《Pumpkin Patch Princess》Author's Notes and Copyright


Copyright © 2022. First published on Wattpad on July 15, 2015. Please do not take or use any part of my work without my written permission. I have filed this book with the U.S. Copyright Office.

Special thanks to: DL Hammons, Sierra Godfrey Fong, Jordan McMakin, Ivy Zang, Nancy Bruckman, Marisa Hopkins, and Tiana Smith, for their feedback, and Erin Bowman for designing the original concept for my new cover!

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Here's a little background on me and the story: I first started writing PUMPKIN PATCH PRINCESS in 2010. I know: 

I was still learning how to write a good book, and I didn't really know what I was doing. All I knew was I really wanted to get published, so I sat down and started writing.

In 2015, I put PPP here. Sharing it on Wattpad has been a lot like sharing a piece of myself. PPP is the story of a girl who wants to break free and follow her dreams, and in many ways, it's the story of ME. Because since then, I followed my dream.

I signed with my literary agent in 2015 and went on to publish three young adult fantasies with Penguin Random House (FOREST OF A THOUSAND LANTERNS, KINGDOM OF THE BLAZING PHOENIX, and SONG OF THE CRIMSON FLOWER) and then a dark fairy tale with Disney Books, called BROKEN WISH. All of them are available in stores and online!

Next, I have an action-adventure series coming out for middle-grade readers. The first book is called TEAM CHU AND THE BATTLE OF BLACKWOOD ARENA, about a haunted laser tag arena, and it's out on July 26, 2022!

My dream came true in the biggest way, and it's partly because writing PPP and putting it on Wattpad gave me courage, strength, and luck. A lot like magic.


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