《Land Before Love.》CH16- His Return
Three months later.
I had found myself with a purpose. And even though I was not fully happy, I knew I was better off having something I wanted to do when I woke up.
Time had passed slowly at first. My usual days of sulking turned into busy ones, sometimes overwhelming me with things to do. But I found myself liking the distraction. When Jaida first introduced me to the jewelry makers of the tribe it was a hesitant and awkward experience. But little by little I gained their trust and friendship, and now it was one of my favorite things to do. Sitting down with them, painting patterns and designs on carved wooden beads.
Other parts of my day were helping in the farms. My first day I went home exhausted not knowing so many muscles could ache on my body. But it got easier, as they kindly give me the job of a 'picker', plucking fruit, grains and vegetables. It was fitting almost, as I knew some of the food I picked would be heading back to Fellshore.
What also made days fun at the farm was hiding the painted patterned stones around for children, and some times even for other woman to find. The jewelers had given me some more colourful paint and extra ink to make the stones more vibrant. I enjoyed early morning walks with Jaida, walking around and hiding them in nooks of branches and under trees and bushes.
If the children could find me they would ask for clues, and if I remembered where I hid them I would tell them.
All of this had become easier when I went back to Mr. Larkin, asking if his lessons for their language was still available. He said yes, but made sure he bought up the time I had a temper tantrum and left whenever he could. He certainly knew how to grate on my nerves. But after our daily lessons, and extra practice with Jaida and the tribe I had picked up a lot more then I thought possible.
Now, I was just walking back from my lesson with Mr. Larkin. Today we had expanded on emotions, and I was running through them in my head.
It was spring now, and I found myself enjoying sitting outside and sketching. I had found a fallen log I liked to sit on, and draw in my leather book I place in my lap. I had spotted earlier today a small cluster of cornflowers starting to bloom, and wanted to captor them in a drawing.
I had barely drawn the first stroke of the stem before I was disturbed.
"Aleenia." I heard my name called, and I looked up to see Seanne there. My first reaction is to look around, as if willing for someone else to appear. I wasn't sure I was looking for Kern, her brother in fear, or someone else to help me.
"Yes." I reply, my tone clipped. I still didn't trust her, even though I could see remorse in her eyes. But that night still haunts me, and I find myself gasping awake from a dream of blood and the cold claiming my body.
"I-" she stops herself, whatever she was going to say must have changed, as her face turns hard again. "I have come to tell you that Zachan has returned."
My breathing hitches at the name.
For the past months I never said his name, forced myself to forget it. I even tricked myself into thinking he didn't exist, and I wasn't married to him. I had liked the way most things in my life were now, I feared his presence was going to change it.
"He would like to see you." Seanne adds, it had me brisling in anger.
"He's had three months to see me, surely he could wait a couple hours." I snap back, my jaw taught. I look away from Seanne, out to the forest in front of me. A silent dismissal.
I see out of the corner of my eye her turning to leave, halting for a second as if to say one last thing but decides not, and retreats.
How dare he summon me like a dog. I thought furiously, especially after vanishing with out word for months. My relaxed state for sketching was gone, replaced by an irritation that was flaring up like poison ivy on skin.
Still I sat there defiantly, not wanting to return and see him. Not wanting him to think it was all right, what he had done.
The sky was darkening when I decided to get up, my bottom numb from sitting there uncomfortably for so long. But I had hoped I had made a point.
I had mixed emotions as I made my way back to my tent. I was nervous, but also filled with anger. It was tiring, because my brain didn't know which one was more dominant.
Bracing myself I push aside the tent flap, taking slow steps to find the tent empty except for Jaida. Which was normal. But I noticed straight away the difference, as she was packing away items that seemed to be from a leather satchel. The one I recognised as Zachan's the night he walked out.
Seeing me, Jaida stops, a too fast smile gracing her lips. "Aleenia... I wondered when you would return."
I slowly nod, placing my small sketchbook on the side table near my bed. All those nerves wasted when he is not even here... but should I even be surprised?
"There is a feast, to welcome back..." my icy look I give her stops the name passing her lips. She knew how I didn't like to hear his name.
"And I suppose...." I drag out, sitting on the side of my bed." I must attend."
Jaida sighs, coming to stand in front of me." Aleenia, I guess most women, even myself agree what Zachan did was not right... but you are his wife, if you do not go, many will think it rude and disrespectful."
"And what he did was not rude or disrespectful-" I seethe, before being cut off by a calm Jaida.
" I know Aleenia, but you became strong when he was weak. Look at you now, you have changed."
"But I don't think I will like this change..." I grumble, looking down to my shoes.
My maid sighs, taking a step closer to me. She reaches out a hand and pinches my chin. I squeak in alarm as my head is pulled up to look her in the eyes.
"Do not run like he ran, do not hide like he hid." She tells me sternly, my chin starting to hurt from the pressure." You have come so far, do not let this take you back."
She let's go of my chin, my eyes wide in shock. I have only witnessed a couple times the stern side of Jaida, the one who voices her truthful opinion. But she knows exactly when to let her show.
"Now." She says, brushing down her blue skirt." We have to make you look as beautiful as possible, to show just how much has changed since he has been gone."
Regardless, a smile tugs at my lips as I nod again, Jaida shuffling away to the next room to find my best clothes. But still I was nervous to see him, to face the man that not once acted as if he cared he was my husband.
My hair was in a crown braid, beautifully done by Jaida. Being spring she had found a bright collection of flowers to weave through my light brown locks. Daisies, cornflowers, purple wolf's bane and a few pastel pink roses. To match my hair I was in a simple pale blue dress, a brown leather sash around my waist.
Walking out of the tent I felt confident, but the more steps I made towards the party I could now hear, it was chipping away.
It made me even angrier that he had that affect one me. I really had no reason to be afraid of him. But maybe some longing part of me wanted to have his affection... or at least his trust. That made me even madder.
The small clearing in the middle of the tribe was packed with people. Their chief- to-be had returned and they rejoiced, even if he left them with little warning.
My stomach grumbled, as I smelt the tasty smell of roasting meat and grilled flat bread. All my time in the forest had me not being able to eat. Stepping in I received some greetings and welcoming nods of the head. I could almost begin to relax at the familiarity, until Jaida, now beside me, tugs lightly on my dress.
I look to her confused, until my eyes pan over her face to a small group of men gathered not to far from where we stand. Together they sit on flat cushions, huddled around a low table filled with food. I instantly noticed Kern, my blood turning cold. I avoided him with all costs. But it takes me a minute to realize whom he is talking to.
He was still as broad and tall, wearing more winter clothes than spring. High boots, long pants with the long slip of fabric and his shirt obscured from a large bear fur. Perhaps he didn't pack for spring when he left, or maybe he didn't plan to stay away as long as he did. But what was different was a thick scruffy black beard that coated his chin, half his cheeks and upper lip. All men here were mainly clean-shaven, so Zachan stood out among them.
I pinch my lips at the sight of him, my nerves twisting with irritation painfully in my belly. The sweet smelling air turning bitter.
Taking in a huge breath, I see Jaida's mouth slightly open in shock as I take my first step forward to see him.
I feel a lot of eyes on me as I walk towards the table, all probably wanting to witness the exchange that is about to happen. Like any small community there is gossip, and I don't doubt it has circulated how much of a complicated marriage Zachan and I have.
A few feet away the conversation between Kern and Zachan seize. It was Kern who looked to me first, and I gave him a glare with as much hatred I could conjure up in my eyes. It surprised me Zachan was even talking to him. After all Kern was the one to kill Zachan's love... nearly killing me in the process.
Averting my gaze from Kern, I look to my husband; already he was pushing himself up to stand. I bite the inside of my cheek in annoyance, I would feel a lot more powerful if I was looking down at him then the other way round.
Once I am in front of him, a couple feet apart, do I stop. We both stare eye to eye, no blink shared between us. He makes no move to say anything so I incline my head, before lifting it back up to look at him.
"Lowfapwa nay lou saquwarna" I say as smoothly as I can in their native language. 'Welcome back my husband.'
The surprise, I can tell he wanted to keep hidden, is shown through his eyes. They have widened to twice their size. I fight the smile that wants to stretch on my lips, one of pride and delight for catching him off guard.
Instead, from his lack of response, I force the smile into a fake sweetly one. I turn away, walking back to Jaida who wears a prideful smirk. Looping arms with her, we walk back into the celebration.
Yet, even after that little display of one might consider ' defiance', dread was weighing on me. I doubted Zachan would like the humiliation I just placed down on him. I was still so unsure about the man, I was afraid once again.
I had stayed out long into the night, long forgetting what everyone was celebrating. My time was spent mostly with my fellow jewelers and their families. Their dynamics were different here. Women would tease, flirt and be quite affectionate with their husbands quite openly. Something that was frowned upon across the channel of water that I had come from.
Yet the gathering was slowly unwinding, people trickling away to their tents. I knew the time had come for me to go back to mine, but I was dreading the encounter about to happen.
But I held my head high walking through the flaps of my tent. I would not be afraid. Or at least not show it...
The fire in our room was light, lazily burning away. I took slow steps into our bedroom. I already knew he was there.
Sat on a chair, leaning forward, nose inches from the floor length mirror, Zachan shaves his beard. A fine piece, of what I recognize as obsidian is his tool. And with his dampen beard he slowly glides the sharp blade over his skin. He stops when he sees me standing in the entrance through the mirror. Our eyes lock.
With a stubborn chin, I avert my eyes from his. Normally I would use the mirror to help undo my hair but I guess now I am forced to share this room. Instead I sit on my side of the bed, patting my braid to find were the flowers are before plucking them out. I place them beside me.
We sit in silence; the only noise is the prickling scrape coming from Zachan shaving.
After I can't take the quiet any longer my eyes wander back to the mirror. I find my husband still staring at me as he wipes the obsidian with a cloth draped over one leg.
His eyes are watching me so intently it has me shifting uncomfortably where I sit. My eyes go back to my lap.
"Are we to sit in silence?" I hear him murmur, followed by another sound of scrape on skin.
"I quite like silence... I am use to it now ,I suppose." I add, hoping he would understand my little jab. I for one was not going to pretend that everything is alright. Especially the part where he walks back in here as if nothing had happened.
He went on like I said nothing." I see that my people are found of you... I wonder how that happened..." He slyly points out. At the remark I look up, to see reflected in the mirror, humored eyes looking into mine.
I snapped my resolve." How?... how could you talk to him?"
That teasing look vanished, replaced by his usual hard expression." I realized he had no choice that night, hope was lost for... her."
I feel my heart hurt for him, but probably only a fraction of what he felt. Yet still my anger overpowered it." He has tried to kill me twice!"
I get no answer. Zachan carries on shaving as if the words did not reach his ears. His mouth contorts to one side, as the obsidian slides of his right cheek.
"Well?" I practically growl.
Too calmly he replies." I thought you said you like silence."
I stand abruptly, seething from head to toe. Before I can help it, my temper flares. "Get out!"
His eyes find mine through the mirror again, his expression still plain and calm." But this is my room?" he simply states.
My mouth is pinched so tightly, I could feel my lips turn white." You lost that right when you walked out of it all those months ago."
With one last swipe of the black blade his beard was gone. There now sat the Zachan I remember.
He sighs as he stands up, placing the cloth and obsidian on the chair." Fine."
He walks over to the bed, the height of him still intimidating me. He starts to gather the furs placed over the low mattress. I had thought he would leave with only a couple, but he starts to gather everything on the bed, the pillows as well.
"What are you doing?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.
"This may be your room now, but I own these furs, the pillows-" his head turns to the room around him." The mirror, the table, the chairs-"
I shriek in utter annoyance, stomping over to him." You're unbelievable!". I rip a fur from his arms, as well as a pillow. I don't look back as I walk out of his room and into the drawing/dining room.
Luckily the winter had gone, so I wasn't freezing during the night. But I was uncomfortable lying on a single fur placed on the ground, my head the only thing comfy on a pillow.
I barely slept, my brain overpowered by an annoyance I had never felt before. And that annoyance was currently sleeping happily in the bed in the next room.
I hope you enjoyed this longer chapter! Also Zacarn has returned!
Also I was thinking of entering this story for the Wattys, what do you guys think?
So please Comment and Vote, I would love it if you did. And also a huge thank you for last chapter, I felt bad for not updating for so long, so for you to come and read it and still support the story means a lot!
Update in three days!!!
Love U all.
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