《The Toy human》Chapter 13 The plan


It is 6:30 in the morning. The morning routine is about to begin. This is day 10 of Charnessa's imprisonment. The routine is familiar. Mommy and her baby C go through the motions for the live stream audience and observers above the dome.

This day will be different. The plan is set to unfold later. Charnessa is full of hope as she is changed by Mommy. Charnessa embraces Mommy, waiting for her morning injection. Mommy whispers in her baby's ear.

"I'm sorry honey, the injection does sting."

"Don't worry Martha, I understand."

Thanks to the meeting from yesterday, Charnessa knows the shot is a mixture of epinephrine, amphetamines and pain killers. The ingredients are highly addictive. Charnessa hopes this is the last such shot she will ever have to receive.

"Up now, baby C, dance for Mommy."

Charnessa bounds off Mommy's lap and spins around the room. Her feet are still tender from walking the rocky tunnels yesterday but Charnessa is full of energy. She feels light on her feet. She dances with pride and passion. She is making this a dance of freedom.

"I've probably lost a dozen pounds eating all this baby food." She thinks as she twirls and shakes. "When I get out of here I'm going straight to the rib joint."

The mid morning chat with Daddy Dominic is a prep and last reminder of what the resistance is up against. Charnessa is fully aware that as long as she gives appropriate responses, Daddy Dominic can speak freely. Daddy Dominic's chat is not monitored.

Baby C : It's so nice to chat with you today, Daddy.

Daddy Dominic : Yes it is, Charnessa. I hope your are ready to put our plan in action after lunch. This is ground zero for the resistance.

Baby C : Yes, Daddy, I'm looking forward to spending more time with you.

Daddy Dominic : Good. Let's review some things to make sure we got it. These beings are not human but they look exactly like us. They are called Agarthans. They live here deep underground. Agarthans have a few differences from us. They have extra long tongues. These creatures cannot stand sunlight. The appearance of day and night from your overhead dome is an illusion. They do this to keep you in your circadian rhythm. Even the artificial light in your room hurts them. This is why us humans are hired to carry out the daily task of torturing you. Agarthans have lived such a dreary existence they've lost their ability to generate emotions. Their government has outlawed emotions completely. They deem it unnecessary. Respond.


Baby C : Oh yes, Daddy. That is very interesting to know. You are so smart, Daddy.

Daddy Dominic : Agarthans cannot generate their own emotion but can pick up and feed on ours. They absorb our feelings through pores in their skin. It gives them a cheap high like a drug. Normal Agarthans are spiritual, wise and friendly to humans. This whole area is maintained by renegade Agarthan drug dealers. This is their underground economy. Rogue Agarthans pay to see us tortured via live streaming. The beings on top of the dome are also breaking their own laws. They pay a fare to see us and walk around this illegal human zoo. Agarthans don't need our emotions to survive. It strictly fascinates and titillates them. Like I said, it just gives them a cheap high. Human dread and fear are the most intense high for them. Ignorant bliss, like a baby experiences, is second. This is why they try to turn these exhibits into adult baby dens. Respond.

Baby C : Daddy, I've been very, very afraid of all the bad things around me. But when I talk to you I feel all happy and giggly.

Daddy Dominic : Good, Charnessa. They get off on reading your responses almost as much as seeing you emotional. They love to hear you are blindly afraid, or disobedient in a childlike fashion. Anyway, back to the Agarthans. We are currently 2,500 feet underneath the earth's crust. Their are several elevators for us human workers to take up and down. All of the elevators are located beyond the punishment cells we were in yesterday. You need a key card to ride the elevator, all human workers here have one. The elevators are guarded 24/7. These Agarthans have no special powers, Charnessa. They are as strong, or weak, as you and I. They guard the elevators with guns. If we can overpower them at the checkpoint, we can get out of here. Respond.

Baby C : Daddy, you make me feel so happy when you talk to me this way. Sometimes I poo on myself when I get happy. I cannot help it.


Daddy Dominic : Yeah, there you go, good baby talk. Okay..., the plan is after lunch, you poo yourself like you usually do. Daddy will be there to change you. Resist Daddy, like you did yesterday. Considering the way you feel about Phillip, that shouldn't be hard. Anyway, we have to get you into the punishment cell and then we can turn off the camera. The same crew from yesterday will be there to greet you. Phillip, Martha, Dan, Jeff, and I. The difference is we will all have the firearms I've been slowly smuggling in to our side. Do you understand all of this, Charnessa? Respond.

Baby C : Oh yes, Daddy. You are so good to me. I want to be your bouncing little baby forever.

Daddy Dominic : Okay, Charnessa. I have to stress that once we kick the plan into action, there is no bailing out of it. These renegade Agarthans have become very relaxed about their operation. It's taken me months of observation to discover they don't monitor my texts, they review punishment footage on a two day lag time, and they don't keep close count watch on me smuggling down weapons. Eventually they will catch on. The resistance has to move now. We move as a team. Stay close to me when we make our break. I need to show you which elevator to take. Otherwise you can wind up halfway across the world. Gunfire may be exchanged. Things may get hot and heavy. If someone goes down, the rest of us keep moving. Got it? Respond.

Baby C : But Daddy, what about what my little friends say? Have you thought about their little feelings?

Daddy Dominic : Yes, girl. I have thought about what Dan and Jeff said. Those two were hired by the Agarthans strictly as security. Human security has definitely grown in my time working here. Humans seem to do all the dirty work of carrying out all the physical punishments. Dan and Jeff theorize the Agarthans aren't capable of physical violence. I'm not sure about that, but I am leaning in that direction. Anyway, we can't take that chance. We have arms and we will show the willingness to use them. The resistance will shed blood if necessary. Everyone has to be ready to fight. Power doesn't respect weakness. Power respects power. Zero hour is coming. I want you to prepare yourself mentally. Respond,

Baby C : It was so nice chatting with you Daddy Dominic. I'm going to take a nap now. I'm a baby and I need my strength for later.

Daddy Dominic : You got that right, girl. Rest up. We move this afternoon.

Charnessa retires to her bed and sticks her pacifier in her mouth. She wants to save all her mental energy for later. She understands she will have to make the escape wearing a diaper full of shit. She understands she will have to run and face being shot at. This is the price of freedom. She is ready to risk all for a chance to go home again.

Charnessa thinks of her former life from 10 days ago. She never knew how much she took things for granted until they were taken away from her. She sat in all those meetings, complaining and feeling sorry for herself. The pain of losing her mother, being fired from work, the alienation from her family and divorce, these all seem like light burdens to her now.

When she gets back home she's going to live her life differently. No more moping and binge eating. She's going to dance everyday. She's going to find a new job. She'll never take a day's blessings for granted ever again.

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