《Agni Kai [2] Zuko》9


as both the girls took a catnap. The brunette could hear her friends talking, but she tried her best to block out their voices.

Until Sokka's loud voice invaded her ears.

"You guys are not going to believe this. There's a play about us." The boy shouted in excitement. Suki spoke from beside her boyfriend, "We were just in town and we found this poster."

Uzume sat up to see Sokka unveil a poster he took. On the poster was Katara, Aang, Sokka, and Zuko in exaggerated poses. Uzume let out a laugh at the portrayal of Zuko, who's scar was on the wrong side. Her laughter was paused when Suki pulled out another poster. This time, her friends from the fire nation were on it. Her eyes specifically zeroed in on the two actors posing on top of it. What looked like Uzume was dramatically draped in actor Azula's arms.

Uzume felt her face turn red as she turned her head to avoid her peers' eyes.

Katara looked at the poster confused, "What? How is that possible?"

Sokka turned the poster back to him, "Listen to this. The Boy in the Iceberg is a new production from acclaimed playwright Pu On Tim who scoured the globe gathering information on the Avatar from the icy South Pole to the heart of Ba Sing Se. His sources include singing nomads, pirates, prisoners of war and a surprisingly knowledgeable merchant of cabbage." Suki read off the last line from her own poster, "Brought to you by the critically acclaimed Ember Island Players."

Zuko let out a grunt, "Ugh." He draped himself over Uzume's back, "My Mother used to take us to see them. They butchered "Love Amongst The Dragons" every year."

Uzume nodded, remembering the many times she and Azula would get in trouble for laughing during the play, "Plus, it's probably going to just be propaganda. You guys aren't that liked in the Fire Nation."

"You guys?" Zuko questioned Uzume from over her shoulder. Uzume innocently shrugged, "I'm Azula's best friend. I don't think they would hate me."

Katara ignored the two lovers talking, "Sokka, do you really think it's a good idea for us to attend a play about ourselves?"

Sokka threw up his hands, "Come on, a day at the theatre? This is the kind of wacky time wasting nonsense I've been missing."

Sokka had managed to convince Katara to see the play. Of course, they had to give Aang and Zuko disguises, since they were the most wanted people currently.

The group found their seats in a private section. Uzume managed to stop Zuko from stealing Aang's seat next to Katara and they were all settled, except Toph.

"Why are we sitting in the nosebleed section? My feet can't see a thing from up here."

Katara leaned towards the girl, "Don't worry, I'll tell your feet what's happening."

The curtain was drawn up and revealed a canoe with 'Katara' and 'Sokka' rowing the boat. The real siblings looked at each other excited.

Their excitement was quickly diminished when the play continued. Sokka was even more annoying, Katara kept preaching, and Aang... Aang had tits. Toph and Uzume tried to keep their laughter in as the first act continued. Zuko was rude to Iroh and Iroh was portrayed as a useless lazy slob.


Katara apparently had a fling with some guy with crazy eyebrows and Aang and the blue spirit, who Uzume knew was Zuko, had an implied romance. The only time Uzume stopped her laughing was when 'Sokka' and a princess were on stage. Apparently not just any princess, but the moon spirit.

Uzume whipped her head around to look at the boy in amazement, "You made out with the moon?" Only to be shushed by the teary eyed boy.

The first act finally came to an end, leaving the group, minus the three girls who weren't on stage (Although Suki was in it for one scene) who were laughing loudly.

The group sat outside the theatre and they all complained.

"So far, this intermission is the best part of the play." Zuko groaned.

"Apparently, the playwright thinks I'm an idiot who tells bad jokes about meat all the time."

Suki teased her boyfriend, "Yeah, you tell bad jokes about plenty of other topics."

Aang plopped himself down on the steps, "At least this Sokka actor kinda looks like you. That woman playing the Avatar doesn't resemble me at all."

Toph shrugged as she looked onward, "I don't know, you are more in touch with your feminine side than most guys."

"Relax, Aang. They're not accurate portrayals. It's not like I'm a preachy crybaby who can't resist giving over emotional speeches about hope all the time."

Uzume let out a snort, "Katara, that's exactly how you are."

Toph continued Uzume's train of thought, "Listen, friends. It's obvious that the playwright did his research. I know it must hurt but what you're seeing up there on that stage is the truth."

Intermission was over then and they headed back inside for act 2. The curtains drew up and revealed a scene similar to Uzume's bedroom. An actress leaped on stage and began dancing, quite badly might she add. The dancing was interrupted when an actress that looked like Azula with dramatic makeup and a pink outfit she'd never wear barged in.

"Uzume," 'Azula' pointed at the actress on stage dramatically, "I need your help and you're the only person I have ever trusted in my life."

The line made Uzume wince as she knew it was true, but she obviously betrayed the real Azula.

'Uzume' stopped dancing and threw herself onto Azula, "Of course! Anything for you, my love!"

Zuko and Uzume let out a quiet gasp as the scene changed. Katara let out a loud laugh, "I guess this is accurate."

More shenanigans began to unfold as the play got further into the group's story. 'Toph' was a screaming blind man, 'Azula' and 'Uzume' kept embracing each other, 'Zuko's' hair was horrible, and some guy... died?

Now the story was placed in the catacombs where, instead of being a prisoner like what actually happened, 'Uzume' was keeping watch of 'Zuko' and 'Katara'.

"I have to admit, Prince Zuko. I really find you attractive." 'Katara' said to 'Zuko.'

'Zuko' looked away dramatically, "You don't have to make fun of me."

The actress sat next to the boy, "But I mean it. I had eyes for you since the day you first captured me."

'Zuko' looked at the actress shocked, "Wait. I thought you were the Avatar's girl. And I have to marry Uzume."


'Uzume' laughed loudly and brushed 'Zuko' off, "As if. Once the great Azula defeats the Avatar, Azula will become firelord and I, her firelady."

Uzume and Zuko both cringed at the portrayal of the two of them. Zuko looked at his girlfriend with somber eyes, to which Uzume gave him a settling smile.

'Katara' laughed on stage, "The Avatar? Why, he's like a little brother to me. I certainly don't think of him in a romantic way. Besides, how could he ever find out about this."

Uzume noticed Aang get up with an irritated look on his face. Her heart ached as her eyes followed his sulking body. However, her attention was suddenly brought back to the stage when she heard the actress portraying her shout.

"Oh, Azula!" The actress jumped onto 'Azula' and they embraced as 'Azula' glared at 'Zuko'.

Uzume let out a groan and she pushed herself out of her chair. She ignored Zuko's questioning eyes and pushed open the door roughly. Uzume paused her stomping when she saw Aang looking at the ocean sadly.

"Hey, Aang," The airbending girl approached the sullen boy and leaned against the railing with him, "What's wrong?" She asked once she took in his upset body language.

"I couldn't stand to hear what Katara was saying in there." Uzume gave the boy a trivial look. They stood in silence for a few seconds before it clicked in Uzume's mind.

"Katara didn't say that stuff, Aang."

"But she might as well have." He grunted.

"Listen, little bro, the playwrights don't know us. They think Zuko and I are just a forced couple and that I love Azula, but that's not the way it is. They don't know that I would do anything for Zuko, even take a lightning bolt. They also don't know that the love I have for Azula is bittersweet. They're so wrong about Katara and you. You guys will get together, just wait."

When Uzume heard Aang sniffle, she felt herself panic. However, the panic was subdued when Aang engulfed her.

Aang began to cry into her shoulder and in a muffled voice he spoke, "You called me little bro."

Uzume felt her eyes widen and she slowly raised her arms to hug Aang back, "Yeah, I did."

After a few minutes, she pulled back from the boy and gave him a small smile as she wiped away his tears, "I'll go get Katara. I think you two need to talk."

When Uzume found the group, Katara was in the middle of asking where Aang was.

"He's outside by the railings." Uzume told the waterbender. Katara looked at the girl thankfully and began looking for Aang.

Uzume watched Sokka and Suki leave to sneak backstage, leaving Zuko and Toph sitting against the wall.

"Jeez. Everyone's getting so upset about their characters. Even you seem more down than usual and that's saying something."

Zuko scoffed, "You don't get it. It's different for you. You get a muscle-y version of yourself taking down 10 bad guys at once and making sassy remarks."

Toph smiled to herself, "Yeah, that's pretty great."

Zuko ignored Toph and continued, "But for me, it takes all the mistakes I've made in my life and shove them back in my face. My Uncle. He's always been on my side even when things were bad. He was there for me. He taught me so much and how do I repay him? With a knife in his back. It's my greatest regret and I may never get to redeem myself. And on top of that, I have to watch the only girl I've ever loved, love my sister who's always been better than me."

Uzume leaned against a pillar out of Zuko's sight. Toph, knowing that she was there, knew that Uzume wanted to comfort Zuko.

"You have redeemed yourself to your Uncle. You don't realize it but you already have."

Zuko looked at the girl hopefully, "How do you know?"

"Because I once had a long conversation with the guy and all he would talk about was you." Zuko lowered his hood and smiled, "Really?"

"Yeah, and it was kind of annoying." Toph deadpanned.

"Oh, sorry." Zuko responded awkwardly.

"But it was also very sweet. All your Uncle wanted was for you to find your own path and see the light. Now you're here with us. He'd be proud. And as for Uzume? That girl loves you more than she loves me, and that says a lot," Toph said cockily.

"Every time you're near her, her heart beats so fast that I'm worried she'll pass out. And when you first showed up? She was making the ground around her vibrate from excitement."

Zuko smiled down at his lap when Toph suddenly punched his shoulder.

"Ow. What was that for?" Zuko rubbed his arm.

Toph smiled, "That's how I show affection."

Uzume decided to finally approach them. When she did, Zuko gave her the biggest smile he could. She sat herself down next to him and grabbed his hand lovingly.

Their peaceful moment was ruined by a little boy dressed up as Aang running by.

"Your Zuko costume is pretty good but your scar's on the wrong side." And then he ran off.

Zuko shouted after the boy while pointing at his face, "The scar is not on the wrong side!"

When they returned to the theatre, the play continued and it was horrendously long. Uzume's eyes were tired from how many times she rolled them at 'Sokka's' lame jokes and the real Sokka's excitement.

Now they watched 'Azula' and 'Ozai' discuss their plans while 'Uzume' loved on the fire princess, much to Zuko's annoyance. They watched on as the groups battled it out, only to be defeated by the two royalty.

"It is over, Father. We've done it." Azula's actress said painfully forced.

"Yes, we have done it! The dreams of my Father," Actor Ozai began to rise on a fake cloud, "and my Father's Father have now been realized. The World is mine."

The gAang watched in disbelief as people gave the play a standing ovation. Zuko and Sokka even hold to physically hold Uzume back from mauling her actresses face off.

Once she calmed down, they all walked home along the shore line in quiet.

Uzume held Zuko's hand, but they were both clearly unhappy from the play, "That... wasn't a good play."

"I'll say."

"No kidding."



"You said it."

Sokka let out a hum and shrugged his shoulders, "But the effects were decent."

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