《Heartbreak..》The denial stage :/


We had 2 bad links,

I had a plan for Friday,

That plan was asking you out..,

Also asking you to homecoming,

But that night on 8/27/22 @ 12:02 am..

You shattered me,

You shattered my plan into pieces

You shattered my heart,

You shattered me mentally,

You shattered me completely into a million and one pieces,

You just completely shattered me where I couldn't get up.

I tried,

I tried to fix the misunderstanding,

I tried to get you to see my worth,

I tried to fix my heart you broke,

I tried coming to the friday fb game,

I tried talking to you,

I tried texting you through a different #,

I tried getting through to you by ur friends,

I tired I tried I tried.

But eventually I had to stop.

Stop trying,

Stop trying I told my self,

Stop trying he not coming back,

Stop trying he moved on,

Stop trying he doesn't want you,

Stop trying he broke your heart

Stop trying he has you blocked,

Stop trying ,stop trying ,stop trying I told my self..

I cared to much,

I cared to much because I texted you off a text now #,

I cared to much because I was the only one fighting for our relationship,

I cared to much because you didn't care at all,

I cared to much because I didn't want you to leave just yet,

I cared to much because I still had hope for us.

Was I being Delusional?

I was Delusional because I thought you still cared,

I was delusional because I thought you still had feelings,

I was delusional because I thought you would come back by now,

I was delusional because I thought you really liked me,

I was delusional because I thought you was the one for me.

I was just delusional because I felt some different typa way with you.

My heart wants me to keep trying but my mind wants me to stay quite this time just this time.

Please understand that I was trying my hardest to let you go.

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