《My Bestfriend's Father》Chapter 17


Waking up I hear knocking on the door. Getting out of the bed I look over to see José and Rodney still sleeping. Walking into the living room I open the door to see my parents.

"Hey, baby girl". My dad said giving me a hug as my mother stood there rolling her eyes.

"Hey daddy what are y'all um doing here". I asked scratching the back of my neck nervously.

"We came to talk to you about something can we come in". He said and I think for a second before letting them in.

Going over to the couch we sit down and I stare at my dad waiting for him to talk.

"Me and your mother are getting a divorce". He said and I held a plain look on my face.

"I can't say I'm surprised she's been fucking your brother". I said with a shrug as he held a shocked look.

"Wait you been fucking Mi Hermano". He said and it was my turn to be shocked

"Hold on I thought that's why you were divorcing her because you found out". I said looking between the two.

"You need to know when to keep your fucking mouth closed little girl how about you go back to school". My mother said causing me to look over at her.

"Girl while you were so worried about me I talked to my principal and they send me my work so mind your business". I said mugging her while my dad had his head in his hands.

"Call him over here Milli". He said causing me to look at him.

"Huh". I ask frowning.

"IIÁMALO AHORA". He yelled causing me to jump

Picking up the house phone I dial my uncle's number waiting for him to pick up.

"Uncle Ivan I need you to come to my apartment immediately". I say hanging up before he could say anything.


Sitting back I look around as we wait.

Hearing a knock on the door I go and answer it revealing a smiling Ivan.

"Hey, baby girl". He said trying to hug me but I pushed him back moving to the side.

Walking in I close the door behind him and before I could turn around my dad was already on him whooping his ass.

"STOP". My mom yelled trying to break them up but I pushed her back standing in front of them.

"Back up bitch". I said staring at her.

"Yo what the fuck is going on out here y'all got my son crying and shit".Rodney said walking in causing everybody to look at him.

"And why the fuck you just standing there watching them fight". He asked looking over at me and I turned around scratching the back of my neck.

"Um, I don't know what's going on". I said looking up at the ceiling like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"Milli what is this grown-ass man doing in your apartment".My dad asked looking between me and Rodney.

"He's um". I started to say but Rodney cut me off.

"I'm her nigga and her baby daddy". He said and I threw my head back.

"Really again Rodney you just don't give a fuck". I said shaking my head.

"So you've been having sex with a married man Milli I'm so disappointed". My dad said shaking his head before walking out of the door.

"Both of y'all get out". I said to my mom and uncle Ivan.

Watching her help him up and out of the house. Once the door closed I turn towards Rodney.

"You couldn't just keep your mouth shut for fucking once I was going to tell him". I said walking to the back.


"You wasn't gone say shit so I did it for you". He said shrugging laying back on the bed.

"THAT WAS A CONVERSATION FOR ME AND MY FATHER TO HAVE NOT FOR YOU TO GO RUNNING YOUR FUCKING MOUTH". I yelled causing José to start crying and he quickly stood up grabbing me by my neck pushing me into the wall.

"Don't yell in front of my fucking son Milli I'll hurt yo fucking feelings". He said backing up and picking up José.

Rubbing my neck I mug him getting in the bed.

"Give me my damn baby". I said reaching over and he gave me a look.

"I can't stand your ass". I say laying down turning the other way.

I'm really gone break his fucking neck...

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