《My Dark Knight》Chapter one
The strikingly beautiful woman, for indeed she was a great beauty, with eyes the color of molten gold and raven locks which were darker than the blackest of hearts, pale skin which contrasted greatly with said locks, skin a man wished to color with passion, bend over to wake her daughter from her peaceful slumber.
"Sapphire, darling, tis time to arise."
"Tis time to awaken? May I not indulge in sleep for some time?" Sapphire's sleep induced voice asked, already knowing the answer but asking nevertheless.
"You may not. Do you not wish to spend the day with Isabella?" Her mother questioned.
"Isabella is here?"
Sapphire now sat up, more alert.
Lady Dracmore nodded. "Yes. Uncle John as well as Aunt Katherine are here as well. They are staying the home they purchased the previous year. The one which is closer to our home, do you remember?"
"Yes, mamma."
"Excellent. Mary should be up shortly. Please be downstairs posthaste, we mustn't keep them waiting."
"Yes, mamma."
Lady Dracmore kissed her daughters check before leaving the room. She hummed softly as she made her way down the stairs. She was so very happy today! For today was the blessed day her along her husband had been graced with Sapphire ten wonderful summers ago. It seemed as if it were only yesterday lady Dracmore had given birth to Sapphire, and now...
Lady Dracmore shook her head, tears of happiness cascading down her cheeks. She was being rather silly. If Edward were to have seen her....the poor man would be distraught with worry.
She smiled at the servants as they passed by, making her way towards the forest which lay behind the manor. Sapphire loved berries and lady Dracmore not only wanted to make the pie herself, but also pick them as well. She put the basket in her left hand as she opened the gates, still humming softly, her whole being glowing. Perhaps it was this state of ecstasy which made her blind to the leering eyes staring at her, carefully hidden behind trees, as she bend to have a closer look at the berries.
Back in Sapphire's room, she stared longingly at her bed.
"Perhaps another day, my sweet." Sapphire promised as there was a soft knock on the door. She bid them entry.
"I have prepared your bath, milady."
"I thank ye, Mary, tis very kind of ye." Sapphire said humbly as she walked to her bathing chambers.
Mary blushed a deep red. Her lady was far too kind, her heart very gentle, just like her mothers. Mary was most fortunate to have been blessed to work at manor Dracmore. Mary followed Sapphire to the bathing chamber and quickly began helping her. Her ladyship had clearly stated to be quick.
Mary had just finished a simple side braid to Sapphire's hair when there was an eager knock on the door.
"Sapphire! You look lovely! Do you like my new dress? Tis a pretty color, is it not?"
Sapphire laughed softly.
"Tis very beautiful. You look lovely."
"We must hurry, papa said we are to go somewhere today."
"Alright," turning towards Mary, Sapphire said.
"Thank you for your assistance, it was most kind of you."
Mary's eye's sparkled with unshed tears, when she spoke her voice was hardly above a whisper.
"It is you who is most kind, milady, truly." With that being said, Mary hurriedly left the two girls to themselves.
"White becomes you." Isabella said thoughtfully.
Sapphire looked towards her simple white day dress.
"Thank you." Sapphire said, a slight color to her cheeks.
"Let us go, we mustn't keep Uncle John waiting." Sapphire said whilst grabbing Isabella's hand.
"A moment, if you will." Isabella said pulling her hand free.
"If you must." Sapphire said as she patiently waited.
"Why do you speak to the servants as if they are our equals, much less, you go as far to thank them. I would like to know why."
"They may be our servants, but that does not make us better than them. We are given a higher status to love and protect them, not to treat them unjustly, oppressively. It is not for us to be supercilious over what is not truly ours. A man is but a man. Take away the riches and jewels, we are all the same, who require the same. Arrogance will not take us far. We are humans who have been given hearts to show kindness, compassion. There is enough evil and hurt in the world, we need not add more."
Isabella stared dumbfounded.
"I still believe you are a tad bit too kind."
Sapphire rolled her eyes.
"Let us go."
"Uncle John!" Sapphire squealed, jumping into his awaiting arms.
"Sapphire! That is no way for a lady to act." Lady Dracmore admonished.
"Let her be, Annabelle." Lord Dracmore said with faux sternness as he winked at a giggling Sapphire.
"Let us go, my sweet. We have a small something for you."
The Dracmores and Rivers made their way to the carriages, the girls a bundle of nerves as the adults talked amongst each other, only lord Rivers aware of the tension coiled within his friend.
"Everything as it should be, old friend?" Lord Rivers questioned quietly once the ladies began speaking of silk and lace.
"Most certainly." Lord Dracmore said turning around, but not before lord Rivers saw the grim expression on his face.
"A stallion? You have bought me a stallion?" Sapphire questioned, not believing her eyes.
Lord Dracmore chuckled. "Yes, darling. And Uncle John has something for you as well."
Sapphire expectantly turned towards her uncle.
Lord Rivers chuckled with mirth as he handed her a saddle.
"I could not let your father have all the fun."
"Honestly, Edward, you and Johnathan will stop at nothing to turn my daughter into a lad." Lady Dracmore said in exasperation.
Lady Rivers patted her arm in understanding, she knew all too well.
"May I ride it please?" Sapphire begged her uncle and father, both agreeing wholeheartedly while lady Dracmore clutched her chest.
"Her dress!" Lady Dracmore cried.
"I will buy her a new one."
"The beast is too fast for a young girl!" Lady Dracmore tried once more.
"I shall be careful, mamma." Sapphire reassured as she mounted her horse. She was excited, a horse to call her own!
Sapphire dug her heels into the horses sides, the horse took off instantly. Sapphire's laughter could be heard, mixed with lady Dracmore and Rivers anxious cries. The two lords laughed as they settled more comfortably on the blanket. To celebrate the wonderful day of Sapphire's birth, they had decided to have a small picnic in an open field. They could comfortably relax as well as keep an eye on the girls and anyone who would dare venture to close.
"Be at ease. She is perfectly trained to ride a horse."
"I trained her myself." Lord Rivers added as he picked up some cheese.
"Backs straight! Completely straight! A lady must always have perfect posture. A lady must never slouch!"
Sapphire slouched. She wanted her new stallion, not sit straight doing nothing!
"Miss Dracmore!"
"Yes, miss Dawson."
"Back straight!"
Sapphire fixed her posture.
"Do you need assistance? It is rather easy." Isabella mumbled lowly.
Sapphire smiled her head but shook her head. She knew how to keep her posture correct.
Once their lessons were completed, Sapphire and Isabella made their way towards lord Rivers who was seated in the great hall.
"Uncle John, where are my parents?"
"They need some time away from you, my dear Sapphire." Lord Rivers teased as he tickled her sides.
Sapphire managed to escape long enough to ask of their return.
"Spending time with me is not pleasant?"
"Of course it is. I merely wanted to go riding."
"Sapphire, you must see all the pretty dresses papa has purchased for me."
Lord Rivers smirked.
Sapphire scowled.
"Perhaps you would allow us your humble opinion while Isabella tries on the different gowns you kindly purchased." Sapphire said darkly.
"Would you papa?" Isabella asked, her eyes widening, her lips pouted.
"Of course, darling. Lead the way." Lord Rivers walked towards the stairs, but not before pulling Sapphire along with him.
"You shall suffer with me." Lord Rivers whispered.
A few distance away, two men with filthy clothes, ones which smelled of blood and alcohol, hid atop a well-endowed tree, completely obscured from prying and searching eyes alike, watching manor Dracmore with vulture like eyes, the first more menacing than the second.
"Have you done as you were told?"
"What exactly have you done?"
"I seduced the wench, she believes herself in love. I-"
"Was she one of the castle maids?" Fredrick questioned sharply. He wanted no mistakes! For the past two years he had been carefully planning his revenge, making sure no stone was left unturned. He had watched the Dracmore estate day in and day out, he would not fail now.
"Aye. She slipped the tonic into the men's ale. The guards have all been given it as well as the maids."
"The villagers?"
Philip hesitated.
"The villagers have been given a lesser amount, they are merely unconscious. Whereas the soldiers will die once the tonic remains in their body, depending on how much they have consumed."
"Very well. You know the hour which we must strike, make no mistakes."
"I must thank you for watching over Sapphire."
"It was no trouble at all." Lady Rivers assured.
"Edward, a word."
Both the lords walked a couple of few away, whispering angrily.
"What the devil is going on!" Lord Rivers snarl was barely above a whisper.
"Nothing." Lord Rivers said coolly.
"Annabelle would not be pale nor would you look ready to strike for 'nothing!'" Lord Rivers snapped.
"Contrary to your belief, it is nothing." His tone called for no further arguments.
"Annabelle, bring Sapphire, we must be on hour way."
Lady Dracmore stared at her husband as she ran a comb through her hair.
"Do you think it was wise to bring Sapphire?"
"Why would it not be wise? Do you think I would endanger my daughter?"
"I said no such thing. The letters, and after what happened today...." Lady Dracmore
"I have said it before Annabelle, it-"
Edward paused, there was a noise downstairs.
"Annabelle, take Sapphire and go to the tunnel. Do not come out until I come get you!"
"Annabelle, go!"
Not seeing if his wife listened or not, lord Dracmore took his sword, making his way downstairs. With Annabelle's frail health at the moment, and having nearly lost her once before, he had not wanted to worry her over nothing. His 'nothing' ended up being 'something' Edward acknowledged grimly.
As lord Dracmore exited his chambers, lady Dracmore rushed towards Sapphire's, not bothering to wear her robe. Her husband's angry cry had her running faster.
"Sapphire! Sapphire, wake up, darling."
"Mamma...?" Sapphire whispered as she sat up in her dark room.
Lady Dracmore grabbed Sapphire's arm, pulling her along. She quickly led them down the stairs from the back. Moving quickly, yet quietly so they wouldn't be seen, despite the darkness, lady Dracmore felt along the wall. The lever had to be somewhere.....
Lady Dracmore signed in relief as the wall behind the painting slid open. She quickly placed Sapphire inside the passage.
"Do not come out until your father or I come get you. Do you understand me?"
"Good." Lady Dracmore pulled the lever, the wall sliding back in place. She quickly placed the painting of a fat lady atop where the entrance lay and quickly turned away. She had to get Johnathan. Lady Dracmore moved towards the door, but before she could leave, an arm snaked around her waist, the room filling with light and a knife pressed to her throat.
"Where is a bonny lass such as ye self off to?"
He ran his nose along the curve of her neck, lady Dracmore shivered with disgust.
"Ye beauty is nay a lie. I shall enjoy me self tonight."
Lady Dracmore froze, not hearing his vile words. Through the eyes of the portrait Sapphire could see everything.
"Laird Edward! I have ye bonny lass." Fredrick called out as his hand snaked under her chemise.
"UNHAND MY WIFE!" Lord Dracmore roared as he came in the room, his sword covered in blood, his eyes a blue fire.
"I believe ye are nay in the position to be making demands. Where are the riches?"
"The keys are in my study, the jewels and coin in the sleeping chambers."
"Ye heard him, Philip!" Fredrick barked.
"Now, place down your sword or her pretty neck will have to go."
"I am worried, Kat. Edward did not seem like himself. I am merely going to see."
"With thirty of your best knights?"
"I did not bring them along for a half days journey for naught."
"Please be careful."
"Aren't I always, darling?"
"Scout the area! Find me someone!" Lord Rivers barked.
Unconscious and dead bodies of men lay scattered around the grounds.
"We found one, my lord."
"What of the lord and lady?"
The man faltered, unsure of how to continue.
"I believe you should see for yourself, my lord."
Lord Rivers gut clenched. He followed the man inside the manor, his breath caught in his throat.
Annabelle's body lay covered in blood, her stomach ripped apart, a piece of flesh some distance away from her body. She was dead. Dead from the moment her unborn child was ripped from her womb. She had been violated before being murdered. Edwards torso lay some feet away, his limbs scattered around the room.
Lord Rivers feet took him to his childhood best friend. He couldn't believe he was snatched away from him. Tears glimmered in his eyes. He would kill the bastard who did this! But first he would torture him, make sure he suffered ten times more than his friend did.
"My lord?"
"What is it?" Lord Rivers snapped. Edwards head lay in his lap, he didn't want to be disturbed.
"We have a prisoner."
Lord Rivers placed Edwards head down gently. But there was nothing gentle about the way he stalked towards his prey. If he couldn't get the man responsible for their deaths, he would get the one who knew something.
"Tell me everything I want to know and I shall make your death painless." His voice was velvety smooth, almost like a caress.
The man nodded his head. He was a coward. His hair so dirty and filled with blood, its real color was hard to distinguish. He was a small height and built.
"Philip, why don't you tell me the name of the man you're working for."
Lord Rivers placed his knife besides Philips right eye, dragging it down toward his jaw, leaving blood in its wake.
"Fr.....fr......Fredrick." Philip gasped as he watched the knife from the side of his eye.
"The Scottish thief?" The knife lay at his jugular, an ounce of pressure and he would be dead.
"Where is he?"
"I know not." The knife sliced open his left cheek. Philip hissed in pain.
"Incorrect answer."
"I swear! He frequently moves around, he has no permanent place."
"Why did he kill his lordship and ladyship?" The knife began its journey on the left.
"He detested his lordship for some time now. Said he hated him for killing his father. He has been watching his lordship for two years."
"His father raped a woman! Of course Edward would have him killed!" Lord Rivers said sharply, all the while drawing blood as if it were mere ink and not someone's life essence.
"Where's the girl?"
"We know not. We were looking for her, but could not find her." The knife lay where the man's heart beat a tattoo in his chest, as it knew it only had a precious few beats left.
"How did you kill the guards?"
"One of the maids. She slipped a poisonous tonic into the ale."
"The villagers?"
"They were given the same tonic in a lesser amount."
"You have been most kind."
Philip knew he was to die. Even if he managed to escape to Fredrick, he would kill him in fear of being discovered. At least lord Rivers would keep to his word and make his death less painful. It was with this thought his head was severed from his body.
Lord Rivers stared at the painting of the fat lady, lost in thought. Where in the devil was Sapphire! And like a bucket of cold water, a memory resurfaced......
"Where would you hide Sapphire and Annabelle?"
"This manor has a number of hidden passages. I would make two of them into tunnels which lead to a secret room. For the future, the portrait of the fat lady and the one with the snowy mountains."
"You have this planned."
"A man must have everything thought of."
"Why of course..." Lord Rivers chuckled.
Lord Rivers walked towards the painting in a daze, removing it. He searched for the lever, having located it, he pulled. Relief and horror flooded him as Sapphire's vacant eyes stared at him before falling into his arms
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