《Dazai x reader - sleeping beauty》Part 9


Authors note: Alright folks, here you have it. An update at last! I know it's been a long long time, so I decided to dump this on y'all in hopes that you'll enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing! I thank you all for your patience and promise to further update this story, even if it takes me a while!

Considering the fact that he described three men, he presumably would have been including himself. Which of the three was he though? The writer? The traitor...? You relaxed letting Dazai's words ease their way into your mind.

"I haven't had the chance to make many friends in my lifetime." You finally admitted, much to your embarrassment. You paused once again to think in the silence of the moment. You were about to tell him something you've never told anyone in your life. A story so dark, you weren't entirely sure you wanted to bring it up, but you did.

"Well..." you began shaking nervously, "I was kidnapped when I was really young..." you sensed that you didn't need to explain further. Dazai was smart, quick witted, and a seemingly good listener when he needed to be, all attributes you valued in an individual. "Before you saved me, so to speak, I thought I had found my first hope as a member of the Mafia. I saw it as a chance to start fresh... you know?" you began thinking back to when you first met Akutagawa and how you were treated. Dazai sighed for a moment before continuing,

"Don't associate the mafia with 'hope'. They either use you as a killing machine, or a pawn in their game. In most cases, both." He took his last sip and placed the glass back on the table as the ice chunks clinked together. You watched as he closed his eyes and seemed to recall memories of a distant past.

Your interruption startles his eyes open abruptly: "I know what it feels like to be used."

The December sky rolled above you as the sun began creeping below the horizon. Lights behind tinted glass windows began turning on the darker it got creating a mysterious luminescent glow from each tall building. The only people remaining on the streets were the ones crazy enough to be out this late in the cold. You happened to be one of these crazy people. You passed through several shady street corners in need of a brighter street light. The unwelcoming darkness is likely to blame for your clumsy mistake of running into one of the many bloodthirsty misfit gangs that claimed their home on the streets.

"Well hello there little girl..." one of the intoxicated thugs mumbled over your shoulder. His breath reeked of alcohol; you gagged at the smell. Beginning to sweat nervously, you wished you had accepted dazai's offer to walk you home. You had forgotten at the time of his offering, that the sun sets this early in the winter. You wanted to run, but you where completely surrounded and forced to pause your commute home. (If I use my ability, I'll have only 30 seconds to call someone, that's not enough time) you thought preparing your phone in your pocket.

"Don't you have a ride home? It's out this late in the city." More of them began gathering around you, each one with his own goofy stagger.

"I think she wants a little more than a ride home" another one said smiling proudly to himself.

"Get. Away." You straightened your back in a defensive position.


Your face turns red with anger as another creep begins speaking, "Ooh looks like the little puppy has a bark. I wonder if her bite is just as scary." You bit your tongue in a fit of rage. This was your last straw, but just before you could make a single move...

"" You heard a familularly scruffy voice command from beyond the crowd of thugs. Only seconds after the angry incantation was announced, you saw a burst of pure black evil burst from the sidewalk behind you. Jumping away from the terrifying beasts warning cry, you managed to kick a man in the shin who had been tugging at your bandaged wrist.

"Damn you all." An angry Akutagawa mumbled entering your field of vision from a thick fog that had begun forming. You were comforted slightly by his familiar face. "Did they hurt you?" He asked calmly watching the gang of drunk criminals run off in fear for their lives.

"They might've if it weren't for you... Why do you care so much? Why did you help me?" You thought about all the things he had done for you and began to worry that perhaps he had particular reason to have interest in your well-being... Was he expecting a favor in return for his actions?

"Just be careful... I could never forgive myself if I let you get hurt." He inhales slowly through his nose and exhales out his mouth in the shaky way you would if you were crying heavily. he looks as though he's about to collapse into your arms, but he's suddenly called from the shadows by a feminine voice echoing in the distance "Damn it, not now!" He turns to approach the voice that calls desperately to him, though its clear that he has no motivation to do so.

"I don't think I'll ever be able to understand the things you do or say, but thank you... Akutagawa-san" your boldness surprises the both of you.

He stops dead in his tracks to look back over his shoulder at your shivering figure, "You really are nothing like mom..." he whispers with wide eyes. Time seems to come to a screeching halt as he stares back in utter disbelief. Had he ever heard the words "thank you" before?

"Mom" you repeat to yourself as time resumes itself and Akutagawa disappears into the fog.

-Next Morning-

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty!" Dazai sang through your phones answering machine in hopes of waking you up. You lifted the phone to your ear and yawned. "We need you at the agency, a certain captive isn't cooperating too well, he wont tell us anything!" you could hear traumatized creams echo in the background sending chills up your spine.

"And what could I possibly do? Whatever, give me 30 minutes." You hung up and began to prepare for the day.

Arriving at the Agency, you could hear a lot of commotion from the infirmary. You hesitated to lift your hand and knock at the door, but there was no need as the door quickly opened with a startling breeze before you could make a sound.

"Oooooh [yn]-san, just in time for the fun!" Ranpo chanted looking up from his book. "This guy wont talk to us." You took one look at the crowd of people surrounding the medical bed and sighed. It was a disaster, everyone was yelling and hovering over the victim. "[yn]!" Dazai shouted your name from down the hall. You looked over your shoulder to see him scooting his way to the door on a spinny office chair. Despite your efforts to stop the high velocity chair on wheels, Dazai managed to flip himself over onto his face. "Dazaiiiiiiiii!" This was Kunikida's cue, "We just replaced this floor you idiot, we cant have your blood spilling all over the fresh wax!" You stepped over Dazai's squirming body as if nothing strange had even happened, and made your way over to the cowed of people staring down at their uncooperative captive. Peeping over Kyouka's shoulder revealed the sheer terror on the mans face.


"I say we slit his throat, make it quick." You had to look down in order to catch sight of the violet haired girl who spoke.

"We're not supposed to kill him!" Objected Atsushi in a nervous sweat.

"I say you all should let me handle this!" Yosano coaxed pulling the power on a chainsaw. It concerned you that you were the only person frightened by this.

"Why don't we see what [yn] is capable of" Atsushi suggested knowing you wouldn't take it as far as the others.

"Hah... like that little girl is capable of making me confess what I had for breakfast..." the sweaty blond said making eye contact with you. He was about to speak again, but you cut him off by slipping your fingers beneath his arms and wiggling them mercilessly. You could see his face turning red as he held in hysterical laughter. It wasn't long before he broke out into tears and fits of laughter. "FIIIIIINE ILL TELL YOU EVERYTHING JUST- JUST GET THIS WOMAN OFF MEEEEEE" the bed was shaking violently as he squirmed. Dazai popped his head over your shoulder and smiled,

"That's mah girl! I knew I could count on you!" He chuckled proudly. Everyone stared in awe and confusion. "How...?" Kunikida began taking notes and nearly broke his pen.

"Damn!" The stranger said ashamed that he gave in so easily.

"State your name" you said wasting no time. Dazai beamed.

"My name is John Steinbeck..." he confessed giving you an awkward stare. There was no longer a doubt in the world that this man was a member of the guild. "Imma die for this." He let out a long sigh and sunk into the sheets.

Awaiting a confession from your captive, your meeting was interrupted by feminine shriek from the floor below you. Everyone froze including John who abruptly realized what was happening. "I'm saved!" His face seemed to convey.

"Everyone, get back!" Kunikida pulled a gun from his pocket and prepared to run to the crime scene. Dazai began to follow behind him, but some unknown force compelled you to reach out and grab his sleeve thrusting him back towards you.

"You shouldn't go!" You exclaimed without even knowing why yourself. "You can't go!" You felt a dangerous evil emanating from beneath the floorboards and you didn't want anyone to approach it. "It's dangerous..."

"I know it's dangerous that's why-" a second blood curdling scream interrupted Dazai mid-sentence.

Atsushi immediately recognized the scream, "KYOUKA-CHAN!!!" He instinctively rushed to his feet ready to sprint out of the infirmary, but Yosano tripped him causing him to faceplant upon the glossy floor.

"Don't give in to their bait, this is the reaction they want" she whispered lifting Atsushi into a protective embrace. Footsteps could be heard from the narrow stairway.

"I'm tired of playing nice, tiger boy." A manly voice rang from down the hall.

Atsushi's expression grew furious, "They did something to Kyouka, we can't just abandon her!" It had only just occurred to you that you hadn't noticed her leave the room at all during the interrogation. She must've left amidst the commotion. Atsushi worked his way out of Yosano's arms as she was distracted by the booming voice, and shoved the door open frantically. An exquisitely dressed blonde male came into view from the doorway. In one hand, he held Kyouka by her long purple locks and in the other he held a knife to her throat. Your fists clenched angrily at the sight. Your attention was caught by Atsushi's arms that grew thick and furry, just like that of a silver tiger ready to attack its prey.

"Atsushi, fighting will only make the situation worse of Kyouka!" You exclaimed reaching a hand out as if that would do any good. "Well well" the towering blonde chuckled noticing you without even turning his head to glance in your direction, "a new addition to the family, hm? I wonder what kind of ability this little girl has."

"Atsushi, get back!" Dazai joined Atsushi in the hall with his gun pointed at the perfectly groomed blonde at the end of the hall. "Scary." The man said referring to Atsushi's menacing form.

"Let her go." Atsushi demanded all while lengthening his claws in a threatening manner. Sweat began to build up on your forehead as you tried to think of something to say.

"Now that I have a captive, I believe it'd be foolish to let her go without an exchange of some sort." The stranger hummed.

"I have a gun to your head, I think your life is a fair enough trade." Dazai threatened fearlessly.

"And I've got a knife to her neck." The playing field was even.

"What is it you want, Francis?" A deep voice interrupted the chaos. The president steps into the hall from his office dressed in his usual attire. He looked as though an important meeting of his had just been interrupted.

"Ahhhhh Fukuzawa-kun! You've finally decided to show your face! Your staff doesn't know how to greet a respectable guest. This one here lunged at me with a katana!" He let Kyouka return to her feet and set his dagger aside.

"Kyouka-chan!" Atsushi ran forward to aid Kyouka. His furry arms and legs quickly converted back to their original form as his expression grew soft for her.

"I'm fine. He doesn't scare me" The strong young girl glared at the tall menace beside her as she spoke. Atsushi's eyes followed hers causing him to grimace at the sight of the unwelcome guest.

Fukuzawa sighed, "Where's Naomi?"

"Right here sir!" Naomi responded peeking her head into the hall.

"Prepare tea for our guest in the private meeting room." He demanded calmly. He was calm and collected as though the man had never just attacked an innocent member.

Naomi was quick to her feet upon hearing his demand, "Yes, president" she responded proudly. The presidents words seemed almost hypnotic, the moment he spoke, everyone awaited his command.

"[yn]-san, I'd like you to join our meeting." Fukuzawa opened his eyes upon speaking to you causing sudden alarm.

This was the first request you had ever received from your probably-soon-to-be boss.

You gave him a strong and confident, "Yes, president!" And although his expression was unreadable, you hoped he was pleased. The awkward silence that followed made you slightly nervous, you looked around at everyone's shocked expressions (as for Dazai, he was rather amused). You assumed this reaction was due to the fact that such a request had never been asked of a new member before. Or rather, you hoped that was it...

"We are not to further irritate our guest. This man," Fukuzawa broke the silence, "is the head of the guild itself, Francis Scott Key."

"In the flesh." The toothy smiled stranger cooed. His perfectly whitened teeth irked you.

Not many moments later

You seated yourself on a pricey-looking couch in the agencies private meeting room. Your hands were sweating uncontrollably as you tried to find a comfortable position to present yourself in, you settled with the old fashioned crossed-legs look so you were comfortable and professional. You honestly felt neither of those things. Dazai placed his hands on your tense shoulders and lightly massaged them to calm your nerves. This action startled you more than it probably should have, you were unaware that he was behind you this whole time. His working hands sent a chill up your spine at first, but you relaxed and let them work their magic. It calmed your nerves significantly, so you thanked him with a pleasant smile.

"Take a deep breath in... and out..." before you knew it, you were already completely at ease from Dazai's hypnotic tone, he had a way with words when it was needed.

Tanizaki popped his head in and stared awkwardly at the scene before announcing the start of the meeting. "Dazai, get out, it's time!" You watched Dazai waltz his way across the floor to the exit as you quickly arranged yourself upon your seat. You couldn't understand the man for all your worth, but you found yourself disappointed upon watching him leave. Francis and Fukuzawa took their places across from each other and sat down properly. Naomi walked in with a tray containing two steaming teacups,

"Excuse me, gentleman." After a short bow, she walked to the table at the center of the room and placed the teacups in front of the three of you. You watched as Fukuzawa took a sip of his tea without flinching from the heat.

"I'd like to apologize for my impolite intrusion earlier, miss." Francis cooed while smiling at you. You weren't quite sure what to make of his apology, you simply nodded your head in response and took a sip of your steaming beverage.

"What is it you're here for?" Fukuzawa wasted no time.

"Well isn't it obvious?" Francis began, "I have reason to believe that you are in possession of a valued member of my guild." A frown upon your face deepened with every word that escaped the mans lips. "I'm willing to offer you a handsome amount of money" his proud expression didn't resemble that of a man that was willing to leave without what he came for, and Fukuzawa knew this. Such competitive spirit annoyed you.

Fukuzawa, being the wise man he was, nodded his head in agreement. "And how much are you offering?" He asked though it was made quite obvious that he had barley any interest in the value of this mans money. You thought for a moment that you could hear Dazai and the others listening from the opposite side of the door.

"How about this?" Francis opened a large briefcase stacked high with cash. The individual bills weren't even single dollar bills, they were hundred dollar bills. You gasped slightly and covered your mouth. You had never seen this much money all at once in your life.

"[yn-san]." you leaned in to the president as he spoke, "Bring me the captive." His expression was unchanging

"Yes of course, president." You made your way into the hall where Dazai stood with John who's hands where tied behind his back. You were surprised that everything had already been arranged, the others must have predicted this from the start. Dazai handed the man over and you escorted him to Francis' side.

"It's a deal." Both men said simultaneously before lifting their hands into a firm handshake. The deed was done, and the victim freed.


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