《Land Before Love.》CH21- Journey There
It was yet again another early morning the next day. The night before Jaida and I had packed for the journey about to take place. Unfortunately this year she was to remain with the others at the haven to look over the tribe, as well as the farm. No matter how much I persisted her to come along, she said she had her duty here. I felt I needed at least her as a friend, as not many would be coming to Orka Point with me.
My large leather bag was bought out and strapped to the back of one of the horses bought by the Zeahev Tribe. Some were to be used for people to ride, but most were for the transportation of people's belongings, food, water and tents. Everyone was to walk. And I was dreading it...
I had seen a glimpse of Zachan in the distance this morning, standing beside Chief Sharnoo, who was back on his pinto horse. Chief Kono was remaining at the haven, as the leader and protector.
The walk had begun, and I had stayed with Tula and her family, and the other jewelers at the beginning. But they all seemed to be sharing memories and reminiscing on past trips to Orka point. I was unintentionally phased out of the conversation. What I also found out was, I was no match for the level of physical insurance these people possessed for walking such a long distance.
I quickly became the last straggling few of the pack.
This was by the time we had past Mr. Larkin's tree house. I had not seen him in a couple days, either to busy or confined to my tent. But today I saw a him from a distance, standing on his balcony, hiding behind branches to obscure the view of him.
He had not emerged from his tree house when the Zeahav tribe arrived... and I didn't blame him. From what they saw of me, I doubt they would see anything different in him. I wondered if the Zeahev tribe even new of Mr. Larkin's existence.
Hours must have past, my feet now aching in my soft leather shoes. I wished then for the thicker boots I use to wear in Fellshore, my feet wouldn't feel as bruised or battered.
Sensing a presence behind me I look over to see two women warriors from the Zeahev tribe. They wore tight brown leather shirts cropped to the waist, with a high navy skirt slited on the sides for their legs to move. The hem was embodied with a triangular tribal pattern of greens and lighter blues. Their black hair was tightly braided in intricate designs, a couple braids fell lose with woven shells peeking between the strands. Each had a spear, shell chains rapped around the head, jangling with each step.
One was shorter then the other, but both wore smirks across their lips.
They passed me with ease, their bare feet not faltering on the roots and rocky forest bed. I realized too late the taller one closest to me had placed her spear down on an angle as she over took me. I tripped over it, hissing as my hands flew out to break my fall, grazing my palms. My long dark maroon dress did nothing to stop the grazing of my knees either.
I heard their nasty laughter as they moved on.
In a spurt of rage I get up, pain replaced by fury and I take a heavy step towards their retreating forms. Yet, I am stopped by a hand wrapping around my upper arm. I look to see Seanne, a knowing glint in her eyes. A warning look as if to say 'let it go'.
"They are not worth it Aleenia... besides I dread to think of what would happen if you confronted them."
I quickly shrug out of her grasp, my eyes going back to look for the two women. But they were already lost in the crowd of people before me, gone. I turn back to Seanne, she to was in her regular warrior clothes, her glossy dark hair having tiny braids with red feathers dangling out. Her spear was effortlessly in her grasp like usual.
She eyes me again." Are you alright?"
I sheepishly nod, curling my hands to hide the grazes. Seeming satisfied she nods to, and moves along forward. I stopped for a moment looking behind me, there was no else. I suppose Seanne was guarding the back of the group.
"Seanne!" I call after her. She stops, waiting as a catch up to her, my feet protesting at my quick steps. Standing along side her, her face looks curious to what I am about to say. Strangely now I didn't have the unease I would have had months ago talking to her after that night.
She was still waiting for something more, but I was to nervous to truly say what I wanted." Why do the women torment me, is it because of what their leader thinks of me?"
Seanne takes in the question, looking forward before signaling with the nod of her head to keep walking." Yes it could be." She answers, head now down in thought." But I think it goes deeper then that. Women, mainly warriors like myself strive to be the wife of a leader. My guess is they failed to capture the interest of one of Chief Sharnoo's sons, and wanted to capture Zachan's attention instead."
"Funny they don't take into account that the marriage was arranged." I point out, exasperated by the trek and their behavior.
" They might not know, or they are the nature of people to bully the already belittled."
The statement alone makes me feel more belittled then I already feel, stranded at the back of the traveling tribes. Yet those women's intentions still had me on edge.
"If they only care for power, they are not missing much..." I huff out, avoiding a rather large root from where I step.
"Easy said from someone with power." Seanne replies, and it has me looking to her in confusion.
"We both know I hold little power here."
Seanne looks around, surveying the forest before speaking. " You have changed, embraced your role here and many people in the tribe have come to admire you. You work for and with the people, you have more power then you think Aleenia."
"Then why do I never feel powerful?" I ask aloud, when really I meant it as a internal question.
"Doubt is like a weed, it has grown inside your mind. You doubt yourself, and others... and I feel I am partly to blame for that." Seanne says, strain to her voice. I look to her, her face solemn." I betrayed your trust and did wrong by you. Desperate to help my sister I listened to Kern and did what he said, despite betraying you as your guard... I am sorry Aleenia."
Her apology has lifted a weight off my shoulder, making the air light around us. I wanted to trust Seanne, and I felt like I could now." Thank you, and I am sorry to. I should have let you come to me sooner."
I receive a smile in return from Seanne, her face brightening." I apologize and you do in return, why?"
I shrug." Where I am from we find the need to apologize for all the little things, even for not hearing some one correctly... I guess I like it here because people move forward, petty little things are forgotten."
Seanne looks amused, yet slightly perplexed at my choice of words, but does not say anything. Silence descends on us again, yet in was not uncomfortable.
Looking at her spear a thought pops in my mind." Seanne, what is the word for spear here? I haven't learned weapons yet."
She tells me, and I was distracted from my painful feet, hands and knees as I learned more of their language from walking and talking with Seanne.
Seanne and I had carried on speaking late in the day until we caught up with the rest of the tribes. They were settling for the night, and tents were being assembled against trees to support the fabric and wooden structures.
Luckily Seanne had accompanied me walking through the masses of people making up camp for the oncoming night. I received quiet, calm and charming glances from the people of the Ukan tribe that lifted my spirits. For the people giving me cold unsure eyes, I knew they were from Zeahev.
On the outskirts of the camp I found the horse with my belongings, the big leather satchel slung over its back. I approach the beige horse with caution, knowing it was agitated from walking all day. I stroke along its neck, hoping to calm the creature, as well as announce my presence. It does quite the opposite, huffing and staggering on it's hooves. It gets quite worked up to the point I take a lengthy step back in fright.
However a figure approaching walks to the front of the horse, using their hands to stroke the long sweep of its head. The animal's uneasy steps slow, and annoyingly Zachan has managed to calm it with only his presence. His eyes once intently looking at the horse turn to me, his hand continuing to stroke down from the horse's forehead to it's muzzle.
"Do you not have horses in Fellshore?" He asks me, his tone light, almost teasing yet curious.
I sigh in relief, my heart slowing in beats." Yes, but since I was a child I did not like them very much, to unpredictable... besides I think this one does not like me."
Zachan huffs out, seeming amused by my statement. I take a cautious step forward again, hoping this time to successfully retrieve my bag. The horse doesn't protest to the idea, as Zachan the 'horse whisperer' keeps him still. Or it could be because the horse simply doesn't care who I am, and just wants the extra weight off his back now.
I have to lean over the horse to work on the tight knots of twine securing it to its back.
" But you rode the horses, to travel, even if you did not like them?" Zachan asks. I look up from the annoying task of undoing undoable knots; he genuinely looked interested in my answer.
" Not necessarily..." I say, trying to slip one of my cracked nails under the twine." I learnt to ride them, but for travel we could use horse drawn carriages."
"Carriages?" Zachan asks, his tone suggesting he has never heard or said the word.
"Ah yes..." I think, multitasking on explaining and untying at the same time." It is like a cart, but enclosed with seats inside. Depending on your wealth they could be quite lavish, and the wheels could be better quality so your not be knocked around inside."
"Wheels?" I hear his confused tone once again. I nearly let out an exhausted sigh, but it was coming from the mind numbing exhaustion of the knots, not his lack of knowledge. I hadn't seen anything like a cart or carriage on these lands yet, hence his not knowing.
"Wheels..." I say, thinking again on the best explanation." Wheels are round, and- ow!" I hiss as the grazes on the base of my palms rub raw against the twine. It was still stinging as Zachan comes to join me at my side, his hands moving mine aside to untie the knots instead. He glances down at the grazes, the blood dried and flaky.
"What happened?" he asks.
Self conscious I let my hands fall to my sides." I tripped." I lie, not entirely sure why I did. But I knew telling the real reason would do more harm then good.
"There should be water and bandages by the fire in the center of the camp." He tells me pulling the bag effortlessly off the side of the horse. He places it by the nearest pine tree.
I bite my lip." Which way?" I ask. I would rather stay by the temperamental horse then venture alone into the camp, but I didn't want to be seen shying away. I wasn't going to give Chief Sharnoo or those two women the pleasure.
"I can-"
"No." I say shortly, a tight smile on my lips dismissing his offer.
Zachan seems skeptical but nods his head to the right for direction to the fire, and after thanking him I walk deeper into the camp.
I wasn't entirely sure why Zachan decided to build the tent on the outskirts of the camp. Maybe he didn't want the fuss of everyone else, especially when it came down to me. Or maybe he was naturally reserved, our tent back at the Ukan Tribe also seemed isolated from the rest.
I ignored the looks of many people as I found the large fire being built in the central clearing. A bucket of water lays near, a mother standing by with her younger child tending to the blisters on his feet. I to knew once my shoes were off I would most likely find the same.
I move to stand beside it and the mother who I recognize now from the Zeahev Tribe deliberately moves her son away, taking the tortoise shell of bandages with her.
Sighing I grab a small clay bowl beside the bucket, collect the water and head back to where I last saw Zachan. A ripped dress will have to make do for bandages.
Our tent had already been built as I arrived, about a body length and half wide and deep and standing tall with the help of a strong branch in the middle, and the tree behind it. Zachan was nowhere to be seen and neither was the horse. But my leather bag lay on the threshold of the tent, and I carefully dragged it in.
Inside the ground was covered in thick furs much like our bed. I sat down amongst them, setting my bowl to my left and the bag to my right. Jaida had packed an extra dress, a beige color I didn't like. Ripping strips off the hem they became my bandages. And after cleaning my palms and knees, and tending to my blistered and bruised feet with cool clothes the walk finally caught up to me. I fell asleep.
Waking, it was darker then usual. My eyes were seeking a slither of light to take in my surroundings. Pushing my self up on to my hands with a wince, I turn my head to the front of the tent. Through the thin fabric I could see a small fire, if I listened closer I could hear it crackling away.
Groggily I make a move to exit the tent, but getting closer I notice two shadows reflecting onto the fabric. One I could identify as Zachan, the other was a man I could not recognize. I decided then to see who it was, before going out.
I crawled quietly to the flaps of the tent, my head slowly peeking out. On two logs situated next to the fire Zachan sat, across from him a man I have never seen before. He had long black hair, half down half up. By the light of the fire I could just make out the navy of his clothes, the green and blue patterns on the hem of the slip of fabric between his legs. His skin was dark like Zachan's, but I could barely see his features.
They ate quietly at first, picking off thin strips of meat from a roasted rabbit on a stick. My stomach churned in hunger, but my fear of the man from the Zeahev Tribe stopped me from moving.
I slump back in the tent, feeling stuck once again.
After a few moments I hear a heavy sigh." Will you not except my apology?"
It was the other mans voice, their language spoken quicker on his tongue then what I've witnessed before. Or maybe the people at the Ukan Tribe talk slower purposefully, for me. The silence that follows gives me time to understand what he is saying, or interpret the best I can.
With no answer the man continues." My father is not good with change, and your wife is a change indeed... a surprise."
I still wasn't following that well, but at the mention of me I try harder to understand. Yet Zachan still says nothing.
The man sighs again." Why will you not speak, Zachan?"
Zachan remains silent. This man accompanying him gets angry, the sigh he lets out is full of frustration. " Your choice of wife was not agreed by everyone here, she is a pale skin from gods know where.... I don't think she will bring peace, she will only bring trouble here."
I sat there silent... I waited for Zachan to stop him...to defend me. But he remained unspeaking.
" What do you know about her?" the man growls." Are you prepared to be with her? Have children with her? Do you even know if she can bare your children?"
His words built a tension inside me so fierce it took everything I had not to scream the words 'Speak!'. How could he sit there and simply say nothing...
A bitter laugh escapes the Zeahev man. " Fine Zachan, say nothing. See what it does for you when you become chief. Because we both know if she steps out of line or her pale friends come to our land, she will be the first to blame... the first to die."
Shock. It was all I felt at his last words. Even more so as I heard him walk away and my husband still said nothing in my defense, in his defense. And peeking out again he seems unaffected sitting by the fire, still eating. It was if the words said passed through one ear and went out the other.
I wanted to burst out of the tent, tell Zachan what I heard and demand to know why he just sat there, silent. But I feared he would do the same to me; say nothing as I spoke to him.
Instead, full of anger and sadness I crawl back to where I was sleeping moments ago. I had thought I was seeing a different side of Zachan, but I was wrong. And an awful part of me thought he did not speak then, was because he agreed with the man. That Zachan doubted things about me to, thinking he had made a mistake marrying me. A mistake that has cost me more, then him.
Hello again, sorry for the late update. I had a busy day yesterday and had to cook dinner for the family so I didn't have time to edit and update.
Anyways this is an extra long chapter to make up for it, I hope you liked it. Tell me what you think!
Also another reason I took longer to update was I was editing all the other chapters I have posted. Just neatening it up for the Wattys 2017! I've changed a few things, but nothing that would really change the plot so far. One of the main things I did change though was the fact I kept spelling Zacarn or Zachan wrong. I have changed it so, written it is Zachan, but in the most recent chapters I was spelling it by the pronunciation, Zacarn...Opps. So also as a reminder if you have trouble with pronunciation check in the Cast section up above, if ones not there tell me and I will add it in.
So please Vote and leave a Comment, I love hearing from you guys.
Update in 2 to 3 days
Love U all
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