《80s/90s Imagines》The Outsiders


Today i was spending my day with the Curtis gang a group of my friends there was

Ponyboy Curtis who was cute not gonna lie

Johnny Cade he was like a quiet adorable puppy

Dallas Winston or Dally he was like a hot bad boy type

Sodapop Curtis that boy was so attractive and had the looks of a movie star

Steve Randle he is very annoying and loves chocolate cake

Keith " two-bit" Matthews he loves Mickey Mouse and Beer

and lastly

Darrel Curtis or as we call him Darry he is very strong and muscular

I was heading over the Curtis' on a hot and sunny day. The only thing i wore was a white tee, colorful shorts, and a belt to go with it. Of course underwear but i forgot i bra. Walking to the Curtis house i thought it would be no big deal because you can barely notice.

I reached the gangs house only to be sprayed by a hose of water. I looked up to see all of the guys laughing while i just stood there. After their laughter died down they look at me with wide eyes and down at my chest. Then it hit me.

"oh shi-" i cut myself off before saying something i might regret.

"fuc- PONY YOU GOT A SHIRT I CAN BORROW" i yelled at him.

"uh y-y-yes i-i do" Ponyboy managed to blurt out.

i used one hand to cover my chest and the other to grab Ponyboy's shirt and drag him inside to get a shirt. Pony was flustered the whole entire time due to being able to kinda see my breasts. i shook my head and laugh while changing in front of him.

"maybe next time you get to do what you're thinking of" i whispered in his ear walking away to the kitchen

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