《Haikyuu!!: She's Your Sister!?》Chapter 18
"Oh boy..." Mizuki glanced at the score board. It didn't seem too good for Karasuno. They just lost their first match with Shinzen High. Even so, Mizuki knew how tough the getaway games were, and these teams were no joke. She was retying her hair into a high ponytail, just as the team was doing their diving drills.
"Come on, Mizuki!"
"Okay, coach!" She took few sips of water and headed to the empty court. Shotarou stood next to a cart on the other side.
"Let's start with 50 spikes."
"Miss one and do diving drills around the court, I know," she hollered back. She picked one ball out of her cart. Without thinking, she did a high jump and spiked it right into Shotarou's volley-cart.
The old man held onto one side, as he rolled the cart to the left.
"Keep going!"
Mizuki rolled the ball in her hands, before serving it over the net.
"Good! Watch my movements!"
"Yes, sir!" One by one she spiked volleyballs into the cart, no matter where Shotarou was positioned. Mizuki was too focused to see the reaction on everyone's faces.
"She's on fire," Nekomata grinned.
"Better than yesterday," Naoki implied.
"I've never seen Mizuki practice like that," Asahi thought. Both Sugawara and Sawamura agreed.
"See that, Akaashi?! Isn't Momo amazing?!"
"Yes, yes," Akaashi sighed at his energetic personality.
"Senpai is awesome!"
"Lev, pay attention!"
"What'd I tell you!?/Idiot!" Yaku and Yamamoto scolded Lev.
Mizuki sent the thirty-seventh one straight down the middle. Shotarou kept tossing out volleyballs when the cart was overcrowded, and ten rolled it towards Mizuki.
"Pick up the pace!"
"Got it!" Mizuki shouted. She wiped her hands and grabbed one from the floor. Just then, she heard the creaking of a door.
"Phew~! We totally made it! Not bad at all..."
"Ah...Saeko-san!" Mizuki saw the blonde woman.
"Hey Mizuki! practicing hard?"
"Ne-san!" Nishinoya shouted.
"Your sister?" Sugawara asked.
"No, she's Ryu's sister."
"No that you mention it, they look alike."
"Glad they made it in one piece," Tanaka huffed with a smirk. Coming into the gym, it was none other than Kageyama and Mizuki's little brother.
"So the stars are showing up fashionably late? How annoying." Kuroo smirked. All eyes were on the duo.
"Hinata! Kageyama! Glad you could make it!" Mizuki was about to greet them, when she noticed her brother's pale face.
"Oh no..." she whispered.
"Huh...ah! Don't tell me--!" Shoyo couldn't take it any longer.
"You idiot!"
"Mop! Someone get a mop!"
"Sigh...what morons..."
"You okay, Shoyo?" Mizuki stayed a safe distance as people were cleaning up the mess. She saw him give a thumbs up, despite his upset expression.
"Leave him be, Mizuki," Shotarou hollered, "let's continue and then take a break."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Fast Forward (Nighttime)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
"Alright, that's enough. I'll clear this off for the boys. Take a break."
"Okay." Mizuki went to the side and leaned on the wall. She wiped her forehead, taking a deep breath.
"Good work."
"Huh?" She turned her head to see Kuroo, offering her bottle. She grabbed it and smiled.
"Thanks." She gulped half of her water.
"If anything, you're more serious than all of us," Kuroo implied.
"Well, I'm getting ready to join a volleyball team at a university. I hear they're one of the top university teams to go to nationals."
"Going for the goal, huh?" Mizuki put her water down, just as Yaku and Inuoka were coming towards them.
"Hey, Hinata-senpai?"
"Yes, Inuoka-chan?"
"How do you that special diving?"
"You know," Kuroo intervened, "the one where you spin." He spun his finger, which Mizuki caught on.
"Oh~ that? It's all about the leg movement and hand coordination."
"Can we see it, again?"
"Hey now..." Yaku sweat dropped.
"Sure...but stand back." The boys kept their distance. After a short run, Mizuki dove. Just about barely near the floor, her hands turned one way, and her legs swung her whole body around until her feet slammed the floor. Standing back up, she saw them smiling.
"So cool," Inuoka's eyes sparkled.
"Pretty impressive, Lil' mandarin," Kuroo rubbed her head.
"H-hey, I just tied this...." She unraveled her ponytail. But then, Kuroo snatched her hairband and held it above his head.
"Kuroo, give it back."
"Make me."
"I'm too tired to jump~..."
"Then you won't get it back." His cat-like smirk emerged when seeing Mizuki puff her cheeks.
"Hey, hey, hey~!"
"Oh, hey Bokuto."
"Hey Momo! Did you see my serves?"
"I did. Good job, Mr. Owl." Just then, he leaned down and sniffed her hair.
"What are you doing," Kuroo and his friends sweat dropped.
"It smells sweet..."
"Huh...o-oh, it must be the shampoo. I bought it just yesterday...ironically it's scented peach."
"Just like your nickname. That's so cute."
"L-like I said, it was ironic." Mizuki blush from embarrassment as Bokuto ruffled her hair.
"By the way...coach said I could play with your team next time."
"Really?! Awesome!"
"Nice receive~!" They group turned towards the match between Karasuno and Shinzen. They saw Shoyo and Sawamura block the attack. Shoyo then ran to the other side of the net.
"Someone stop #10!"
Kageyama tossed the ball, and Shoyo did the quick attack, gaining a point and ending the set.
"Dammit! I just barely touched it," Chigaya cursed.
"What the hell is up with #9 and #10's quick attack," Ogano exclaimed. However, as the duo were catching their breath, Tanaka loomed behind them.
"Don't act so cool, you tardy-test-flunkeys." Both first-years grimaced at his harsh words.
"Your little brother sure is something," Yaku implied.
"Well, he's learning," Mizuki responded. However, she had an uneasy feeling deep inside herself, as if anticipating something.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Time Skip>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Training went on as usual, for Mizuki that is. As for her team, they were getting first-hand on the intense matches. Karasuno was losing left and right, doing countless dive drills and more water breaks than ever. Her concern was mostly for her brother. Who knew that a few days could changed the order ad balance of a team, or a teammate. She remembered the times she saw Shoyo acting on impulse when jumping for the ball. Mizuki saw this as Shoyo's need to improve, be in the spotlight. She wasn't the only one who thought the same way. She found out the hard way last night.
As much as Mizuki was worried, she knew well that she could not interfere; not this time.
Mizuki wasn't practicing at the moment. No, she was at a public gym, in the afternoon. While the team was at school, she volunteered to help out kids at a youth volleyball class that opens every Monday. She was with one of the teachers inside the gym, just as everyone else was setting up the supplies.
"It's great of you to join us, miss Hinata." They bowed to each other.
"I'm happy to help. I used to tend these sessions as a kid."
"But to think...we'd have a famous volleyball player from America." Mizuki sweat dropped.
"Well then...for today, you'll be coaching some of our students with another advisor. Just show them the ropes and have fun."
"Yes, sir." Minutes later, a band of kids were coming inside. Mizuki stood by the net, bouncing the ball. With one look on the other side, she did a running start, before jumping high to spike.
The ball flew a few feet up from the impact, the sound echoing. Some kids watched in awe. Mizuki ran to grab the ball. As she did, a boy was coming right behind her.
"You're good." Mizuki looked down. The boy had a shaved head, wearing a white shirt with red on top, baize shorts, calf-length socks and white/blue shoes, carrying a blue backpack.
"Thank you. What's your name?"
"I'm Takeru."
"My name is Hinata Mizuki. Here, catch." She tossed the ball and he caught it.
"Are you here to help out?"
"Yup. I'll be coaching, starting today. I hope we get along, Takeru." She offered her hand, prompting the boy to shake it.
"Are you here alone?" He shook his head.
"My uncle comes with me every time, but he doesn't show me how to serve."
"Takeru~ don't run off without me!" Mizuki flinched when hearing that familiar voice. Takeru looked behind her.
"Ah, Toru!"
"Geh! Hey, show some respect! I can't just..." His voice stopped. Mizuki dared herself to move, even the slightest, until she was in full view of the very person she'd least expect to see. The teen had the very same expression she had.
"....Oikawa...?" She was unable to move, staring into his dark-chocolate eyes that widened in shock. She didn't know what to do. Mizuki didn't expect to see him until the tournament, but now...now what?
Takeru strolled up to Oikawa, and tugged on his shirt.
"Toru, do you know her?" Mizuki looked down at Takeru.
"T-Takeru...is he your uncle?"
"Mm...he's my mom's brother."
"Oh, miss Hinata." The same coach came towards them.
"I see you met Oikawa, Takeru's uncle. Good thing, too...because you'll be with them for today."
"Eh?" Both Mizuki and Oikawa looked at him in shock, leaving Takeru puzzled by their behavior.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Fast Forward>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
"Nice receive!"
"Good job! Keep going!"
Shoes squeaking, volleyballs bouncing, and loud voices echoed in the gym. From one court, Oikawa was the one who hit the ball over the net, while Mizuki supervised.
"Make sure your arms are out and straight," she advised a student.
"Me!" Takeru ran up to her.
"Ready to go, again?"
"Remember what I said before...how your arms aim is how the ball moves in different directions. So be careful."
"Okay." He readied himself as Mizuki stood outside the lines. She glanced at Oikawa, a bit uneasy. They still haven't spoken since they started. Takeru received it, but the ball flew out of bounds. Mizuki went up and patted his shoulder.
"Don't worry, you'll get it next time." They smiled at each other.
"Who wants to go next?"
"Me/No, me/ I want to go again!"
"One at a time," she laughed. Unaware to her, Oikawa was watching her smile as the kids made a ruckus. When it was time for a break, the kids went to the side and sat on mats. They pulled out their bentos and ate delicious meals. Mizuki was putting her wallet in her pocket and started walking away.
"Hinata-san. Where are you going?"
"Sorry, Takeru...but I have to buy my lunch. I'll be right back." While she left, Oikawa sat next to his nephew. Takeru looked at him.
"Toru...what's with you and Hinata-san?"
"Eh~...you give her honorifics, but not me?" He sweat dropped.
"You didn't say a word to her. Is she one of your ex-girlfriends?" Takeru's question made him flinch with a slight blush.
"She's not," he mumbled. His nephew hummed before eating an onigiri.
"So...why won't you talk to her?" Oikawa sighed at his persistence. He cupped his chin, looking the other way.
"Let's just say I'm the last person she wants to see."
"Ah...so you made her mad." Again, Oikawa flinched, feeling an imaginary arrow stab his back. He hung his head in defeat.
"Just be a man and say you're sorry. Don't be a wimp." His uncle frowned, but he was right.
From outside, Mizuki was getting canned soup from a vending machine, about a few yards away from the gym. She pressed the button, and within seconds, the can fell down. She quickly grabbed it and popped the it open. She took a few sips, and then sighed to herself. The tension between her and Oikawa was too much to handle. She knew she had to confront him sooner or later.
'But why today?' she thought. However, when lost in thought, she didn't see people coming towards her.
"Hey, you." Mizuki turned to her left, seeing three girls dressed in Johsai uniforms.
"You're that girl who came to our school, right?"
"Um....yes. I did, but...why--"
"Just who are you trying to impress?"
"....Huh....?" Mizuki was perplexed by one of the girl's. They had death glares pointing in her direction as they surrounded her. Mizuki slowly put her drink on the bench.
"You think because you're a volleyball player, that you can hang out with Oikawa-san and act so friendly?
"What are you talking about?"
"You just want to get closer to Oikawa and have him all to yourself."
"That's not it. He's...he's just a friend..."
"Not after that fight you had with him during the Inter-High." Mizuki's eyes widened.
"Have you've been following me...?"
"I got the evidence right here," one of them waved her phone at her, "and it would be a shame if everyone saw this. It would ruin you and your team's chances of going to the Spring Preliminaries. So either you back off of Oikawa...or this goes viral. What's it gonna be bitch?" Mizuki clenched her hands.
"So what...? This doesn't prove anything. I'll admit my actions weren't right...but if I ever saw him again, I would apologize. He may be a jerk at times...but I still think of him as a friend..."
"Don't lie!" She grabbed Mizuki by the shoulder, but the orange-haired girl put her in an arm lock, making her drop her phone.
"Some of my friends are his fans, too...but they would never do something this low and dirty like you."
"Shut up!" Another girl pulled Mizuki's pony tail, and the third one pushed her away.
"You'll pay for that!" The girl was reaching for her phone, when a foot slammed right on it. Everyone looked up to see none other than Oikawa. However, this Oikawa had an expression so deadly, that it made the girls shake in fear.
"What do you think you're doing," he growled.
"O-Oikawa-san...its not wh--"
Oikawa grabbed the phone, and that's when his hand was raised.
Mizuki gasped behind her hand. He threw that phone so hard to the wall, it shattered into pieces. She saw him grab the girl's wrist, almost crushing it.
"Stay away from her. Don't come back...in fact, don't ever come to my games or the gym, ever again. You're just obsessed fans wanting attention. Get out....and you'll be hearing from the principal soon enough." The girls ran in fear, Oikawa watching them to make sure they left. Mizuki exhaled, unraveling her hair as she rubbed the pain off.
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