《Haikyuu!!: She's Your Sister!?》Chapter 13
The whistle blew. It was the final set. The crowd cheered, letting their voices echo the stadium. However, among themselves they could barely hear anything, as the team stood still. Aoba Johsai had won. Karasuno had lost. It was over for them and the Inter-High. When the whistle blew for the teams to line up, they went to the net and congratulated Aoba Johsai. The coaches, Takeda and their manager could only watch as their team tried to keep their heads held high. In the stands, the girls were cheering for their team, and some clapping for even Karasuno, showing their respect for seeing such a thrilling match.
"They did their best."
"It looks like our school is moving on."
"Hai." The brunette then turned her head. She paused when looking down.
"Um..." They all looked down at Karasuno's assistant coach. She clenched her hands together, trying to keep a brave face. The girls looked at each other, before giving a serious look and nodded.
On the other side, Shimida and Takinoue were watching Karasuno's every move.
"I always hate when being told that it was a good match," Takinoue implied, "even if I said, 'but we lost"....looking form the side here...theres' not much you can say except that."
"...Hai." Shimida nodded. They looked down to see Mizuki, who was glancing at her brother as he looked down at himself.
>>>>>>>>>>>>Fast Forward>>>>>>>>>>>
"Are you sure you'll be alright?" Ukai asked. He and Mizuki were standing in a hallway.
"I'll be fine," she said, "I just need some time to myself. I can take the bus there."
"... Well...if you're sure..."
"Don't worry," she shook her head, "right now... I can't say anything to make them feel better. Especially Shoyo...we both need to clear our minds. I'll meet you at the restaurant later." Ukai sighed, but agreed anyway. He walked the other way, while Mizuki did the same. She was down at the floor as she held her duffle bag. Just then, she heard some footsteps.
"Mizuki-san." She looked behind her, and saw Matsuko, Rin, and Hana standing there. She turned herself around.
"Hey...what are you guys doing here?"
"We came to see you," Matsuko said. They pulled out small bags of sweets and put them in her hands. Mizuki looked up at them, confusion written on her face.
"What's this?" she asked.
"Well...they were for Oikawa-san," Rin implied.
"But we thought you should have them," Hana stated, "maybe you can give it to your brother and some of his friends, too."
"What? No...I...I can't take this. You worked hard on making these for him."
"Its okay," Rin smiled, "even though we were cheering for our team, you're still our friend."
"... Really...?"
"Mm...of course," Matsuko nodded. Mizuki glanced at the gifts, and then gave a weak smile.
"Thank you," she said.
"Hey, are you headed home yet?"
"No," Mizuki shook her head, "I wanted to congratulate Aoba Johsai's before I left."
"You sure you're okay with that?" Matsuko asked with concern.
"Yeah. I just need to personally say what's on my mind. Do you think...you guys, can come with me? I'm kinda feeling a bit...well..."
"Sure thing," Hana put a hand on her shoulder, "let's go meet them." They all went together to find the boys.
Standing near an empty space of benches, Aoba Johsai was organizing their stuff. Only the boys were there, as their coaches were off doing some other business.
"Pretty soon we'll be playing against Shiratorizawa," Kindaichi said to Yahaba.
"I can't wait," Yahaba thought. Iwaizumi was standing next to Oikawa.
"Wasn't I great, Iwa-chan?"
"Yeah, yeah, you told me," Iwaizumi groaned. At that time, the girls were coming towards their left, walking down the path. They were at the corner as they looked up to see them.
"Are you sure you want to talk to them?" Hana whispered to Mizuki.
"Well, I came this far.... I might as well..."
"Those two didn't have a chance."
"!?" The girls stood still.
"It's true that Tobio-chan was good, but he wasn't close to my skills as a setter. I was one step ahead of him and his friend. Even though shrimp-chan is good at spikes... he lacks the basics of everything else. He may be good at jumping, but without someone there to help, he's just another player I can easily push through.... so I'm not surprised at all. We overthrew their team. Karasuno lived up to their name as the 'Fallen Crows'.... they're not on the same level as us or Shiratorizawa...but I doubt it'll last though. They still have a long way to go."
"...?" Iwaizumi glanced to his left. His eyes shot open.
"Hey, Oikawa," he harshly whispered, "shut the hell up!"
"Hmm~ what's wrong, Iwa-chan? I was just..." Oikawa's eyes widened. He stared in shock like the others as they saw the girls standing there. Rin, Matsuko, and Hana looked at them and then at Mizuki, who unconsciously dropped her bag without knowing. The orange hair girl had an exasperated, yet shocked expression as her eyes stared back at Oikawa. Hana nervously looked back and forth.
"U-um...Mizuki-san...?" she whispered. Mizuki didn't answer. Just before the other girls could speak, Mizuki grit her teeth and ran towards the boys.
"!!" Mizuki was almost about to punch Oikawa, as her fist was swinging towards him. Suddenly, Iwaizumi stopped her by the wrist as he pulled her arm away.
"Let go..."
"Uh..." Hajime stared at her beweildered.
"Let go of me, Iwaizumi!" she kept her intense glare at Oikawa as the boy was stunned.
"M-Mizuki! Calm down!" Iwaizumi wrapped his arms around her as she struggled to get free.
"What's your problem?" Mizuki shouted at him, "is this how you treat all your opponents!? For once can't that smug, pride of yours shut the hell up!!? I knew you were annoying, but I didn't think you were such an inconceivable jerk! Even if they lost...that's no excuse for you to treat them like this behind their backs! Behind my back!! You have a terrible personality hiding behind a mask... Do you have any idea...?" Tears fell down her cheek.
"....what it was like...seeing my only brother like that," she choked on her words, "to see him give that look ...? It hurts...it hurts you bastard.... Not only did you insult him... but you insulted me and everyone on his team...my team! You really live up to the names Shittykawa, Trashykawa, Assikawa, and Crappykawa. They suit you, cause that's what you are right now! You, arrogant bastard, I hate you! I hate you Oikawa~!!"
"Mizuki! Stop it!" Iwaizumi kept his grip on her.
"NO! Let me go!!" her tears blurred her vision, and her voice was pleading for Iwaizumi to release her.
"Dammit....Hey Kindaichi, Yahaba! Get Oikawa out of here! All of you, go!"
"H-hai!" They pushed their captain as they left the scene.
After they were gone, Iwaizumi didn't dare release her. He kept his strong arms around Mizuki, her face looking down as her tears dropped to the floor. The girls stood there, unable to say anything. Mizuki slowed her breathing, but she kept crying in between. Iwaizumi's eye softened as his arms did the same.
"I...I'm s-sorry," she spoke, "I know..h-how much y-you like...Oikawa..." Rin, Hana and Matsuko looked at her.
"You're his fans....I respect that...b-but...I just...I can't..."
"...Leave us," Iwaizumi said, "I need to speak with her in private."
"... Sure..."
"M-Mizuki..." Hana spoke, but Matsuko put a hand out, shaking her head.
"We'll see you another time, Mizuki," Rin and the others passed them. Iwaizumi looked down at Mizuki. He was about to let go, when he felt her hands grip the end of his sleeves. She sniffled as she kept talking.
"I...I wanted to c-congratulate you...on your win...but I..."
"I get it," Iwaizumi softly spoke, "geez...that guy really messed up, now." Suddenly, Mizuki turned around and hugged him as she tugged on his jersey.
"I'm so sorry," she wailed, "I tried to hide it... I wanted to show a brave face, but... I'm sorry, Iwaizumi... I didn't want anyone to see me like this."
".... Its okay...." Iwaizumi put his arms around her, gently pulling her closer. He let her cry as loud as she could, while rubbing her back. Mizuki let it all out, her feelings; sadness, anger, all at once.
It took a long time, but she managed to calm down. Her eyes had red marks from all the tears she cried. Mizuki looked up at Iwaizumi as he gave her a piece of paper.
"This is my number," he explained, "you can contact me if you want someone to talk to. I hate to leave you like this, but..."
"Its okay," she reassured, "thank you for comforting me. I'm sorry I caused you all this trouble."
"Like I said, its not your fault. I'll take full responsibility for what that idiot did." Iwaizumi gently stroked her head.
"... You know," she began, "if I didn't know any better...you sound like an older brother."
"Ahaha...is that how you see me? I'm like an older brother to you," he chuckled with amusement. Mizuki was embarrassed, but nodded anyway. Iwaizumi smiled, feeling a bit flattered by the thought.
"Um... you should go now. Your team is waiting for you."
"Yeah. I'll see you later, Mizuki." He ruffled her hair before walking down the hallways.
"N-next time."
"Huh?" He turned his head.
"....Next time...let's have a rematch." Iwaizumi was a bit surprised, but he smiled as he nodded. She stared at his frame leaving the building. Then, with her hands in the air, she slapped her face as hard as she could. It hurt... but it brought her back.
Soon she left the stadium, and took the bus to a neighborhood near a marketplace. She walked for a few minutes until she saw the name of the restaurant. She stared at it for a while. She could hear the faint noises; she could imagine the tears they shed right now as they ate.
'Become stronger...' she thought. She slid the door open.
"Oh, I'm sorry but..."
"Its okay, ma'am," Ukai spoke, "she's with us." Mizuki bowed to the lady, and then slowly walked towards them.
"Mizuki-san," Takeda said, "I'm sorry...there's not much room..." Mizuki glanced at the boys as they ate.
"That's okay," she walked towards the other side and stood facing the coaches and the team. Even though tears were dropping, they looked at her. Their eyes shot open for a moment, as they saw the red marks around her eyes. Even so, she smiled giving a soft expression.
"I'm sorry everyone," she began, "but I can't stay and eat with you. There's something I have to do. Still.... I want you to know..." she paused.
'Be strong....' Mizuki slowly bowed to them.
"Thank you for letting me be a part of this team," she kept her position, "all of you are strong.... I have no doubt, that you'll become stronger.... than you are now."
Mizuki went around the table. Ruffling their hair or patting them on the shoulder, Mizuki gave a comforting hug for everyone of her friends. When it was her brother's turn, she went down hugged him from behind, tightening her embrace on him and longer than she did for the others.
"Shoyo...I'll be coming home late tonight," she told him, "make sure you're in bed before then. I'm very proud of you. Love you, bro." She kissed his cheek. Mizuki gave one last bow to them, and went out the door. Outside, she could still hear them crying. She sighed deeply, and then looked forward.
'... I have to go...'
>>>>>>>>>>Fast Forward>>>>>>>>>>
Mizuki came home around 9 p.m. The door was unlocked, so she opened it and immediately took off her shoes. At that moment, her mom came walking up to her. Mizuki looked at her, who gave a sad expression but smiled anyway. She did the same thing. When she went upstairs, she looked at Shoyou's room. She took a good look at it. After a warm bath, Mizuki changed into her pajamas. She sat on her bed, staring into space. Mizuki then stared at her jacket that hung next to her desk. She read every word on it, but looking at the last one made her cringe a little.
She turned off the light, and pulled the blankets over her. Even so, she was still awake as her eyes were glued to her jersey.
The next day, Ukai cancelled practice after what happened. Mizuki was in his shop, along with Yuksuke. They were just hanging out. Ukai puffed out a cloud of smoke. He looked at Mizuki, who was sitting on the counter.
"You stayed and watched the match... didn't you?" Mizuki glanced at him, before sighing.
"It was intense," she said, "both me and Yusuke saw everything."
"Did you see them during their time-outs?" Ukai asked them.
"Yeah," Yusuke nodded, "it was meetings with just team's members. I'm sure the coaches had their backs, and giving them advise, but..."
"The players are constantly thinking and figuring out what to do during the game. No matter what we throw at them, they quickly figure out how to counter it."
"They won't break easily..." Yusuke stated.
"But...even in the face of Seijoh's power, they still managed to steal away points by force. That must be what Shiratorizawa's like." They stayed quiet for a while. That's when Mizuki thought of something.
"Keishin," she looked at him, "I don't know if I said this before.... but why did you want me to coach with you?" Ukai looked up at her. He then put his cigarette in the ash tray.
"Because you know what its like to win...and to lose," he implied, "you have more experience, better knowledge of the game... that's one reason why you were different from them. You have good defense skills as a libero, and power serves and tactics of an ace...those qualities alone made you a great player. Even so, you manage to keep pressing on, even when things were at their worse on the court. Besides that, I've known you long enough to realize your potential. You have what it takes to give them what they needed; advice...support...believing they could become greater than they are now. That's why I chose you to be the assistant coach." The whole time he gave her a serious face. Mizuki stared at him, surprised by the high praise she was getting. Just then, they heard the store bell ring. Shotarou stood with his hand on the door.
"Mizuki," he called out, "I came to pick you up."
"What for?" she questioned.
"Don't give me that," he smirked, "shouldn't you be with them?"
"Now come on," he encouraged her, "the coaches should look after them while they're practicing, right?"
For a moment, she just blinked a few times. Though despite her attempts, the corner of her lips went up.
"Huh?" they all looked at her in confusion.
"I'm going to run! I'll see you there~!" Pretty soon she was running down the street. Ukai couldn't help but laugh.
"Geez..." he smirked.
>>>>>>>>>>Fast Forward>>>>>>>>>
Mizuki approached the gym, she was out of breath, but she didn't care. She noticed the door was open. She dove right in, and found that the whole team was there. They were startled when she came rushing in.
"Mizuki?" Sugawara questioned.
"...Nee-san," Hinata looked at his sister. Mizuki panted as she tried to catch her breath. She was smiling.
"Geez you guys! If you're going to practice anyway, next time— call me first!" Her attempt to scold them failed, as they smiled back at her.
"Nee-san!" Hinata shouted as he ran towards her. Mizuki ran short and they both hugged each other.
"Nee-san...I'm sorry for making you worry," Hinata sheepishly spoke, "I promise I'll work hard!"
"Why are you apologizing," she softly spoke, "you're my little brother. I take full responsibility for you and this team." She released him, and then looks at Nishinoya and Tanaka.
"What's wrong? Don't you want a hug too," she grinned as she spread her arms out. They happily shouted as they accepted her invitation. She could barely breathe, but she still laughed anyway.
For the rest of the day, everyone was in the gym practicing. Ukai and Shotarou watched them as Takeda and Kiyoko refilled their bottles. Mizuki was on the sidelines, waiting for her call to come through.
"Hey...its me," she spoke, "yeah, I'm fine. Oh.... really? Sure... why not. Just make the time and we'll go there. Bye." She hung up. Mizuki smiled happily. She made her way over to Asahi, who was sitting down with his back leaning on the wall.
"Hey Mizuki," Asahi greeted her as she sat next to him.
"Good work today."
"Thank you. You look happy."
"Well...Shotarou-sensei set up a match for me to play with a school."
"I see."
Mizuki nodded. They both stared at the court, as the others were practicing. The orange hair girl turned her head, looking at the tall boy.
"I'm glad you're still here," she said, "it wouldn't be the same without you and the other third years."
"Of course," Asahi smiled, "we all want to be there...the Spring Preliminaries."
"We'll be ready," Mizuki implied, "and this time, we'll make to the nationals."
"Yeah." Asahi and Mizuki smiled at each other for a long time. However, it was interrupted by both captain and vice-captain as they snuck up.
"Hoho~ why are you guys staring like that~?" Sawamura put a hand on Asahi's shoulder. The tall boy flinched as he blushed.
"Now now... we shouldn't bother these two while they're having a moment," Sugawara rubbed her head.
"G-geez~ stop teasing us!" Mizuki whined.
"Ahaha...oh, by the way," Asahi interrupted, "my mom wanted me to give you this." He reached into his pocket. He took out a small gift bag of cookies wrapped in a red ribbon.
"Wow, are these handmade?" she graciously took the treats.
"She wanted to thank you for making the food that one time."
"Aww...these look good. Tell your mom I said thanks."
"What this?" Sugawaura mischievously grinned.
"What did you mean by 'that one time'?" Sawamura was grinning at Asahi as the ace was flustered.
"Oh that?" Shoyo spoke up, who was standing nearby.
"Nee-san had to stay over at Asahi-san's house because of the storm that one time."
"Eeehhh!?!" Tanaka and Nishinoya exclaimed. The next thing they knew; the four were crowding them. Mizuki was red as a tomato, but not as bright as Asahi's.
"Asahi, you sly bastard," Tanaka shouted, "you had Mizuki-san all to yourself!?"
"You lucky son of a bitch!" Nishinoya cried out as he banged on the floor.
"H-hey! W-wait a minute—I can explain!"
"Shoyo~...." Mizuki growled at her brother.
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