle finger dead in his face before walking around him. Rodney was the worse kinda nigga a babyfather with baby mama drama.
I get chills just thinking bout it. I'm allergic deadass.
"Walk faster damn he bouta leave." I rushed over to Noni who was standing outside the office peeking in the window.
"Look." She pointed and I followed her finger seeing Knowledge standing next to a boy.
"Why he here?"
"From what I can hear he signing his lil brother up for school."
"Damn bitch how long you been standing here?"
"Almost ten minutes."
"Who class you in right now?"
"Oh yeah he's definitely bouta call the boys on yo ass."
The security guards didn't play come snatch you up real quick send that ass right back to class.
"I was waiting on you get down here. Taking all damn day."
"Rushed me outta class to see him. Please go to hell."
"This could be yo soulmate friend stop acting like that."
"I ain't talked to his ass but one time and it wasn't bout shit."
"Bitch stop playing with th-"
"Stevens!" She turned around scared as hell.
"Oh shit heyyy Cheryl."
"Watch ya mouth and it's Miss Cheryl. Let's go, Jefferson sent me to come get you and Cyn get back to class." I put my hands up in surrender walking backwards not paying attention.
"I hear you. I'm going."
"Imma see you at lunc- damn you ain't gotta push."
"Girl go." Cheryl had them walking in the opposite direction when the door to the office swung open almost hitting me.
"Damn my ba- na I should've smacked you with this shit. Yo ass never hit me."
This nigga had a simple true religion sweatsuit on and looked good as fuck.
"Cause ion need to be talking to you."
"Hol up." He walked over to his brother saying something and I just stood there looking dumb.
If you ain't wanna talk to him Cyn why you standing here waiting?
Damn inner voice you in my business relax.
He came back over and I looked down at my phone seeing that a bitch had two minutes to get back to class.
"Wassup with you?"
"Nothing, I gotta get to class."
"You gon keep acting fu?" He stepped closer to me tryna close the gap between us.
"How I'm acting fu?" I stepped back.
"Never hit me up."
"I be busy."
" Na you think I'm gon dickride you lil girl." He said looking me up and down slowly.
"Na you use to bitches dickriding you and ion get into that."
I ain't even wait for him to respond just rushed back to first period.
Wasn't nobody tryna hear Jill mouth.
The rest of my classes wasn't really bout shit. I stayed quiet in all them bitches and spoke when spoken to.
No need to act fake with none of these people.
The cafeteria was always bussin, it's where most of the fights happened and the niggas is always in yo ear.
"I wish Deshawn leave me the fuck alone."
"His sidekick too, right before I got downstairs Rodney thirsty self stopped me on the steps."
"They so weird bruh, the way his bitch be posting him he's in a whole relationship."
One thing I hate the most is a disrespectful nigga. Like you know you got somebody out here and you still tryna kick it like you single.
"No deadass like gon the fuck head. One minute he single the next he a family man."
"He be doing her bad."
"Bad as fuck." I said agreeing with her.
We was walking down the lunch line just talking as they put food on our plates.
"What I'm gon do with this?"
"Eat it lil girl I'm not giving you no more."
Noni was talking to the lunch lady as I walked over to our normal table.
"Hey Cyn."
"Wassup Cy." I said my hello's to the other end of the table which consisted of the rest of the basketball team and they friends.
"Come sit yo ass down"
"She was tryna skimp me." Noni sat down across from me immediately eating.
"You need to stop smoking before school eating like that."
"See I agree right but if I don't smoke I'm not gon be able to make it the whole day with these people."
"That be doing it for you huh?" I said after taking a bite out of this chicken sandwich.
"It do friend it really do." Before I could respond Rodney sat down in the space next to me slapping my thigh in the process.
" Stop playing so much." I smacked the back of his head annoyed , Deshawn sat down next to Noni grabbing some food off her plate.
"I think you want me to beat yo ass or something."
She stated snatching the fry out his hand. I was ignoring Rodney who was staring me down now.
"Fuck all that I hear you and yo bitch not together no more." Dashawn told her waiting on a response.
"Why you worried bout me and what I'm doing?"
"That's just what I'm seeing on the book, you did that shit to her head?"
He was referring to the bald spots she left after pulling them dreads out.
"Sure did you want me to do yours like that?" She said while grabbing his hair.
"You know I like that crazy shit. Stop playing with me." He tried to get in her face and she put her hand up.
"Boy bye and can y'all please go back to y'all table. Blowing my high."
They damn near was arguing for ten minutes then "the father" spoke to me.
"When we gon link?"
"Never. How yo girl doing?"
He smacked his teeth getting irritated.
How you mad?
"We not talking bout her right now, we talking bout us."
"See the problem with that is you already have an us, shit a whole family at that."
"We not even together we just stay together."
"and that's my cue to stay away." My face was scrunched up at this point.
"Stop acting like that."
"That's the thing I'm not acting bye Rodney."
I waved to him and he tapped Deshawn telling him let's go.
"When I text you later you better respond!" He screamed that shit in lunch room tryna make it hot.
"Stop showing out fa these people you is blocked!"
She returned the same energy. Noni loud ass had half the cafeteria laughing at that point.
"Sit down Stevens before I remove you from the lunch room."
"Oh no don't do too much I'm going to sit down right now." Noni almost tripped running back to the table.
"Now that's exactly what you get dummy."
"Please shut the fuck up."
"You mad as hell." She gave me the finger going to back to her food. My fat ass cleared my plate in like ten minutes.
Tapping my screen irritated I had texted this girl for the fourth time in five minutes. She was taking mad long to come out the car.
When her name start flashing across my screen I hurried up and answered.
"Where the fuck is you at lady? You know I gotta go pickup Moo-Moo."
" I'm in ISS bitch."
"ISS? and why is you whispering?"
"I'm in the bathroom and Maze escorted me you know he don't play."
"I'll swing back around, text me when they let you out."
"Alright." I hung up throwing the phone in my lap. A bitch couldn't even make it outta class good before Treasure was texting me talking bout
"pick up Moo for me pleaseeeee"
She only ask cause she know I'm not gon say no when it comes to my niece.
Her daycare wasn't far from school so I was going fifty up Genny. I was only in a rush cause this was the last time we could be late picking her up or they was gon kick her out.
This red light caught me and my phone start ringing interrupting the music.
"What this fool want?"
Clicking the green button I sat my phone in the cup holder focusing my attention back on the road.
"What Pop?" I said while smiling.
"Where the fuck you going?"
"Why you gotta instantly hop on shit with me when we get on the phone?"
"Cause I like when you get mad. You coming from school?"
"Yeah nosey, yo ass look tired you just got out of class?"
I glanced down at the phone before turning left on one of these side streets.
"Hell yeah bruh a nigga exhausted. I'm bouta drop out."
Pop was my ex but we wasn't on no bad terms or nothing. He was just too insecure in our relationship always accusing , that shit drove me crazy.
We was friends before all that shit so we just stayed friends after. Some niggas is just better as friends than boyfriends.
"You better not dude I'm really not gon claim you."
By the gasping noise I knew his dramatic self had his hand over his chest.
"We locked in for life gon head with that shit."
"Whatever." I playfully rolled my eyes finally pulling into the lot.
"Na forreal though where you going?"
"I'm grabbing Moo from daycare then imma go get Noni from school."
"So you out and she not?
"She in ISS."
"Yooo school just started for y'all."
"You know that ain't stopping her from getting in trouble."
"I'm already knowing, I'll be back out there in November I'm seeing you?"
"You think you not nigga? I better see you or it's up. Basketball season start then too so make sure you at my first game."
"I wouldn't miss it and you not on shit."
"I really am though." I laughed putting the car in park.
"Imma call you when I get in the crib I'm bouta go in here."
"Ight love you dude."
"Love you too Pop." He hung up and I threw my phone in my purse. Popping the trunk I got out grabbing her booster seat and slid it in the backseat.
Inside the building all you heard was kids everywhere.
I was ready to go immediately.
"Hey I'm here to pick up Mylani Bridges."
"Okay just sign her out and I'll have her teacher walk her down."
"Alright thank you."
"No problem." Once I did that I took a seat waiting for her. It took them almost twenty minutes to bring her out.
"I'm sorry for the wait, she was napping. Have a good day Mylani. Bye bye."
She just waved back tiredly. I crouched down picking her up and headed out to the car.
"You had a good day?"
"Yes I tired though."
"Okay we gon be home soon, teetee gotta stop and grab Noni."
We drove around for a minute and grabbed food. When they finally freed Noni I almost flew home.
"Ma! Where you at?"
"Nana I home." She said fuck us and ran through the living room.
"I'm in the kitchen quiet down and stop running in my house."
"Hey Mrs. Bridges." We entered the kitchen behind her.
"Hey baby you staying for dinner? Cause I'll make enough for you too."
Moo was wrapped around her leg just happy to be there.
"Yeah I'll stay. Thank you."
"You know you like my child too, how yo peoples doing?"
"They straight I guess." She could tell she ain't wanna talk about that topic no longer so she just kept cooking.
"We bouta go upstairs Ma."
"Alright make sure y'all don't eat this til around seven."
"Okay. You got work tonight?"
"Yeah I'm just tryna cook this before I take me a quick nap."
"Oh okay got you." Once we made it up to my room I instantly changed into some different clothes.
"You know the boys lil party at the end of the month."
She looked up from my phone confused.
"That's this month?"
"Girl yes they been texting the groupchat bout the shit all week. We suppose to help them set up the day of."
"They better be lucky I fuck with them cause my services ain't free."
Period cause just a good as she is with that brush she's ten times better with her camera.
She scooted to the top of the bed so she was laying next to me.
"You gon take pictures?" I asked Noni.
"I guess I'll do a lil something something you know they gon want some pictures. I need a new lens though."
"You wanna go get one after I do Shyla hair?"
"Definitely cause my mama found my camera somehow and cracked the lens when we was arguing last week."
"Soooo she need to be giving you that money."
Same thing happened last month but with her makeup. Literally smashed all her foundations and threw her brushes in the toilet.
Hating ass hoe.
She let out a irritated breath. "I'm already knowing but to avoid arguing I'll just get it."
"Look I know you love yo mom cause that's yo mom but you don't deserve none of that shit. Like she be acting like she jealous of you lowkey."
"I feel everything you saying right but but it's just hard when that's my only living option right now so I figure I just keep my head down and do what I gotta do. Shit I'll be outta there in due time."
It made me so mad the way her mom did her. Like bitch that is yo child.
"I get what you saying I just don't want her bad ass energy wearing you out."
"I know friend I know. I'm not though I'm good."
"Okay." I said to her not really convinced. The lady smoke everyday just to stay sane.
We sat around chatting fa hours as we did homework. This girl was my soulmate in friend form.
No cap.
" I'm about to go downstairs you want dinner now?" I asked her.
"Yeah I'm coming with you. My stomach touching my back."
"Come on." It was going eight and we had finally bussed all our assignments down.
As we was making our way down the steps I could hear Moo and my mom watching Coco for the thousandth time.
"Yoo please watch something else."
Noni whispered to me.
"Girl okay I could damn near recite this whole shit."
"Y'all sneak dissing?" My mom said outta no where as we passed the couch.
"Who taught you that?"
"Stop tryna play me like I'm old as hell."
"Not play you, yeah ma stay off that urban dictionary."
" Agreed." Noni said pointing at her and she just waved us off as we walked into the kitchen.
"Y'all plates is in the fridge and Cyn go wake yo sister up!"
- In Serial77 Chapters
Come Back To Me, Kiwi.
Vidal Ferrari is an engineer who's ready to start his own family but with no suitable woman in sight. His wealth seems to attract the wrong kind of girl and he's becoming restless. He's a large rough man who is only ever gentle with his nieces. But he knows that'll have to change if he wants to find himself a wife.Kiara is a heavily traumatized young woman, stuck in an awful facility for sixteen years of her life. Trained to be enslaved and sold. She never had a childhood, never felt love of any kind. When she's saved from the facility, she lands in a hospital in Vancouver. She's in desperate need of someone to look after her and help her heal. Someone gentle and never rough. Can these two find the love they need in each other?Will Vidal be able to be the gentle, careful man that Kiara needs?Will Kiara ever heal from the deep scars her life has left her with?Can the engineer and the scared girl truly be the ones for each other?---"Kiwis..." He said softly. I examined them, seeing how some had some white parts and some were free of the black specks."I like these a lot." He smiled. He brought one to my lips and I bit into it. It was very different from the others. Much less sweet."These ones match your eyes, don't they? Your pretty green eyes." He said to me, wiping away more of my tears while I was too distracted by the explosion of flavour in my mouth.I rubbed my irritated eyes and he fed me another kiwi slice. It tasted good but it made my body shiver a little from the little sting it had in its taste."Is it too sour? Sorry about that." He chuckled, gently raking his fingers through my hair as I relaxed a little.I wanted more. I liked kiwi."You want more?" He asked me.I looked at the kiwi and then at him. He really, really wanted me to talk. He fed me the rest of the kiwi pieces even though he hadn't gotten an answer from me and then he smiled."All done." He said to me, brushing my hair away from my face with a smile.
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Rejected by Who Knows Who..
In a world where Soulmates exist, people are born with or without one.I, Aera Irene Whitfield a 20-year-old Actress who is studying business have been blessed by not one but SIX soulmates. But something happened.At the age of 16, I met one of them. I only saw their eyes through the pulled down window of a black Mercedes car. The eyes of those who found their soulmate glow of a blue color. I could feel my eyes changing color but then the car drove off. Not even a day later, my eyes turned into a pure silver color. That means I've been rejected, not by one but by all SIX soulmates.I'VE BEEN REJECTED BY WHO KNOW'S WHO!******************************I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE PHOTOS USED, CREDITS TO THE ARTIST, IF YOU KNOW WHO THEY ARE PLEASE TELL ME SO I CAN GIVE THEM CREDITS, I ONLY FOUND THE PICTURES ON PINTERESTThe story is thought and created by yours truly 😉++++++++++++++++++++++++Upload schedule: Once a Week, Twice if I feel like it.Started: August 20, 2021Ended:The Third Book I made
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Once Bitten
(18+) *Unedited*It has been seven years since the vampires took over. I remembered the day like it was just yesterday. The sirens. The deaths. The fear instilled upon every living human. And now I was being used as a blood bag for these beasts who took my life and threw it out of proportion. *****This is a reverse harem story. (18+ for strong language, graphic depictions of violence, and graphic sexual scenes)
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How to Wed A Devil
"Do you even know what will happen if this marriage doesn't happen?" he asked me."Your father's company shares will fall. Your father and brother would be bankrupt by the end of this month. And there is a good chance that he will end up in jail."I looked at him shocked."Don't look at me like that. I am not the one who insisted on this deal. Your father insisted on this so that your sister won't have any trouble with this marriage. He was sure that my family won't let this marriage happen. He made this deal so that my family cannot stop this marriage. The legal documents are already in court, so no one can stop the consequences if this marriage doesn't happen. He did it in such a way that my family can't turn their back on your sister as well as this deal gives financial support to your sister so that she doesn't have to depend on me or my family" he fumed at me."Now your sister ruined her own marriage and left everyone in this chaos. So stop your drama of being me your sister's love and so you don't want to marry me. Cut all this crap, get ready and come to the mandap if you don't want your family to pay", he commanded me and left the room. I just stood there gaping and realized that I don't have any choice other than to marry the devil.*********Best Rankings#1 in Generalfiction#1 in doctors#6 in Wattpadindia#7 in marriage#1in Headstrong#4 in Wife
8 317