《Dazai x reader - sleeping beauty》Part 7


A note from yours truly~

So this is finally here. I apologies for not updating in a while, I haven't had any inspiration in a while...

"Lets make quick work of this one!" Dazai said a smile creasing his lips. Kunikida's glasses glared in the moons reflection, "indeed." He said pulling out his book of ideals. "Think it'll be that easy, huh?" The mysterious man said his eyes taking on a menacing shape, "lets see about that!" Without having to move, the man was able to control the branches of trees around him. A root burst out of the ground and slammed itself towards Dazai, but he casually hopped out of the way without any problem. "Stop messing around Dazai!" Kunikida yelled. "Use your ability!" Dazai smiled, "patience my friend." Kunikida rolled his eyes and ripped a paper from his notebook. "Ability: Doppo puppet hand gun!" He said as a burst of light formed around his hand. Not even a moment later, Kunikida was now holding a small pistol and pointed it at the enemy before him. "Pshhhh." The man almost broke into laughter, "a dumb ass gun isn't enough to stop nature!" With his words, a root shot out of the ground towards Kunikida. Doppo shot the branch as he jumped out of the way. "Don't you idiots get i-" he coughed up blood as Dazai punched him directly in the gut. "Shouldn't let your guard down like that." Dazai smiled as the branches the man had created quickly withered. The sound of the woman's body falling to the ground caused a depressed expression to cross both young men's faces. "What happened here?!" Dazai asked shaking the man by the shoulders, but it was no use, he was unconscious.

Dazai and Kunikida caught up with the rest of you, Dazai holding the woman's body in his arms and Kunikida had the mystery man flung over his shoulder. You gasped and lifted your hand to your mouth as Dazai placed the body on the ground. "Is she..." you where choked up. Dazai nodded his head depressingly. His face deepened your sorrow. He had a dark expression that could effect anyone around him and it clearly did. "What was the job in the first place? The question somehow never crossed my mind before now..." You asked Atsushi your eyes not leaving the sight of the body. "We were supposed to meet a friend of the boss's here. She had promised to provide us with top secret information... I think this lady here might've been her." He said walking over to the body. "Whoever this man is that killed her, defiantly didn't want that information passing." Kyouka stated made you think for a moment. You instantly remembered the port mafia. Ever since you met Akutagawa, your thoughts have always traced back in his direction. "It can't be..." you gasped. "What?!" Dazai nearly jumped ahead of himself as he heard your distressed voice. "What if he works for the port mafia?!" You asked disregarding the slim chances of that being the case. "Tanizaki-kun's not going to like this..." Kunikida said closing his eyes obviously recalling a memory from the past. "This man is with the guild... he nearly killed Naomi-san." You weren't familiar with the agencies past or the guild he spoke of, so you where quite lost. Thinking back to when you had first met Naomi and Tanizaki, you could recall a close bond between the two unlikely siblings. "We can question him later, but for now we need to report back to headquarters, Yukichi-sama isn't going to like this either." The unfamiliar name Dazai spoke of caught your attention. "Yukichi...?" You questioned wirily. "The president of the agency." Dazai answered lifting the body once again. "We should go, but we can't have a taxi driver see the bodies..." Atsushi said opening his flip phone, "I'll ask Ranpo-san for a ride, he's going to want to investigate the crime scene anyway, so might as well kill two birds with one stone."


Ranpo arrive not long after Atsushi called. He rubbed his chin examining the bodies with his eyes squinted. "How unfortunate." He removed his hat to respect the deceased young lady before him. "Well from the looks of it, you lot are absolutely clueless. This woman here is Kyomi Mizoto, a spy Yukichi-kun recently hired for the agency." He said plopping his hat back on. "Uh actually..." you spoke up nervously. The importance of his presence somehow radiated rotated through the atmosphere, "We know this man didn't want Mizoto-san passing any information on to us, so it's safe to say that whatever she was was going to tell us, was something the guild didn't want us finding out" "What else do you know?" Ranpo inquired his mind silently processing information. "Well he's part of the guild- as Okae-kun began mentioning." Kyouka spoke up for the first time in a while. "Yes, and he's also tried to kill Naomi-san." Kunikida informed. "Alright, perfect." Ranpo pulled a pair of spectacles from his pocket and placed them on his eyes dramatically. "Ability: ultra deduction!" He chanted as green coding seemed to reflect in the lens of his glasses. Having done this, his eyes opened for the first time since you had known him. "Ultra deduction, huh?" You said quietly to yourself. Ranpo examined his surrounding and peeked at the bodies for but a moment. "It appears you're all correct yet slightly off..." He said with a smile. "This man is indeed part of the guild, upon the nape of his neck is a tattoo signifying this. Ever since of late, members of the guild have been tattooing their bodies with an emblem that signify their loyalty to the organization." He pointed to a blotch of ink on the back of the mans neck. It was a rose pierced by a delicately drawn knife. "Interesting..." you said, "this lady is indeed the woman our boss was aiming to contact, and lucky for us, she's still been able to pass her message." He smiled holding up a folded piece of paper between his middle and index fingers. "This man failed to withhold the information from us. I believe this unfortunate victim foresaw her death beforehand, she wrote upon the note that 'By the time you read this, I have likely already diseased.'" Dazai's face lit up as he grasped his cheeks flushed at his thoughts, "Words of such delicacy slipping from the soft lips of a beautiful young lady sets my heart ablaze~" "I say it's more than likely this lady had been followed or even stalked up until her death this very evening." Rampo seemed dissatisfied by his own conclusion and let his arms fall to his sides. Everyone noticed this.


- [x] "I'm afraid I cannot share with you the information on this paper, it's classified. The president will decided weather or not to tell you all what it says. Even I can't read it for the time being" Ranpo said placing the paper in an envelope. You all agreed this was fair, though that didn't mean your curiosity wasn't a bit spiked.

You felt yourself slowly sinking in your seat on the drive home. In order to make sure your hostage didn't use his ability to escape, he was tied up in the back between both you and Dazai. Your ability to keep him asleep and Dazai's to make sure he didn't try anything. You just wanted to be home and relax for once. Maybe have a cup of tea or two, you really needed it. "Sure was a stressful first day, wasn't it?" Ranpo said directing his question to you. Of course it was him, everyone else was asleep. "Oh... yeah." You said snapping out of your daydreamy state. "It's been a lot so far, but you've handled it well and I think you'll like it here with us. I told the president and he's totally thrilled to meet you!" A picture formed in your head of a tall proud man with a kind smile and short dark hair. He'd defiantly wear business-y attire, you where a bit excited to meet this man as well. "Ranpo-kuuuuun. You're never this welcoming. Are you flirting with our lovely new subordinate?" Dazai teased startling you. "I-I thought you where asleep!" You where shaken by this sudden disruption. "Was- but I heard a conversation arise and decided to join in~" his smile was genuine, you calmed down a bit hoping the three of you could hold a serious conversation. "Flirting?" Ranpo mentioned the previous point Dazai had brought up, "I was simply making our new member feel welcome!" You felt a bit uncomfortable being the only conscious female in the car. "Mhmmmmm" Dazai retaliated causing a sense of competition to arise between the two. You looked in the very back at the seat that Atsushi and Kyouka had occupied and noticed the joy on Atsushi's resting face as Kyouka's head was rested on his. You desired the same feeling. Though you knew it was miles from your reach- a reason to smile like that. "Something the matter?" Dazai said relaxing his face and voice to a low mumble, you hadn't noticed that as you stared at Atsushi and Kyouka, your eyes began to water. You where a bit embarrassed by the fact that you where crying in front of someone. You didn't want to give him the impression that you where weak and searched for excuses. "I..." Dazai reached over the unconscious man between you to wipe your tears away with his thumb. He was the only person you knew with the gall to make a move so bold without a shade of pink forming on his cheeks. Perhaps because the gesture meant nothing. Either way, his soft fingers felt soothing against your cheek. Your gaze shifted to the side, away from the brunets soft eyes. This gesture would usually make a woman blush, but nothing could make you do that anymore. You backed away letting his hand leave your face. "You shouldn't touch me. My ability... remember?" You objected. "Yes, quite so, but do you remember mine?" Dazai almost giggled. You then recalled the fact that his ability was to nullify others and sighed. "Sorry, I'm not used to being touched by god in the flesh." Dazai burst into soft laughter at your witticism causing a smile to appear upon your lips as well. You felt as though his smile was something you needed, and wanted to see more of. But most of all, you where happy to be the reason for it.

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