《Heartbreak..》Level up ✔️


Leveling up for me is a different meaning from what your probably thinking, leveling up for me is slowly moving on from you or anything I been holding on too knowing I should've let go.

Leveling up is me not thinking about you or saying ur name at least for 3 days.

Leveling up for me is not looking at your photos.

Leveling up for me is not asking about you,

Leveling up for me is thinking about someone that is not you but someone else that is finally taking your spot.

What I have done since you been gone.

I've became closer with people aka your friends,

I've gotten a job,

I have been getting closer with my family.. specifically my mom,

I have been keeping my grades up,

I have done things I usually wouldn't do since you been gone.

It's weird how my entire body doesn't freeze when I look at you anymore,

It's weird how just a glance doesn't make my heart flutter anymore,

It's weird how I don't smile when I hear your voicd anymore,

It's weird how after all this time I have finally let yo go, but I'm very happy that I don't need you anymore

my love,

i'm finally over you all the pain you caused all the tears i spilt because of you

all of the words you said i'm finally happy without you

i don't need you anymore you're not my source of happiness anymore and you were right i found someone better


in another lifetime.

Let's just say I'm leveling up from where I been stuck at.

I would tell myself when i was fifteen

Those girls who put pills in your hand do not love you

And as much as you hate it, mum is right

The road you are going down tries to kills you


And your friends will laugh and cheer while you are eaten alive

There is nothing wrong with being boring no matter what they

Breaking up with your first lover will be a hard thing to do

But one day she'll forgive you and you'll forgive her too

You'll graduate through your own hard work and you'll be proud

And you'll never be as bad as you are now

I finally don't need you or want you anymore.

If your thinking of apologizing don't it's too late to apologize...to late

When you see me going D1 and become successful at Stanford don't come running back for me.

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