《Haikyuu!!: She's Your Sister!?》Chapter 16
In the faculty office, Nekomata was sitting at his desk looking at some files. Suddenly, he heard feet running down the hallway.
"Sensei~I found her~!"
"Hm?...AH!!" The old man gaped when seeing Mizuki, who was hanging by Lev's arm, her legs almost dangling.
"Lev, you idiot! What happened to her!? What did you do?!"
"Eh..? But...you said it was an emergency--"
"I didn't say it was--you just thought I did! That's it! You're going to run around the school right now!"
"Eh~!?" Len shouted dramatically.
"....H-Hello...Neko-okksan," said Mizuki tiredly. She stood up and started walking towards him.
"Sorry about him. He takes things too far..."
"Its okay. So...what did you need me for?"
"Oh, right." He then gave her some papers.
"School's about to end. I was going to give these to Kuroo, but I have to talk to some of my peers for a while. Would you bring this to him?"
"Thank you. You can walk with him to practice after."
Minutes later, Mizuki immediately found it on the third floor, Class 5.
'oh, that must be the bell...'
She was about to knock, when the door slid open to see the teacher.
"Oh, hello. I'm sorry to interrupt," Mizuki bowed to them.
"Hello. Who might you be?"
"My name is Hinata Mizuki. I'm an old friend of Naoi-sensei and Nekomata-sensei."
"Oh~you must be the Hinata girl Nekomata-sensei told me. The girl who's a famous volleyball player in America?"
"H-hai," she awkwardly smiled, wondering who else Nekomata told about her.
"So what can I do for you, miss?"
"Oh, yes! Nekomata-sensei wanted me to give these papers to Kuroo."
"I see...hold on for a second." He looked back into the classroom.
"Kuroo-san~! Someone's here to see you~!" The boy looked up to see Mizuki standing next to the teacher. Mizuki thanked the teacher and walked over to him.
"Yaku-san. You're in this class, too?"
"What are you doing here?" Kuroo asked.
"Nekomata-sensei wanted you to have this." She handed him the papers.
"Oh, thanks..." Just then, Yaku nudged him.
"Hey, aren't you gonna ask? We're all going."
"Eh? Going where?" She looked at Kuroo. He cleared his throat.
"After practice, the guys and I are going to do some karaoke. You wanna come?"
"What's wrong?" Mizuki shuffled her feet while looking the other way.
"Actually....I never been to a karaoke place." Both boys were shocked, though Kuroo tried to pretend he was.
"Ahhh~ That won't do. Now you have to come."
"No buts," Kuroo waved his finger, "you need this experience, and that's that. Right?" His face was so close, Mizuki sweat dropped, but eventually gave in.
"Alright. I'll come."
"Yosh! We'll leave right after practice." While they exited to room, Mizuki leaned towards Yaku.
"It feels like you get sucked into going at his own pace," she whispered.
"I hear ya," Yaku sighed with a smile.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Fast Forward>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Inside the karaoke building, the group was on the second floor at the very last room on the end. Mizuki didn't know what to do nor which song to sing. She was looking through the book, while sitting next to Yaku, Kuroo and Kai. Yamamoto was singing into the mic while Kenma and Inuoka sweat dropped. When the song ended, they all clapped.
"How was that!?" Yamamoto shouted. He looked at the screen, and the number 67 showed.
"Not bad," Kai nodded.
"How come I'm here?" Kenma mumbled. Inuoka awkwardly chuckled. Yaku turned to Mizuki.
"Mizuki, its your turn."
"E-eh? Already?"
"Have you picked a song?"
"Not yet...um.....oh!"
"What?" Yaku looked at the book as she pointed at the song.
"I know this one. I used to sing it to my siblings."
"Hey, that's a good one."
"You think so?"
"Then you'll sing it." Kuroo pushed her towards Yamamoto.
"Good luck, Mizuki-senpai!" He gave her the mic. She glanced at everyone as they waited. For some reason, she couldn't help but smile. She played the song, and then faced everyone.
Singing this song, it reminded her of how she sung it to her family as a lullaby. It was a fond memory. Her voice was so beautiful, that no words were spoken throughout the song. When she finished, Mizuki saw everyone still in a daze.
"Woo-hoo~!" Mizuki jumped when they started clapping.
"That was amazing, senpai," Inuoka bellowed. Kenma nodded with a small smile.
"You're really good," Yaku complimented.
"Yeah," Kai agreed.
"Senpai...look." Yamamoto pointed at the screen. A '98' appeared. Everyone made an uproar.
"What...I scored that high?"
"Way to go, senpai." Mizuki sat back down.
"Good job, lil' mandarin," Kuroo ruffled her hair while laughing.
"T-thank you..."
"Yosh~! I'm gonna sing next!"
"Go for it, Inuoka!" Yaku shouted.
Two hours later, Kuroo and Kenma stayed with Mizuki to walk her to the bus stop.
"That was really fun."
"See? I told you it would be great," Kuroo smirked, "but are you sure you never been to a karaoke night? With a voice like that...."
"I don't usually sing," Mizuki flustered.
"Kuroo-san," Kenma sighed, "stop teasing Mizuki-senpai. Besides, I don't see why you're so smug."
"What do you mean?" Mizuki looked at Kenma. They were now waiting by the bus stop.
"Kuroo thought you were getting tired or stressed out. So he thought this karaoke-thing would help you relax or something."
"H-hey, Kenma! Don't tell her that!"
"So it is true?"
"Kuroo's too embarrassed to admit it, though..."
"Don't say that--it makes me sound uncool." Kuroo sweat dropped. Mizuki stifled a laugh. They saw the bus arrive.
"Anyway, thank you for today. I'll see you guys tomorrow."
"Take care."
"Bye, senpai."
Mizuki went on the bus. She sat down, and pulled out her phone. Swiping through, she looked at her photos. One of them was her in the middle of the Nekoma boys. She was flustered while awkwardly smiling as the others were making poses.
"...hehehe..." She then sent it to Shoyo, telling him that everything was okay.
The next day, Mizuki decided to go to Karasuno and see Ukai and the others. She only needed to walk around the building before heading to the gym. Although, she could hear Tanaka and Nishinoya's boisterous shouting like usual.
"Sounds like their having a practice match." She entered the gym, and she was right, they were having a match with another school. Mizuki saw Shimizu by the scoreboard. Sitting on the other side was a girl with short blonde hair, with a small ponytail on one side above her head.
'Who's that...?' Mizuki quietly walked around. When she got there, the blonde looked at her.
"Hello," Mizuki waved.
"Ah, Mizuki."
"Eh? Mizuki...?" The blonde looked at Mizuki for three seconds, until her eyes widened.
"Ah! You're Hinata's sister!?"
"Hehehe...yes. And you must be Yachi."
"H-hai. I'm Yachi Hitoka. N-nice to meet you!"
"Nice to meet you, too. I'm the assistant coach, Hinata Mizuki."
"Eh!? A-asisstant..."
"Hitoka-chan, the score," Shimizu called out.
"Oh--right!" She flipped the score.
"They're amazing, huh?"
"Eh?" Yachi looked up at Mizuki.
"We don't have much recognition, but after these few months, the team's gotten stronger. Their passion and drive to make it to nationals...is something that I am very proud to be a part of." Yachi admired how devoted she was.
When it was nighttime, Karasuno was cleaning up the gym.
"Amazing! That was amazing!" Yachi was full of energy as she talked to Hinata. His sister was standing on Hinata's side.
"I'm only watching, yet I...I..."
"Did you feel overwhelmed?" Hinata asked with excitement.
"Yeah, I did!"
"Then be our manager!"
"Huh? Um, I..."
"Hey, Shoyo..." Mizuki sweat dropped, "don't say that out the blue..."
"But...for an amazing team like this, a Townsperson B like me with no knowledge of sports is just going to get in the way."
"Come to think of it, I played a Townsperson B, too."
"Eh?" Yachi looked up.
"But I tried to stand out more than the lead, but I got in trouble."
"Townperson B...heh."
"Hey, don't make fun of me, idiot!" Hinata frowned at Kageyama as the raven-hair boy smirked.
"Townperson B has its own kind of awesomeness!"
"Townsperson B has its own kind of awesomeness..." Yachi repeated those words. Unaware to her, Mizuki was watching her with a smile. She then walked over.
"Ah, hai..senpai?"
"Do you mind if I walk you home?"
"Ah--n-no! I don't want to trouble you..."
"Its alright. I'd hate to see you go home alone this late. Besides, I have to take the train station."
"O-oh...then...t-thank you." She bowed. And so they did. It was fairly quiet, except for the cars driving by, and the street lights' bright rays of white and yellow. On the way, Yachi struck up a conversation.
"So...the volleyball club..."
"How long have you been with them?" She asked. Mizuki hummed to herself while looking up.
"Since the start of Golden Week," she said, "why do you ask?"
"I-I was just curious," Yachi sheepishly smile, "since I don't know anything about the sport, I kind of feel like I'm wasting their time..."
"I don't blame you for being skeptical on joining our club...but you know...."
"Huh?" Yachi glanced and saw her smile.
"I never thought I could be a good assistant coach, since I've only had experience in leadership from being a captain. In the end, I just have to trust myself and see what lies ahead."
'Hinata-senpai....' Yachi was speechless.
"Oh, this my home." They looked up at the apartment building.
"Thank you for walking me home, senpai."
"Just call me Mizuki. Its easier that way."
"One more thing."
"Yes?" Mizuki pulled out her phone.
"Is it okay if I have your number?"
"Since I'm training in Tokyo, I'm pretty busy. I was wondering if you could keep me updated on Shoyo's progress. Both his club activities and studies."
"O-oh! Um--sure! I can do that."
"Thank you! So what's your number?"
"Oh, let me get it..." They exchanged numbers.
"Alright then, have a good night Yachi."
"You too, Hina--I mean, Mizuki-senpai. I'll text you Hinata's progress."
"Yeah...and if you need to talk or need advice, just call me, okay?"
"Hai. Thank you."
Mizuki waved as she left. However, Yachi was still standing there, thinking to herself.
'...become a part of something...' she thought. That's when she made a serious expression. She immediately went inside, and started doing her own little project.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Fast Forward>>>>>>>>>>>>>
The gym was lively. The sound of sneakers squeaking the floor as volleyballs flew by were like a rhythmic tune. Some of the boys watched as the girl spiked every ball in different parts of the court.
"Come on! You need to react twice as fast than usual!"
"Hai, sensei!" Mizuki shouted.
Withe very high jump, Mizuki did a straight shot over the net. Then, one to the far left, and another to the right, center, and so on.
"Wow," Inuoka whispered.
"She's been practicing for two hours straight," Yamamoto said.
"Hah~!" She shouted as she spiked another.
"Alright--that's it! Take a break while the boys do their share."
"Hai!" Mizuki panted. She made her way to the wall where her stuff was. She squeezed her water bottle as she gulped it down.
"Mm?" She turned to see her phone. 'Message' it said.
"Let's see....ah, its from Yachi-san." She swiped her phone.
To: Senpai
From: Yachi
[Good afternoon, senpai. How are you? I hope practice is going well. Right now, I'm helping your brother and Kageyama study at my place. We're doing just fine.]
She texted her back.
To: Yachi
From: Senpai
[Hello Yachi-san. I'm good. Practice is tough as usual. Thanks for helping them study. I'm glad things are going well. Just make sure they don't procrastinate or fall asleep. So how are you? Are you doing well for your studies too?]
It wasn't long before she got another.
Yachi: [I'm doing great! And I'm sure they'll pass their exams.]
"Hello senpai." Kenma popped out of nowhere.
"Oh, Kenma-kun. What's up?"
"Nothing..." He leaned not the wall. Then, he glanced at her phone.
"What are you doing?"
"Ah~...I'm texting someone. She's been coming to the volleyball club for a while now. Shoyo really wants her to become the manager."
"I see..."
"Hey~Kenma! Let's practice!"
"Oh, you better go."
"Hai." He started walking away.
"Do your best~!" Mizuki cheered, and saw Kenma give a small wave. She turned back to her phone.
"Oh..." A text message from Shotarou.
[Just gave Ukai your notes. I'll be with him and Takeda-sensei for a while. You can eat out tonight. I snuck some money into your bag earlier, so the food's on me.]
'Hmm....where should I eat...?' She hummed to herself while tilting her head back and forth.
"....Oh!" She smiled.
>>>>>>>>>>>>Fast Forward>>>>>>>>>>>>>
"Yachi-san, thank you for helping us study on a Saturday." Hinata and Kageyama were standing in front of the building with Yachi facing them.
"Sure. Let's do our best on the exam." Just then, they saw Yachi's mom walking out.
"Oh, thank you for having us." Hinata and Kageyama bowed to her.
"No problem. Was she a good teacher?"
"Hai. I'm gonna ace that test for sure, I think!"
'You think?' Yachi questioned.
"Or rather, I won't let Yachi-san's kindness go to waste!" Yachi blushed. She then saw Kageyama thinking to himself.
"Kindness," he mumbled, "...'to have a caring heart. A term used to express a caring attitude one has for another'..."
'Ahaha....the definition of the word we went over,' she thought.
"Yachi-san, let's go to Tokyo together!" Hinata grinned.
"H-huh? Oh, r-right..." Her face then paled.
'I haven't explained anything to my mom yet!'
"See ya next week!"
"B-bye-bye..." Yachi waved as they left.
"Hitoka, what's this about away games in Tokyo?" Yachi flinched as her nerves came back.
"W-well, its, um..."
"Sorry I'm late!" Suddenly, a co-worker of her mom's showed up.
"All right, I'm going to a meeting. I'll be coming late again."
"Ah, hai." She stood there as he mom walked ahead.
"Okay, let's go."
"Eh? Uh, wait, senpai." He was confused. He turned to Yachi.
"Weren't you trying to say something, Hitoka-chan?"
"Eh? A-ah--no...its nothing."
"...Okay. See you later."
"Yeah." The man gave a frustrated look.
"Geez...come on, senpai..." He ran after her. Yachi looked down feeling depressed.
"Hello~!" Mizuki grinned at the owner. Luckily there weren't many customers today; about five people present.
"Oh, if it isn't Hinata-chan!"
"Nice to see you again, Shinjou-san."
"Judging by your uniform, I say practice is over?"
"Hai. Can I have a pork noodle soup?"
"Hai! Right away!" He happily shouted. Mizuki sat at the counter and put her sports bag under her feet. She sighed, and then unraveled her ponytail to let her hair down. She tiredly looked through her phone while waiting. She was so preoccupied, she didn't hear the ruckus coming inside.
"Senpai, watch where you're throwing that!"
"Don't worry! I'm the ace! I got th--ahh~! W-woah--"
"See? Stop that or--"
"Hm?" Mizuki turned her head.
Something round hit her right-square on the face. The object dropped into her hands as her face cringed.
"O-ow~..." She could feel tears forming.
"A-are you okay?! I'm sorry! Sorry~!" A familiar voice rang in her ears. She opened one eye.
"Oh! M-Mizuki...?" She saw none other than Bokuto. Around him was Akaashi and some other boys with the same jerseys.
"...Bokuto-san." The boy then bowed while putting his hands together.
"I-I'm really sorry, Mizuki!"
"O-oh, I'm okay."
"Are you hurt?" Akaashi asked with concern.
"No," Mizuki shook her head, "I'll be okay."
Minutes later, the boys took up all the seats from the counter. Mizuki was in-between Akaashi and Bokuto. She was looking at everyone else while they introduce themselves.
"I'm Washio, Tatsuki. Third-year." He had pushed-back dark spiky hair, thin eyebrows and a straight nose.
"Sarukui, Yamato. Third-year." He had tousled black hair, his mouth resembling a monkey's.
"I'm a first-year. Onaga, Wataru." He had a long-face and short hair.
"Komi, Haruki. Third-year." He was short, had medium-brown hair with an undercut, and his eyebrows were a bit triangular.
"Konoha, Akinori, a third-year." He had dirty-blonde hair and narrow eyes.
"I'm Hinata Mizuki. Nice to meet you, everyone."
"Did you know Mizuki played volleyball in America," Bokuto pointed at her.
"Bokuto-san, don't talk with you mouth full," Akaashi sighed. The captain swallowed his food and grinned.
"She's one of the top female players there!"
"Eh? Really?"
"Hey, hey, don't talk about that," Mizuki sweat dropped.
"Hey Haruki, did you know Mizuki was once a libero too?"
"What? You were a libero?" Komi asked with curiosity.
"Hai. That's before I became captain and ace of the team."
"So what are you doing here in Tokyo?" Akaashi interrupted.
"I'm training with Nekoma's volleyball team."
"Eh~?! Kuroo never told me he was friends with you," Bokuto whined.
"Well, we have been busy training. I've been coming here for the past few weeks."
"Unfair~," Bokuto leaned towards her, "I wanna have a match with Mizuki~!" She awkwardly laughed.
"B-but you will. I'll be seeing you at the getaway games this summer."
"Really!? Yay~!"
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