《My Dark Knight》Chapter 28
Chapter 28
Tristan carefully sat up in bed, taking great care not to stir Sapphire. He had come to bed to find her fast asleep. He didn't want to disturb her, knowing Alexander, he probably had worked her twice as hard when he realized he was to loose the joust. So he had let her sleep.
It had been hours now and sleep still denied him, his arousal ever so present. Tristan groaned as Sapphire turned and pressed against him.
He gritted his teeth, he would not wake her! She was tired, not to mention sore. It wouldn't be very kind on his part to wake her up for his own needs. And he could always wait. At times waiting was half the pleasure.
As Tristan tried to convince himself, fate seemed to conspire against him, annihilating his noble intentions. Sapphire moved until one long, lean leg was lazily laid across his raging erection, while her breath blew on his naked chest.
This was torture.
Intending to tamper his desire, Tristan bent down and softly placed a kiss to her parted lips, but he should have known better. That one, short kiss left him aching for more. The small taste of paradise beckoning him forward. Tristan smirked softly. He had never woken her up with kisses before. The idea was too appealing to let go.
Tristan stared at her soft features. Her ebony locks were gloriously spread out beneath her. He loved her hair, especially the way it was cut, he'd never seen hair cut as such. Her nose was small and straight. Upon closer inspection, Tristan noticed the slight bump. She had broken her nose, he would need to learn how it happened. Her brows were perfectly arched, not to thin or thick. And Tristan knew, in the sunlight her brows were a darker brown color, a shade or two lighter than her hair. Tristan looked to the ceiling before looking towards Sapphires full lips. He ran his thumb over her bottom lip, her soft breaths caressing him.
"Why do you tempt me so?" Tristan whispered in the darkness of the night, the low glow of the fire softly illuminating her features, making her more tantalizing than possible.
Tristan continued to watch her. The way her breasts would softly move with each breath, how her head rested atop his heart, her hand lazily slung over him. He marveled at the fact that she was his, his alone. He had marked her. In such a short time he had grown attached to this woman he called his wife. Life was remarkable, it had its own ways and wisdom of doing things, whether we liked it or not.
Tristan traced a finger over her brows, down her nose, across her cheek, before going lower. He bent his head and kissed her softly once, then twice, adding more pressure. Without breaking the kiss, he covered her body with his, his kisses becoming more demanding.
Sapphire slowly came awake. She felt the familiar pressure on her lips, urging her to respond. She moaned low in her throat. Even in her dreams his kisses felt real. Suddenly his lips were gone from her own, Sapphire moaned in protest. She signed happily as those sinful lips began to kiss along her jaw, down to where shoulder met neck. Her hips moved of their own accord as he nipped and kissed her sensitive flesh. The sensations were too much to be conjured by her imagination. For no amount of imagination could control her body, her every sense, the way Tristan did.
Sapphire slowly opened her eyes to find Tristan in the crook of her neck, while his hand gently massaged the area under her left breast, touching her but at the same time not.
"Tristan..?." His name left her lips in a questioning moan.
"You're awake, love." His hooded, desire filled gaze, met her own, only then did she feel the weight of his desire against her belly. Her own muscles clenched in response.
"It didn't take as long as I would have liked." Tristan whispered as he tucked a rogue strand behind her ear.
"As long as you would have liked?"
Tristan chuckled as her sleepy eyes made way for confusion. Her eyes were expressive, a window to her soul. Where at times her expression was closed off, her eyes gave her away.
"Aye, I only kissed you once."
Sapphire blushed, the simple action holding Tristan captive. Her blush beckoned him to run his tongue over it, to feel their warmth.
"I thought I was dreaming." Sapphire said in embarrassment.
"Do you dream of me often?" Tristan asked as he held his weight on his elbows, his body still pressed intimately against her own.
"Nay, you brute."
Tristan grinned cheekily. He leaned forward and planted a soft kiss against her lips, before biting gently on her bottom lip.
Sapphire let out a breathy moan at the action.
"Are you tired?" Tristan mumble as he began to kiss down her jaw.
Sapphire struggled to answer him. She couldn't think when he was near let alone when he did wicked things to her.
"Are you sure? If you're tired I will let you sleep, but you must tell me now." Tristan said as he kissed along her collar bone before moving lower.
Sapphire arched into him. She timidly ran her hand along his growing erection while speaking, her voice coming out surprisingly strong.
"And what of you, my lord husband. I doubt you will be able to get any sleep."
Tristan groaned from where his head was buried in her delectable bosom. If she kept torturing him with her hand, she would unman him soon enough.
Tristan lifted his head, his hand stopping her caress.
"You're wearing too much clothes, love." His voice came out as a husky growl, his silver eyes clouded with lust. Sapphire struggled to breath with the way he watched her. It made her feel.........exquisite. Desired. Wanton.
"How should we remedy the situation?"
Her mind registered the words after her mouth had already spoken them. With Tristan there was no such thing as boundaries. He demanded all, not leaving anything behind.
"I believe we should get rid of this nuisance." Tristan said as he ran one long finger along her clothes.
Tristan straddled her, lifting her chemise and throwing it across the room. He bent down and placed a soft, open mouthed kiss under her navel, his lips gently skimming the skin above her feminine area.
Heat pooled low in her belly.
Tristan made quick work of her remaining clothing, leaving her exposed to his hungry gaze. He looked at her leisurely, committing each inch if skin to memory. The light from the hearth gave her skin an unworldly hue, begging to be touched. To be devoured.
Sapphire struggled not to cover herself, the fact very obvious to Tristan. Even after their rounds of love making, she was innocently shy.
"You're very beautiful, have I ever told you?" Tristan asked as he held her gaze. He was rewarded when her skin flushed a bright red. The color strangely alluring. Captivating. Compelling. Seductive.
"I have never seen hair as dark as yours, it's an inky black. But your brows, they're completely different. They're a reddish brown shade. The way they arch high into your forehead when you find something sarcastic. Your eyes widen when you're surprised, and they crinkle softly when you find something amusing. The way they glow with mischief when your up to something. They are the darkest blue, or so I thought. When you consumed with desire, they darken, but the blue is still visible.
" I just noticed the slight crookedness to your nose, but it doesn't deter me from your beauty. And then there's your lush lips, I love the sounds they make when I touch you."
Sapphire stared into his silver eyes as he spoke, seeing the truth of his words. Tears stung her eyes but they dare not fall, afraid he would hide this part of himself at their expense.
"I also like the way they tilt into a smirk. But what ever position they may take up, they call towards me like a sirens call. And I'm afraid I'm too weak to resist them." Tristan whispered as he leaned forward and placed a kiss on her lips. His hands beginning their own exploring.
He kissed her softly at first, gently, taking his time learning her mouth before his kisses turned more urgent with the sound of her soft moans.
"I love that sound." Tristan husked as he kissed down her throat towards her aching breasts. His torturous tongue took one aching nipple into his mouth, suckling softly while his hand fondled its twin orb.
Sapphire arched into him, pressing herself closer, his arousal digging into her belly, begging for attention. She took him in her hand, stroking gently, his breeches hindering skin to skin contact.
"Your breeches..." Sapphire breathed as he gently bit down on her nipple before licking the pain away.
"Not yet, love." His whiskers against her sensitive skin making her pleasures more erotic.
Sapphire dug her fingers into his hair, holding him firmly in place. Decorum forgotten.
She moaned in protest when he moved away, only to cry out in pleasure as his wicked tongue moved to her other breast. His hand caressed her waist before moving towards her hips, then towards her thigh, and then finally going to her woman's core.
Tristan took her lips in a hungry kiss as he inserted one digit inside her to find her ready and waiting for him. Her desire for him fueling his own arousal. Tristan swallowed her moans as he inserted another digit, quickening his rhythm.
Sapphire withered beneath him, his fingers pumping faster, harder, the muscles in her lower stomach clenching until she finally found her release.
Tristan kissed under her chin, her breathing harsh. Sapphire felt his satisfied smirk against her skin, but was to sated to call him on it. God knew, he could boast, she was living proof.
"You're very beautiful when your being pleasured."
Blood rushed to her cheeks at his words.
"You were watching me?"
"Aye, and I've never seen a more beautiful sight." Tristan whispered as he placed a chaste kiss on her swollen lips. Her blush lessening at his sweet words.
Tristan made quick work of his breeches, kicking them off with his feet. Sapphire kissed the skin atop his heart. Her mouth moving towards his male nipple and scraping her teeth gently against it.
Tristan hissed in pleasure, his muscles tightening.
In one quick thrust he was inside her, sheathed in her warmth. Tristan gritted his teeth, remaining still until she adjusted to the feel of him before moving out only to thrust back in harder, faster.
Sapphire bit down gently on his shoulder, her nails scraping his back as the sensations he caused grew stronger. They could make love every second of the day, and still, she would not tire of him.
Tristan groaned low in his throat at the feel of her tongue on his shoulder, the pleasure pain adding to his desire. He made her reach her peak twice more before finding his own release, shouting her name as pleasure racked through his body.
Their harsh breathing the only sounds in the room. Sapphire wrapped her arms around him. Tristan placed a loving kiss on her neck before rolling to his back and pulling her atop him, their bodies still joined as one.
"Sleep, love." Tristan whispered as he placed a kiss on her head, his hand running along her back, while his other hand held her tight. Ever so slowly, his body began to relax, allowing him to sleep, finally finding the comfort he had been seeking.
Tristan walked in the kitchen, his hair still damp from his bath in the river. He lifted one plate and raised a questioning brow at its content before proceeding on to the other dishes.
"Cook, what are these?"
"Good afternoon, my lord." Cook bowed before walking towards where Tristan stood. He was a big man, with a large, round belly. Although he was still fairly young, his hair had began to gray, making him appear as an old man. One who would sit by the fire and tell tails to children into the early hours of morning.
"This is bread with cheese. This dish over here is potato with cheese. This third one is chicken potato and cheese with italian herbs. The fourth bowl to your right is a cheese dip I have made for the first time, I added rosemary and oregano in it. The plate to your left consists of tomatoes, bread, cheese and peppers."
Tristan cleared his throat. Everything looked and smelled delicious. He had an amazing cook, but Tristan felt as if there was nothing but cheese.
"May I know the certain interest with cheese."
"My lord, tis different kinds of cheese, not one. A little birdie has told me her ladyship is very fond of cheese. I thought to surprise her." Cook said with a wink.
Tristan resisted the urge to roll his eyes, a habit he picked up from Sapphire, but he smiled nevertheless. He was pleased his people loved his wife. Still, he knew his cook.
Tristan chuckled lowly the reasons becoming clear, "are you intending to bribe your way to her recipes with cheese?"
"What gave you that impression, milord?" Cook asked with exaggerated innocence.
Tristan smirked before shaking his head in exasperation. He lifted one of the plates and began picking on the food.
"Enough! Lord Rivers, you put men half your age to shame. Tis ...."
"I'm not old, lad." Lord Rivers smirked while wiping at his brow, his hair matted to his head, his bare torso covered in sweat.
"I second Alex." Duncan gasped as he slouched down besides Alexander, gasping for breath.
"I will have to agree." Gerald said after taking a sip of water.
All three were exhausted with their joust with lord Rivers. Although, it was Alexander, Gerald, and Duncan against lord Rivers. Three on one, and yet, they were the ones out of breath.
Lord Rivers smirked.
"Tristan, your boys need a bit of a roughing, they have gone soft. All three of them couldn't handle an old man." Lord Rivers called to Tristan as he came out the kitchen, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
Tristan scowled.
"You berks! Lord Rivers defeated you single handed!" Tristan felt like giving them a good blow to the head. His men were growing weak!
"Well," Duncan cleared his throat before he began to speak again, "we didna want to hurt the laird. And wee Duncan and Arthur are verra fond of him. We couldna let them see his lordship be defeated."
Lord Rivers laughed loud and long, his face turning red with mirth.
"Is that the best you can come up with, lad."
"From now on, all three of your training will be extended, you seem to be growing lax." Tristan informed them tersely. His village had been attacked mere days ago, and his cretin knights couldn't defeat one man!
"Tis no right! He was a mercenary."
"Aye, and a verra good one." Alexander and Duncan complained at once. Tristan raised a dark brow at their childish antics.
"Tristan can defeat me." Lord Rivers quipped.
Gerald snorted, "that's because you trained him yourself, my lord. And we did try going easy on you.
"Aye, tis why all three of you are sweating like animals." Lord Rivers retorted.
The men had the grace to blush slightly. Tristan resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Aye it was true lord Rivers was very difficult to defeat, not to mention he could easily take on five men at once. That was besides the point.
"Lord Rivers will train you."
"I beg your pardon." Lord Rivers stared at Tristan appalled, he couldn't be serious. Not that he didn't want to teach the men, but he had other tasks at hand.
"I have to train Sapphire." Lord Rivers said with a satisfied smirk as Tristan's eyes narrowed. When Tristan went to speak, lord Rivers hastily spoke.
"You haven't been training her. She has had matches with these..... lads, but no training. She trains four to five hours a day."
Alexander and Duncan blanched at the words.
"By God! Four to five hours a day by you?" Gerald looked as if he had swallowed a lemon.
"I will train her for two and you will train her for two?" Tristan compromised. Lord Rivers conceded to his request.
"Alright then. Boys, I shall see you at first light."
The three stared at Tristan in horror.
"You heard the man."
The clashing of swords could be heard as blow after blow was blocked. Sweat covered Sapphires body as she dodged a blow to the head, and with precise agility landed a successful blow of her own. A thin trail of blood seeped down her arm. Loose trendies surrounded her face as a braid encased her hair. She lifted her sword to counter a blow to the left, and swiftly used her leg to send a kick towards his knee.
"My, you have gotten quicker." Lord Rivers said impressed as the sting to his knee ebbed away.
"Thank you." Sapphires smile was radiant, sincere. Despite the obvious fatigue on her face, her eyes were alight with mirth. Tiring as it was, she enjoyed her training with her uncle.
"I think we should end it for today."
Sapphire withdrew her sword and frowned slightly. They had yet to complete their match, her uncle never left anything incomplete.
"Darling, I had you locked in this room since luncheon, it's almost dark out, Tristan's bound to go daft." Lord Rivers smirked while Sapphires cheeks colored.
"I doubt it, uncle John."
Lord Rivers put an arm around Sapphire's shoulder, pulling her closer as they began to walk towards the door.
"Trust me, darling. That boy could not keep his eyes of you while we ate, he's bound to go daft if he doesn't see you soon. Im surprised he hadn't already arrived.
Lord Rivers let his mind wander back towards their meal. He was glad Tristan had found Sapphire, and she him. Her smiles were more sincere and not to mention more frequent. The entire time they ate, a ghost of a smile lingered on Tristan's lips as he watched her eat and converse. He was scowling like he normally did. Around her, his expression softened, became tender. Aye, he was glad the pair ended up together, knowing Tristan, he would not have consented any other way.
"What did I tell you." Lord Rivers smirked at Tristan's pacing form, his ever present scowl in place.
"You had her in the damn room for five hours." Tristan growled, his eyes focused on the trickling trail of blood. She was wearing one of her own tunic and breeches, ones that were fitted to perfection. Tristan's blood began to warm.
Lord Rivers shrugged innocently, "on the bright side, she has gotten faster."
Tristan's scowled deepened. He took Sapphire's hand and pulled her towards him, his arm going around her waist. Lord Rivers smirked. The boy was smitten and he had yet to discover the fact.
"Should I accompany you at dawn?" Tristan asked as he absentmindedly caressed Sapphires hip.
"If you want, the choice is yours. Although it would be memorable."
A slow smile spread across Tristan's face, his silver eyes alight with humor.
"True, it would be something worth seeing."
"Would someone wish to enlighten me?" Sapphire asked from besides Tristan. Both men looked quite eager. Sapphire didn't know if that was a good thing or not...
"I'm going to be training the three cretins at first light tomorrow." Lord Rivers eyes shined with mischief as he answered her. Sapphire snorted.
"To what do they owe such pleasure." Sarcasm heavily laced in her words.
Tristan shrugged with one shoulder.
"The three of them were bested by lord Rivers in a three on one joust. I asked lord Rivers to train them."
"May God have mercy on them."
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